Help me please. I can not use Vagifem or Estriol cream...!
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Any women out there had the same problems as me?
I'm 44 and very recently my gyne has informed me that he believes I'm hitting the change He gave me Estriol estregen to try and help with the uretha/bladder/frequency issues that I appear to be having. Well after two weeks of using this cream the symptoms were worse with uretha spasms and more pelvic pain.
Recently he put me onto Vagifem and I could only tolerate it 5 days use and had to stop using it last weekend due to the same issues, more pelvic pain and upset stomach, bladder pain/spasms etc etc.
These topical treatments are mean't to be helping apparently but only appear to be making things worse for me?!!!
My gyne is on holiday for two weeks and now I'm in a pickle and have no idea what to do now or what will help me.
If I have a problem with loading with estregen internally then what on earth am I to do ????
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bobbysgirl caroline25937
I am sorry you are having such an awful time. I'm afraid I have no experience of either of those 'treatments', but they do sound rubbish!
Your Gyne sounds like a doctor I once had. It was in the days before everything was on computer. When you went into the surgery, he already had your name and address written out on the persciption pad. He just had to fill in the 'med' he was prescribing.
If you are getting pain like that perhaps he should be sending you for tests to find out why.
I'm finding these days that a lot of our ills can be cured through the right diet and nutrition (or at the very least, helped) and without all the side effects of meds.
I hope you hear soon from someone on here with similar experiences and I hope you get your doc working for you instead of palming you off with meds that don't work.
caroline25937 bobbysgirl
It really is a nightmare.
I just want to know what I should be doing as nobody not even the doctor I went to see this morning knows what to do for the best. He said really I will have to wait until my gyne is back from holiday???!!!
No help at all.
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
Trust me..endometriosis has already sailed through my mind afew times.. and the laparoscopy I am having done in two weeks may show something more.
The gyne has been treating me recently for what he believes to be me going into menopause and he ran blood test and the said my FSH was slightly elevated and on that basis he thinks I am hitting the change. My own doctor said that she didn't think by my blood results that I was hitting the change at all ??? But obviously the Gyne is the expert.
I am very worried because like you say a lot of the symptoms I have been experiencing do associate massively with endometriosis and I did read somewhere recently that feeding estregen does actually make things worse... so YES... I am very concerned as you can imagine.
What symptoms were you having. Can you name as many as you can for me please if possible??? thanks x
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
my periods are all over the place and more so over the last few months.... one lasted 3 weeks and the more recent one lasted just a few days and was VERY light.... had a 50 day gap between that period and the one before.
I'm dreading the lap. Never been put under before. never had anything done before..
scared wondering what the hell is going on.
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
I'm scared of just having the lap procedure thinking I'm gonna be waking in agony.. its worrying me sick.
froggy28 caroline25937
bobbysgirl froggy28
Long story short it was 'fixed' by going on the pill for a year non stop. Don't know if that helps or hinders.
caroline25937 froggy28
Anxiety at the moment is literally through the roof.
caroline25937 bobbysgirl
we shall see.
The lap went fine but they managed to drag some of the tissue back, resulting in my belly button bleeding every month!
At least it proved that it was endometriosis even though I did feel like part of a freak show every time I went for a check up.
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
I've got to be strong I know..its just me panicing
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
Thank you for your messages and support
froggy28 caroline25937
caroline25937 froggy28
I was up all night very anxious..again !! Trying my best to keep calm but like you say its never gonna be like that..