HELP-Pregabalin,fluoxetine withdrawal-Mirtazapine symptoms
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Hi I hope someone can help me!!
I have been taking fluoxetine on and off for roughly 3 years. I was put on them following the death of my premature baby, I had turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism for 4 years wen I finally admitted defeat and tried antidepressants..
However, My doctor and I came to the conclusion about 4 months ago that the fluoxetine was not working, we noticed the pattern that a week before my period I was still becoming sucidal, anxious, withdrawn and emotionally unstable (longer periods without alcohol have enabled me recognise my symptoms better).
We decded I needed to be treated for the anxiety and I was prescibed 150mg of pregabalin at night and betablockers as and when needed for the anxiety..
A month ago my doc recomended that I reduce from 20mg of fluoxetine daily to one every other day, however, I stupidly just stopped them!
Since this I stopped sleeping, became severly anxious and withdrawn, began having panick attacks, been snappy, angry, had headaches, felt like ive had flu, extreme lows etc.
Bcus of this I stopped the pregabalin aswell as I thought these symptoms were bcus of them, as it was the only thing id been taking and it had been 4 weeks since stopping the fluoxetine so I thought that the fluoxetine couldnt be causing any problems, as it would be out of my system and the symtoms did not start immediatly after stopping the fluoxetine.
So, last Sunday I was extremely suicdal, depressed etc, a friend took me to the doc on Monday who prescibed me mirtazapine 15mg for the first 5 nights (to help me sleep) then 30mg a night thereafter.
last night after my second dose I slept for 16 hours!! I awoke today feeling shaky, tired, clumpsy, weak, blurred vision, spaced out etc so I called my doc who has advised me to stop the mirtazapine as I was having a bad reaction and restart the fluoxetine as I may be having withdrawals!!
I feel like im back to square one (back on the fluoxetine) which doesnt even work!! I dont know who I am anymore, whether im withdrawing, actually anxious or goodness knows what. I dont want to be on any meds anymore bcus I dont like the side affects but I also cant continue like this....
Has anyone experienced these withdrawals or side affects to any of theses meds?? OR can anyone help at all???
I know I was stupid to stop the meds but I thought as they were not helping it was best, but now Im just confused and lost as to what to do next.. sorry for waffling im just trying to paint the whole picture
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I didn't take the mirt last night (as the doc advised) I feel a little better. But still very weak, emotional, low, tired, forgetful and my speech is slurred I can't say the words that I want to. It's almost as though my thoughts and feelings are not my own, I feel like my head is in a fog!. It's awful. The worst of it all is that I can't pinpoint what med is causing what symptom, however the comments are helping me alot.
It's defo a mix of initially struggling from withdrawal of the fluoxe and then being treated with another AD in order to overcome the withdrawal!! Which has given me even more, awful side affects! It's a vicious circle if your not aware of it.
I'm drinking lots of water and trying to relax, hoping it will pass soon.
I am a strong believer in tackling the root cause of depression and have always been aware, almost fearful of the addictive side of AD..
I was only on 20mg of fluoxe so didn't think it would make any difference if I stopped, as it's such a low dose and wasn't working anyway (now I know otherwise).
I have started counselling and psychotherapy to help me process some traumas in my life, including the death of my son. I am aware this can cause ups and downs but I really want to get through this difficult time without becoming dependant on AD if I can. However, it obviously hasn't worked out very well coming off them :-( ...
I feel like crap in a nutshell.. I don't know who "I am" anymore!
Does anyone know how long the mirtz takes to get out my system? ? I only took 2 doses at 15mg (the lasy on wed night).
Or how long the fluoxe withdrawals take to settle ?? I went back on 20mg yesterday.
I have looked at the website and it seems right down my street, thanks!! 😉
These meds are as bad as 'Street drugs' highly addictive and as previously said only 20% of them are affective. 😣 sometimes I wander if I'll ever get a emotional balance back Eva again..
betsy0603 Toooo_
It really sucks, the pickle the profession has put us in! These drugs profoundly affect our nervous systems and it is no trivial thing recovering! But our brains and nervous system are amazingly resilient and you will recover eventually! We're all in it together and support is very important. When those who don't get it aren't there for you, know that we are!
Toooo_ betsy0603
Calmer Toooo_
So very sorry for your suffering, on top of everything else you appear to be going through the withdrawal of fluoxetine. Those are all withdrawal symptoms which could have been avoided if your doctor had given you the correct advice.
For full explanation & help here is a link
scroll down to "Reducing ADs using 10% withdrawal method"
Lots of people go through wd because they havn't been given the right advice, you're not the first and won't be the last, so don't beat yourself up about that, it's just a great shame the doctor didn't get the training !! So yeah, retaking the Fluox and then a slow wd is what will be best for you, this way and being kind to yourself by doing a slow taper you may then feel at ease.
I'm wd from Mirtazapine after a year, it's slow but I'd rather get it right. I hope some of this may help reassure you a little, take your time, you're so worth it after what you have been through.
Toooo_ Calmer
Did you get the bad side affects off the mirtz when you first started them, have they helped alot???
I hope you have a smooth withdrawal. I know AD can help alot of ppl I must have just been badly advised.
Calmer Toooo_
Thanks for your good wishes. I think at least AD's provide us with some borrowed time to seek out help either therapy, making changes, discovering what we need etc ... so not all bad, and I learnt not to call myself a failure, ever ... it leaves a footprint ... being positive, saying "I can do this" - and if you're not sure ... say it again but louder![smile](
betsy0603 Toooo_
This is also where cognitive behavioral therapy comes in - recognizing troubling thought patterns, interrupting them, replacing them with healthier ones. None of us deserves to beat ourselves up. None of us are "bad" and deserve that. I have been able to eliminate negative self talk by about 95%. You can find such help online, doesn't HAVE to be through a therapist.
Hang in there, Tar4!
betsy0603 Toooo_
daz94104 Toooo_
It took around 4-5 weeks for me to start feeling a bit better in my self. My head was up and down be for been prescribed mirt and it did sort that out for me.
For me mirt didn't make me happy like I thaught that an antidepressant would I just felt like my mood was more stable it was after around 2 years that I really noticed my mood was happy.
I just thought I'd give an update as you've all been very helpful & I wanted some advise plssssss.
It's been a week now since the awful experience with starting the mirtz and going through fluoxe WD. Today is the first day in 'weeks' that I've felt happy and back to my old self. I've been to the gym, in a social situation and felt quite calm, although I'm still pretty anxious, my head is worrying about everything and I'm still noh sleeping 😕. .
I seem my doc for a review of my medication.
She has told me to take the fluoxe every other day for 2 weeks and then every third day for 2 weeks and then stop (instead of stopping abruptly loke j had) .. Bcus fluoxe has not been working for me, she has started me on 10mg of amitriptyline for my insomnia , anxiety etc. . And also 40mg if propranolol (as and when required )..
I have an appt to see her again in 4 weeks for a review.
I really hope this works! !
Does anyone have any experience of amitriptyline? ??? I'm scared / anxious of trying new drugs and scared of possible side affects!
Calmer Toooo_
BUT I wouldn't be happy with that WD method of the other AD, even slower - every 4 days then every 5 days then every 6 m, just my humble opinion as doctors don't seem to know about WD symptoms & we do!!
I had the Propranolol/beta blocker, it's fine, won't blow you away, just help with the palpitations which themselves can keep you awake ggrrrrr ... especially in the middle of the night!
Hope all goes well, remember too .., Ami has to be WD from slowly too, help those neuro transmitters to adjust xx
Toooo_ Calmer
I took the first amitriptyline last night but still didn't sleep, was up until 5am :-(
h1ghtower Toooo_
Toooo_ h1ghtower
However, I had tried to help myself for many years this led to a downward spiral of depression & alcohol misuse (as a coping mechanism for the depression). After years of trying to cope (alone) I eventually gave into my docs advise and tried fluoxetine. . This is the only antidepressant I have tried long term. I stopped it roughly a month ago as I didn't feel it was helping. I started withdrawal from it after a few weeks of stopping, which was unbearable and is why I am now back on them doing a slow reduction to come off them.
I have been put on the amitriptyline for the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia (which I believe is from the fluoxe WD) It's a vicious cycle and one that I do not wish to get sucked into, however depression, anxiety etc is not as simple as 'giving it your all' to gey through it, and it is not really appropriate advice as 'intervention' is something that is desperately required at times.
betsy0603 Toooo_