Hearing Heartbeat in Ear..
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Good morning ladies, just wondering if anyone else hears their own heartbeat in their ear when laying on their pillow.. Also getting quick chest flutters with lots of twitching all over.. I did check my daily symptoms journal, and last month and month before had clogged ear and ringing in ear on this day, and hard fast heartbeat written down, but not the heartbeat sound in ear! When I look it up , it does talk about this being a form of tinnitus.. Which I know is listed on the 66 symptoms list, and since I suffer bad sinus off balance vertigo migraines I'm not surprised, but this all just sends health anxiety soaring!! Anyone else have this? And does it come and go for you, or is blood pressure raised, or vertigo or migraines worse ?
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karen65574 Gypsy014
Hi i also get this when my anxiety is really bad , have tinnitus on and of as well , muffled ear etc it all comes and goes , so hard to deal with all these symptoms , my bp was high as well now on tabs for this and citolapram for anxiety as it was unbearable , feel lot calmer and ears are better as well FOR NOW !!!! hope this puts your mind at rest as just all symptoms of this awful peri xxx
Gypsy014 karen65574
Hi Karen, yes this eases my mind a bit... It all sounds like what I'm experiencing at the moment, these symptoms can be tricky, and try and fool your mind into thinking the worst! Thanks for reply 😃
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy! OH yes! I get pulsatile tinnitus a lot...usually when a migraine is brewing. I get the twitches sometimes before drifting off to sleep...like I am falling, then snap awake...I think this is because of my vertigo issues. Also, if I put my head on my pillow, I hear scratching, like bugs crawling. Apparently, its the cartoid artery on the side of our head and the whoosing sound is the blood rushing through. Since I get migraines and vertigo anyways...my inner ear goes nutso! I have been noticing too that everyday at 4pm, my ears ring terrible. I am on amitriptyline for migraines and I think the dose wears out around that time...because I take it at 6pm. FINALLY, started my period today, so Sunday I am starting BCP. There has to be some relief in sight! God help us all!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, so glad I'm not the only one, its frightening! Not that I want you to be experiencing this either! I don't like being aware of my fast Hard heartbeat, it drives me nutso for sure.. I'm glad you finally got your period and can start your BCP, I know you've been waiting on this, hopefully fingers crossed you get some long waited relief. Yes I was thinking the same my migraine is brewing, not a very good thought to look forward to I know, but I deal with it every single month, I was kind of praying I will soon start skipping these monthly migraines, I guess I'm not there yet on this one, but one day! 😃
Guest Gypsy014
I have been on amitripyline for almost 4 weeks now...and I gotta say not even that can fully prevent the menstrual type migraines. However, it seems to have helped the 3-4 a month I would get...and the recovery days in between. It is wonder our heads do not explode. Do you take anything continuous, or just when they come? I could increase mine, but I really think the BCP will make a difference...and I will not need the increase. Either that or it will cause me worse migraines!
Your post about the big tv made me laugh...I do remember you mentioning that before! hubbie has the speakers in the wall too...our bedroom is above it, when he and my oldest are watching their crap, it comes up the stairs, rumbles the floor and makes me crazy...he is partially deaf too...I have to text him explicit unkind messages to turn it down!
audra86673 Guest
I've always had low key inner ear issues and hormonal migraines. I've been a dizzy type person most of my life but I had 2 bouts of legit vertigo in my mid 30's WOW! One was so bad I couldnt even move my head an inch without spinning and floating and queasy for an hr! That one episode lasted almost 12 hrs! I just laid on my bed not moving a muscle! I had to bear crawl to go to the bathroom and it was such a horrible experience! I lived in fear for years waiting for it to return! Even now, if i feel even slightly dizzy I get concerned that I'm headed for another vertigo episode. I feel for you! Its gotta be up there with the worst symptoms of them all!!
Guest audra86673
Thanks Audra,, I have always been a little light headed too! My BP is on the lower end. this is the worst! I got the spins once while driving...freaked me out! Then, I tried to do some yoga for my neck pain...I was going along ok, then I dropped my head and the room went spinning. I have a constant boat like sway feeling when I walk. Looking up, down, etc...it is nauseating! Have an appointment next month with neurotologist to check my balance. My primary says BPPV...but that does not last a year!! Just want to make sure I do not have an inner ear damage or a virus. I saw an ENT last year, about the ringing and balance stuff, but he was next to useless. Between the pressure, ringing, vertigo and migraines...peri is kicking my butt! I think you are in meno now?? I hope you have some relief now! Take good care!!
Gypsy014 Guest
Omg how funny! You sure we're not married to the same guy ha ha! Mine can't hear either cause the tv loud loud loud, and I send him the same texts...
Guest Gypsy014
LOL!! 😃
kim35797 Gypsy014
hi i have been getting the same thing too ihad it for a few days then it dissapeared i guess like people are saying anxiety has alot to do with how we are feeling this perimenopase feels like its never going to end.
Gypsy014 kim35797
Hi Kim, thanks I am hoping this goes away after a couple days like it did you, I bet it returns like clockwork next month, I will have to jot this down in my daily symptoms journal, and see, take care ❤
Guest Gypsy014
**** "Also getting quick chest flutters with lots of twitching all over"**** I get like a weird feeling on chest off and on and since I get it on left side it scars me its like slight tight feeling you know hard to describe these weird feelings! I get it off and on throughout the day the last 3 to 4 days ANYONE else get weird feeling in chest? Mine is like the very top of breast the part connec ted to chest not lower breast so its hard to tell if its on chest or very top part of breast I guess chest. I am home 99% of the time and don't wear a bra while at home they fit so uncomfortab le now so just wear a heavier top. Was you also saying the twitches you get are in the chest or just all over your body? I get spasams in my legs stomach and upper thighs to. Not sure if you can get slight spasams in chest or not.
Guest Guest
Hi there! I get the zaps of pain in my left boob area too...bra is optional at this point for me too at home...I wear a tank underneath! I wear granny bras now with no under wire. I think mine is from GERD...because when it happens...I will press the center upper stomach, right under my breast area and get a twinge of pain...so I assume it is all connected. I have gotten the aches under the armpits too...lymph nodes under there all connected I assume! We are all a mess!!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi crasado8, all these symptoms are scary, I get the twitching all over, but do have episodes where I get them in the chest left side, and those really freak me out, and send my anxiety into overdrive! When I get my shortness of breath symptoms, I don't wear the bras either, too tight on the ribs and restricts the breathing even more, I think when all this flares up for me its all connected to the digestion, because I seem to have a lot of belching that goes along with it, and that does a little help in relieving the chest tightness short breath..
louise25018 Gypsy014
hiya thank goodness for your post!! ive had pulsing and ringing in my ears since last night too! at one stage it was so bad i thought the washing machine was on. i had dizzy spells and my eyesight in one eye went a bit weird for a min or two but ive had this before when i had a migrane.
pulsing /ringing in my ear has eased OFF a bit now but i was really terrified as i'd not had it before so thank God for your post as youve saved me hours of anxiety!!
i was so certain i was having a stroke i felt sick with worry. hope all you ladies are feeling better today anyway and thank goodness for this forum!
big hugs to all peri/meno girls out there.What a ride this is eh?
Gypsy014 louise25018
Yes I get the weird one eye thing too , with the dizziness clogged ears, migraines buzzing in the head and now this pulsating in my ears. Uuggg its all so awful, and does feel like no end in sight! Just when your feeling ok and having some good days, then here come all the peri symptoms again, peri is like that bad cold you get that just won't go away...
louise25018 Gypsy014
wow we must have the same thing then? im trying ibuprofen now just in case there us an infection. your symptoms are identical to mine which is reassuring at least!
I'm sat at work trying to concentrate with my thudding ear but it really really hells yo know we all share this problem.
ill try and get to the docs later and if i find out anything ill let you know.
thanks so much for starting this thread.
take care
lou xxxx