Help me with my **possible** perioral dermatitis

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Hi Everyone.

I am at my wits end with my skin and wondered if anyone could suggest anything.

About eight months ago I went on a course of antibiotics for a wound that wouldn't heal. It did the trick, but a couple of days after I finished the course I began to get huge flakes of skin coming off each side of my nose and just under it. There was no real redness at first, just extremely flaky skin, which Ive never had before.

This then turned red on one side and was quite sore. This cleared up, but switched to the OTHER side of my nose and this is what I have had ever since.

It has come and gone in various degrees of severity, but generally, it is red and mildly flaky/dry with lots of little bumps which look like acne but never come to a head. Having said that, I have been getting cystic type acne right in the fold of the nose recently.

TREATMENT: I initially googled the problem and concluded it was perorial dermatitis. I didn't want steroids as I know that makes it worse, so I went to the doctor (who didn't know what it was and had to GOOGLE perioral derm!?)who gave me DUAC cream. That helped a bit but it just came back.

I have since been to numerous doctors who have given me everything which I have eventually tried.

I was advised to use an anti fungal cream,so used canesten (without steroid in it). This gave me some kind of allergic reaction and i got eczema all around the area where I used it. To treat this separate condition -ergh) i was prescribed a steroid cream, daktacort, which made the eczema go away but then the PD came back worse and now I'm back to square one.

I'm almost positive its a classic case of PD, and since I tried everything the only option is antibiotics. However, I am EXTREMELY reluctant to take any seeing as it would seem that anti biotics gave me it in the first place! It all started as soon as I finished a course of them, having never had it in my life before.

I have no idea what to do, and would appreciate ANY advice. Apologies for the huge post!

Note: I should also add that I have tried lots of home remedies like coconut oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar which have helped mildly but not gotten rid of it. In the past three months I've also cut out wheat, sugar, dairy and yeast (considering it may be candida overgrowth). I even switched to fluoride free toothpaste. Nothing has gotten rid of it! (except the steroid/anti-fungal, and only temporarily!)

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    This is inflammation. Shortly my story. About a year ago I started taking a new natural Omega 3 North- Europe producer product (they are promised ratio 3:1 or lower) because I have psoriatic arthritis and five years ago it really flared up in my joints so I couldn't exercise anymore and two years ago patches started appearing on my skin and under nails. I measure Omega 3 effect and Omega 6:3 ratio due to its importance. I use a blood test from leading laboratories. A little more about this test which is available for everybody. This is a simple dry blood-spot test for home sample collection. Leading laboratories analyze the sample to determine your fatty acid profile as a reflection of your diet. It takes less than a minute to complete, and you can access your results online anonymously after about 20 days.  The balance test identifies levels of 11 fatty acids in the blood with 98% certainty. You will learn your blood levels of omega-3 and your ratio of omega 6:3 for balance, plus receive report to increase your health and dietary awareness. Test results will show whether your diet is balanced or unbalanced. Continue using the balance products and, adjust your diet as recomended based upon your balance test report. For example my first test ratio was 8,4:1, second after four months 3,4:1 and third a year later 1,6:1. By the way- if you hold ratio 3:1 or lower then all life style diseases (skin diseases, asthma, allergies, diabetes 2, high blood pressure, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and so on) are disapeared.

    • Posted

      I posted out of order by up from Riho's. 

      Thanks again

  • Posted

    Hi there :-)

    Well I am new to this whole concept. So I will try not to waffle on. I have just turned 48 but for a good three years I have struggled with ongoing trouble with my nose. I determined it along with doctors as acne rosacea?? Anyway after trial and error with doxycycline a mild antibiotic I have found a hormone GP guru. I could of kissed his feet the moment I met him. He listened, he cared and he listened some more. Prior to my appointment with him I was sent some blood test forms with certain blood analysis that he wished for me to get. He also sent me a survey of so so so many scenarios, health issues time lines for me to fill out with yes no and explain answers.  When I visited him for the first time he said well without even looking firstly at your blood results I can tell by your answers and long term symptoms that you are chronically low in estrogen on a regular basis.  Going through peri menopause, still having the same 28 day cycle, some with a show, some no show, and others with just typical pmt symptons and yes acne over the years.  The nose just got worse and worse, painful, pus acne, throbbing and at time my eyes would burn. I took photos of before and after to show the painful explosion on my poor nose. I gladly took his advise and started HRT. It has been my wonder fix.  Now I still get rosacea (that's what I call it) but it's sounds same as PD, but not on every cycle. It use to flare up about 8 days before period due and still does, like now, hence why reading blogs.  This month gone I have had a very stressful month, huge shifts, big expectations, completely over tired, lack of sleep and well the tears. I have triggers, overdoing it, stress, tired equals lows and I have had bouts of the scary blues.  I have to learn that I am not a robot. Enough is enough and I have to learn to say No, get a balance in my life. Walk, sleep, laugh, eat fresh where possible and up my estrogen replacement a week before I'm due.  My nose flares up guaranteed every time I am on overload.  It's without a doubt triggers that set off my adrenals which in turn sets off my hormones and they run ragggered like young children crazy on red cordial!  There definately is a fine balance pattern in my body and dare for me to see-saw it just a little and voila I end up like Coco the circle clown with a big red nose but painful very painful :-(

    • Posted

      Oh man, poor you. I have had this start in December and slowly spreading around my mouth and nose.  I am done with Menopause as I am 58, so I don't understand what could possibly messing with my hormones now.   Yes it sucks, I am used to wearing makeup when I go out. I enjoyed "fixing up"  and approval in the mirror.  Now Lipstick looks ridiculous.  I don't have stress in my life and this appeared on a lovely vacation in Mexico.  I didn't sleep last night either, the prickly tingling that this causes kept me awake.  I was also having night mares, it is emotionally stressful.  You wonder  how long.. and how much worse...  I am making an appt with a Natural Path Dr. I am very glad for the internet and this information.  I know there are so many inflictions in life that are worse, but my heart goes out to you.
    • Posted

      Hello MaxxiMum! 

      Yup. Hormones issues seem to be one of the triggers for many PD sufferers. And that's true, that if we all could just chill out, and not stress out that much, maybe the problem would not be that common. 

      I was wondering where are you from, and is it you "hormone GP guru" just an oridnary GP, or have you found him/her somehow differently? 

      I am waiting for my hormone results as well. I did all the "female hormones" as well as Thyroid hormones, and hopefully I will get some results. . . 

      Good luck with trying to solve these issues!


    • Posted

      Hi lovely ladies I'm replying to you all :-) I'm in Oz. My guru is a regular GP that just gives a damn ... Yep rare indeed.  I googled images for PD and then images for acne rosacea.  PD appears to be more around the mouth and slightly blistering and small rash like. ??? Almost like a variation of cold sores which I have suffered for years and the onset is always run down and stress related always follows a huge bout of tears.   Acne rosacea is more like a serious pus like pimple that you are just waiting to squeeze the fro out of.  The rawness and redness doesn't have blisters at all. My nose pulsates with pain from the inflammation.  It without doubt comes up when my period is about 8 days away.  I have very little period always have but still a cycle none the less.  Some months I escape pus pimples but the redness occurs. It's without doubt my hormone level.  Like this month I just wish my body would bleed and then my nose will go back to normal!!! I had to have a day off work today as my nose pulsated and my eyes burning. I have slept most of the day. In a fortnight my face will be bright, no rosacea, no pimples, no blues. I always get blue leading up to my period. Other issues might get in the way as life does and that's when I think I get a nastier  bout of rosacea.  My sister in law has given me Silver Colloid the natural anti microbial. So I have been putting this on my nose.  It seems to work and kill bacteria. I don't know ladies I'm far from vain but having a awful bout sure does make one feel lousy.  Ladies with PD have you tried Blackmores Lypsine with Vitamin C. It's great for cold sores and may work with your outbreaks. I do keep up the B complete vitamin or even focus Berocca but I ran out which makes me wonder if my outbreak this month is why it's so severe.  All I can say is stay as healthy as possible with as much you time as possible because I haven't of late and now I've crashed and burned.  The only way is up xx :-)
  • Posted

    I decided to write an update as I am thinking this may be relevant and maybe people had similar experience. My PD worsening seems to be accompanied by severe allergies.I honestly have no idea why but it seems to be correlated. Apparently, my immune system is just freaking out, cause it attacks innocuous things, and it causes inflammation (for sure allergies, I'm not sure whether PD is directly linked to my organism attacking not harmful things) and it cannot cope with things which it should deal with. (I have terrible problems with warts for a number of years) 

    Iwas wondering whether any of you tried some immune-enhancing drugs, as stuff like vit. C and garlic extract does not seem to have any influence on my immunity, 

    Also, I was wondering. There are some people to cut out gluten from their diet. I wonder how long have you waited for an effect to be visible. As I said, I've been avoiding gluten for three weeks now, and I see no difference. 

    Thanks in advance. 

    • Posted

      I could have cried when I read you're posts this morning Maxximum and Sharon.  I'm 46 and I believe just had my last periord 3 months ago (which lasted for 3 weeks!)  My body is no longer familliar to me and I am full of self-doubt and worry over the silliest things.  I have no idea what state my hormones are in and I just have to get into to the doctor and get the full battery of tests done and I don't even know where to begin because you can't trust doctors to be on top of things.

      The whole process is just exhausting to me because I am exhuasted.  If I don't have a full night sleep soon, I am going to lose my nut.

      On top of it, I broke out with a PD rash earlier this week after having a 2 month reprieve. I don't understand any of it.

      Thanks for posting...

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      P.S.  Maxximum...I have ocular rosacea that is spreading to my cheek area and was wondering at the beginning of PD onset if that had something to do with it.  Don't think so now because others don't have it
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      Fiona, I've been suspect of an area on my cheek that has emerged since I've had PD.  The red bumps look very similar to my PD rash, but there's no underlying redness or flaking.  I've been wondering for some months now if it isn't rosacea (acne type).  When I went to the derm back in February, I asked her if PD could cause or trigger rosacea and she said "no" - although the medical field considers PD to be a "rosacea like" condition.  When I go back next week for my full skin exam I'm going to have her look at this area on my face. I know I shouldn't be self-diagnosing, but I strongly suspect it is rosacea.  Oh joy.  A whole other can of worms. 
    • Posted

      Hi ladies ... Just googling away and came across sea buckthorn oil.  Found this blog on rosacea ____ (link broken) so might see what I can find at health food shops.  Also been reading about demodex mite. Totally gross freaky but hey what's to say worth reading about too. It's an open well of reading and must be kept with an open mind. Do you know I was so ridiculously tired that last night I took a Restavit to ensure a good nights sleep as I sure have not been sleeping well for a fortnight due to so many shifts. Anyway I slept and slep and slept. Each time I woke up I applied Bio Oil it has Purcellin oil in it.  See anyway my skin lapped it up each time.  I had a sudafed for pain and inflamation and slept some more. I swear my body was screaming for some attention and rest.  Far from Tahiti being my only other option I was desperate to get well as I cannot afford another day off work.  Keep googling lovelies, don't give up and stay positive and optimistic xx :-)

      Patient Moderator Comment: I removed a broken link.

    • Posted

      Hey MaxxiMum,

      Demodex mite.....I know!  Looked it up a few months ago and was really grossed out.  The only thing that remotely rids me of the redness (and hopefully the mite) are turmeric masks.  It's a total mess to work with when applying and stains my face until really steamed away but it's the only thing that I have seen results with for my rosacea. 

      I origionally tried the turmeric both orally and topically (please look up the benefits of turmeric because if it is true, it is a miraculous antioxident even showing benefits in cancer cells) to fight my PD but noticed by my surprise that my red cheeks were fading.  Then I googled Rosacea/Turmeric and sure enough it is considered a treatment.  Pain in butt for me is that it's not a comes back if I don't keep applying the mask at least once every few days.  Maybe this is an option for you?

      I use Bio Oil too but apparently I was putting it on the wrong body parts...It's probably one of the few things that did not end up on my face when I was trying to rid myself of PD.  Going to try it now because of my recent flare up.  Thanks for info!

      Oh and glad you got some sleep...I'm thinking about getting a prescription from my doctor for some Zzzz's because as I posted earlier,  I am zonked which definitely isn't helping my body or mind.

      Jennifer...Please post to let me know that your skin exam says...I am really curious because like you, I wondered if there was a link.

      Take Care All


      P.S.  Also, I really think the turmeric is doing something for dark circles under my eyes too...much improved and I can't think of what else would be getting rid of them besides the masks

    • Posted

      Demodex Mite- well that makes sence too.  As mine started in Mexico, so staying in hotels and the heat...I don't know what ezema itch feels like.  But I have to say that I do feel small tickles I described to my daughter like a no see em has landed.  I also have the burning red patches but that could be a result of the cortezone.  My sister told me when I was very little I had a rash around my mouth and my Mom said it was from kissing the dog.  I still have a dog that I kiss on the top of her head.  Did stop that once this rash appeared.  How do you kill the mites?  All I saw as a suggestion was tea tree oil
  • Posted

    Hi All! 

    So basically my PD is at its worse depsite not using any artificil creams, no make-up (apart from yestarday when I had to meet with several people)... Nothing has helped. I had high expectations bout violet/clendula extract - still nothing. Even coconut oil stopped working. Probiotics- no results. ACV - nothing. Gluten free diet - cannot see a slight chnge. Trying not to stress out - well lmost impossible, but I think it does not make it better. I am completely depressed. 

    My attepts to be referred to dermatologist failed, as my GP "knows what it is" and can prescribe me antibiotics himself. So I ended up with Doxycycline for 6 weeks. sad That certainly does not make me happy, since I kind of am persuaded by Harry's view on PD. But I am so depressed tht I cannot see ny other way of getting out of this sitution. 

    I hope you are all much better! I am all sending you my last reserves of positive energy, and wish you all good luck with fighting this monster! 


    • Posted

      So disappointing...sounds like the monster is winning.  I have a bag of all the creams I have tried also organic coconut oil did nothing for me.  Olive oil didn't work, zincofax and desitin worked somewhat, but the itch drove me crazy and then I had white war paint on all day and if I went out to get it off I ritated the monster.  Clotrimazole for yeast also did not work. Polysporin for ezema did not work.  But someone mentioned Avene Cicalfate and the Avene mineral water.  I am getting results, no itch, day 3 and the redness is fading,  My face does not burn.  I can't believe spritzing a few times a day with mineral water helps.  I am so excited,  I have a pending appt with a Natural path, maybe I will be able to cancel.  You may want to try one more thing.
    • Posted

      Hi everyone, 

      Just wanted to post an update.  My PD has faded to its lowest point to date. Just some very light redness in one area above the left corner of my mouth.  If you weren't looking for it, you really wouldn't notice it.  The skin around my mouth feels so soft and smooth.  It's too early to say that its going, going, GONE - but I'm feeling very hopeful that I've hit the right combination of treatments.

      Basically, I've stuck with Harry's protocol:  strong probiotics and digestive enzymes as well as not eating any inflammatory foods (refined sugars, dairy, gluten).  Additionally, what I think has really helped, is supplementing with Omega 3's (evening primrose oil 1300 mg daily and high quality cod liver oil) and tumeric.  These are all anti-inflammatory.  Then for topical treatment I've stuck with my daily yogurt mask routine.  I was using the Avene Cicalfate, but stopped about two weeks ago as an experiment (I didn't feel I was getting much benefit after 2-3 weeks).  I was concerned about a flare up when stopping the Cicalfate, but surprisingly the rash continued to get better.  Now, I'm washing 2x daily with neem soap, applying the yogurt mask 2x daily and misting with the Avene thermal water.  My face loves that!  

      So, suffice to say, that I am encouraged but also realize that the rash may flare up again when my cycle approaches next week, so I am guarded in my optimism.  I will say, however, that I strongly believe that the approach of treating from the inside out as well as some gentle topicals can be very effective at treating this thing. It does, however, require some patience.  I'm close to 6 months in treating this on my own now, but feel it is worth it to avoid the meds and learn how to heal myself.  Good luck everyone.  So glad we can come together to fight this thing. 

    • Posted

      I'm pulling for you Promila...Emily and Lisa cured their PD with antibiotics so you may have luck as well!

      Jennifer...I take turmeric every day and have done so pretty much from the start of my PD.  Also Krill Oil, chia seeds and quinoa for Omega 3's.  One question...Do you take turmerica in capsule form or powder with milk and black pepper?  Haven't been able to find out if it makes a difference if the milk is best taken hot or cold?

      Take Care All

    • Posted

      Thank you Jennifer, I am also liking the Avene mist and the Cicalfate. The first thing I tried that really seemed to make a difference.   Working from the inside seems so difficult, sugar, dairy and gluten is in so many things.I will also look for neem soap.  Thank you so much for your follow up
    • Posted

      Hi Fiona, 

      The tumeric I'm taking is in capsule form.  It's by Source Naturals and its called Tumeric with Meriva.  Supposedly it contains a special extract to help with absorption and bioavailabilty of the tumeric (I guess similar to how black  pepper helps with curcumin absorption).  I have really noticed an improvement after starting this supplement in combo with the Omega 3's.  

    • Posted

      Hi Sharon, 

      Something else that's helped me a lot when the PD flares is soaking in epsom salts.  Something about the minerals salts with skin inflammation is very beneficial.  (Thinking again about the Avene mineral thermal water also being helpful).  Anyway, when my rash has had a bad day, I fill the bathtub with hot water and two full cups of epsom salts and splash the water repeatedly on my face while soaking.  It has always worked to calm my rash and get rid of the redness.   Plus the magnesium in the epsom salts is a fantastic relaxant.  An all round good thing to do for yourself! 


    • Posted

      Sadly... looks like the Avene only worked for the first couple of days.  I used it Mon, Tue Wed no itch red spots faded.  Thurs morn they looked red and sore, I noticed the tiny blisters in a couple of areas.  So 1 step forward 2 back.  I picked up son Epsom salts and some neem.  I will continue one side of my face with Avene and the other side experimental. sad
    • Posted

      Oh no! Damn it. . . I have the same thing - ACV first helped then stopped working, same with coconut oil, and nixoderm. It really seems to be something inside. That's why I'm still reluctant to take antibiotics - I am really scared that it will only get worse. . . 

      Hope you will find something new or that PD will just go away on its own. 


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