Heart Palpitations Do They Ever End??
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Hi Ladies,
Do these crazy heart palpitations ever end? Do they go away after perimenopause is over? I have had numerous EKG's and all looks fine but I don't feel fine. The last couple of days my heart palpatations have been bugging me. When I get anxious and panicked ( which is most of the time 😜) it triggers them. They come and go quickly but they set off my anxiety and panic so much. Some months I have none but this month is different. I'm dealing with an ovarian cyst on my left ovary, I wonder if that's contributing to it. Indigestion and stomach upset triggers them too. I see my GP on Friday I'm going to probably beg for another EKG in her office. I'm so pathetic 😢Anyway Ladies hope you are all fairing better today.
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joanne05881 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 joanne05881
Thank You so much for your encouraging words it helps so much. Your humor had totally brightened my day. I've been reading the posts on another discussion and you have brought a genuine laugh and smile to my heart. I can relate to your comment about being stuck in a car before your appraisal crying and saying you can't move. (My Husband and I are both in Real Estate) They other day we were in a grocery store together and I walked to an idle to look at something and I suddenly became dizzy. I stood there trying not to look like a lunatic as I held on to a shelf and did some deep breaths. My husband came over to me and asked what was wrong. I had tears in my eyes and told him I couldn't move. He grabbed my hand and we walked out into the fresh air and then I started laughing because I was better. I feel like a lunatic. I can also TOTALLY relate to what you said about making appointments then getting anxiety once you confirm them. That happened to me today. I had to reschedule my dentist appointment for tomorrow because this morning my panic about going made me late for the appointment 😜. Well they fit me in for tomorrow morning. That's when my heart palpitations started again. Ugh!!!! I love your comment about surprising your daughter in New York after this is all over, I told my daughter the same thing, I told her that we need to take an amazing vacation when this is over. She agrees 100%. For now I can't even keep a dentist or doctors appointment within having a major meltdown. I have switched from my male GP to a female GP. My male GP would leave the room when I would cry and have panic attacks in his office, He also said I needed to see a psychiatrist. I switched doctors right after that. Thanks for listening and making my day a little brighter
joanne05881 debbie_18471
My had an Awards Breakfast last Wednesday where I was awarded Top Producer for volume and transactions and guess what? I stayed home and cried and lied that I had food poisoning. I need to buy a sweater set with a satellite tv and waive from my bed next year if I'm so lucky.
Food shopping?!?!!? A joke! I feed like I walk like a drunk swaying down the aisles....
On a serious note: I listened to a lecture the other day about menopause and she compared it totally to the caterpillar melting down to green slimy glob ( hot flashes ) crawling and fighting it's way into making a cocoon. When a woman came by and saw the butterfly struggling to get out, she ripped open the cocoon to help her. Well...you can guess what happened? The butterfly died. We have to come out when we're ready so we can fly.
The lecturer also explained why we're the "chosen ones" and some women don't even get any symptoms. We're intelligent, loving, spiritual, and caring women. Why we have to suffer, who knows? I don't get that!! But we're less likely to have cancer and live to be 99!! She was 73 y/o, had a debilitating menopause and at 73 teaches and lectures all over the world. She's never been hospitalized or sick.
After the lecture - I prayed to God to make this go away. She better listen soon. 🤓
Sochima822 joanne05881
Emis_Moderator joanne05881
carmen51657 joanne05881
joanne05881 carmen51657
debbie_18471 joanne05881
debbie_18471 joanne05881
joanne05881 debbie_18471
I guess we'll find out the life lesson when we get thru menopause and on to the next faze which can't come soon enough. I'm guessing it's to slow down and really smell the flowers because at this point wishing to be thinner, richer, winning the lottery, going to parties is OFF my radar, it's just going back to the simple things in life like friggin' buying flowers!!!! And there's nothing wrong with a girl telling little white lies, they get me by.
Thinking of you more then you know!!!
joanne05881 debbie_18471
Sochima822 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 joanne05881
I died when I read your post. You don't know how many times I have looked out my windows of my home or in the car watching people walk on the sidewalk, park or dirt trail, with envy in my heart. Saying " can't believe how lucky they are just exercising all alone normally " That use to be my absolute favorite thing in the world. I would put on my ear phones listen to music and walk for 3 to 4 miles a day at my park. Loved it. Loved people watching too while I did it. Now I either have to walk with someone in case I lose my balance and do the drunk walk, or go to gym and walk on treadmill so I can hold on or on other days I just walk around my backyard or inside my home. Not the same at all. I hope you are having a wonderful day today Joanne. Loved the story about getting the flowers for your client who had a baby. Whenever I go anywhere I get super sweaty now out of panic. Super fun 😊😊😊
debbie_18471 Sochima822
You are so very sweet. I'm not a pill person at all. Taking anything new gives me anxiety too. I am so weird😜. So I will probably only take 1/2 Xanax before I go to the dentist. I really need to fix these fillings before they turn into something worse. I will get ST Johns wort too. I have also heard doctor oz talk about Passion flower, I will get both of those. So so sorry to hear about what happened to your memory. Hopefully it will continue to heal and everything will return to normal for you. Thanks for helping others through your experience. Have a wonderful day 😊😊
Sochima822 debbie_18471
<3 pat>3 pat>