Heaven ~ Hell ~ where does purgatory fit in?
Posted , 6 users are following.
We've discussed in quite detail about that "afterlife" and I'd like to go back and forth if you will join me. I have a puzzling question that's been with me since as far back as I can recall.
If some say there is a heaven and a hell, are we in purgatory?
5 likes, 256 replies
peter_a frustrated61
georgeGG peter_a
steve_1 peter_a
peter_a steve_1
peter_a georgeGG
georgeGG peter_a
peter_a georgeGG
georgeGG peter_a
Thank you.
steve_1 peter_a
I'm not saying you are right or wrong in your assertions but, one person who had an experience, being of the Islamic faith swears he met Abraham and Jesus was not in the picture anywhere.
georgeGG peter_a
jessie51 georgeGG
We all read what others have written in differing ways, at times we have to re-read a couple of times to get it clear I see that last post from Peter as an after thought - he broke his train of thought to reply to you and the question you asked, possible looked through his full reply and then decided to add an aside - - - - - - - I can't say for sure, but have read and re-read, and have to say here , I do have trouble following the replies as I have mentioned to you before, but I really do think that it may be the case that no one has actually said anything , Peter was just adding another thought.
If I got this all wrong and missed something, pardon me for butting in.
georgeGG jessie51
jessie51 georgeGG
georgeGG jessie51
I fear frustrated is having a bad day. She is so bright and vigorous on the forum that it is easy to forget that she is in as much affliction as the rest of us, probably more. Frustrated will be back and catch up with what she has missed to our help and to our amusement.
marey peter_a
Was the purpose of the invitation to go back to the hospital for you to offer an account? Was it a meeting with others ? Was there anyone there with a special interest in out of body experiences? Which members of staff attended on you then?
frustrated61 peter_a
This must be the reason I don't give credence to "satan". I don't even acknowledge any strength from him. My strenght is with my God and my God is light. I've experienced both. I know believe my guardians are guiding me. I also have proof of this. Will elaborate if you would like to hear. Most probably not in this discussion but rather in a message to your email as some aren't even thinking on the level you've spoken of. I'm striving to be here on earth for the last time. I may just have it all wrong.
I NOW believe my guardians are guiding me. Many more mistakes but this one I felt needed correcting.
frustrated61 georgeGG
frustrated61 peter_a
To reference Doc's about the adverse effects he had on steroid treatment. He could have clearly reacted badly due to the fact that some DO react badly. My husband does not have addisons but he clearly cannot tolerate steroids as he goes into a psychotic reaction. just sayin' Frustrated
frustrated61 peter_a
So, please speak freely and don't feel you're being judged. None of us have the authority to JUDGE. right?
frustrated61 georgeGG
frustrated61 jessie51
I do believe everyone has said something. The problem of not being able to follow "replies" is because even if you directly reply to that ones post, it doesn't fall directly under that particular post. This is a fault of this site. I have taken so much time going up and down trying to find out which one said this and why and why this one replied and to whom.
Perhaps we should just keep in mind that the site has weakness' as well and when we do reply, maybe start out with that simple rule we were given in Language Arts/English classes and that's to state the question before answering, would that possibly help? I know it would help me!
frustrated61 georgeGG
Jesse ~ I Doc, knows me oh, too well! I will not ever sit quietly if something needs to be said LOL. I've had a rough few days and hopefully they are a memory.
But taking a vow of silence isn't such a bad thing, is it? It's how we learn our best. Just how I'm thinking, anyway.
I appreciate everyones input in here as it not only teaches me under a new direction but hopefully opens doors to others that may have slammed them shut otherwise.
peter_a georgeGG
peter_a frustrated61
Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service .
peter_a frustrated61
georgeGG frustrated61
I stopped all the pills the next day (OK, I had taken today's handn't I) including the Professor's and very gradually I recovered. So today here I am up to my neck in trouble, But I would rather be here than suffer prednisolone poisoning any day. I am glad frustrated's husband has a more sensible doctor than had back then.
georgeGG peter_a
marey georgeGG
frustrated61 peter_a
Feel free if you find a need, to message me in on my email. However, if you think this forum could also join in and share with what you have to say, that would be awesome! I think this topic can be helpful with some who are at the edge and not knowing how to approach one side or the other.
I do want to stress that each of us have experienced things in different ways. When one states that they have actually "been there" it's not a reason to challenge. I find it more interesting to pull more information out of that person as I truly believe if they've experienced something such as "seeing the light" or "hovering above while in the operating room", how very interesting it is to hear of their great resume (if you will) into the "afterlife".
Keep talking, this is fascinating
frustrated61 georgeGG
I know you are suffering with your affliction and I am praying that you can conquer this!
Frustrated Xx
frustrated61 peter_a
Thank you for your acknowledgement! Let's continue with the experiences we've either had with the "afterlife" or opinions on the subject at hand, "purgatory".
Anyone else have an experience with "afterlife"? Has anyone changed their position as far as "purgatory" is concerned?
frustrated61 georgeGG
I know you are suffering with your affliction and I am praying that you can conquer this!
Frustrated Xx
georgeGG marey