Health anxiety ruining my life looking for advice/help can't cope
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I'm 25 years old and for the past 3/4 weeks i think I've been suffering from health anxiety. First I was having night sweats and google made me think this was the start of a serious illness. Next I had chest pains which I thought were strained muscles but it lasted for a few weeks and I convinced myself this was serious. I now have a pain in my left breast and now I'm convinced I have breast cancer and I'm loosing the plot. I have two small children (aged 2 and 10 weeks) this is running my life and my partner thinks I'm mad. Every little symptom I get I google it and it makes me worry so much more. I've had my left breast checked and it's okay, also had an ECG and that was fine. I go from being fine one minute to panic and google searching the next.
I don't know what to do. I'm so upset and keep thinking about my children now growing up with a mum.
The pain I have is like a lingering pain from the back of my breast, sometimes i feels hot and the pain travels to my back. I'm also now worried about my other breast because the nipple has inverted tonight so I'm thinking this is serious š
Please is anyone having the same symptoms. Please help me x
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Iv only had one set of bloods which tested my lymph nodes that all came back clear.
Until I received this letter which I fount out was to if with further bloods after seeing my doctor on Monday I asked why I had been referred and he said it wad because I was so worried about them and it was to put closure on it although anxiety plays a huge part in my pain I think now. I didn't until I joined this page tonight.
I get the sweats day or night mainly when I'm thinking about it and googling which s***s me up!
But now iv read about health anxiety sweating is part of it and iv also 'heard' suffering health anxiety you magic your own symptoms through Google and thinking the worst!
T feel a stinging sensation through my neck in my lymph nodes and in my collar bone I keep thinking I've got some sort of tumor that's spreading through my body from my lymph nodes! I feel like if I tell my doctor he will just laugh
it's not a nice thing to live with being so young and having my 13 month old!
I just want to feel my normal happy self :-(
I even might take myself for a massage to see if any pain is due to having knots in my muscles from pregnancy and holding my little one!
Hopefully none of us have anything serious and it's our anxiety playing up on us
Good luck I look forward to your reply xx
Let me know when you've been to the doctor today! I'm going to make my appointment for my further bloods today that's just going to make me worse until I get an appointment and my results! The things life does to us ay!
I've only been like this since I had Bradley I think it's the thought of dying and leaving him behind! Sounds like I'm taking it extreme but it's just what this anxiety does to you
Speak to you soon honey x x x
Did you get bloods taken? I had a chest X-ray yesterday and doctor told me they would call if anything shows up and they didn't call so that's something atleast.
Don't you feel like your hassleing the doctors? I've been so many times recently but what can we do to make ourself feel better other than go to the doctors.
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ruby05 kelly68563
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deborah301080 kelly68563
Hi I'm new on here
I've had anxiety and panic disorder for 20 years + now it's effecting my health very bad do any of you actually feel the symptoms or is it in your head as they say
I have lip tingling/numbness on the left side and feel like my left arm and hand doesn't work properly and it scares me and I've had mri and nothing and my doctor basically without saying it thinks it's all in my head and it isn't else I wouldn't have these symptoms I'm so fed up of it
sarah13837 deborah301080
Hi deborah301080
You are not alone, I suffer with health anxiety witch has become obsessive checking my body for lumps and bumps and dreading the worst..I've had all test done and come back fine, I have now been referred to a psychiatrist and talking therapys and been put on venlafaxine and mirtazipine for mine. I get lip/tingling sensations, twitches, my arm feels funny I have been told it's my panic attacks. It can cause all symtems like that..when we suffer with anxiety and things our minds work over time and will always create something worse than what it is..I have been told it's in my head too but it doesn't make it any easier because the sysmtems are real for people like us..that's why I am now going to be having CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) they help you work on what's causing these problems and hopefully it works for me as I myself am very drained and tired of feeling this way, it's a constant battle everyday witch causes more stress and panic it's like it never ends. But u are not alone on this,have you spoke to your doctor about asking for some help from the mental health speacialist? It will probably be the best thing u could do I know it was for me. X
devin02830 sarah13837
Hi Sarah - I'm 25, and have been dealing with this on and off for the last two years. Over the last 6 months it has gotten so awful. I am constantly googling symptoms, convinced I have everything from cancer to HIV when I know I dont. I am going to start seeing a therapist and was curious about CBT. How has been working for you?
vanessa18582 devin02830
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