Health anxiety overload

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Hi all I have noticed over the last few weeks I have become a terrible hypochondriac; literally worry about every ache, pain, bruise ....... has anyone else developed this ? 

Kate x

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    Dear Kate

    Unfortunately it is one of the many menopausal symptoms, I am three years post menopause, I had health anxiety terrible, I had gastitis which inturn made me lose weight and appetite which kick started the health anxiety which in turn escalated it to other anxieties (the weight loss made my bones in certain parts protrude) not much but in my eyes without realising it, I thought they were lumps and bumps and I obsessed about them, this is how menopause affects the mind. Ihad other symptoms too but glad to say I am better now (touch wood!) I might still have the odd flush and sleep patterns can be good then I will still have a bout of waking in the night. I didn't take anything, just some good vitamins x

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      Hi pink.  Did the health anxiety go away also?  I suffer so much with this!
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      Even though I’m so sick with this meno stuff I haven’t suffered from health anxiety . I worry more about the future family my cat .

      I figure if anything else happens it cannot be WORSE than this crap !!!! Once you’ve been through this .... everything else is a piece of cake 

    • Posted

      Yes it did! But not overnight, but it did, I also had health anxiety as a teenager (about 18) similar sort of thing, so must be to do with hormones, hang in there! Im three years post meno and still get the odd symptom (heat flashes at mo) but thankfully not obsessing about my body x
  • Posted

    Hi Kate - welcome to the club..... Yes this has been a comment feature of the change for me but my anxiety has settled as I know its part of the course. Its all very frightening to begin with but this forum has been a wonderful place for many women to come and share. God bless ladies in the past that were sent to asylums for this!

    Hang tight. you ain't alone


  • Posted

    I started having health anxiety last year when all my other peri symptoms started going wacko. It was at an all time frenzy last July-November when I'd decide several times per week I had something that was going to put me in an early grave! I rarely went to doctors before last July. I was never sick, always busy and had no reason. I have lost count, but I think I've been to 15-20 dr appointments in the last 13 months! Out of all those appointments- the only things found were a frozen shoulder and I had a small basal cell carcinoma removed. I decided enough was enough and just decided to stop going to the dr. I made it through June and July not seeing any doctor but ended up going just yesterday because my anxiety had gotten to a point where I was " moving around like a zombie" according to my husband!  My illness de jour was a white mass I found behind my tonsil. I found it a couple months ago. Kept a eye on it. It never went away. My throat started with a warm sensation as well. I zeroed in on that and googled ( I know, I know!!) and was convinced it was a tumor! Of course, I was too scared to actually go to the dr to have the actual diagnosis, so I just kept worrying about it daily! Last week, my husband finally said just go in and get it looked at! I knew I was becoming withdrawn and "zombie like" because of it, so I went in yesterday. I was so scared! I made my husband go with me! I even made him go in the exam room with me! My bp was high ( I don't have high bp normally) and my pulse was through the roof at 114 bpm. The nurse was all up on me as to why I was so anxious. I'm thinking, " because you're about to tell me I've got cancer!" Ugh!! Turns out it is tonsillitis... 😑 When I told her I've had it for several months she tell me it's chronic tonsillitis and if it bothers me too much or becomes a problem eating, painful, etc that we can remove my tonsils. I was happy for about 2 hrs. Then I looked up tonsillectomy after ago 50...😑😷😑😷 now I'm upset that I might have to get that done and endure the recovery! Even the dr was saying we don't want to go that route unless we absolutely must as it's a rough recovery for my age. So now I'm hyper aware of my tonsil! The warm sensation and the fact that I have a "chronic" condition. Husband has moved on and thinks it's no big deal. I want to punch him. So here I am, once again, trying to climb off the health anxiety ledge I dwell on far too often!  The pathetic part of this is my brother has terminal cancer and I feel awful acting like such an ass over every little twinge when he is truly very ill and in a lot of pain. I don't ever mention my issues- since I don't really have any other than being a peri psycho - but I feel upset with myself for being like I am when I'm really fine and I know my brother would do anything to be healthy like me. I can't wait for this part of my life to be done!! 

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      Wow Audra, my health anxiety issues started Jul-Nov 2017 too!  Same ever other day either at drs or hospital.  After hundreds of tests, I only have BPPV (inner ear vertigo) and of course anxiety.  I just got over strep throat recently...never had it before. Also, I seem to get frequent sore throats.  I THOUGHT I had tonsillitis...yes, a tonsillectomy at this age is a sucky recovery.  I’m so sorry about your brother 🙏

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      You sound like me !  Except all my fears are happening suddenly ! Anemia I convinced myself is due to cancer!  They found cells in breast that means I am higher risk but not tons hire and not genetic so I check my breasts 20-30 times a day !  I am out of control 
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      I did all the tests too . Ended up at emergency one day at the beginning as I thought ‘this can’t be normal’ . All healthy so now I know exactly what it is hormones ! Coupled with depression fatigue anxiety.

      The mental health is the most important for us ladies right now ... the meno takes over your mind your being . 

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      Thank you Lou. Sometimes I think since my brother is so ill and going to die it makes me even more fearful of the same thing happening to me! Isn't that selfish... but it's the truth. My dad died right before my brother got diagnosed. His death was a long drawn out painful process ( 26 months) and that has added to my fear of illness as well. I really hate aging. It scares me!  

      Today is my dads birthday and so I'm feeling sad and just wish things were different. Dad still here and healthy, brother not dying and my mom not lonely without my dad. And of course, wishing I still felt like I did prior to all this peri crap! I know tomorrow will be better but today I'm going to wallow in my sorrows and cry and isolate myself from everyone and be selfish. Today is awful. Tomorrow will be better. 

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      It's just awful, isn't it!  I have had so many blood tests run! I've even paid for private ones as my GP couldn't order that many with no reason! I have dissected every test and tried to come up with reasons why I started feeling dreadful all of a sudden! I've been iron deficient and very low in range B-12.  Like you, what's the root cause of them being low? ..... cancer? Pernicious anemia? Big time stuff!  I made my Dr order more tests! Nothing ever found! He even congratulated me for being so healthy and fit! HA!! Ahhhh.... I'm sure he thinks I'm just plain ol crazy hypochondriac! 

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      My husband has to accompany me to. I had three uterine biopsies and one breast lump biopsy. All fine. I had a year of dizziness which made my anxiety really bad. Eventually I was sent the a MRI and they found a benign tumor in my head. Then they thought I had a bone something so u was sent for a radioactive bone scan. I thought I was dying... It was ok. Then they thought I need a bone density test. They found osteoporosis. Then the endocrinologist wanted to be sure it wasn't from a secondary cause like bone marrow cancer or parathyroid... It wasn't. I still have one more blood test in October. All these tests have caused awful anxiety. I used to never need to see a Dr. Ugh. I absolutely hate it.

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      Tonsillitis is awful ; you must be a real tough nut to have put up with that without going to the doctor! I hope it’s gone soon. It’s no wonder you have health anxiety with your poor brothers condition xx
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      Yes Audra I’ve been to three different drs 2 of them I had to pay for .... I’ve wasted so much money on this crap ! Trying to find a solution a magic pill. 
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      Oh Lana, fingers crossed for you on your next round of testing.  I have constant head pressure and dizziness like walking on a boat, it’s awful.  I had 2 brain MRI last year, checking for MS...they were clear.  I’m on Lexapro now.  I hope it takes it away, by far my worst symptom, I feel funny walking let alone driving.  I have degenerated disc and arthritis in my neck and back...I sometimes wonder if this contributes to it all.  Never thought all if this at 41!  

      Wishing you good luck...Take good care! 🙏🤞😊

    • Posted

      Hello Lou, I too have the constant dizziness and find it hard to stand for a while. I avoid talking to anyone I know if I’m out because it means standing and chatting and I will start to feel I will fall forward which makes me anxious and only makes it worse.  I had this off balance feeling in peri about 4yrs ago and it went away but now I’ve been in menopause since 2015 and it came back. Like most of the other ladies I’ve had all the other nasty symptoms and gone through so many test but the balance, dizziness and sinus headaches are the worse for me. I only drive short distances but still manage to work full time but struggle through the day. How do you get through the balance problem? Do you feel pressure in your head ? Wishing all us ladies will turn a corner soon and feel ourselves again, I just want me back 😢🤦???🤗x

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      Hello!  YES!  MY gosh it’s awful. Head pressure is so bad especially in the morning.  Like someone put a band around my temples.  I am so whoozy for most of the day.  but I noticed it’s really bad lately, the bridge of my nose and top teeth ache too. Sinus pressure.  I too cannot talk to people, it’s like my brain, eyes and mouth are not in sync.  If on rare occasions, if I run into a store, I have to wear sunglasses and hope I do not see anybody I know.  I honestly feel like I have a neurological problem...but I know I do not.  Also clean brain MRI and neurologist visit last year.  I have never had these problems before peri.  Migraines, sinus infection, strep throat...all since peri.  My back and neck issues are worse too.

      I am afraid to drive because I feel strange.  

      I have explained this to countless drs and they just keep saying anxiety and vertigo.  I’m on an AD for 2 months...really not doing much for this feeling.  

      I believe we chatted before on working...I applaud you.  I had to stop.  I take vitamins, eat well, drink water, not overweight, don’t smoke, drink. I have low blood pressure. 41 yrs old. I just don’t get it!  I keep up with my chores,kids, etc as best I can.  And Try to ignore the feeling, but it’s really disruptive.  I get rebound headaches if I take too many over the counter pain relievers.  I used to cry, but now that I’m on Lexapro, not sure I’m able to...I barely get teary eyed.   What have you been told about head pressure?  hugs to you, I feel a little better that someone else gets this too.  🙏🤗

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      I had that dizziness too and it was like being on a boat I had all the tests done on my ears and now I know it’s meno . That has subsided and now I’m just left with a constant weird feeling and horrible fatigue . It all limits your life and that too can cause depression . You lose who you are .... and we’re constantly trying to get ourselves BACK. I firmly believe we will as if all the women lost it in meno and never returned back to normal there would be no women over the 50 walking the streets .
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      Forgot to mention...I just started using a heat/cold eye mask I picked up for 10 bucks...has little beads in it   I put it in the microwave and set it on my eyes/sinus area...feels nice temporarily.
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      Hi Lori,  my fatigue has subsided a little. But, this head thing is cranked up now.  Do you remember if your dizziness got really bad when you were about to have your last period?  I’m only 41, but I feel like my periods are closer, lighter, shorter...but the symptoms are amping up.  Just hoping this AD kicks in. Going to try liquid melatonin tonight, I need a restful sleep.  I hope you have a good night...take good care 😊🙏

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      Hi Lou 

      Yes I remember at 41 being dizzy and especially around my period I would  get vertigo which is different than just being dizzy.

      I thought it was anxiety .... boy was I wrong .i had no idea it was Peri . I also got motion sickness and still do in cars .also your periods change over the years so doubt they will end for many years. Hope you feel better love .... let me know how things go.

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      Good to hear back from you Lou. Ho my gosh your only 41 and going through this, your just too young it’s not fair. I’m very much like you I don’t smoke, I’m not overweight, don’t drink because it makes me feel ill and I too take my vitamins and also have low blood pressure. 

      I too have bought the eye mask with beads you put in the microwave, in fact iv just bought my second one as I burst the first one and couldn’t do without it, there marvalous.

      Iv just been out looking for my nieces new baby a present and the off balance feeling just spoils it for me Iv just rushed around the shop and wanted to get back home as soon as possible and now I’m in my safe haven. It makes lif so hard, I look at othe women and wish I could feel normal. 

      Yes the the bridge of my nose, top teeth and cheeks get sinus pressure. 

      The only thing i take for the sinus pressure is a decongestion with pain relief and a steroid nasal spray. They don’t always work.

      I really hope you get some relief soon it’s just not fair on us women.

      sending you a comforting hug x


    • Posted

      hello Lori, yes your right it’s as if your on a boat or just got off an escalator. 

      Iv completely lost who I am and feel I get through the day as someone else  that I don’t know if you get what I mean (very strange). I couldn’t of said that to anyone I know or family because they wouldn’t understand and think I’m crazy 🤪.

      how long are we meant to be kept in this menopause prison.

      im going to look out for these women over 50 walking the street and get back to you😂. I know your right though.

      Sending you a comforting hug x

    • Posted

      It will pass mine lasted about 6 weeks . Now I’ve got different symptoms that I’m having to deal with .... just want to feel ‘normal’ agh!!!!

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