Health anxiety
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Hey, Iv been Having quite a few ( what the doctors tell me ) anxiety issues. I just want to share my story and see what other people think. I'm a 24 year old male and I think Iv always suffered from very mild anxiety, but lately I'm starting to question whether this is anxiety or a real medical issue .. Since my dad had a heart attack Iv always been worried I was going to have one. Over the years Iv ended up at a few hospitals at gps thinking I was heading or having one, but testing has said otherwise .. But a few weeks ago I had some pain in my lower right leg come out of nowhere, and after getting on google and reading story's of blood clots I right away become very worried , so off to the gp I went .. So long story short after 3 weeks and 4 full leg Doppler ultrasounds and d dimmer blood test I had to start believing that it was just anxiety .. But still in my mind I was not 100% sure after reading people's story's about how young people have had them and they where missed and died as a result.. So as the weeks went on I got more and more symptoms ( dizzy, lightheaded , thinking I was going pass out, headaches , fast heart rate, slower heart rate, arm pain , chest discomfort , bm problems, stomach pain , muscles twitches , numbness in limbs, body shakes, nightmares, brain vibrating, cough , always tired ect.) .. Iv had all types of blood tests. Sometimes twice, after 6 or more trips to hospital, had ekg , blood pressure standing and sitting, 24 hour heart monitor, ct scan of head and ultrasound of stomach .. All came back fine. Nothing to report at all. How ever Iv now come to believe ( if I have had a blood clot and they missed it) it's traveled to my lungs as Iv stared having these random breathing problems, I can take full breaths but I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen and suffocating, it's mild but very scary, but my doctor /s ( seen a total of 6 different gps over the course of 2 months ) tell me it's just anxiety .. Do you really think this can be the cause? Or should I be pushing for more real answers?
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DaveyDee Ryanbaxwar
Hi Ryan and welcome,
I'm new here but I to thought I had a blood clot in my leg, as my calf was swollen and itchy. But after blood tests it was ruled out, I suffer with anxiety and have a whole range of symptoms, like hyperventilating, fast heart rate and hot and warm tingly sensations. If you've had bloods test it'll tell them if you have a clot, Bloods can rule a numerous of things, and this is probably the root of your anxiety, I have yet to find the root mine, there are people who are more medically minded than me on here. And they're a great bunch with support ??
Ryanbaxwar DaveyDee
Thanks for your reply
.. My commonsense is telling me I don't have one, no swelling or redness , no long travel or anything... It is just very concerning to me I'm having all these symptoms start after leg pain. Just concerned something dangerous has been missed, having so many symptoms that Iv never had before
DaveyDee Ryanbaxwar
I to am experiencing strange and not so wonderful things, and always thought it was my heart. But the tests were all fine, so I went to the Doctor and told him of my weird and not so wonderful experiences. And he said it has the traits of anxiety, even though like you with your blood clot, I feel the same about my heart even though there is nothing wrong. And I'm still trying to except it is anxiety, it's a long road, but on here your not journeying alone.
jack57270 Ryanbaxwar
Hi Ryan, I'm relatively new to this but I too think I have some sort of disease or condition ( health anxiety ). From my experience you should NEVER GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS!! That's the worst thing you could do, and it is never right. If you have a problem. Go to your GP, they know YOU better than Dr.Google. All the symptoms you said are all that of anxiety. I mainly have a weird sensation in my head. There are certain things you can do to help these symptoms. I found exercise helps mine greatly, also, I also found watching funny tv shows and movies help as well. I know the symptoms are scary, but you just have to tell yourself that it's your anxiety! And remember....NEVER USE DR.GOOGLE!!!
Ryanbaxwar jack57270
Thank you for responding.. I keep telling myself that it's just anxiety ... Most of it Iv been pretty good at dealing with symptoms.. But this new one ( breathing problems) is so horrible and frightening.. Never had it before..
It seams to be worse at night a few hours before bed..
jack57270 Ryanbaxwar
It's great to hear that you are trying to deal with your symptoms!! There are breathing exercises that can help. The symptoms can be frightening, but they are just your anxiety!
Hope your symptoms improve, Jack
ANR123 jack57270
100% Agreed
Dr.Google made me a patient as well.
Now the symptoms not going away,which were not there before i Googled them.
Still a suggestion Try Homeopathy Its Cheap and they dont ask you for blood work.and they give you light medicine of which they claim there are No Side Effects. As Allopathic medicines have more side effects then Effects.🙂
kay19801 Ryanbaxwar
Just some experience on my part. Ive had 6 deep vein thrombosis episodes and one clot in the ling, trust me you will KNOW if you have a blood clot anywhere. I too am a health anxiety sufferer any little chnage in my body and im off to the dr several times to find the cause. I suffer everyday from health anxiety.
But to put your mind at rest from experience blood clots cause severe redness, swelling and itchiness, GP's and emergency dept dont take any red flag symptoms lightly if they thought it was a clot they would have done extensive tests like i think they have done with you.
I google everything too and i have been mis-diagnosed on several accounts and this is the root of my anxiety, its a terrible disease to have, in my opinion.
Ryanbaxwar kay19801
Thanks for replying, yes I do agree I didn't really have any of the symptoms besides mild discomfort,... Just this breathing issue is starting to get the better of me
kay19801 Ryanbaxwar
kay19801 Ryanbaxwar
I do this all the time but i should start practising what i preach. A couple of months ago i was convinced i has esophageal and stomach cancer i googled every site possible and ALL my symptoms was that of stomach cancer, did a scope and it was normal so...... Just shows you. If you type in sore toe for months it will come up with toe cancer or should be banned for health anxiety sufferers as it fuels anxiety ten fold
lee59389 kay19801
kay have you had wheezing with your breathing and shallow breathing,cause ive had this fir 6months veryday all day but ibe been to the hospital fir a xray on my chest and that was all clear and theyve listend to my lungs aswell and that sounded fine apparently to they said bu
kelly86020 Ryanbaxwar
I have had the breathing issues for years it kinda like you can't take a deep breath, it's called air hunger and its the scariest thing ever, I try to keep my mind off it sometimes it helps but not always and it wakes me up out of my sleep to take a deep breath that sometimes won't go through,
Nanamunchkin kelly86020
hi kelly i have the same problem with air hunger, i wake up in the middle of the night trying to take a deep breath that sometimes goes through and sometimes it can take awhile, it is very scary and them i get days that are good days, its so scary the doctor says its all in my head and anxiety, i dont want to take meds to many side affects, hope will can find out whats going on with us, also i get numbness and tingling in my arms alot, and its scary