Heavy bleeding with clots

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Hi everyone, this is my first post. I’m 42 and for the last couple of years on/off have been having symptoms of peri menopause. I’ve had hot flushes but not regular. But the biggest things is the heavy bleeding, for the last few months it’s been 2 weeks and sometimes with clots. Does anyone else have this? 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Hayley what your describing are tell tale signs your coming to the end of periods, my mother stopped completely at 42, I'm 47 and having irregular periods sometimes every 2 weeks, had a really heavy period this month for 1 day, then it stopped all very weird bit normal I guess x

    • Posted

      Oh I do hope so, if it’s coming towards the end then I’m very grateful. I was thinking this was the start of a very long process! thank you for your reply and fingers crossed it won’t last long x
  • Posted

    Clotting usually means you have a reduction in progesterone production. It’s quite common in the early stages. Some women find that a 14 day round of progesterone on the second half of the cycle helps. 
    • Posted

      I started using it last month and so far so good. I think it’s working!! My period slowed down to just spotting after a few days (after 2 months of a very heavy & clotting period). I came on a few days early this month but it’s been very light, almost nothing but I couldn’t completely trust it. I’m starting the cream again (as per instructions) fingers crossed it’s  working! I’m also so much more like my normal self, not many mood swings and hardly any brain fog but that could be down to other vitamins I’m taking.

      Thank you so much for the recommendation xx 

    • Posted

      Hi hayley27223,

      Can I just ask what progesterone cream are you using? Since last replying on here, things got worse for me and I ended up in an ambulance and then A&E after a super heavy bleed. I'd been bleeding non stop for 3.5 months on the progesterone only pill but the Dr at the hospital told me to stop it and prescribed norethisterone instead! Heaven! It gave me nearly 2 full clear weeks but I now need to stop it to have a bleed and I'm dreading it and scared to leave the house.

      Have seen people take it for longer periods to thin the lining but GP is reluctant so I was thinking of looking into the cream while waiting for yet another referral.

      Thanks in advance

    • Posted

      Oh wow, that doesn’t sound good!! 

      It’s Biovea natural progesterone cream, it’s from the US but it only took about 5 days to be delivered to me (UK). I’m hoping it’s my miracle cure, so far so good!! Read up on the reviews. Hope you find something (maybe this) that helps you xx 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the speedy reply. Will research it tonight. I think I want a hysterectomy now as I've had enough. First it stopped me from exercising and now I can't work as I am a teacher and never know when the next episode is going to be. Hopefully they will get regular again now I've stopped the stupid mini pill.

      Thanks again x

    • Posted

      Oh please give this ago first. I’ve been having heavier and heavier periods for the last few months, probably since the beginning of the year but my period before this one I started about the 21st of April and had clots soo big it scared the life out of me (I was reassured by the ladies here that it’s all normal and part of this s**t called peri)  I couldn’t believe the amount of blood that came out of me for almost 2 months, I started iron tablets, magnesium and this cream and I’m finally starting to feel normal again xx 
    • Posted

      Thank you. Yes the clots and never entering bleeding are so scary. That's why I called 111. I started bleeding at work, had to leave me class and was in the loo for ages. A friend drive me home and just about managed 10 mins in the car, scared to move. Had to wear tena ladies maxi night and was passing clots probably the size of my fist. Called surgery at 10.30 and they told me to either get there at 4pm or drive myself to a&e! My friend made me call 111. Heart rate was through the roof and my breathing wasn't right due to the huge loss. Two weeks later and I am only starting to feel normal but still really weak and get out of breath going up the stairs. This time last year I was ready to run my first half marathon...

      Thanks again for the tip and hope yours stay nice and light x

    • Posted

      * never ending, predictive text!
    • Posted

      Omg so sorry, full of typos as screen was covered in adds, sorry!!
  • Posted

    Hi, Hayley,

    I'm 47 and have been in peri for 5 years now.  My periods used to be like clockwork, but over the last few years they have gotten further apart and sometimes I'll go 45 - 90 days without a period.  When I do get my period (dealing with a wicked one right now), I get hot flashes, cramps, dizziness, prolonged heavy bleeding and flooding (sometimes with clots), and a lot of other common symptoms that seem to accompany the wild hormone imbalance.  My doctor has assured me that this is a very normal process.  She prescribed bioidentical hormones for me, but I have been reluctant to take because I was afraid they might make me feel worse.  I have, however, been taking adrenal supplements, magnesium and iron as part of a regular regimen to help me through.  This does seem to help a bit.  I did have a course of IV iron infusions late last year after a particularly heavy period and that also seemed to help.  My doctor is a natural wellness physician and she believes strongly that these symptoms can be managed via a more natural route.  

    What you are experiencing is very common in peri.  I understand your frustration.  I don't feel like myself much of the time and have to be mindful that this will pass (hopefully soon)!  

    I wish you good health and peaceful thoughts!  Please keep me posted on how you're doing.  Big hugs--Sarah

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah, thank you for your reply. I was the same re clock work period so it’s awful not knowing what’s going on! I’ve just started taking iron tablets as I’ve read that really helps but it’s early days so fingers crossed, I’ve got some magnesium so I’ll add them to my list to take. 

      I wish you well too xx 

  • Posted

    Hi Hayley,

    I'm new to the group too and have had symptoms just like you which are just pants! Yes my periods have been the same with spotting in between too which my Dr is aware of but as my blood tests came back normal, I'm stuck in limbo, but going to see her again. Hope this helps.

    Take care ?

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa, what bleeding problems and how old are you, I have been having a few issues lately and my blood test came back normal for hormones, if you don't mind could you tell me more about your symptoms, I am getting myself in a right state, thanks 

      sherry xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Sherry,

      I am 45 and my periods are early but often late then they are heavy with clots for about a week, after that usually third week of my cycle I spot. My blood tests were all normal too. So I'm in the process of trying to book an appointment with my Dr agai.

      Take care ?

    • Posted

      You sound exactly like me, we are the same age with the same issues, it's so reassuring to find someone with the same problems, the only problem is I have severe health anxiety, so I think everything is the worst possible outcome, hopefully we can reassure one an other xxxx

    • Posted

      Hello Sherry,

      Bless your heart sorry for the late reply. I've been very anxious of late which I've not suffered from before so I know what you mean and yes we can reassure each other. I think this forum is a good thing too.

      Take care lovely ?

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