HELP! Severe constipation 4 days post anterior/posterior prolapse repair and TVT
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Im 37 and I thought I was the ideal patient. I had my anterior/posterior and TVT surgery on Wednesday morning 1 July (it is currently the wee hours on Sunday morning). I woke from surgery with excellent vitals, my catheter and packing was removed on Thursday morning. I had two slightly uncomfortable bowel motions while in hospital, and discharged Thursday afternoon. My bleeding, while still bright red is very light.
However, I have been experiencing the most horrific constipation. I have been taking Movical (I had 3 sachets today). I have tried everything: I usually drink between 2-3 litres of water a day, though at the request of my Dr have reduced in the short-term to allow the TVT time and comfort to heal; I use a step to put my feet on while sitting on the toilet; I sit calmly (adopting a terrible habit of reading on the loo) in the hope that gravity will do the work; and I don't eat bread as it is a usual culprit in the constipation game.
The constipation was that bad tonight that I vomited while on the toilet. I had nowhere to go, thankfully my beautiful husband grabbed a mixing bowl from the kitchen. The stool was pushing into my vagina wall and was excruciating. In the end I had to resort to manually getting it out (I'm so sorry for the graphical information).
The pain, after strong pain relief, is currently like my vagina is on fire and I feel like I have barbed wire in my rectum.
I can feel a lump at the base of my vagina / perinium which doesn't involve any external stitches.
I am terrified I have undone the prolapse repair (or vaginal plastic surgery as I referred to it with my Dr)
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JoolsB Annilou
susiest Annilou
My surgery was 9 weeks ago this Tuesday. I have gone through all the emotions and feelings you have had.
I am taking Colace (but it is the pharmacy brand) twice a day. A gentle stool softener and it is working very well. Every am like clockwork.
none of you have mentioned a cream my Dr. Is having me use. Estrace.
every day 6 weeks prior and every day 6 weeks after. Now twice a week. It is a hormone and also promotes healing.
I should mention I am 71 and have been miserable for at least the first 7 weeks.
Now I am feeling better but not 100%. Good in the morning but I get achy in the lower abdomen during the afternoon so I lay down and rest.
Try not to lift anything. At three weeks I started bleeding and also got a UTI.
I also got the mesh and worried about rejection. Good so far. I had a prolapsed bladder, intestine and vaginal repair work done. In 1991 I had a vaginal hysterectomy and this was much more uncomfortable. I hope you are all doing better and it takes more time to recover than we think it will.
It was great to find this website and I had my own discussion with a couple ladies and I felt so much better.
janice41238 susiest
I am also using Estrace nightly. Just 5 days post op but healing slow as it is. My procedure consisted of anterior and posterior repair with an ablation of the uterus. 4-6 wks for recovery. Had hoped for a lttle summer to enjoy but will be glad to just heal.
I pray that you continue to heal. Thank you for sharing.
JoolsB susiest
janice41238 JoolsB
susiest JoolsB
susiest JoolsB
Firstly I need to thank you for replying and contributing. I have found this to be a ray of sanity in my post op days. I think being under 40 contributed to not knowing anyone who has been through similar procedures. Your kind words and willingness to share experiences has helped tremendously (hopefully you can appreciate why I've not been telling all my friends and family what I've had done, just those who have needed to know).
Anyway, I spoke with the Surgeon's clinic nurse today about my bleeding. While it is of some concern to be monitored, she is doubtful I've popped stitches - she suggested they have been put in very securely.
She is going to call me each morning for the next week to make sure I'm not developing a temperature or the bleeding is worsening. I'm blessed to have such a good specialist and his team for support.
So, reassured to a degree. I still feel like rubbish, but that is par for the course, I'm inly 6 days post op. I have taken the advice offered here and spent all day yesterday and most of today in bed resting!
nannylin Annilou
gigi66 Annilou
hope you are okay after everything I just read you poor lady. I would suggest an immediate visit to your doctor. They tell us nothing in for six weeks at least. On the constipation problem you must due the fiber religiously with stool softeners. I have tried to go without for only one day and regretted it. Your body will get used to it and respond beautifully. Water of course is the best remedy. I went four days without using the JOHN. But it was worth the wait. Eventually my body did it on its own of course I had to do minimal work to make it happen. Please try not to push too much as you can do damage by straining, your body will do it as long as you are on your meds. I wish you a speedy recovery. God bless. P.S. metamucil is the best fiber, I tried Benefiber and it takes longer to work and makes things too pasty and no flushing sensation when you go.good luck
Annilou gigi66
I've had an appointment with a surgeon, just not mine (he is in Fiji this week, school holidays!).
Anyway, all my blood tests have come back normal. He did an exam and is confident everything is in tact. And took a swab, to make doubly sure.
I've been resting non-stop. I wake up (though sleep is seriously evading me at the moment), shower, dress and then move to the lounge. When I get tired/cold (what is with being so cold?), I go back to bed for a little while.
This seems to have been the best thing I could have done. My bleeding is subsiding, more like a lighter period), though I'm swollen down there like you wouldn't believe, and the burning sensation- it's like being post-childbirth again.
All in all I'm starting to see some light at the end of this, one week down - five to go!
I honestly don't know what I would have done had I not found this forum. Everyone has been kind and reassuring. Their willingness to share their own experiences has been almost therapeutic- I'm not in this alone!
I've also made a conscious decision to tell my sisters and closest girlfriends about my surgery. I think I'll start off by doing a survey and find those that won't jump on trampolines with their children or do star jumps/jumping jacks - tell tale signs for me not everything was right!
Thank you!
JoolsB Annilou
janice41238 Annilou
It is amazing how I have been able to take something from everyone here and apply it to my experience. To even help explain to my poor husband what my needs are. Such a blessing.
janice41238 JoolsB
gigi66 Annilou
Now I am glad it did cause my urosurgeon fixed my rectocele and a few other problems I had no idea were even there. I didn;t think anyone out there even knew about these issues existing. Anyway, hang in there. Please don't feel guilty about laying around, like I do, lol, it is what we have to do. Some people still don't understand cause we do not fit the sick profile, but your body wil tell you to rest. Do not listen to any negative comments from anyone, concentrate on you. I am at the point of no sleep I am so rested; and not being able to lift or push or do anything that requires strength and effort is driving me insane. continue resting and follow the doctors orders to the T. God bless and praying for a speedy recovery