Heavy Drowsiness
Posted , 18 users are following.
Have any of you experienced feeling extremely drowsy all of a sudden and also with a fuzzy-headed feeling like you going to pass out. Like you were drifting away? So weird!
2 likes, 39 replies
Posted , 18 users are following.
Have any of you experienced feeling extremely drowsy all of a sudden and also with a fuzzy-headed feeling like you going to pass out. Like you were drifting away? So weird!
2 likes, 39 replies
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val50972 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 val50972
annieschaefer sharcerv52408
Yes, it hits me like clockwork around 3 pm EST. On the days I am working, I usually get a coffee around 2 pm to help me ride through it, but the brain still gets a bit foggy. Add this to the "gee I hope this passes soon!" list!
Haven't gotten the actual feeling like I was going to pass out, other than when I might not have eaten properly in the am and I suspect my sugar (not diabetic) is dropping.
Very odd feelings at times. Looking forward to many of these issues being a thing of the past!
Annie xx
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
annieschaefer sharcerv52408
Annie xx
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
val50972 annieschaefer
annieschaefer val50972
Annie xx
deborah73991 val50972
I seem to have good days/bad days, good week/bad weeks, very frustrating. So pleased to have found this forum as i can now see people are going through the same things or at least similar. I was anxious it was something other than the menopause.
nixnix sharcerv52408
gill00147 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 gill00147
gill00147 sharcerv52408
irene20565 sharcerv52408
I would describe my emotional state as being similar to suffering a bereavement/ loss. I wonder if anyone else feels this way.
Really hope it is all just a passing phase, good luck. Hope you feel better very soon xx
sharcerv52408 irene20565
marlene21102 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 marlene21102
marlene21102 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 marlene21102
annieschaefer irene20565
Wow, that is a perfect way to describe the emotional state at times. Last year, on and off, I did have those feelings similar to bereavement. Couldn't understand it then. I suppose in a way it's a light depression from the hormonal flucuations, mine was peppered with anxiety as well.
As far as losing interest in life, we tend to almost hibernate (many women speak of not wanting to leave the house & etc) and I think that is (at least for me) in part due to not being comfortable in our skin with all the changes happening, again, not being in control. I have even lost interest in quilting and gardening for the time being, as well.
How that so stinks!
I had to go visit my Godmother today as it's been some time that I have been to see her. The old me would have gotten up this morning, showered, primp and zipped out the door and drove over to see her myself.
What did I really do? Ha! Showered, sat and drank some coffee, ate a little bit, did nothing of signifigance and then when my husband came in around noon, WE went there, he drove! How he puts up with me and this nonsense is beyond me! I don't bother him too often, but today was simply one of those days.
Yes.........this is a passing phase, it really is. But I'm incredibly impatient and it's not passing quick enough for my liking! lol!
Do hope you will try the supplement Marlene has mention to help you gain some weight back.
Sending you some hugs! (((())))
Annie xx