Head Spinning When I Lay Down - Sound Familiar?
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Hiya All
I'm sure there's been a thread of two discussing vertigo-type symptoms, but I didn't think much of it.
Until......I thought back to late last year when I'd experienced a weird sensation when I laid completely flat in bed: no pillows.
It was like my head - only my head - was in some sort of vortex and it was spinning, a bit like I was spiralling downwards. It might just be me, but I remember thinking 'Aww, this is weird', but didn't actually stop myself, almost enjoying the sensation until I reminded myself I was nearly 54, and these things at my age don't represent fun, they may be serious!!
At the time, I did remember having experienced it before but again wasn't unduly worried by it. Possibly because both my husband and late father-in-law had both suffered from bouts of Labrythitis/Vertigo.
Have to add that I've never had this sensation during the day, while I'm going about my business, so never thought of it as a problem.
Sound familiar, anyone?
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angela_rowe shaznay96184
marlene21102 angela_rowe
Now I e been saying my probs not just meno symptoms ,are I believe are allergy related ,were eating Gluten / Dairy that's not sitting happy in our systems ,as of yesterday I've gone gluten free ,strictly stick to it ,see if that drops any of this away from me .Fed up sitting twiddling my thumbs in the hope of getting back to normal .
Drs don't listen ,so how are we going to get back. Think got to look at everything,Look at your diet it takes 36 hours to go through your system ,so keep a list of everything you eat then put how you were feeling for those hours see if then eliminating gluten in your diets makes you feel better .less on edge etc .Just a thought why I've had Gyne anxiety daily now for 9 + years .Go check Gluten / Dairy out .the route Im taking .
What a mess we are all in for sure sad reading all of these problems females on here are struggling with .No way to live if you can call it that .
Sandy07 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 Sandy07
As I was reading your post, I subconsciously 'clicked' my jaw. I've had a clicky jaw for.....who knows how long?? It was the one and only thing I mentioned to the surgeon when I had my nasal polyps removed 3yrs ago. I just had this image of me coming round with my gob wide open, as my jaw had stuck in that position!
Even now, if I sleep poorly it can affect my jaw, which sorta gets stuck. It often catches me off-guard, such as opening my mouth in a restaurant when I'm about to put something in my mouth.....and the bloody thing sets, and makes me jolt.
Sometimes its a bit uncomfortable.
I supose its the aftermath of years and years of teeth grinding/talking in my sleep......as my ol' man says, I'm frightened I'll loose the ability to talk if I dare to shut up! (I'm telling you, he's a brave bloke, my ol' man, making statements like that.....while he's running away from me!
Oh well, shall I put the 'clicky jaw' on my Peri list d'ya think?!
PS - any probs I've ever had with my ears I believe have all been connected to tension in my jaw/neck. I did have a very stressful life not so long ago.
Sandy07 shaznay96184
Ruthie49 shaznay96184
I have definitely had the vertigo/spinning. There is a difference between feeling lightheaded and feeling the spinning though sometimes it's hard to tell and both can be symptoms of peri. I've had occasional spinning attacks for the last two years that can come on suddenly. They can happen anywhere and make me feel like I've just stepped off a roundabout. I also get it when I lay down sometimes - especially last year on holiday, every time I came out of the pool and lay down on the sunbed my head started to spin. It still happenes now sometimes.
I did NOT enjoy it though! It really put me on edge. You must have nerves of steel!! I also get a less intense general dizzy/dazed feeling more regularly, like walking on contton wool. How weird it all is!
shaznay96184 Ruthie49
Having read all the replies, I think I was pretty lucky with my 'episodes': they made that much impact I sorta forgot about them!
Really, I live with someone who obviously has a family history of hearing issues - not deaf, they just have probs with their ears. Or, as the case may appear, vertigo/labrythitis.
My personal experience was quite literally that feeling of spinning down, like twirlling down a well. All in the head, no other dizziness, no nausea and there it was - gone!
I just recall reading something on her about these symptoms and I remembered it.
Lets put it this way: I think I'd rather have had my experience than ANY of the others I've read!! Mine didn't frighten/alarm me, but I'm sure if it'd happened during the day, while I was standing, or worse still driving, I'd have freaked!
Just another thing to put on my own personal Peri list!
susan556 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 susan556
Mine was just like a vortex feeling, like I was spinning down a well. Came and went with no aftermath, thankfully. Only recall having it a couple of times, long before I was taking any mins/vits for my Peri. Haven't had anything like it since (been taking the mins/vits for 3mths).
By the way: was your husband not in bed? I'd have hurled over him over my duvet or new carpet any day of the week
susan556 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 susan556
(He laughed when I told him what I'd have done. That's 32yrs of a good marriage for ya, bless him:-) :-) !
marlene21102 shaznay96184
My generation we tell our daughters I do mine she's close to this meno part she listens to what I say,back years ago I suppose sisters and friends did talk about meno ,what to try etc old remedies passed down .So things are still the same.
shaznay96184 marlene21102
I sort of forgot about this 'Head Spinning' mallarkey, as it was so short lived for me. But I've read about so many of you all who have this on a regular basis, that you have my full sympathy. And as for the Tinnitus......
My mum passed away when I was 41. I was her 'Menopause Baby' as here late period aged 41 was.....Me!!! I remember her going through her Menopause, but my mum had 5 kids, had the heart of a warrior and just sorta got on with it.
I recall me and my next sister up giggling as we used to watch our mum 'try' to get out of the armchair, 'Oohing' and 'Ahhing': kids are horrible sometimes! But she didn't let much bother her generally.
Unfortunately my dad died when she was 60 (me 20) so she had to make a life for herself, and that she did, with the help of her bunch of 'Black Widows' - her sisters and mates. They were South London's finest: so funny, full of life.
My mum was doing white knuckle rides in Orlando aged 72, and had a total of 3 hip replacement ops from age 61 - all Post-meno of course: hence all her daughters have taken HRT.....and I will probably end us with it to give me ol' bones a chance.
My 3 sisters (62, 67 & 71) are all post-Meno so I ask them about HRT etc.
I haven't a daughter, but maybe I'll compile and present any future daughter-in-law a book of priceless gems entitled 'A Concise List of Perimenopausal Symptoms to Look out For' as my gift to her! Forewarned is Forearmed aye?!!!
Still loving this site.
marlene21102 shaznay96184
Wish I knew then what I know now or put it this way what I now know I bet my mums generation would have been on an I Pad ,no doubt to that at all .
Now we talk to females everywhere global ,on all manner of health topics all human beings end of it all ,all out there suffering numerous complaints .
Couple things I can remember my mum having way back was Ginsing and Senatogen .Now I know they took that for menopausal symptoms ,but had to be more I guess they took. Calling it Granny's remedies .Got to be all written down by some out there that's carried down in generations .
I do tell my daughter don't hang around. Get swatting up don't wait for it to hit you don't pooh,pooh anything that's offerered up.may well be of help .Did tell her about what Jay placed as to the list of symptoms .More knowledge the greater benifit to females .We just want the way to get better quality of life end of this period .
shaznay96184 marlene21102
The things we would have NOT wanted to have given our mum: (a) an iPad; and (b) a motorised Mobility Scooter - she'd have been lethal on both!!
But I tell you what, she would have fought her way to the front of the Queue for some HRT, that's for sure!!
To be honest: I never asked my mum anything about Periods etc, I had my sisters and my mates. We talked about them lots in the early 70s.
Sanatogen: I remember that well. My brother used to buy my mum a bottle of that, some flowers and 20 Embassy every pay day!
At the moment I'm feeling good - hope that's not a case of famous last words tho'. My husband and son said I was a bit moany these past couple of days, but I think I've been OK because I can be a moany cow generally: my perogative. I think its probably the build up to a bleed (due early next week), but believe me, at this point a while back, I'd be fighting with pitbulls!!! I'll keep a check on myself, as I have to go shopping this week, and don't want to get my 'impatient face' out (that's what he says I get sometimes!).
TBH, I did go through a stage before Xmas where I was very intolerant of shop assistants who chose to chat rather than serve me (very brave, I'd say!), but I think I've got much calmer since taking my Menopace.
Failing that, I'll get myself some Sanatogen, for old times sake!!