Head Spinning When I Lay Down - Sound Familiar?
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Hiya All
I'm sure there's been a thread of two discussing vertigo-type symptoms, but I didn't think much of it.
Until......I thought back to late last year when I'd experienced a weird sensation when I laid completely flat in bed: no pillows.
It was like my head - only my head - was in some sort of vortex and it was spinning, a bit like I was spiralling downwards. It might just be me, but I remember thinking 'Aww, this is weird', but didn't actually stop myself, almost enjoying the sensation until I reminded myself I was nearly 54, and these things at my age don't represent fun, they may be serious!!
At the time, I did remember having experienced it before but again wasn't unduly worried by it. Possibly because both my husband and late father-in-law had both suffered from bouts of Labrythitis/Vertigo.
Have to add that I've never had this sensation during the day, while I'm going about my business, so never thought of it as a problem.
Sound familiar, anyone?
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lesley61388 shaznay96184
Yes I can relate to this but don't have it lying down but have had it going about my business and to the point of when I have to come home from work as I feel like everything is spinning, it's a horrible feeling I am 48 and in the menopause.
L x
sheri54049 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 sheri54049
Throughout the night I swap and change from 2, 1, no pillows, but thankfully haven't experienced this at all this side of Xmas
elle127 shaznay96184
Yes i can relate to this. I recently posted about having vertigo and hearing my own heartbeat in my ear. Ive noticed i get vertigo when im ill and my last bout was when i had a UTI.
My dizziness is usually worse when i stand up. The world is spinning! It subsides when i lie on my side although not always.
I have medication in case it happens again.
Its a horrible feeling!
Elaine x
shaznay96184 elle127
I honestly forgot about it: dismissed it even, as it went away, and hadn't caused me too much grief. In a sad way, I sorta found it exciting? (I need to start acting my age, me thinks!)
My husband had Labrythitis earlier this year - as did a lot of guys at the gym where he trains.
To be honest, the morning he came home first experiencing it, I thought he was developing Diabetes (he goes to the gym so early, doesn't eat much before he goes and, dare I say it, he was getting a right mishog at the time!). He said that he felt a bit odd, and couldn't remember much of the journey home (Gawd! He'd driven 4 miles!!). I just sat him down and fed him, but told our son what had happened so that we both kept an eye on him.
Once he was better he confessed that he thought he was having a mini Stroke, as he honestly couldn't remember much
Only needed to take the meds for a 3-4 days because he started to feel so much better. We can only imagine his bout was due to a viral infection and as we all know, gyms are not the cleanest, most hygenic of places
Yep, like sheri54049, my 'vortex' feeling went when I put a pillow under my head again.
marlene21102 shaznay96184
lesley61388 shaznay96184
susan21149 shaznay96184
nancy0925 shaznay96184
I've only had this one time and it hit me about 3 am, woke up out of a deep sleep and everything was spinning. I could feel my eyes darting back and forth and I could not get up. It was really weird. Only other time I had the spins like that was after drinking a bottle of wine lol. I'm 52 and in the height of peri...fun stuff. Have had so many crazy symptoms since I turned 51, was like all hormone hell broke loose. Just looking forward to it being over!
altaa96585 shaznay96184
This could be menopause. My Mom used to suffer from this spinning a while ago, and she went through tests nothing came out. Doctors couldn't tell what this was, they said this was stress. Anyway, now she is done probably with Meno and feels quite good. No more spinning
BellaRubia shaznay96184
Wonders of peri! We should be handed a manual when we had our first cicle!
jennifer01077 shaznay96184
I have felt dizzy all right, but I think it is because of low iron. I am taking iron supplements now, and it really helps, but I don't feel 100 percent yet. Maybe this is different.
I'll reply to 'me' as I can do a blanket 'Thank You' to you all!
What a bunch, aye?!!! Who'd have thought a few years back that we'd have had all this rubbish to deal with??
You do realise a good few centuries ago they'd have been running us out of town/burning us at the stake had we confessed to experiencing these symptoms:-) ?!!!!
I confess that I was vaguely aware of Perimenopause, sorta understood that Menopause was only once your P's had stopped for around a year. But did i know that the list of Peri symptoms would be so long and diverse
? You are kidding! I thought it was just moaning, crying, sweating, loss of libido, watching Ps become erratic/stop.....and that was it!
Like many of you ladies, looking at this ever-increasing list, I truly believe I've been Perimenopausal for yonks - and that it's just got more obvious and I've become more knowledgeable of them, thanks to Dr Google and this wonderful site!!
Maybe my experience was a combination of a bit of stress (!) and very low levels of a wide range of vits & mins, as since introducing myself to my new BFF, Menopace, I haven't experienced anything like this since. In fact I feel 100% better generally.
We are nothing if not a tad interesting as a species, us women, and we should embrace this I suppose.
All i can say is Thank Gawd there isn't such a thing as a 'recognised' Male Menopause - can you begin to imagine that??!!!
Ta for replying.
val50972 shaznay96184
BellaRubia shaznay96184
Just replied something regarding ANDROPAUSE in another thread - poor men, I really feel sorry for them, too. Besides, they are not as smart and "trained" to deal with monthly hormonal variation, lol.
shaznay96184 BellaRubia
BellaRubia shaznay96184
Life is so unfair!