Having INTENSE anal itching for years now.
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I am 28 yrs old and have dealt with anal itching for years. It gets so bad at times that it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't go back to sleep. Sometimes it itches and I scratch to the point of bleeding. I've taken a picture of what it looks like around the anus, but am unsure if I'm allowed to post it, since it is a sensitive area. But there is a LOT of reddness around the anus, with what looks like scrapes. Also along the inside of the R upper cheek there is a small bump, I cannot tell if it is another tear or something else. It is constantly wet back there, no matter what I do. I try and keep toilet paper folded and put it back there, and it seems to help some, but overall it is just miserable. I have to wash my hands so much because of the itching, even if I use toilet paper I still feel like my hands smell like it.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. It is very embarrassing.
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mmarcus151910 Anon2388
SO sorry to hear of your bad itching. SOunds really unbearable.
Here are some suggestions I have for you to help you through:
1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.
2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.
Hope this helps!!!
Firefly0817 Anon2388
Your symptoms are exactly as mine were. My guess is that the wetness you describe is from sebum leaking at the fissure(s). After suffering for years, I healed mine by washing the anus with betadine. See my post for further details. Best of luck to you. Here is the link. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/anal-fissures-healed--545859
andrew_66209 Anon2388
For the love of god please go gluten free for a week. I had the same symptoms and tried every garbage suggestion that I seen on the internet. In about 3 or 4 days of being gluten free things got much better. I still get the occasional itch but nothing like it was before. I went about 15 years with this and wish I had been lucky enough to see the advice I'm giving you now.
kisega andrew_66209
Idk if you're still going through this, but in case anyone else comes back to this looking for advice, here's my testimonial.
My situation lasted around 7-8 years, from middle school and through my teen years. It was miserable.
I was so young, I was too naive to seek medical attention, or even tell my parents. Silly decision, I might have been cured of this insatiable itch much sooner, and saved myself scarring.
In case anyone ever comes to this post, looking for answers of how to cure their own, lemme give my own testimonial.
Didn't change my diet like someone suggested. Didn't use cream or medication because I was too stupid and embarrassed.
Instead, I had to use paper towels, some slightly damp and then dry ones, instead of toilet paper almost exclusively. But be gentle, as it is rough and may encourage itching. Anotjer good alternative was wipes or a wet cloth, but then immediately drying the area because the wetness would also irritate the area.
Toilet paper would almost always make my itching worse. It would break into pieces and irritate my open wounds without me knowing. I can't imagine leaving it there overnight, especially with leakage. That would just be miserable.
Literally every time you go to the restroom to relieve yourself, i don't care if it was a trickle, wipe yourself clean. And then return a few hours later to wipe again (if you pooped) to ensure any leakage is still clean and dry.
Try your best to not scratch. Every time I got a terrible fit of itching, I'd rush to the bathroom and wipe. This didn't help immediately, sometimes I'd scratch because it'd just be that bad (my healing wounds would itch beyond belief), but eventually, enough of cleaning began to help.
Months of it, and one day, I found I didn't itch anymore at all.
My whole life was changed before I had even realized.
Just keep at it
But honestly, if you can save yourself the trouble-- seek help. Luckily I didn't have some underlying issue like worms or cancer to the best of my knowledge, but you might be different.
Do yourself a favor.