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i have started having heartburn I would swear was heart attack, if I hadn't recently had a heart cath, even though stress test was good, etc. Cardio wanted to be sure. I have been on mission to rule out GCA, due to headache and blurry vision. Biopsy came back normal. I have been taking acetaminophen for headache, which receives for about 5 hrs. I am on 10 mg Pred, down from beginning dose in May of 20. Any suggestions? Had drastic change in eyes since July, optometrist has been waiting for biopsy results, so I see him Wednesday, and Rheumy on 23rd, on and on it goes! Ugh
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grandmaDylan judy93591
Guest judy93591
judy93591 Guest
judy20492 judy93591
Hope you find some relief. Tums will probably help for the heartburn, blurry eyes?, I havent figured that out yet.
judy93591 judy20492
linda17563 judy93591
LayneTX judy20492
I take 1/2 of my calcium with my stomach irritating drugs, this helps some, but the whole calcium citrate verses calcium bicarbonate...ugh... I'm back to citrate, also learned to not take all 1200 calcium at once, 600 is most body takes in at a time, so divide it morning and night.
EileenH LayneTX
LayneTX EileenH
EileenH LayneTX
LayneTX EileenH
i keep searching internet but only place that says it can be problem w corticosteroids is here in patient.info. So, not to really question you, but... can you point me in direction of this info ither than this sight? Or suggest better search parameters? Or better yet, I'm headed to pharmacist today, I'll ask them and if they say no don't take together then I'll chew them out! Ha, ha.
Thank you.
EileenH LayneTX
Prednisolone-induced Ca2+ malabsorption is caused by diminished expression of the epithelial Ca2+ channel TRPV6.
"...An in vivo 45Ca2+ absorption assay indicated that intestinal Ca2+ absorption was diminished after prednisolone treatment. ... In conclusion, these data suggest that prednisolone reduces the intestinal Ca2+ absorption capacity through diminished duodenal expression of the active Ca2+ transporters TRPV6 and calbindin-D(9K) independent of systemic 1,25(OH)2D3."
And in the merck vet manual it says "Glucocorticoids can increase renal excretion and decrease the intestinal absorption of calcium, causing depletion of calcium stores." - same applies here for all mammals.
So taking them 2-3 hours apart reduces that effect in the intestine. I think I remember seeing somewhere that they bind in the gut - so the effect may be reciprocal(I don't know). But the pred definitely reduces the absorption of calcium from the gut.
nick67069 judy93591
EileenH judy93591
A lot of people find that yoghurt helps avoid it and so can taking your tablets in the middle of a meal - eat half, take the pred, eat the rest of the meal, so the pills are "wrapped up". Pred can also cause blurry vision if it comes to that.
Having a "normal" biopsy doesn't mean it isn't GCA, it just means they didn't find any giant cells in the piece of sample they had to look at. Someone mentions it must be done before or very soon after starting pred - even done immediately, without any pred, only about half are positive. GCA is really a clinical diagnosis, the TAB is 100% confirmation that it is GCA WHEN it is positive but it isnt reliable.
pat73046 EileenH
judy93591 pat73046
judy93591 EileenH
judy93591 EileenH
EileenH judy93591
EileenH judy93591
pat73046 judy93591
EileenH pat73046
PMR is more common in communities with a lot of Scandinavian ancestry. It is very common in Minnesota for example, especially Olmsted County where a lot of research was done on PMR.
judy93591 EileenH
Pat, I am a country girl, too. I am German, Scotch,and Irish. Quite a mix! I get SO TIRED of each issue when it seems like on an upward swing. Oh, well!, try to stay positive, even if hard at times. To others on the forum, I am very thankful for all your sharing, and comments on all the questions I have asked!
LayneTX EileenH
i joined one on Facebook, but it doesn't really inform you of new topics so I don't really go there either.
Plus these European folks are so darn funny and cute!
EileenH LayneTX
It wasn't meant to be the bad tempered looking one... :-P
LayneTX EileenH
Hope it wasn't a Freudian slip! Ha, ha, ha... See I can't find the laughing emoticon!
judy93591 LayneTX
EileenH judy93591
Silver49 EileenH
EileenH Silver49
Been really weird the last few weeks though. I was feeling "strange" all morning so started checking my BP and, right enough, it was spiking high. I went to the GP and she said to go back to the full dose of Losartan I was on originally but which was halved because my BP was low in the mornings. So far so good for months - but since early January I have felt awful in the mornings, but do feel better as the day goes on. From one day to the next I went from being able to walk around the village no bother to struggling to get up the first slope! Out of breath, wobbly legs. The PMR symptoms were beginning to reappear too so we thought it was a flare - still do but we suspect an underlying infection.
She sent me to have a 24 hour BP Holter and I got the print out yesterday - very interesting reading! My BP is silly low overnight (well under 100/70 and as low as 81/50) but went up to more like 140/80 after I get up in the morning about 9am until lunchtime when it goes back to a more normal 120/80-ish. And one 67/49 with a pulse of 38 at 11am where I know exactly what I was doing and how I felt - we'd just come out of the nice warm baker's where we'd been queuing for a few minutes wearing outdoors clothes for cold weather and then stood and waited until it stopped measuring.
This Tuesday I felt awful - with really bad sacroiliac pain. The GP rang the head of medicine at the hospital who has a special interest in GCA as well on the grounds that would cover all bases. Saw him yesterday and sent for bloods for other rheuma stuff and BNP, an indicator of heart failure just in case. Chest x-ray and ECG. Another appointment Monday morning.
And today I feel much better, not fluey, which I still did on Tuesday or I wouldn't have gone to see her. Walked round the village and felt OK - not outstanding but not like last week. I've done nothing all week - other than sitting at the computer and reading the papers... So - was it an infection that has hung around and I didn't wait long enough? I had had abx because of a ?UTI and for 5 days felt great but then it came back again. Bizarre!!!!!
LayneTX EileenH
ha, wanted to send smilie with a kiss, but that might seem weird from someone you don't really know
EileenH LayneTX
I have the result for the BNP - appears to be fine for my age so I'm not verging on heart failure yet
My CRP is at its usual level - <0.5 mg/dl. so the only raised acute phase reactant is ferritin which i never had measured before so have no idea if that is "normal" for me. and cholesterol - which probably means a discussion about statins...
i'm looking forward to meeting some "forum friends" when we are over in canada on holiday this summer. i met a lot of uk people when i happened to be in the right place at the right time a couple of years ago - we had a great time. mg/dl.="" so="" the="" only="" raised="" acute="" phase="" reactant="" is="" ferritin="" which="" i="" never="" had="" measured="" before="" so="" have="" no="" idea="" if="" that="" is="" "normal"="" for="" me.="" and="" cholesterol="" -="" which="" probably="" means="" a="" discussion="" about="" statins...="" i'm="" looking="" forward="" to="" meeting="" some="" "forum="" friends"="" when="" we="" are="" over="" in="" canada="" on="" holiday="" this="" summer.="" i="" met="" a="" lot="" of="" uk="" people="" when="" i="" happened="" to="" be="" in="" the="" right="" place="" at="" the="" right="" time="" a="" couple="" of="" years="" ago="" -="" we="" had="" a="" great="">0.5 mg/dl. so the only raised acute phase reactant is ferritin which i never had measured before so have no idea if that is "normal" for me. and cholesterol - which probably means a discussion about statins...
i'm looking forward to meeting some "forum friends" when we are over in canada on holiday this summer. i met a lot of uk people when i happened to be in the right place at the right time a couple of years ago - we had a great time.>
Silver49 EileenH
EileenH Silver49
Silver49 EileenH
EileenH Silver49
Coughs and night sweats make me very twitchy - it was just the virus? Are you all sure?
Silver49 EileenH
LayneTX Silver49
Eileen, what at area of Canada do y'all vacation to?
I've been to western side many times back when I was dong ironman triathlons. Such gorgeous country! Calgary to Pentictin to Vancouver, in August when the roadside fruit stands were rampant!
EileenH LayneTX
We have a meeting in Chicago in mid-July so beforehand we are flying to Chicago early and on to Calgary, have a bus tour down to Vancouver and then a cruise up to the Hubbard Glacier and back to Vancouver before heading back to the meeting. I will be in Vancouver for a couple of days in May as well when I attend a rheumatology conference in Whistler as a patient research partner. See what I suffer for the sake of PMR...
LayneTX EileenH
I hope Lake Louise is on your tour, near Banff, another wonderful spot.
I'm so excited for y'all. sounds like a good reward for the good of PMR suffering...ha, much better without the symptoms of course!