Health anxiety overload

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Hi all I have noticed over the last few weeks I have become a terrible hypochondriac; literally worry about every ache, pain, bruise ....... has anyone else developed this ? 

Kate x

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79 Replies

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    Only nearly every woman on this forum. Including me. But mine is better now. Not completely, but better.
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    Me. I was always a worrier about health. The last two years, I have been through so many screenings and not because of me going in to complain about an ache, and three biopsies and it left me a wreck. I have very bad health anxiety. A backache is kidneys, etc...I do meditation and mindfulness. It helps a bit, but when I have to do any test, even blood, I freak out.
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    Have it everyday of my life !  Right now I am scared of possibility having breast cancer , leukemia , and vaginal infection I have ocd of health issues and am trying lexapro 
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      That’s what I’m on...hope it helps you!  I’m still on the fence about it...does help with the worrying and crying though! 
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    Hi Kate

    Oh yes!! It isn't new for me, I've had it for about 15 years but I've always been hormonally challenged smile it's still a working progress to unpick it tbh, so the sooner you can find a way to manage it and keep it in perspective the better. Health anxiety has a habit of sticking around. Bhrt has helped with anxiety, but the best I've found is any kind of cardio exercise, yoga and mindful. Xx

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    Oh yes, but mine was last year.  Better now with that part ...1000 tests later and on AD. I come on here now, no more looking stuff up!  😊

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    My health anxiety is through the roof!! I have been having a lot of lower back and bilateral hip pain and I’m so freaked out and worried about it!! I am so anxious of going to the doctors!!  Sorry you are going through this!! Your not alone xo
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      I was just scrolling through replies and saw your note about lower back and hip pain. I struggle with this too. I’ve been to PT and have exercises that help, but unless I’m really diligent in doing them I have daily pain. I also have to be mindful of moving as much as possible. Hard to do with a desk job and a long commute! I’ve been taking glucosamine chondroitin supplements, magnesium, vit E, B12 and D. Also makes a huge difference when I wear supportive shoes. 

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      Thank you for your response!!! I have been taking the same supplements except vit e. I will add that!!! What type of exercise do you do? I’ve been doing yoga and helps some. Xo
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      I found a video when I Googled exercises for piriformis syndrome, which is what I was told this is. My pain sometimes runs down the buttocks on either side then down my leg. I always thought it was sciatica, but the piriformis muscle can get very tight and that’s what’s irritating the sciatic nerve. There are 3 stretches that help. The guy in the video is a bit strange. It was like ‘physio for piriformis’ or something like that. I also do some yoga. Stress and too much sitting are my big issues. I had a hard week at work with lots of screen time which means sitting. My desk can be raised so I can stand but when I really have to focus, I have to be seated. Once the stress of getting my daughter to college is behind me I think I’ll feel much better. My back and legs hurt, reflux is acting up, stomach ache & palpitations. I know this is stress so I’m trying to just roll with it. 🙄

    • Posted

      I was told mine is paraformis too!! I will google the exercises!!! I have the same problem and work and stress as well!!! 🤣 My middle daughter is a senior this year so kinda bittersweet!!! Thank you again for your response!!! Helps to know I’m not alone!!! 

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      Thank you!!!!! Having a very painful day today!!! Ughhhhhhhh 
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    Oh yes! That Was the very first symptom last year I drove my has been absolutely insane… And of course me! I had a lot of test done at that point when it was really bad… I’ll came back fine but I still worry about something daily and it rotates as to what it is. I’ve learned through this forum that I am not alone and that helps a lot. Hang in there and do not Google everything LOL I promise you that makes it worse.
    • Posted

      ** autocorrect changed my husband to has been!!! Isn’t that hilarious...there are times he may have wished he was my has been..I drove him a bit nuts with my symptoms and googling!!😂

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