headaches with citalopram different to any headache

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hi i have been on citalopram for 4 weeks and have been gettin headaches which feels like a tension headache at time but then i get these shooting pains in the left hand side of my head does anyone else have different headaches with citalopram

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    I had terrible tension headaches for around 3-4 weeks, and clenching my jaw made it worse.  I also felt my whole body tensing up and had to force myself to relax.  These decreased and now I have no side effects whatsoever, although I can't lose weight even with trying to diet.  Headaches disappeared totally though!  Stick with it and you'll get thru it x
  • Posted

    I've been on 10mg for 3 days and for 2 days I have had the worst headache I've ever had. Along with neck pain and I feel like my inside of my head and neck are on fire. My jaw has been hurting to. I'm starting to freak out and think something is really wrong with me.

  • Posted

    Hi terrible tension be on 6 day was geting bit panicky
  • Posted

    I am glad I found this post! I've only been on Citrilopram 10mg for 2 days and have a headache at the front my forehead and I do keep clenching my jaw, I am using is for anxiety and panic attacks, does anyone else get a little sweaty or feel hot in some areas? 

    • Posted

      Hi Paige, yes this is a side effect, very early days yet for you. But keep taking them you will feel much better soon, IV Been on citalopram now for 7 months, started on 10mg for 6 weeks then 20 for 9weeks now on 30 for 6 weeks, I had alot of side effects on 10mg very bad, need any advice let me know x
    • Posted

      Not sure if you use this anymore.. but is it still working for you?
    • Posted

      Sorry for late response, yes still on them, never felt so better in my life, I'm now been weaning off was on 30 now 20 for the past 6 months, as I did this I felt even better, but I'm staying on 20 for another year as I got family problems, this drug saved my life but the side effects IL never forget as long as I live, horrible, I had every effects except sickness and suicidal thoughts, they will be bad for some and worse for others, try to ride out the storm and you'll be better, don't count the weeks but months, this is very slow working drug but once it builds up in your system properly it will change your life, it's been a year and a half now and I'm great, whether the storm is very important keep going it will improve x

    • Posted

      hi chris i have been on 10mg for 3 weeks now 20mg for 2 weeks and nausia and headaches are not going away, shall i stick with them my dr says yes

    • Posted

      sorry for the late reply lewis, yes stick with it definitely, you will think it will never go away and worry yourself even more but it will all go, just weather the storm pal, also it sounds like you've jumped from 10mg to 20mg way way too quick, stay on 20mg now if i were you for at least 6 months and you should feel back to your normal self even better, iv been on 20mg for 2 years and i too thought will i ever get better, im having the time of my life, allways happy, i never want to come off them.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Chris, i keep thinking the worse ie: tumour! i will stick with them and ride the s**t storm!!

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      sorry Lewis, i didn't mean it will take 6 months to get better, i started feeling better about 5 weeks then slowly improving again even more as the weeks went on.

  • Posted

    yes i be having headaches from them also like in my forehead


  • Posted

    Same been of them two weeks got nasty pains in head and like shoots of pain in chest random areas convinced I got cancer panicking on holiday now can't even relax hate it won't touch that drug again hope it gets better for u soon

    • Posted

      Hi Joseph, it was the headaches and shooting pains that started my 3 years of hell, December 2014 will never forget that date the doctors mistook my side effects for other conditions which resulted in me being put on a cocktail of meds that were making me ill so they upped them.
  • Posted

    i have this now such bad shooting pains in the left hand side of my face / head it hurts so much! strange feeling . i have just upped my tablets to 15mg so im guessing thats why 😦

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