heart paliptations and feeling weak after simple tasks

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Just literally changed my bed covers and done a spot of hoovering and I feel absolutely shattered, my chest feels weird (in the way it does when I'm about to have a panic attack) I feel like my hearts really thudding but my heart rate is at about 87bpm currently. I feel like I want to cry I'm so scared.

I did have a bad night resulting in about 4 hours sleep. Could this all just be my anxiety playing up due to lack of sleep?

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes it could be I have had six hours sleep in 2days because of my anxiety try night nurse works a treat for me at bedtime 
    • Posted

      Thanks Ross I will give it a go. Lack of sleep I'm sure isn't helping
  • Posted

    Hi Kerianne.

    Poor you.

    I have been shattered with anxiety since before Christmas so I know exactly how you feel. 

    I have had palpitations, missed beats, panic attacks and absolute terror about dying and so upset and fed up with these symptoms.

    Look after yourself and I am here if you want to speak.

    • Posted

      That's exactly how I feel Christine.

      I feel like my hearts beating so fast and there's a pressure that feels like it builds up and builds up and I get so scared that I will have a heart attack and Die. I hate this. I am back to the doctors Tuesday. I really hope it is anxiety and I can get over it in time. It's just so scary.

      Thank you for your message

    • Posted

      I was intially placed on Catlopram, however, it was awful and had to stop it.

      I am on beta blockers (Propanlol) which has "dampened" things down, however, it does not have any impact on the intrusive thoughts that are with me all day long.

      I was not able to sleep at all before Christmas convinced that I would die in bed but am sleeping a little better now.

      Kerrianne, I do not know the answer. I have had health anxities since I was 18 / 19 yrs old and I am now 62.

      I have not been in a state of anxiety and panic all the time but it rears ts ugly head especially whien I have had a bereavement etc.

      That is good that you are going to the GP on Tuesday let me know how it goes.

    • Posted

      I too struggle with the intrusive thoughts. And worry about sleeping through fear of dying. I have tried citalopram but I had awful side effects. I'm now on sertraline but after having my dose increased I reduced it back down due to side effects again.

      I've had anxiety and panic attacks for approximately 7 years on and off. Though I remember even as a young child at the age of about 8 or 9 having this intense fear about death and went through a stage of nightmares about it.

      I will keep you updated smile

    • Posted

      Please do keep me updated.

      I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

      Every day I find that my senses are flooded with death and illness via the news, papers, crosswords, peoples conversations etc. It is hell.

      Best of luck and keep your chin up.xx

    • Posted

      I suffer from such bad anxiety and panic attacks I can't leave my house in constantly thinking I'm dying my throat feels like it's going to close over its awful I'm on sertraline for 2 weeks 50mg I just want to feel ok again I don't see any friends I'm just sat in my house everyday thinking I'm going crazy and dying
    • Posted

      It's all I seem to notice too Christine. I can completely relate to you. Everything i see or people I am associated with ie work colleagues always seems to end up with some connection to death. Whether it be a celebrity or a friend of a friend. Or even watching a soap. Then my mind is off.

      It really is hell. I'm glad to have people here who can relate to how I feel but I feel sad that others are going through the same x

    • Posted

      Hello Christine and others. I.m replying to this post because it struck a chord with me. I too have had health anxiety all my life. I remember seeing the school nurse aged 5 and freaking. I couldn't articulate it as health anxiety at the time of course but I am now 66 and suffered all my life. It hasn't been every day of course but it's always simmering just under the surface. I have a fear of all things medical so very rarely do I go to the doctors. Like you Christine I wish I had an answer. It distresses me so much to read the post from young people on here! The only thing I can say is that one must really try and adopt an attitude of what will be will be! To be realistic and know for sure that we all will die so live as happy a life as long as you can. I believe in he power of the mind and would use hypnosis but  I became profoundly deaf 20 years ago so it's impossible for me. If you,ve never tried it give it a go. You have nothin to lose except perhaps your fears! Best wishes to all. 
    • Posted

      Hi, within you lifetime of anxiety have did you ever experience physical symptoms ? I get lot of different kind of chest pains and weird palpitations. Also did they come in waves like you would have a month with symtom s and constant health worry, and Then eventually a few weeks symptoms free. Would be nice to hear it from someone who has live all there life with this. I am 27 male and had this for 7 years.... Thanks
    • Posted

      Hello Aidan I don't think I've heard or read about an anxiety symptom that I've not had! I have a ridiculous theory! Your body will present with a symptom in an attempt to get you to relax. You don't so it presents something different. In the end you get them all at once by which time even if you COULD relax your body is In such a state of anxiety that it's virtually impossible! Don't get me wrong there have been times I'm my life when I have been pretty "normal" but anxiety has  always just been simmering under the surface. I.m not sure there is a cure. I feel it's something you acknowledge is part of you, try to ignore it and live life with it. Try to recognise stress, deal with it in whatever way works for you , keep stress to a minimum as much as possible and live your life. E. 
    • Posted

      So similiar. But as i have aged things do happen and health issues to arrive. It see,s so unfair in the scope of things. You are still young and hopefully take good care of your body..
    • Posted

      hi aiden - i get that too. have a 24-hour ecg right now as a matter of fact. i had about 7 days symptom free and then today: bam. palpitations. they come and go for me as well. my tests also come back witj an all clear, but my physical symptoms are real. it is a tough disorder to deal with, anxiety. you feel like you can't trust your senses anymore!

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