
Posted , 10 users are following.

Hello everyone, am I the only one hating this heatwave ?  Making me feel even sicker and zapping away the tiny little bit of energy I had. Am I boring in wishing and longing for winter the only time in the seasons I actually enjoy. I used to love the summer but now I just can't stand it.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Someone posted a similar question a few hours ago, and yes everyone's feeling miserable with the heatwave.

  • Posted

    I am right there with you Lou!!!!  Fall, Winter and Spring, I love...Summer, I just can't stand it either!!  I swear I think I could live in Antarctica, and be very comfy!!  LOL 


    • Posted

      That is funny, i keep telling my hubby that i want to move to Antarctica. Its the onl place cool enough. Lol
    • Posted

      Ha ha yes - when I win the lottery im moving to Iceland - dark and cold that'll suit me fine ! Never mind soon be ChrIstmas !

    • Posted

      LOL  And I thought I was the only one!  At least we will have company!  We will make lovely neighbors!!  lol

    • Posted

      Well, in that case packing my bags, see ya there! LOL x
  • Posted

    Yes not finding it good . Used to love hot weather . Getting over a heavy period and a bad migraine , my heads still aching . I have felt so sick with it , so don't know if it's the heat making it feel worse . Sweating so much again last night , it's like when you have the flu and your clothes are all stuck to you . Is this normal ? Just want to be rid of all these things and be 100% fit again . Hugs to everyone

    • Posted

      Hi Jane, I sympathise with you as I get terrible migraines aswell - I have the nausea and vomiting and it goes on for days sometimes a week, it's terrible and leaves you so washed out afterwards. Yes the heat DEFINATLEY makes things so much worse and can trigger the migraines too. I wish it would rain and be fresh with clear air. I'm just recovering from yet another horrific head and it was so bad it's left my neck crunching I can hear it in my head - were all in this together x

    • Posted

      Totally emphathise with you Lou... Migraines a curse ???? and the neck pain and stiffness, nightmare

      I felt more dizzy/off balance than normal yesterday but had a determined streak in me that it wasn't going to beat me so I managed to get out walking etc

      Got up this morning was sitting eating breakfast with my little cushion supporting my head, I moved my head and felt really dizzy & sick then nausea and panic, I don't have the same resolve today and it's driving me crazy wish I could get rid of the fear of this

      I also can't stand the heat today, I live in Scotland so not really used to this lol

      Hope you can feel a bit better I really feel for you suffering those migraines

      Love X


    • Posted

      Hi Brenda I feel for you too it really is so horrible. The neck thing is new to me and scares me which sends the anxiety through the roof even more. I go through so many sumatriptans my useless doctor is only allowing me six a month whereas ive been taking one almost every day just to get some relief. Ive got a blood test tomorrow to recheck thyroid and arthritis aswell as joints are so stiff. I have the nausea aswell like you, most mornings I wake up feeling really really sick - I get panics aswell like you so I know what you're going through. Xx

    • Posted

      Same here, Jane, at least partly - getting over heavy period, can't walk outside without turning into a sweat puddle and clothes stick to me in seconds... would love to be 100% fit again!  I hope your migraine is gone soon.  I also used to love summer, but not anymore!  Take care.

  • Posted

    Is it normal to still feel rough ? This is my third day after starting my migraine and still feel sick and like I've been run over by a bus . My legs ache as well . Am I just being a hypochondriac ?

    • Posted

      yes jane as a child I suffered terribly with migraine I was taken to my bed for 48 hours and I was drained for a couple of days  when i was about 14 they stopped but was told I would get them back when i reached the menopause well i have started the menopause  and touch wood as yet i havent had one, but yes its normal 
    • Posted

      Hi Jane, yes completley normal sometimes mine last a week and then I have the post dome feeling for a further few days, feeling like ive been kicked by a horse , everything aches. It really does take its toll on you and leaves us totally exhausted . Mine have DEFINATLEY got worse x

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