Help! Anxiety overload over twitching legs and feet!

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hi ladies, so sorry to post this but this has to be the last straw with my anxiety. I was doing really well til I developed twitching feet and calfs. It's absolutely terrified me as I gave into Google and it brought up ALS/MND. My step mum died of MND at the age of 59 so now I'm terrified. Been crying all morning cos the flipping twitches just won't stop! Anyone else had this who can take a bit of the Google sting away? I truly think I'm losing my mind and I can't bear the thought of yet another trip to the docs. This is horrendous. Fingers crossed it's another peri symptom that I'm getting xxxx

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    All this anxiety isn't helping Stella. That's the trouble with Dr Google you sometimes only read what you want to. Make an appointment on Monday to see your GP. You need someone to put your mind at rest. Your symptoms could be any number of things so leave google alone until you've seen your doctor
    • Posted

      I sooooooo agree, as Dr Google has only got me into more trouble, ANXIETY!!!!  
    • Posted

      I know ladies I'm having the year from hell with it. I wouldn't have given these sensations a second thought any other time. I've promised him indoors that I won't Google anything from now on. The docs are sick of my face as it's been one thing after another this year. I feel like crying at the very thought of having to go back xxx
  • Posted

    Stella have a hug from somebody who completely understands how health worries can spiral, step away from google, it will always make you think you are on your last legs.

    My first random thought would be could you be low on magnesium, do you take supplements? You can buy magnesium salts and use as a foot soak and absorption is through the skin.

    • Posted

      Thank you. Hug much appreciated 😊 I was thinking of magnesium but didn't know they sold salts so I'm off for some in the morning. I want it to go away now. Dr Google is a horrible physician and has diagnosed me with many things this past year but this is the worst. My head is full of rubbish and my body just seems to support it all 😞 xxx
  • Posted

    I've had this, first it was my left eye lid that started twitching, it drove me mad. That stopped and thenlast week like you it was my calf that started. It's been going on for a few days now but it's starting to ease off now. I've also had it in my thumb. When I looked it up it seems it can be as a result of anxiety. 

    My anxiety started last year with a panic attack out of the blue, it defiantly coincides with all my peri symptoms. X


    • Posted

      Mine too. I was ok til last November then everything started to go to hell. Doesn't help that I have a 3 year old who I'm terrified of losing ( by that read m dying). Being an older mum has been hell for me because of these fears. All I want is a little bit of normality to come back into my life. This is so depressing xx
  • Posted

    Advice from an old timer and Meno ,don't google ,I've never done it ,you can read into all sorts of meno issues ,which is nothing to do with meno at all ,why scare yourself .

      Jay on meno came up with a meno list 66 symptoms now that's well worth a look at ,get a look at the Vits B 6 B12 ,and few others ,but do stop the googling .read what women on this site say .good advice they've walked the walk,and continue to do so .

      So your not on your own ever ,all roughly had same troubles one way or another .


    • Posted

      Thanks Marlene. Good advice. I only googled cos my face had Ben numb for a few days, then it brought up Ms, then als, then the next day I noticed the twitches. If I'd just left it I would have put it down to sore feet and ignored it, now look at me, a complete basket case. Silly silly woman I am xx
    • Posted

      No you far from silly believe me ,it makes you feel a basket case ,hormones doing it ,because you can't get back to you and how you were .Not a day passes I don't wish for the old me back My husband gets these twitches ,yes it's men's testosterone levels going up and down .Some evening he gets it really bad fidget like you wouldn't believe for a fella ,go to bed up he gets with it .So they don't get off Scot free .there is a Vit you can get to help it Stella .Again hope Jay will be on site ,she will know what you want for it . magnesium rings a bell or potassium .49 yrs you've got my sympathy ,my daughter just coming into it all now .tell her what I know to the meno .when she gets a symptom of it .What mums do .try walking those twitches out ,husband does ,he hates them with avengeance Stella .xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Marlene 😃

      Solgar Chelated Magnesium 400mg is what i take before bed..

      Solgar Chelated magnesium and doesnt upset the stomach .

      ( Citrate and Oxide acts like a laxative and can make you run to the loo in the morning) 

      Consuming large amounts of magnesium has been shown to help prevent high blood pressure. Magnesium glycinate supplements can help reduce hypertension in individuals struggling with high blood pressure.

      Symptoms of Menopause

      Magnesium deficiency in menopausal women can cause a variety of negative health effects.

      Without enough magnesium, a woman may develop heart, metabolic and bone problems.

      A magnesium glycinate supplement can help correct a magnesium deficiency.

      Magnesium may help women in the early stages of menopause even if they are not deficient.

      Magnesium glycinate can help relieve the hot flashes that are often an extremely uncomfortable symptom of menopause.

      Cholesterol and Metabolism

      Magnesium glycinate benefits individuals with high cholesterol.

      Magnesium glycinate can help increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

      Magnesium glycinate also can help prevent metabolic disorders in individuals with a magnesium deficiency and aid in the absorption of calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

      Sleep Quality

      Individuals with a magnesium deficiency may have problems with insomnia. This is amplified by surgical procedures.

      Magnesium glycinate can help individuals achieve a more restful sleep. It also can help relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome that make it extremely difficult to sleep.


    • Posted

      Solgar Chelated Magnesium 400mg 


      Magnesium (as bisglycinate)

      jay x


    • Posted

      Jay you've done it again ,hope that's answer for Stella a ,I know it is . 

        Going to get some ,get old fella whose on statins to take them to ,he takes the D 3 ,cod liver oil and Vit C along with statin .what I put up he takes on Vits ,only what I read on your findings .never had fidget legs myself just the itchy arms ,my girl gets the itchy arms also .Some one with tinnitus takes magnesium ,think that was for insomnia . Will get some in Jay . Have you heard from Dottie at all ? Saw Travis on think yesterday and Taz Glad all okay with you and dogs .xx

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene 

      Solgar Chelate Magnesium 400mg good for many things ..

      and ringing in the ears apparently.

      yes i havent had fidgety legs .. only itchy crawly, crampy parts 😒

      jay x


    • Posted

      Hey dears!  Greetings! Hope you are doing well.  😍 I am still kickin! I am 48 and still premenopausal and wondering if I am taking enough?  I take multi vitamin, B6 and B12, I excercise daily augghh and don't drink nor smoke and feel okay.  I should just keep doing what I am doing or I should have the blood test to see if my body is lacking anything? 😍😘
    • Posted

      Hi Dottie 

      nice to hear from you..😄

      i take umpteem vits etc ..

      Maca 5.1 capsules

      Menapol plus x. 2

      kelp 1000mg for thyroid health

      Vit E 400iu

      Acidophilus pro biotic

      Chelated Magnesium 400mg

      150mg B6

      B12 injections 

      Vit C & Rosehip

      150mg Vit B1

      Natecal ( Calcium & D3 ) in one 

      i rattle 

      but feel good most of the time 😃

      still get a blip day

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Dottie where you been hiding yourself ,though you'd done runner with a toy boy .Hee Hee .Glad your okay that's good news .yea we keep the Vits up ,better than nothing .gives us bit of a fighting chance . 

        Think in meno they should do annual blood checks as routine,then anything lacking you can get a top up ,Maybe there would be less meno probs all round . They'd say it lack of money to be able to do it ,but can find money for any wars etc  hey no surprise there. Only us females who keep society going ,and keep the countries in future tax payers .My weekend hormone paddy over .Glad your still popping in to getting us up on the Smlilies ,don't know how to put one up still .xxxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay you will be able to rattle in Moroccan style for the xmas season.  🎵🎵💃💃

      Your blood test indicated you were low on these vitamins?  I had a blood test and she said everything was fine but I forget what was checked because nobody thought I was going through this premenopause.  They checked for everything cause I thought I was going down. 😖 I will have a thorough vitamin check soon.  Every year I pig out on Halloween candy but this year I noticed that the chocolate is sticking to my hips.  Not impressed.  This is not fun at all waaaaaa 😷😂 Take care dears xo

    • Posted

      Hi Jay! How are things? What is B1 good for? Right now I take a multivitamin, b6, b12, a probiotic. Should I take a B complex vitamin too?
    • Posted

      Hiya Marlene.  😎 I will never tell heehee I have been eating Halloween candy heehee soooo good til the next day it sticks.  The B vitamins are great.  I was a couple hours late taking them and here the damn vertigo came back and was barfing all day.  Otherwise I am surviving. 💐💐

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