Head Pressure and headaches in Perimenopause
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helloo friends
having lot of head pressure and headache durung perimenopause..any one has this experience. plz suggest remedies..how to overcome this ?
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Guest sunaina1983
Hi sunaina, I have chronic vestibular migraine. I get head pressure too usually before an attack. Depending on how often you get headaches dictates treatment. Also, figuring out what your triggers are. Food, weather, stress, fatigue, HORMONES! If you only get a couple per month, pain relievers and diet may knock it out. Ibuprofen, acetaminaphin. There are also migraine abortive type meds for occasional attacks. Mine are bad upwards of 10 attacks per month, so my dr opted to go the prevention route ....I am on nortriptyline. I had no luck with acupuncture, herbs, meditating...all of that is relaxing, but my pain does not respond to that. But again, I get a lot of migraines since peri. The best thing to do is keep a diary, note your symptoms, to see what treatment approach is best.
sunaina1983 Guest
Helloo mam
thank u soo much for reply.
yes i have migrane but it become worse in perimenopause...lots of pressure i feel in head and unbalance feel too..Dr gave me NAPRA for migrane but not much effective....and its pain killer not good to take everyday... i think its because of harmones imbalance i feel head pressure and off balance issues.
i feel shaking legs symtoms too sometimes in month.
Hope to get some relief soon .
Thank u for remedies
Guest sunaina1983
you are welcome! May I ask how old you are? I will be 42. I am dizzy, off balanced and the wobbly legs too since 40 years old. I have been on medication since Jan, still not great, long way to go... but yes hormone issues are the problem.
sunaina1983 Guest
Mam i am 39 year old.
Dr told ur too young for peri..but I have all peri symtoms from last years.Hot flases ,irregular periods, knee pains ,headache ..from this this year experience shaking and off balance issues too
which medicine ur taking ? HRT ?
Guest sunaina1983
I am taking nortriptyline for migraine prevention. I saw an oto neurotologist and he diagnosed vestibular migraine...due to hormonal fluctuations. My symptoms are daily and so bad I had to stop working. Driving is tough and I only can go short distances , very scary. My head whirls. I cannot do HRT , I am in the US and my obgyn will not give it until post meno. Tried birth control pill, but had to come off because of the migraines. My periods are all over and my last blood test showed post meno levels (170) no period last month, the ones before closer together and light....I hope this torture ends soon for us all!
sunaina1983 Guest
Hi mam
same here ..not feel like going anywhere....feel dizzy and off balance some days others days my legs r shaky..feel sick..home bound only....not able to do much work in home....feel like tired and sick
Your periods r over thats good..i heard after periods r over many of peri symtoms disapper and u start feel like u again.
good luck dear .
Wish all of us will be fine soon
This trasition phase will over soon for all of us .Lets hope best
There is light on the other side of tunnel but its very difficult to wait and know when all this will finish and will be feel normal.
Gypsy014 sunaina1983
Sounds like you are on your way to experiencing migraines.. If so brace yourself, they are NOT fun! The symptoms leading up to migraines are many, dizzy off balance head pressure nausea auras clogged sinuses ears.. I like to take got steamy showers or just go into bathroom and turn on hot shower when head pressure becomes unbearable.. Not to much you can do other than let the headaches / migraines head pressure run their coarse!! Its very frustrating good luck hope you get relief somehow...
sunaina1983 Gypsy014
Helloo Mam
Thanks for reply
Hot water bath gave me some relief.
and yes i have migrane in past and it become worst during perimenopause.
heavy head feeling , off balance and dizziness scare me most.Sometimes i have shaking feel too in legs. i read itss also one of peri symtom.
i wish it will resolve after Peri will be over
lets hope for best .
Kadija1966 sunaina1983
I get pressure headaches too, im in perimenopause, its very hard to come with all these symptoms. try some head massage,
sunaina1983 Kadija1966
ok dear
i heard pipermint oil massage give relief .
staci88515 sunaina1983
I have had menstrual migraines for 8 years and just recently had my first migraine with aura. I frequently have pressure headaches, which I never had before. I have to constantly remind myself to relax my shoulders, neck, cheeks, eyes throughout the day. I usually take three deep breathes in as I relax each muscle group. The idea is the more you do it, the more it becomes habit. Good luck and you are not alone.
sunaina1983 staci88515
Helloo mam
Thanks for motivational words that i am not able.
i feel sad sometimes and from 2 years tooo much worried about my health..always feel sick..new symtom each other..Head pressure is worst in them..Donot feel likr old me
Head pressure make me feel sick..not feel like going out ..
i have neck pain too
lots of other Peri symtoms also.
Donot knoe when i will be feel like me again .
Thanks again for reply dear
sorry for some writting mistakes..no light here.. so just write in dark and send.
Sorry for some mistakes .
Helloo mam
Thanks for motivational words that i am not alone.
i feel sad sometimes and from 2 years tooo much worried about my health..always feel sick..new symtom each other..Head pressure is worst in them..Donot feel likr old me
Head pressure make me feel sick..not feel like going out ..
i have neck pain too
lots of other Peri symtoms also.
Donot know when i will be feel like me again .
Takingtime sunaina1983
From someone who rarely had a headache to the last couple of years, I definitely notice it more and more, sometimes it feels like sinus pressure, and usually at my period it can be stabbing and painful. I usually start with natural remedies first, I use peppermint oil and rub it on the back of my neck and temples, if it is a dull headache this usually does the trick. If they get bad enough I have to resort to over the counter pain meds. and that will do the trick in an hour or so. Headaches can be brought on by hormone fluctuations, sinus, dehydration, back or neck issues, even certain foods can trigger....too much caffeine or lack of it if you have it every day. Of course stress can cause it too, so being mindful of your limits is a good thing. If they get too painful and last for days and days or longer then seeing a doctor is always wise.
sunaina1983 Takingtime
Thankss for reply and Tips mam
will try to them
lets hope for best
May we all get out of this Harmones problem soon.
Good day j