hemiplegic migraine
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i have recently been diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines. as its such a rare condition alot of doctors dont know anything about it , or how to treat this debilitating condition. i am typing this because i hope that it may help someone out there who is going through this and the doctors dont seem to know what is going on with them.
my symptoms tend to start two days out from an attack. i usually get a nasty ache at the back of my head , its tends to be dull and very painful, a score of 7-8 is normal. my head will feel like a block of lead, and i become very tired and listless. i tend to do alot of sleeping as well. on the second day my balance starts to go and i stumble about and and i notice my speech gets slightly slirred.
the attack usually induces bells palsey to the lhs of my face, my left eye droops as does my mouth. i have swollowing difficulties and loose sensation down the lhs from face through all my limbs. i get paralysis on the lhs in my limbs. i usually cant pass urine so i have to be catheritised, and am nil by mouth. the attacks seem to get worse each time as well , the last time i was taken to hospital in a semi concious state . i usually start to come out of it typically 3 days after the attack and my left arm is the first to fully recover , while my balance and left leg can take 2-3 weeks to come right . that depends on the severity of the attack . i find that i never make a full recovery either , so i am left with short term memory loss and learning difficulties , and am on a soft food diet only. i can only work parttime now as well, my body doesnt like full time hours and i got very washed out. i find 4-5 hours is maximum for me per day any longer and i hit a wall and struggle to go on. the nurologist said that half my brain goes to sleep which causes this. its not curable and they can only try to prevent reoccurance or limit the effects.
ive tried propanalol and topomax , but they didnt help at all , so im currently on amitriptaline. the neurologist started a weekly dose 5 weeks ago after an attack beginning with 10mg and increasing it over 5 weeks to 50mg. i had an attack during this time and am now on 75mg.
with not much being known about these debilitating migraines im surprised that a nurologist or gp hasnt worked with patients who suffer these migraines and written something for the drs to read as a guide to diagnosis or help prevent them. if any doctor wants to do so them im willing to help with this , to aid anyone else who suffers this rare debilitating migraine.
15 likes, 418 replies
joanocc11 sanddancer
I had a slight hemiplegic migraine attack in March 2012 lasting 4 hours then a severe one in August 2012 which took three weeks to get under control. With my second migraine I found even the consulting neurologist at the first hospital could not manage my pain after 10 days. He referred me to an amazing neurologist specialist named Jacque Joubert at the Epworth Hospital in Melbourne. He has researched migraines, written articles and knew exactly how to manage my migraine. It is now three years later, I have been on minimal medication 600mg Epilim and 10mg Allegron and have had a normal life. I work full time successfully in education, exercise, and enjoy life. Perhaps you can get your neurologist to contact Jacques. You are right though barely any Neurologist or GP in Melbourne knew of this condition or how to manage it.
cm5995 joanocc11
I am from Adelaide and thankfully the Dr who was super prompt in doagnosing me because he has another patient with the condition. Unfortunatelly I dont know of any further avenues to pursure as this is all so new to me. Can you give me some recommendations from someone also in Australia?
joanocc11 cm5995
good luck
cm5995 sanddancer
I have just had what my Dr thinks is a Hemiplegic Migraine. On Wednesday I was driving and felt a weird sensation up my spinal cord and then felt extreme pressure around my eye and at the base of my skull, blurred vision and my face and neck on the left side went numb. I was actually in at the hospice with my grandfather when this all happened (I was driving there when I had the weird sensation). I was made to have CT scans as the Drs were convinced I was having a stroke but nothing showed up so they have put it down to this and we are investigating further. Its been nearly 5 days and I still have all the symptoms, have had a dead arm and my vision has turned into tunnel vision in the left eye. From your expereince and everyone else here how long do these migraines usually last, how would you recommend I proceed with looking into treatments or managing into it and is it common for people here to have reoccurances etc? The Drs have given me very little info and I am really wanting to understand whats happening and try to get a handle on it.
Thanks for your replies.
yvonne19574 cm5995
I'm sorry your having such a rough time right now, my advice is get back to the Drs.If they don't know then ask for a referral to a neurologist who does.you have a right to second opinion and many don't know what to do.
im not sure where you live in the UK there's several top consultants who you can be referred to ,Mine is a Dr Paul Shanahan at the Ucl London.im sure there are other HM sufferers here who could advice you.When you ask about duration that's a difficult one to ask days rather than hours is common but it's not healthy so I'm afraid it's only by persistent research and contacting various professionals ghost you really can get a handle on this and start to manage it. Can others on this site recommend further contacts? All the very best ,your not alone, come on the site and rant if you find things a struggle.A roller coaster ride is very similar unfortunately to the responses you can get I. The medical profession.Many here have been through and are still going through the ride of finding solutions and improvement of their symptoms and attacks.good luck.and keep in touch.i hope your pain will subside soon. yvonne
krisitn20713 sanddancer
Hopefully it will be of help to you.
sharon20578 sanddancer
I thought i knew what a migraine was as when i get them i need to go into a dark room ect usual things that most people would do.For about 4 years i was getting pain in my right eye ,bad neck pain ,moderate headaches and real bad tiredness.Put me on proproponal 10 mg which i thought was for blood pressure as it was very high.
He has now taken me off this and put me on 10mg of amitrip
sharon20578 sanddancer
I am on 10 mg of amitripyline to be incresed by my own doctor.I have been referred to a memory clinic and discharged with no diagnosis.A lot of the symptons i can relate to headaches,speech slurred,face dropped,memory loss ,dizziness.now i am only in the care of my gp i was wondering how others got a diagnosis
StevenRose sharon20578
What you have is Hemeplgic migraine and your GP should refer you to a neurologist for precise management of this condition. other wise you may find you go into hospital many times because as you say it mimics a stroke. I have had several emergency addmisions due to it and only now is my neurologist getting the right meds for me. Flunarizine and Botox which since I started the botox I had no more attacks andno more addmsions. Had a few symptoms that I usually get, eye pain, facial weakness and pressure, but no actual hemplegia so all is good, Have more botox on Thurs. Good luck with the management of your symptoms Sharon
sharon20578 StevenRose
I will ask my doctor to refer me.
rodsan sanddancer
I just read you post about having hemiplegic migraines. I am so sorry to hear that you have come down with this neurological disorder. I to have hemiplegic migraines and understand your concern, frustration, and anxiety with the whole experience. Unfortunately when you are in that much pain and try to see a Dr or go to the ER you are often seen as a drug seeker or mentally unstable. Mine are so bad that I have had this migraine for 9 years straight. My normal migraine baseline on a pain scale is 5, what others would call a 20 or the worst migraine or headache they ever had. When mine becomes full blown, the pain is over 100 and often feels like my brain is swelling and it is going to push through my skull at any moment. With mine, I have full blown stroke and meningitis symptoms. I have total loss of the right side, I go blind in my right eye, facial droop with slurred speech and drooling. I am not sensitive to light or sound for the most part, unless light is shined directly in my eye and my senses are heightened to the point I can hear a person breathing 2 rooms over. Nausea comes but normally I don’t throw up. I do however, have severe trouble eating or drinking, often times feeling like my throat is closing. I have been on every medication that is known to man including steroids, beta and calcium channel blockers, anti-seizure, SSRI’s, anti-psychotic, different vitamins including magnesium and B12, and all the triptalines like Neurontin, and all the migraine meds. I often go 5-6 days without sleep because the pain is so bad. Nothing works and since mine are so A Typical and I am at the extreme end of the disorder I am pretty much screwed. I have not had one day without a migraine in 9 years and the only thing I can do for relief is pain meds to cut the severity but I don’t ever go below a 5 and even with the pain meds when they are that bad I am at a 9.5. I am currently in contact with doctors/specialists in Pennsylvania, Maryland, California, Texas, Michigan, Arizona, and I have contacted providers in England, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and France. As I wait for their call backs, I am not discouraged. Just remember you are not alone. If I hear anything I will let you know. Until then, hang in there and journal when they come on or get worse. By doing that I know that some of my triggers are Vanilla air freshener and perfume, petiole, bug candles, cumin and other Indian spices, strong perfumes and cigars. By doing the journaling, you can look back and see if there is something that is constant and sets off yours so you can stay away. Also, I drink fountain coke when it’s really bad and I am really nauseated. The Coke syrup does help and sometimes caffeine does also even though some doctors will tell you to stay away. Feel free to email me at any time. I hope this helps.
Santina (aka rodsan)
sam33848 sanddancer
I have had Aura (hemiplegic) Migraines since i was a little girl with no explained reason.
My mother use to think it was Gastro, and that de-hydration would bring on a headache but it was the other way around.
Ok so first thing I have to say is that I have read Oliver sachs "Migraine", and highly recommend it.
This is a debilitating condiction that you must MUST keep an eye on.
In 2010 my hemiplegic migraines changed in character and I ignored it.
I started to get memory loss, and the headaches were different. More painful, longer in duration.
It was not until 2013 that the heart murmur was detected.
It is a very distinctive feeling of extreem palpitating followed by paralysis of the body either side, and bells palsy.
I see shapes, flashing lights and colors, sometimes I only have blind spots.
I have had rage episodes as well as sever depression in the hour before it hits.
They have gotten so bad now that my life is plagues with anxiety.
I cant work because they strike any time, all kinds of headaches from ice pick to thunderclap to full blown hemi- migraine.
No Dr has EVER helped me.
I have now taken matters into my own hands, and as it turns out I may have Lyme disease and my chances of heart attack or stroke have surged.
Please find a neurologist and get a CT scan.
These headaches are not normal, don't let anyone tell you that you will be ok.
patriciamettle sanddancer
mommasmigraine sanddancer