help me please

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Hi I'm 43.. I've started pre menopause in December.. I also was diagnosed with b12 Def in December. . I get injections every 8 weeks for b12. In November 2014 I had swollen neck April 2015 I have swollen neck glands again. Please is this menopause. I have quite a few of the 66 menopause sysptoms.

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38 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi martina 

    cant say i have had swollen neck glands in peri ..

    hope you feel better soon 

    jay x

    • Posted

      It is mentioned as a symptom on here though, have you had any viruses lately or allergies etc ..

      peri menopause and post menopause fatigue ..

      Chronic Fatigue

      As its name implies, chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition characterized by persistent, debilitating fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest, and may worsen with physical or mental exertion.

      Women are two to four times more likely to develop this condition, which can persist for years.

      Symptoms typically start after an infection, viral illness, or stressful event. However, the syndrome can begin gradually without any obvious trigger.

      Diagnosis is made only after all other causes of severe fatigue are ruled out, and if four or more of the following symptoms persist or recur for at least six months in a row:

      Sore throat

      Painful, mildly enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits

      Unexplained muscle soreness

      Pain that moves from one joint to another without any swelling

      or redness

      Headache of a new type, pattern or severity

      Memory loss or trouble concentrating

      Sleep disturbances

      Extreme exhaustion lasting 24 hours after normal exercise

      Although there is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, treatment to relieve symptoms includes exercise, massage, diet and lifestyle changes, counseling to address depression, antidepressants, pain relievers and bioidentical hormone therapies.

  • Posted

    hi martina i havent had swollen neck glands but have suffered with neck stiffness and soreness and the dry mouth is a daily occurrence.  it maybe worth  going back to your gp you may have a virus x
    • Posted

      Hi lol64 been 2 doctor twice.. I'm on medicine for it.. its a viral infection.. I'm on tablets for inflammation.. I got herbal medicine on Thursday for it to.. its good.. echinaforce echinacea purpurea. It's for inflammation to
    • Posted

      Hi.  I joined this site today and posted under Anxiety as I do have this however, for the last few months off and on I've been complaining of a sore neck and top of shoulder area (Aching).   This has been intermittent however about 3 weeks ago it started again and is pretty debilitating at the moment.  I'm 52.  My period is very irregular in that although I still have it monthly I can spot for a week then bleed for 12 days.  3 of these days being extremely heavy.  Then sometimes I stop and sometimes I have slight spotting after for a few days.  I thought I may be anaemic also.  Reading your post the symptoms sound the same and I also get a very dry mouth now and then.  I'm too frightened to see the Doctor but it looks like I'm going to have to do something as I'm suffering at the moment with the aching neck and distant feeling in my head.  I also have had a really bad cold for about  3 weeks which I can't shake off. 
    • Posted

      hi craftylady i know what you mean bout the cold thing i am constantly with sore throat and flu like symptoms.  i had physio for my neck which seems to have eased it for now but sometimes feel like my head is too heavy for my neck .   i have also found that epsom salts do help in my bath for my aching joints and i am taking a combination of natural rememdies some days are better than others i just try and carry on with day to day chores and accept i just have to ride the storm.  hope you feel better soon x
  • Posted

    Hi martina

    i am 51 and started the meno at about the same age as you, also at the same time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidisum, was given tablets but no one ever explained how I got it or nothing.

    i am suffering terribly with a whole host of symptoms, my go puts it all down to the menopause, I have Skechers for vitamin test autoimmune test keep getting refused, I am putting my concerns in a letter as advise by someone and I will be taking it further if I have what I think I may have, which is hashimotos disease, where the thyroid fluctuates hyper to hypo. 

    My neck always feels swollen , I have 62 of the symptoms and can't tolerate hrt.

    i believe lots of menopause women get thyroid troubled in the meno years., I would ask your gp for a test. 

    • Posted

      I did scampi 18.. He told me my thyroid in December was 1.38

      It's fine he told me

    • Posted

      Did you get the ranges of your thyroid test, I was also told mine were fine this time when my tsh was 0.21 range(27- which means possible over medicated. 
    • Posted

      That is the only reading I was given.. folic acid 6.0

      B12 160

      Thyroid 1.38

    • Posted


      the higher the TSH = underactive thyroid 

      mine is 3.61 ( needs watching ) 

      did you have T4 tested too.. Mine is 9.8 

      jay x 

    • Posted

      The test, called a thyroid function test, looks at levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) in the blood.

      A high level of TSH and a low level of T4 in the blood could mean you have an underactive thyroid.

      If your test shows raised TSH but normal T4, it means you may be at risk of developing an underactive thyroid in the future. 

    • Posted

      If it is high do you have palpitations. My palptations started in a gain i don't know if it is the thyroid or the zoloft 

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