Health anxiety overload
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Hi all I have noticed over the last few weeks I have become a terrible hypochondriac; literally worry about every ache, pain, bruise ....... has anyone else developed this ?
Kate x
4 likes, 79 replies
lori93950 kate_80669
My mom told me to put the worry on a back burner right now but it’s tough to do that ...
kate_80669 lori93950
lori93950 kate_80669
caroline62395 kate_80669
lori93950 caroline62395
caroline62395 lori93950
kate_80669 caroline62395
2chr2015 caroline62395
michelle92591 kate_80669
Hi Kate. I was always a worrier. Noticed things changed around 45. Then I get diagnosed with ms. I was always a healthy person so this just ramped it up. I take medicine that interfered with my appetite. Lost about 15 pounds. Now at 51 it's the sweats,anxiety and sadness. I feel lifeless. Seems like most of us are going g through this. Hoping this will pass.
katyD211 kate_80669
Oh my God yes!!! As you can see from all the other ladies' responses, you are NOT alone! I could have written your post myself, we even have the same name! Today's symptoms are digestive issues, praying it's not C. My sister in law just passed in May from colon C and I know that's why it's on my mind. In the last week, I've been worried about a tingling spot in my thumb(my hubby says I always fall asleep with my head on my hand), a head pain that moves around (right before my period started), rough itchy patches of skin that come n go ( they said its eczema but is it really?), and painful eyes (super dry-eye doc says otherwise healthy). I just got a clean report after a hysteroscopy and I promise you I am so grateful and thank God every time I think of it. Yet I have to shake off fear if I get a twinge in my ovary. This is crazy and the worst of it is that we know it's crazy and feel horribly guilty because there are people who are really so much worse off than us! I ask for forgiveness for that every time I catch myself doing it.
I'm hopeful this symptom eases up soon because it're not alone in this one, hon...
kate_80669 katyD211
Katy we are twins ! I’ve had ovary pain, migraine, tingling and itchy skin, a patch of skin on my leg which is very sensitive to light touch, joint pain and stomach issues! It’s just one thing after the other! Perhaps we should move in together and give our husbands a break ! 😂😂
katyD211 kate_80669
They would love the break, no doubt!!😂
nancy0925 kate_80669
Oh yes, I have become a chronic health worrier, I annoy myself so I’m sure I annoy my family with it too lol
Guest kate_80669
kathy55991 kate_80669
I am up at night dwelling on every little twinge - never knew this was part of menopause until this forum. So far tests have been normal so the only consolation is that I'd be in the Guinness book of records if I actually had all the different types of cancer I think I do! Right now - melanoma over my eye, thyroid cancer, lymphoma, and leukaemia - not to mention the intestinal ones that I'm sure are brewing. Colonoscopy 6 months ago was good but I still suspect something may still be growing. I know I'm a nut job and drive myself (and others) crazy. I appreciate this forum because I didn't know there were others!!
michelle97919 kathy55991
juanita93228 kathy55991
I'm a little better with the health anxiety. But I'm like you, I've had every disease known to man(in my mind). If you're a nut job we all are!
I have to say the depression and the health anxiety have been the worse. I called in sick two day in a row this week. I wasn't sick I just didn't feel like being around all these women that are happy and full of hormones. Meanwhile at home I'm lying I bed crying, feeling like what happened to me?
lori93950 juanita93228
Then you have to climb the mountain every day realize there’s no real CURE unless you go on BHRT and that’s all hit and miss .
michelle97919 juanita93228
I work as a learning support in a college so im off for school holidays. I actually feel worse being at home x
juanita93228 lori93950
I always feel like I'm in fight or mode. I mean constantly!
Yeah, I never tried BHRT, but I did try HRT. It didn't agree with me and I didn't feel like trying different ones. I felt like my body was going through enough with all the hormonal changes.
For me it's my mental state right now. I feel like if I could get over that hurdle, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. When you're a wreck mentally, it affects everything!!!
juanita93228 michelle97919
I have my kitty and she stayed in bed with me all day yesterday. Finally I got up changed the sheets and took a shower. I felt a wee bit better. I don't have children, I wish I had a husband or at least a boyfriend(or maybe not Lol!). Sometimes I think it maybe better to not isolate, but I work as a Victim Advocate for our local Police Dept. so sometimes I have to isolate, because I have to be sympathetic to my client's problems and sometimes I am just unable to do that.
Michelle this is awful! But, this too shall pass. It's just not doing it fast enough! (((((hugs))))
lori93950 juanita93228
Yes it helped me physically with the fatigue and dizziness but mentally i agree I felt weird on it . Trying the testosterone now and see how that works 🙄
lori93950 juanita93228
katyD211 kathy55991
Lol!! Perfectly written!! That's me all the way! Gurgles all day so I thought something wrong with colon, now this evening my head started with a dull ache on one side. My nostril is clogged so it's probably sinus related, plus the temp is dropping fast so maybe its barometric escalated. Just pray it's not a stroke...
WHY do we do that???!!!
juanita93228 lori93950
I read somewhere we spend two years of our lives standing in line. I'll bet the number is way higher for peri and meno women staying in bed. I can only spend a limited amount of time in bed. I'm single so everything is on me. I made out my grocery list today. There's two bottles of wine on the list. 😂😂😂🍷
katyD211 juanita93228
Guest juanita93228
Thanks Juanita, now I will not feel so bad staying in bed a few minutes longer! My husband has probably already spent 2 years sitting on the toilet looking at magazines 🙄
juanita93228 Guest
juanita93228 katyD211
katyD211 juanita93228
lori93950 juanita93228