Help, How too get through Panic and Anxiety Symptoms
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My panic and anxiety is through the roof the symptoms are horrible!!!! Please help how the heck do you contiune to deal with these without meds. I take nothing and trying to work through this but its been horrible for 4 weeks straight all through the day at least MOST of it! Plus all the other crazy scary meno symptoms! I dont have support or friend can I private my cell phone number to anyone that can be of support or dealing with same things. I'm alone except for my autistic son and special needs daughter!
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sophie76397 Guest
I'm so sorry you are going through this - it sounds as though you have enough on your plate. I suggest you go and talk to your doctor - anxiety and panic attacks are a symptom but get it checked out - you will feel a lot better for seeing your doctor no matter how hopeless and unhelpful they can be at times. They just don't understand the symptoms hence lots of us venting on this blog which is so helpful and reassuring. I've had the panic attacks but the anxiety has been truly awful visiting the doctor every two weeks for about two years - I can't tell you how awful it was. I just kept seeing the doctor and got tested to the hilt - I refused to take anything - they offered HRT and anti deps - didn't want any of it for various reasons. On the upside this year has been entirely different because I haven't had a period now since the beginning of January - the anxiety has simply gone and I seem to be able to think rationally for a change - I'm certain I'll get another period but at the mo I seem to be fine and normal - the first time in about two years - I don't know if this is helpful but I am really feeling for you. I have chosen to take nothing - that's the way I am but maybe someone on here maybe able to suggest something you can take - let us know how you get on and best of luck to you. It's horrid not having any support. You need a good friend or find a good doctor x
anetta94863 sophie76397
Mars777 Guest
Guest Mars777
I can't take hrt drives my already high blood pressure sky hi. they won't give it, Scared to take panic and anxiety meds afraid it will make it even worse plus I have to be alert not like a zombie. BUT I'm at my wits end with this see I have low blood sugar and these symptoms are a lot alike and I'm eating myself to death because I'm afraid my sugar will drop so low like before where I am unable to feed myself!
Mars777 Guest
Have you talked through this blood pressure issue with your Dr ? I take 3 blood pressure Tabs which brings it down very well. Ive been taking them for years now plus my HRT i take, honestly the sweats & anxiety together is just awful i don't know how you are coping ?
Guest Mars777
Guest Guest
I was afraid to try any meds as well, and I'm very sensitive to meds which makes it worse. BUT, when you are this bad you need to do what you have to to be able to function. Anti anxiety meds will not make you feel like a zombie. I was so scared to take klonopin, I only took a half, (for bad neck pain) and then I took the other half at the urging of my friends. We were playing canasta and I was worried that it would knock me out. I ended up feeling better and played better than I ever had, I was relaxed and happy.
Not a zombie at all. The only thing you have to worry about with anti anxiety meds is the possiblity of addiction, so you won't want to take it for a long duration, but if you are as bad as you say you are, I would not hestitate to take it so you can function again.
Mars777 Guest
I had to take blood pressure tabs as it was very high started on 1 tab now on 3 but its controlled now Drs are very happy with me. To be honest without HRT my symptoms are awful. I get the Anxiety when i'm not on HRT, some people take antidepressants. Its up to you as an individual? I said to my Dr i know they are working for me the HRT as feel so much better
Guest Mars777
I just seen my online doctor he said that he does NOT like patients on HRT. I told him everything. He says Lexapro sp? would help with the hot flashes and all the panic and anxiety that i'm having and can barely make it through the day! . ANYONE on the list taking this? He is sending me a app for cognitive stuff called companion sp? he said would hep. He said he was NOT worried about the blood pressure he said monitor it at home but he said that he had patients with blood pressur 250/140 and said that it would have to be high like that for many many years to do any damage to the heart. He's calling in the Lexapro and bactrim for my DD. BUT I'm so scare to take it I'm wrestling with it. I told him I didnt want anything long term but he said this would be the best for all i'm suffering. PLEASE someone on this here please let me know what you think please. He spent a long time seeing me online through viideo and looked things up read them to me and looked up what helps with menopause. He is an older MD for adult medicine and such. I barely could getb through it I was in tears before I could finish seeing him. He said you have trouble going out anywhere and I said I do NOT go anywhere been homebound a long time due to these attacks.
Guest Guest
Guest Guest
Lexapro is an antidepressant and Bactrim is an antibiotic. If you are suffereing with anxiety and panic I don't see how either of these will help you. If you don't want to take an anti anxiety like Valium or klonopin I'd suggest trying meditation, there's a good site online that will help, yoga breathing, and research vitamins and supplements that are calming, like Mary suggested with the magnesium.
anetta94863 Guest
Guest Guest
I had very bad health anxiety when all my crazy symptoms appeared this year. I couldn't sleep and spent countless hours googling and going to doctors for tests. It's so hard when you feel so awful and doctors tell you there is nothing wrong. I had a prescription for Valium, I really hesitated taking it because my mother has been addicted to it for 40 something years. But I got so bad I started taking one at night to help with sleep and upper back pain. I was desperate. I never took it during the day because I felt like I'd be too drowsy. Later on the doc gave me klonopin instead. I've only taken a few of those because now I take natural oral progesterone to help with sleep. But I did take that klonopin the one evening, playing cards, and I wasn't drowsy at all, I felt pretty good actually. I felt that taking Valium at night made me kind of spacey in the morning, but the klonopin was good. Seriously, if I had full blown anxiety like you say you have, and you can't function or leave the house because of it, I'd say it's worth it. And that's coming from me who is totally drug phobic. I now have more compassion towards my mother too, you never know what it's like until you walk it the shoes of that person!
I'm now taking bioidentical hormones, week 5, the progesterone is calming but I still have the occasional tight stomach and shakes. I keep the klonopin handy just in case. I had acupuncture this morning for my frozen shoulder and the doc said it's going to be a while for my neurotransmitters in my brain to let go and start accepting the hormones, he thinks I still have anxiety even though I thought I didn't. He said he could just tell by looking at me. This meno thing just rots, I want Ro be 30 again please!!!!
Guest Guest
The antibotic is for my diverticulsis. The Lexpro he said is for panic and anxiety if NOT then I'm not taking it. I ask for something to calm the nerves and the attacks and he stuck with the lexapro. Maybe I should see a different doctor. I do take Magnesium two a day that has b6 in it.
Guest Guest
All I know is Lexapro is def an antidepressant. I think it might help elevate seratonin levels??? And yes, doctors do prescribe this for women going thru peri. I'm not sure why though. I guess I don't know enough about it, so not sure if it would help with anxiety and panic. Seems to me the best thing for severe anxiety are benzo meds like Ativan, Valium, klonopin. Or natural route, like meditation. There are online anxiety counselors as well which might help if you don't want to leave the house.
How old are you? Are you just starting with perimeno?
Guest Guest
maria_03422 Guest
Alcohol made things worst for me regards to anxiety and palpitations. Try for a month to take vitamins (D,Magnesium, Multi) also make some time for a little walk even if it's 15 minutes a day, I was so scared to do it in case something happen to me now I'm up to 45-60 minutes a day..and try to cut caffeine and sugars, for your low sugar have fruit or bread. My husband is diabetic, believe me, bread brings his sugar to the moon. At night have a cup of chamomile tea it really will calm you and you sleep good.
You are at the right place, a year ago I was so lost and alone till I found these ladies here
everytime I would cry and anxious I will get on this site alone I would read all the comments alonendnd everyone's struggles and success and start feeling better.
bumblebee85 Guest
When I was suffering with anxiety and panic attacks I took lavender oil capsules. They helped take the edge off without side effects or fear of addiction .
Guest maria_03422
Does chamomile tea help with rest and calmness? I deleveloped really bad low blood sugar through my pregnanices and it never went away. My hormones drops it and so all day long I eat when my body gets these weird feelings and the nervouness and I eat (have gained tons of weight out of fear) because one time when my husband was alive and I wass not pregnant my sugar suddenly dropped so low I could not feed myself even my jaws was shaking so now out of fear and this menopause bomb on me confuses me with the low blood sugar symptoms and I go into 100% panic mold and eat and go into attacks if I dont have plates of food already fixed because I'm afraid it will drop so low I wouldnt beable to eat it . I'm trying to get out of this viscious cycle but need help support I'm SICK and tired of the horrible weight gain and eating around the clock every hours out of FEAR! I keep food at my bed, at my desk at the table everywhere! I'm trying my best to do better but during the day when these hormonal symptoms hit which has been 4 weeks straight with no let up. I would appreciate any and all advice and support until I can get this demon under control! I guess noone on here can relate to this but trust me it's horrible and keeps me in tears and every nervommess I feel the scary feeling in the chest the weakness in legs and feeling like you will go into convulsion or just flip out. Then worst part is I keep eating until the symtoms go away making me sick! I just turned 60 and my last period was June 2016. I need help on like how to deal with these symptoms , how often to eat , I can't even make 3 hours! I need someone that has any wisdom and maybe experince that can make a kinda like meal plan or how much how often. Right now I am a mess and havent left the house the attacks are too bad. For myself and my two children I got to get a grip on this. Thats why I am asking for advice, support and such until I can get this thing under control. Other than you ladies I have basically no one to talk to. When my husband was alive he was my huge support we even walked a lot and I was making 3 to 5 miles a day but that was years ago and he's gone now. Everyday task is hard since this full pledge meno hit. Can anyone at all relate?
maria_03422 Guest
I'm so sorry!!! Fir your sugar you don't have to have tons of food you can just have a piece a candy when you feel your sugar is low..chamomile tea helps me to sleep also.. you can do it little each day
it's horrible I know but you got us here
Guest maria_03422
Mars777 Guest
Azzumi Guest
Hi crosado...I have to wonder if a high amount of sugar and carbohydrates isn't making things a lot worse. Its very hard to know but maybe a small amount of lean protein and some vegetables every few hours might be another way to look at the blood sugar problem. If you are getting crazy spikes then massive lows in your blood sugars it can cause all sorts of horrible feelings. Also I found a really good councilor not long ago so I could go through the things that I couldn't deal with. There's nothing wrong with asking for help sometimes.
Guest Azzumi
Is there a good online counselor? Right now theres no way I can go out and drive panic and anxiety way to high. I eat a lot of yogurt it does have sugar in it and orange juice and grape juice and peanutbutter sandwhiches and cottage cheese boiled eggs but not everyday on the eggs. lots of beans pinto and baked beans , sweet potatoe and bake potatoe, gatoradie and 4 bottles of water which are 16.9 ounces. choclate pudding. chicken and beef BUT not meat everyday. Lately been SO bad I grabbed recesss cup and jelly roll coated in white icing BUT not everyday just twice the last couple of days. THE fear when it drops I keep eating till it goes away, I'm reaching out to you all for help and advice and I will try to tweat things when I can.
Azzumi Guest
I haven't used an online service. I have access to services through my work so it doesn't cost me. It doesn't have to be work related. Have a look online and see what you can find. There are services out there and I know you might have to wait to be able to speak to someone. They get very busy. If there's no underlying reason for your blood sugar dropping then you must stop the spikes which you can only do by changing your diet. I'll have a think about it and get back to you.
maisie05 Guest
Hi Crosado. It may be helpful to you to join the Nutrition forum as people on there have advice, experience and tips that you could use.
It sounds like you are suffering bad, I hope you find some help online or otherwise. Keep in touch, there's always someone here to talk to xx