Help Please I think I am going to explode or crack up

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 Please someone tell me this is normal! I have beenperi now for about six months and today is definatley the worse I have ever felt! I feel so low I am waiting to burst into tears I am so low I don't want to do anything except curl into a ball and die, I am even finding myself wishing I could be in hospital so I dont have to deal with this life. I am not usuallylike this but everything is getting to me it all feels too much and it is not like me I am the person everyone goes too not the person waiting to explode. I can't take time off work as my manager has told me he will have HR involved next time ( even though he has sent me to OH and they have told him ) ( I also have arthritis in both Knees and left hip! ) I dont know how much more I can take so if this is the norm then I will know I am not being a drama queen Thanks Guys xx

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I wouldn't say normal, usual, yes. Do you see a therapist or can you? Sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate. The emotional things that go along with menopause and getting a little older, the pain and stiffness of the arthritis, and a manager that sounds like a, wellllll, jack ass! Perhaps if you were to work with a therapist you might be less stressed about all this. It also might decrease your pain as we know stress can make it worse! There is a great injection for the knees, synvisc. It does go by different brand names. Hylan G-F 20. It works wonderful for my one knee! Supposed to last 6 months for me it lasts about 4 years. And don't be scared of the injection, it does not hurt going in. Does hurt a little for maybe a day or so, but not more than the usual arthritic pain.
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      Thank you Will have to try that, glad I am not going mad!
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    Hello there your not alone on this I'm exactly the same just can't deal with things at moment and all I seem to do is cry can't eat properly either always worrying
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      it is horrible especially if you are not like it usually! thats why I asked these guys they always know the answer one way or another and it is surprising how just one person telling you its not unusual makes it so much better big hugs hun xx
  • Posted

    It is usual. I had a really bad day of nervousness and jitters yesterday. Im hoping today will be a better day. This peri/meno is ovwerwhelming. I've never dealt with anxiety so all this stuff is new to me and hit me like a ton of bricks out of of the blue. After some research, I've been peri for at least 3 years and didn't know it. Now I have all kinds of weirdness going on, I'm scared to be alone, and I've become and introvert. I've lost weight from, and my family say Im not the same anymore. I've expierenced all that you describe. I just recently resigned from my job, because I'm either going and leaving early or not going at all. The anxiety gets to me and I couldn't function properly. I am thinking about a counselor because I don't want it to get any worse. So you are not alone. Keep coming and sharing. We are here for you and each other.
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      Hi Jamie, sorry you had to resign from your job, yes I know exactly what your talking about,  there were times I didn't go out and every time I do I get all panicky and return home this can be very awful, I'm in late peri and still sometimes feel like staying in, but I have to push myself out the door do basic things,I don't work I'm so glad because I myself won't going, don't be scared what ever we are experiencing can't harm us (((((hug)))) 
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      Hi Maria,

      Thank you so much. I'm just getting to that concept. I have a few aunts who went through it and they are really big helps. They reassure me all the time that even though these sensations can be frightening, I will be ok and get through it. You and the other lovely ladies here are a great help to me as well. I'm not sure what stage I'm in as far as peri. My GP isn't too good at listening to me since im young and still have a cycle which is irregular now. I believe I was already in it for about three years. The harder of the symptoms are hitting me now. It's ok though. I'm working through it and the anxiety. Im still uncomfortable with going out certain places and driving alone, but I'm working on it.

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      I'm glad your have your Aunties for back up, I've been through irregular cycles too, I have not had a period for a while, Doctors don't do nothing because it's normal how we feel, I think it's the hotflashes that makes you feel terrible that heat stays inside and then explode to parts of the body, I try keeping calm and let it do what it want, bed time I love sometimes I sleep another time I can't, I don't work and I can't but everything I want but we have to push hard throughout it, yesterday was to bad today feel crappy.
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      I've felt pretty good the last two days been dealing with nausea, but I'm hungry. So I try to take advantage. The anxiety is still a big deal for me so I'm glad I'm not working rite now. I wouldn't be able to do it. I need to go back to work soon though. I just take it one day at a time and deal with it.
  • Posted

    It's unfortunately all normal symptoms of peri. Just try to not dwell on it or the anxiety will continue to build and take over your life.

    Stay calm, breathe and just try to focus on work or other things to take your mind off of how you are feeling, then your symptoms of anxiety or doom will subside. You can beat it. Don't let it beat you.


    If it doesn't go away get on some HRT.

    Hang in there Sandee!

  • Posted

    HI Sandeevie, I have dealt with the EXACT same issue, one day I was in such a bad state that I strongly considered driving myself to the mental unit. I am serious, my son called me and I told him I cannot take this. I too feel overwhelmed. I teach part time, but my family issue, my husband, my financial issues, and peri-menopause has really thrown me for a loop. I fell down the steps a month ago and my knee has been horrible, I have varicse veins and they hurt, I am extremely depressed and I am looking for a second job because my husband reminds me almost weekly that I am not doing my share. I feel like running away. I started seeing a counselor today. I am hopeful it will help, my therapist is young but she seems very good. I would encourage you to try and get some professional help. Also, KEEP coming to this board. It has been the best thing that happened to me. I told my therapist about the ladies here and I told her they have gotten me through the worse days the days when I felt like just giving up they have gotten me through., It does get better and there are good days too. You are not being a drama queen, this is HARD and you are coming to a place where there is support and care. 
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      Lennie, I'm glad you were able to start getting some help. I am thinking of seeing a counselor myself. Anxiety has really put a damper on me in ways that I didn't even realize. I've almost gotten to the point of not wanting to leave the house. I do of course but as soon as I'm out, I'm ready to go back in. I'm too young to live like that and I have two daughters to be strong for, but some days are really tough to manage. My own thoughts scare me. The other symptoms I'm dealing with day by day, but that anxiety I don't think I can kick alone.
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      Jamie, the main issue that led me to finally get therapy is the fear factor. I am tired of being AFRAID of everything, I am tired of feeling overwhelmed, I am tired of being worried and dreading things, fear of driving, fear of medical testing, fear of answering the phone. Its irrational and its directly related to the peri menopause, because I was NEVER like this before. I drove from Illinois to California and my only concern was running out of money, today I would never do that or anything close to it, I had all my screenings, and everything, now I am freaked out, this is no way to live and I have to get it addressed. Everyone who I tell about this thinks I am crazy too, they dont say it but I can tell by the way they look at me.
    • Posted

      You are not alone with that issue. I have developed a fear of everything also and like you I was never like that. I've never had an anxiety issue. I am going to seek counseling also. I'm scared to do anything alone. I went to the docs office today and had to leave, but I went back. I was so anxious, I could barely sit still. I'm scared to be alone. I feel awful today. My menses was due this week. I've been spotting for two days, my head feels like it's under water and I have cramps and no flow. This is all just so much. I'm determined to not let it make me crazy.
  • Posted


    Thank you so much, it is so much to put up with at times and as I don't have any female friends or family I can ask it does feel like I am being a bit over the top but it feels as if I am going mad you can't explain to anyone cause they all roll their eyes I suppose I did the same when I was not Peri my manager is an arse today I could have just stayed in bed ( I have the bloody Flu on top of everything!) but I couldnt as I knew I would have HR on my back! it does get too much and I do wish Icould get hurt so I can curl up and just sleep because that is all I want to do! but then there are days I am grand I now understand what being crazy feels like lol

    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your advice and support you are all so amazing xxxx

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