Health anxiety
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Hey, Iv been Having quite a few ( what the doctors tell me ) anxiety issues. I just want to share my story and see what other people think. I'm a 24 year old male and I think Iv always suffered from very mild anxiety, but lately I'm starting to question whether this is anxiety or a real medical issue .. Since my dad had a heart attack Iv always been worried I was going to have one. Over the years Iv ended up at a few hospitals at gps thinking I was heading or having one, but testing has said otherwise .. But a few weeks ago I had some pain in my lower right leg come out of nowhere, and after getting on google and reading story's of blood clots I right away become very worried , so off to the gp I went .. So long story short after 3 weeks and 4 full leg Doppler ultrasounds and d dimmer blood test I had to start believing that it was just anxiety .. But still in my mind I was not 100% sure after reading people's story's about how young people have had them and they where missed and died as a result.. So as the weeks went on I got more and more symptoms ( dizzy, lightheaded , thinking I was going pass out, headaches , fast heart rate, slower heart rate, arm pain , chest discomfort , bm problems, stomach pain , muscles twitches , numbness in limbs, body shakes, nightmares, brain vibrating, cough , always tired ect.) .. Iv had all types of blood tests. Sometimes twice, after 6 or more trips to hospital, had ekg , blood pressure standing and sitting, 24 hour heart monitor, ct scan of head and ultrasound of stomach .. All came back fine. Nothing to report at all. How ever Iv now come to believe ( if I have had a blood clot and they missed it) it's traveled to my lungs as Iv stared having these random breathing problems, I can take full breaths but I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen and suffocating, it's mild but very scary, but my doctor /s ( seen a total of 6 different gps over the course of 2 months ) tell me it's just anxiety .. Do you really think this can be the cause? Or should I be pushing for more real answers?
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Mandie29 Ryanbaxwar
Hey Ryan! I thought I had a blood clot in my leg as well a few months ago. I had this really weird feeling in my calf (turned out to be muscle spasms) and I'm on a medication that increases the chance that I can have a clot so I thought it was def happening to me. I ran to the doctor and he took my pulse in each foot and basically told me to come back if my leg hurt or turned red. After that I was at the doctor every week with something new. Ear ringing that I was convinced meant I was going deaf, joint pain which made me think I have arthritis, muscle weakness that I thought was MS, breathlessness, heart palpitations, slower heart rate, etc. I finally realized that I was feeding into my health anxiety so I'm now trying to stop googling my symptoms, stop checking my heart rate constantly, and just trust what my doctors are saying. It's really hard to do but it's necessary.
shani32008 Ryanbaxwar
Home one day and told me his friends father in law had passed away due to a brain stroke and since he told me that my head went all blank and i thought i was having or gona have a brain stroke!!! Since then ive had my anxiety i jus hate this feeling arghhh
Thank you all for your replying , it does make me feel a bit better hearing that. Anxiety has definitely been getting the better of me and it's comforting finally talking to someone who is going through the same stuff. I am in a small way kinda glad it does exist as I am now super aware of danger signs of something I didn't even know existed! I had to drive for a two hour trip the other day and the who way there and back I was moving my legs in the car making sure I had good blood flow as I could hahah
as well as stopping half way for food and a bottle of water .. What are people's opinions on taking medication for this? I have about 7 different anxiety meds scripts waiting to be filled from different doctors but Iv been to scared to take them worried I was going to mask a problem... Like a band aid on a broken arm kinda deal
Mandie29 Ryanbaxwar
I'm considering medication myself. I'm trying to get a new therapist right now since I stopped going in the spring because my anxiety therapy group was disbanded for the summer. So I'm going to talk to someone about that. I'm an avid yogi and I excercise everyday and that used to really help me but since I've been so worried about my heart, it's hard to workout without checking my heart rate constantly and worrying about how I feel. So I'm thinking of starting meds to see if it'll calm me down so I can sort things out. Sort of a temporary solution as I don't like the idea of relying on medication.
emma91467 Ryanbaxwar
hi all, this might not be the popular answer here because i know everyone is saying its just anxiety which i get... but what about when it isnt? this is my biggest anxiety issue-writing something off as anxiety that actually isnt and this is what scares me.
Nanamunchkin Ryanbaxwar
im so glad you are sharing this story, i been having the same issues, the breathing problem is called air hunger, i had it for many years it want away and came back this year with alot of other issues like your having, i cant talk yo my family they think its all in my head, i been to the er a couple times and they tell me everythjng is fine, they say anxiey, my body feels like its numb sometimes, and my chest and arms are the worst, i wake up in the middle of the night just to make sure im breathing, its a craxy feeling, im praying fir all if us going through this,
Sofi4563 Ryanbaxwar
I've been experiencing health anxiety since I was a child. Over the last few years it has progressed to the point where it impacts my work and lifestyle deeply. Over the last 6 months I have been absolutely paranoid about having ALS. I'm a 27 year old female, I'm not the typical patient but, when I started having random muscle twitches in my leg, I just felt like I had it. If I'm browsing the web and see for example an ad for an ALS fundraising or a news article I will think it's some sort of weird signal from the universe that I have it. I have an appointment next week with my family doctor, I really want to have answers but at the same time I'm terrified of a possible positive diagnosis.
For you guys to know, I now have random pain on my joints, sometimes in my arms, legs, or back, feeling of pins and needles, internal tremors and random muscle twitches everywhere. I know I also have severe health anxiety, but blaming everything on anxiety just doesn't feel right....
dana39886 Sofi4563
hi! i have all of the exact same symptoms that you mention and am worried sick as well i have been to the neurologist and Primary care. everyone just brushes it off as anxiety but it is hard to believe good luck at the doctor. i would love to know how you make out
karen46844 Ryanbaxwar
hi I've been in hospital tonight with this breathing problem they said its anxiety and I have a funny sensation in my arm!
valerie24561 Ryanbaxwar
These are all symptoms of anxiety. I have suffered 5 years with health anxiety and countless tests, name it. it's a vicious cycle. I agree do NOT Google your symptoms you will find all kinds of horrible " what if's" I wish I had an answer for how to stop this but I don't yet. I just started reading a book on CBT I hope to find help in it to better manage my anxiety.
natalie23195 Ryanbaxwar
my stepdad passed unexpectedly from a heart attack in aug n since I have bad panic attacks and health anxiety even no we wasnt blood related I'm so scared for my own health I've had 2 chest xrays and chest scan and loads full bloods done all normal but keep getting air hunger feeling which makes me really anxious
james36815 Ryanbaxwar
Health anxiety has to ability to cause a lot of real symptoms, adrenaline is a crazy thing.