hemiplegic migraine

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i have recently been diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines. as its such a rare condition alot of doctors dont know anything about it , or how to treat this debilitating condition. i am typing this because i hope that it may help someone out there who is going through this and the doctors dont seem to know what is going on with them.

my symptoms tend to start two days out from an attack. i usually get a nasty ache at the back of my head , its tends to be dull and very painful, a score of 7-8 is normal. my head will feel like a block of lead, and i become very tired and listless. i tend to do alot of sleeping as well. on the second day my balance starts to go and i stumble about and and i notice my speech gets slightly slirred.

the attack usually induces bells palsey to the lhs of my face, my left eye droops as does my mouth. i have swollowing difficulties and loose sensation down the lhs from face through all my limbs. i get paralysis on the lhs in my limbs. i usually cant pass urine so i have to be catheritised, and am nil by mouth. the attacks seem to get worse each time as well , the last time i was taken to hospital in a semi concious state . i usually start to come out of it typically 3 days after the attack and my left arm is the first to fully recover , while my balance and left leg can take 2-3 weeks to come right . that depends on the severity of the attack . i find that i never make a full recovery either , so i am left with short term memory loss and learning difficulties , and am on a soft food diet only. i can only work parttime now as well, my body doesnt like full time hours and i got very washed out. i find 4-5 hours is maximum for me per day any longer and i hit a wall and struggle to go on. the nurologist said that half my brain goes to sleep which causes this. its not curable and they can only try to prevent reoccurance or limit the effects.

ive tried propanalol and topomax , but they didnt help at all , so im currently on amitriptaline. the neurologist started a weekly dose 5 weeks ago after an attack beginning with 10mg and increasing it over 5 weeks to 50mg. i had an attack during this time and am now on 75mg.

with not much being known about these debilitating migraines im surprised that a nurologist or gp hasnt worked with patients who suffer these migraines and written something for the drs to read as a guide to diagnosis or help prevent them. if any doctor wants to do so them im willing to help with this , to aid anyone else who suffers this rare debilitating migraine.

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    I've has hemiplegic migraine for 17 years.

    Ive looked through everywhere I can find and no where does anyone say anything about sugar??!

    Am I the only one?

    Whenever I get that flashing eyes and odd dizzy feeling, I go eat and drink as much sugar as I can and it usually stops it from progressing or eases it up sooner. I always get are you diabetic questions to which my doctor ( who had to google hemiplegic migraine) said I wasn't. My mum tried it when I was younger and sugar has always helped. I don't know if it's worth someone else giving it a go and seeing if it works for them?

    I have luckily had a few years break from any 'turns' as I call them. Only to have 2 in the same day at the weekend..which is a first for me.. Anyone else had more than 1 in space of a few hours?.... And I just can't get my strength and energy back, I might just manage to fold washing in 1 trip and run a bath but then i go all dizzy and spaced out. The turns at the weekend were the worse I've had as well as the after effects. How long do you guys usually feel funny for after? It's got me worried rolleyes

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      Hello Kfido,

      I crave sugar but have never found it to prevent a migraine. I find that V-8 juice will boost my potassium levels and that helps my dizzy spells. I get back to back attacks. Last weekend was 2 days of over 5 or so attacks. I always feel blah and half witted for a few days after. As I near menopause the progestrone levels change hourly some days and it sparks an attack.

  • Posted

    I was diagnosed with migraines at age 5, and with HM in my 30s after undergoing every test imaginable.

    My auras include

    • visual ones (sparkly, wavy lights, tunnel vision, black-hole in middle of frontal vision, loss of peripheral vision),

    • auditory hallucinations (hearing "talk radio" coming from somewhere but not being able to understand what is said: and I hate talk radio),

    • olfactory hallucinations (smelling fire smoke, gasoline, electrical fires, and many other bad chemical smells, never any nice smells)

    • gustatory hallucinations (tasting metallic things, burnt things, etc),

    • numbness on L side of face not generated by facial nerve (at upper jaw & top of ear) but beginning at nose and spreading across L cheek & down to L jaw,

    • numbness in L hand (but not arm), & L foot (but not leg), which is not apparently possible via nerve pathways & indicates "neurological involvement" I was told,

    • speech difficulties (dysphasia, which mixes the order of my words in a sentence though I do not hear it), aphasia (an inability to speak at all though you are trying to - this was one of the scariest things ever), inability to make myself understood (garbled speech, the EMS called it before they began asking me about alcohol & drug use), slurred speech,

    • inability to think clearly,

    • uncontrollable diarrhea,

    • chills, hot flashes (I'm almost 60 and have been through menopause twice, once normally and once surgically via total hysterectomy & never had hot flashes then, only cold flashes),

    • insomnia, fierce, incessant craving for sweets,

    • irritability,


    • emotional lability (rapid mood swings)

    Most of the auras disappear once the HM actually begins, but some remain during the HM.

    ALL the auras resolve after the HM, but I'm exhausted and sleep for an entire (24-hour) day, at least.

    I've had seizures that give me no warning besides the headache itself: no convulsions; it looks like I've just passed out but I can't be woken.

    The scariest part for me is that the seizures can become comas of indeterminate duration: once, I had one from which my husband could not awaken me. Neither of us knows how long I was out before he found me, but after he couldn't rouse me (he thought I was napping), he called EMS and I regained consciousness to find a crowd of terrified strangers in the bedroom). After a seizure, I am disoriented and often do not know where I am (like on my kitchen floor) or how long I was out.

    HMs can flip into strokes, at which time they're termed "migraine us infractions" - stroke caused by a migraine.

    Apparently, HM can run in families (mine does - both maternal great-grandmothers, maternal grandmother, etc) and when it does, they have discovered the gene that is damaged (?) and it is the same as the gene for grand mal epilepsy. Hence, the similarities between HM triggers and epileptic seizure triggers.

    I've tried every med on & off label for migraines (they all increased number & severity of HMs and auras). I walk every day, visit a medical massage therapist who specializes in cranio-sacral therapy (the most helpful treatment to date), meditate, do yoga, avoid triggers, blah, blah, blah... You all seem to know the drill.

    It's very difficult to find a doctor familiar with them, even harder to find EMS squad members who know what they are or what to do.

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    I posted and gave all of you some of my history, symptoms, etc, then accidentally touched Reply" before I was finished and off the post went.

    I wanted to add, at least, that though doctors are learning more about HMs, it took them over 10 years to verify the epilepsy-HM connection by finding the same defect (?) in the same gene, and then to discover the two types of HM: familial (more severe, more aura symptoms, begin earlier in life) and non-familial.

    Don't give up hope. We are all on this path together.

    But I do recommend a health bracelet with Hemiplegic Migraines inscribed on it, or, at the very least, an ICE app on your phone (home page, dock, or lock screen) that specifically includes your listing the symptoms and the fact that it's related to epilepsy since so few EMS volunteers, nurses, doctors, and ER personnel are familiar with HM.

    Blessings to you all,

    Alexandria Constantinova

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry for what your going through!! I'm about to turn 26 and been suffering such migraines since I can remember. My mum gets the same and I'm off again to the doctors tomorrow which brings me anxiety as I have been fobbed off many times as doctors look at me and think she is young and looks healthy their is nothing wrong with her so I get a prescription which goes in the bin as the docs never take the time to ask me questions, just wanna give me chemicals. sad

    I had two migraines one after the other on wed which had me pulling over on the side of the road to lay down as my vision had gone again. I'm a support worker and had a break in between clients so I pulled over to try and recover as I didn't want to call in sick. My symptoms,

    Vision goes with the fuzzy zig zag and then the blind spots which then gives me anxiety, followed typically by numbness and paralysis trough my whole left side, I'm completely uncoordinated during this with slurred incomprehensible speech and disorientation then comes the crying then a huge throbbing headache, nausea and vomiting often. I remember in the third grade I threw up on a guy, sorry Tom. I'm completely noise and light sensitive this can last for hours in which I feel really scared and alone, especially if I get one during the day which means through all the symptoms I have to explain to work why I have to have the rest of the day off which leaves me feeling totally flat and sad.

    These migraines have influenced my life in such away that I have avoided social situations due to not being able to communicate with ppl what's happening as I cannot speak and am noise sensitive leading to some kind of social phobia.

    I'm so excited to go to docs tomorrow but am also a huge fan of natural medicine, will definitely talk to my naturopath about my migraines.

    I just wanna say thank you to all of you for sharing you stories, I'm writing this with tears as after many years of feeling like I'm having a stroke I today saw that I'm not alone and that their is a whole community of us out there willing to support each other through this truly scary situation.

    God bless!! Love Em. Xoxoxo

  • Posted

    I have the same thing.  I will go into detail later but glad I found someone else that I can talk with! About this.  I have been dealing with this for 14 years and can't seem to get any information or find anyone else that has this.  I will be back on later.  Thanks 
  • Posted

    Ok got to say I am glad I'm not alone!

    My symptoms:

    whole side of body numb

    face numb / droppy 

    tunnel vision very bad 

    splur speech if any

    mouth numb

    extreem exhaustion/weakness that could last up to 3 days on really bad episodes.  All I want to do is sleep,  and this is the only time I can sleep 16hrs with no problems.  It seems to be the best thing to do.  I'm on topamax been since 2006, my doc calls this type A migraine which tells me he has no clue.  I look up type A migraine and that is nothing that I have. I have been dealing with this for 14 years now,  and seems to get more out of control older I get, and this really hurts my work/job.  I have found over the years that tiredness and stress will in fact induce these episodes.  I have also found that my memory is definitely not as good as it once was and I find myself staring into space at times, or even wondering what I was doing.  So ya these are definitely not fun at all!  They started at the age of 19/20 years old and I'm now 34.  I'm located In Michigan if anyone has a good Nero doc that has Delt with this before would be awesome.  Thanks and if anyone one would like to ask questions go for it.  I have had MRIs, CTs, EEGs, TEEs, blood work all kinds of test.  And no matter what they seem to do it does not seem to be able to keep under control.  Thank you all.

    • Posted

      Hey Pace- aprilg has just sent me a reply about an HM doc in Michigan. Look at the recent posts. If you can't find it I will send it on. Sorry I can't write it here- but my HM scatter brain can't remember the name!!! 

      Lots of love


    • Posted

      He is Ricardo D. Borrego M.D. 

      Thanks April 


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    Hi to sanddancer and all the other hm sufferers on the discussion - it helps right now just to know that we are thinking about each other and offering support.

    I too suffer from hm with what the doctors call "a slow recovery rate" but which is meaning I now have a permanent weakness on the rhs and permanent pain (they think it is also trigeminal neuralgia which then constantly triggers episodes) but enough -the most awful thing is that today my teenage daughter was taken into hospital with stroke like symptoms and has just been diagnosed with hm. I am so devastated- so sad- I am so worried for her and trying to put on a "brave face" even though she knows how bad it can be as she has seen it for years now. My partner is my carer not my lover now and I see how sad it makes him - and sometimes how angry, though he always tries to remain cheerful. I used to be a professional guitar player and lost the ability to follow what I loved doing. Now I am a postgrad at York but am really struggling to keep it up as I have such bad visual problems,pain, sickness, can't walk ... You know what I'm talking about. I haven't been able to let out how hard everything has become and resent every time student disability services ask me if I'm if I'm not well enough- but it must be obvious-,I haven't been in at all this term. I can tell you guys that I just can't manage it any more- but I'm clinging on because I need to do something some normality - and now my daughter has got "the thing" as she has just called it on the phone. She sent us home at six and now is regretting it but as its a kids ward they stop visiting at seven so we can't go back.  I feel so sad for her and my own stress is worsening an attack. I know I should calm down and stop crying but I hardly ever let out how I feel- trying to be strong for my family as I'm still " mum" and they all look tome emotionally. Just telling some people who understand will help - and you all know that I am thinking of you all too. Xxx

    • Posted

      Oh bless you Eleanor!

      Its bad enough having this condition ourselves, but when our kids get struck down with it, its a double whammy!

      have they given you a time frame yet to when your daughter will be recovered from this episode?  If she gets better at least that will ease the stress on you somewhat.

      Last year was a bad year for me because my Mum died and put my life in such a mess, I was in and out of hospital every other week with HM.

      We are all in this together Eleanor, so never feel alone.  Always send a message to us on here and we will respond to offer supprt and comfort.

      I hope your daughter is home soon and you can relax a little.

      And we are thinking of you too.

      Take care and best wishes

  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I am new to this site.  I was diagnosed with Hemiplegic migraines last year.  I am sorry to hear that this affects children as well. I am glad to see that people are taking advantage of the internet and supporting each other through such difficult times.  It so refreshing to know that it is not all in my head and that I am not alone.
  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I am new to this site.  I was diagnosed with hm last year.  I am sorry to hear that this affects children as well.  I am glad to see that people use the internet to support each other in such difficult times.  This is so refreshing to me. 

    Does anybody have a problem actually writing what you are thinking. This inability only happens at times but when it does it is scary. 

    Thank you

    April G

    • Posted

      Hi I didn't work out before how to message you! Dur! I certainly have a problem writing and with even speaking - especially as the day goes on, I start to mix my words up and forget words even though I can see the item in my mind! People often think me really stupid - even though I have a degree from Oxford University from before my musician days and now I am a Post Grad at York. It is so irritating and patronising the way people can be with me and could upset me if I let it. 

      But I am now at the point of accepting what my illness is and the problems I encounter. (It took me a couple of years to get to this point) 

      I try to explain I have a communication problem, not an intelligence problem and I have special exam and etc (can't think of that word where the etc should be) now - I am sure you understand. The lost. Words always come back, but I will leave that etc as an example. 

      Very tired now and my my head is really killing me - but I saw your reply on my email and had to respond-

      You are never alone with this anymore


    • Posted

      Thank you Ella.  I know what you mean. I too have a college degree.  Before all this happened I only had migraines (not hm) and I was a certified biller and coder, an emt, volunteered with the fire department, had my own business, and took care of 3 kids  Now I am lucky if I can get through the day.  There have been times where I couldn't remember how to read at all for a few minutes. One good thing about this illness is that it makes us greatful for the little things in life.  Treasure them always. I am here for you all as well. April
    • Posted

      Hi ya- feeling a little better this evening- It is strange to remember "who you were" but I am nearly at the stage where I can think of those things without it hurting. But now, I have to be strong for Sophia- I have found a Medical Institute that considers neurological disorders and gluten and MSG  problems both of which cause me to have really bad episodes. Therefore, it is likely that in the future they will make Sophia's condition and symptoms much worse in the future if she continues to eat gluten/MSG. Their research is called Gluten; from gut to brain and is available on the Internet. They are at the University of Sheffield here in the UK. I don't know if this info is useful for you. We only live about 40 to 50 miles away, so we can go for free testing . Also, I am finally getting to see a headache specialist fairly soon (whatever that is on the National Health Service) Have you seen any headache specialist neurologists yet?
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      Sorry, pressed reply without meaning to - I just wanted to say good night and  wish you - and any other hm'ers who read these notes - lots of love 


    • Posted

      I am glad you are able to go for free testing. I have been eating gluten free for about 2 years now now. It makes a world of difference. If l eat something with gluten in it I get hives, difficulty breathing, or I wake up with the room spinning. Thank goodness for the the internet. I think all of this is connected. We all keep putting our research together will figure this out
    • Posted

      Yes I do

      I can go to do something...turn around or bend down and totality forget what it was I were doing my memory is a bad problem for me...I'm back at the doctors today for blood results and I am goin to demand a specialist as nobody will give me a firm diagnosis

      How did your diagnosis come about?

    • Posted

      My primary care physician sent because she didn't the last neurologist was doing anything for the numbness.tingling, and basically stroke-like symptoms. He diagnosed me on my second appointment.

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