help to stop Mirtazapine
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Hi, everyone, this is a very interesting forum. :D
My story is that I have been on Mirtazapine for over 3 years now at 15mg at night. :shock: I desperately want to come off, I have tried in the past to take one every other day, but after about 2 weeks, I get really giddy and spaced out
I was prescribed them for stress/anxiety/weight loss, I had a really bad time a few years ago, I lost my house, job, car, had to go bankrupt, fell out with family (but thats a whole different forum :shock: )
At the time I was feeling really dizzy and had a headache every day and could not function and the dr diagnosed stress/anxiety/depression. I was also, (I found out later, very anaemic for B12 and now I am on injections for the rest of my life) I now wonder if this caused some of my symptoms :?
I have gone from 8 stone to 11 and half stone on these damn tablets, I just eat and eat and eat and its really getting me down :x .
Anyway now, I have since last October, a sore, burning feeling on my tongue and a horrid taste in my mouth, could this be connected to the Mirtazapine?? I am going to the drs next week but I have decided again to try and come off them. I am going to take one full tablet one night and a half tablet the following night and so on for 2 weeks, then I will just take half a tablet per night for the next 2 weeks and then half a tablet every alternate night for 2 weeks and then stop. Does anyone know if this would minimise any side-effects? I don't mind side-effects if i knew they would not last forever, I would persevere with them for a while if I could only come off the tabs and feel better.
I am so tired all the time, I have terrible dreams, I still wake up in the early hours. I have not had sex with hubby for 3 years :oops:Wish I had not started taking them in the first place
sorry for the essay.........
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Have you tried Glucosamine for your body aches? It's very good for strengthening muscle tissues, which in turn reduces aches and pains. I've had an op on my spine (I'm 36) and it helps in that department. I take 1000mg a day (the brandname is Nature's Best).
I'm a carer for my father who is bipolar and has been severely depressed for the last 15 months and had 4 months in hospital last year. We're tapering him off lithium and he's on 45mg/day of mirtazapine. We're going to taper him off mirtazapine once the lithium is finished with since he's still very depressed. I had a depressive illness last year (it's affected the last 4 generations in my family) and I used escitalopram very successfully (just 5mg a day worked for me and I was pretty bad) so maybe worth asking your doctor about. It's one of the newer SSRIs and gets to work much quicker than the older ones. Don't confuse it with citalopram which is a very different antidepressent, requiring much higher doses.
I now feel really well and am coping well with my father's illness. I hope my story can give you some encouragement. I'm now nearly off my antidepressents and have had no side effects from withdrawal (reducing from 5mg to zero over a seven week period by dropping one tablet a week).
Good luck!
Feeling really down actually,(been in tears) even considering going back on a quarter tablet of Mirt, I just cannot see any end to these awful physical symptoms, but I know if I go back on, I will NEVER get off, I cannot bear to go through life feeling like this, my head feel like it is about to explode, I have had a banging headache for over a week now, painkillers don't do anything for it
I am thinking of making a drs appointment.................
He said that as I have been on them so long (3 years) that I had come off way too fast. He has put me back on one 15mg tab at night for one month, to get stabilised again, and then I am going on to a liquid version and then can start reducing VERY slowly in 0.5mg increments, and it will take quite a while to come off. There is no reason to suffer these dreadful withdrawal effects, he said.
I feel bit better now, even though I felt such a failure when I made the appointment. :oops:
I have lost half a stone but oviously that will go back on now, once my appetite comes back, but its a small price to pay for feeling well, I guess. Better go and buy loads of biscuits for the weekend then :D
Looks like I am here to stay :o
Jimmyf is right, getting over this illness is a very slow process, four years three months for me now.
I really do feel as if I am now getting the better of it, I think some of what you feel will be withdrawal symptoms but some will be getting used to how you were before it all went wrong for you, I used to have real bursts of adrenalin which used to give me a real buzz, but this illness made me scared of them because they turned into intense anxiety, I am now more in control and don’t get the adrenalin bursts so much but when I do I know I will go down that slippery slope after, but knowing helps me to cope, try not to feel disappointed if you have had a setback but try to compare how you are now to how you were when you fist had your problems and you will see it’s all a gradual process, but as long as over time there is improvement we are all going in the right direction.
All the best with the interview.
I took a full 15mg tab last night, I feel really sedated this morning, a bit sick and bit of a headache. I fell asleep at 9.30 last night but had to force myself to get up at 6am as I had an early hairdressers appointment. I have to go shopping yet, something I am dreading, then I am going to come back, have a bath, and CHILL OUT
Hope I feel better tomorrow, still not got my appetite back properly yet. Hope I am ok for Monday
I feel a bit better today, nausea has gone, still a bit dizzy and a bit of a headache but better than yesterday.
I am STARVING, even though I have eaten today :D must definitely be because of the Mirt back in my system :lol:
I'll just take it a lot slower next time I try to reduce :lol:
I still feel bit a bit strange, headachey, dizzy. I had my B12 injection yesterday for my anaemia, maybe I just need to wait until that has been absorbed before I start to perk up. I have now also pulled a muscle in my back so am moving around like an old woman, honestly, I am sick of being ill :?What a nuisance. Maybe its cos of the Mirt, since I started back on it, I am stiff and achey again.
I am now taking vitamins, iron, extra vitamin B complex, cod liver oil, glucosamine, and now painkillers for my back, I will rattling soon.
Well done for staying on the half Mirt, I must admit, I was ok on that dose, I think I should have stayed on it for longer.Like you, I am a bit wary of asking for any other drug, might get dependent on it.
I feel fine now, still on 15 mg of Mirt, it took about 10 days back on it before I started to feel better and \"normal\"
I now have no headaches, dizziness or nausea, but still eating like a pig though and the bit of weight that I lost has gone straight back on :roll: oops
I did not hear back about the job, so obviously not got it, I just find it really annoying when people say they will ring you and then they don't.
I have, however, found out I need a hysterectomy and that is booked for 2 weeks time :shock: so, I am due at the docs on Friday with a view to start reducing the Mirt again but not sure if now is such a good time, with the op and everything so I will see what the doc says about that, I might have to be on the 15mgs of Mirt for a while longer :?
I feel ok, although the vivid/disturbing dreams have started again and I cannot lose any weight, I am always eating :oops:
I have another job interview on Friday, typical, the timing is terrible as I have to go into hospital for my op on Monday, I rang the job to explain and did they still want to interview me? and they are keen to interview me and said they are concerned about getting the right person for the job and if that means waiting if I am the right person, so be it, so fingers crossed for that one :lol: