Hemorrhoidectomy pain
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Hello all... I am here to discuss the after math of hemorrhoidectomy!! Please bare with me as this is long and It’s leaving me a little bummed out... so here’s my story so far.. I’m 25 years old with 2 children.... I’ve had hemorrhoids for about 8 years... since my first pregnancy.... I had the surgery for grade 3 hemorrhoids on August the 21st 2018.. After the surgery was alright, and little did I realize just what I was in for.. I got home and took pain meds, ate, and slept... took me forever to pee on my own, but I refused a catheter to take home.... 4 days later which made it Saturday aug 25 2018 I was feeling alright like maybe I was starting to heal even though I still hadn’t pooped, and I’d taken dolcolax along with prescribed colace 3 times a day... well finally on that 4th day I felt the sudden urge to release a demon... or two!!! ?? I run to the bathroom only to realize that it would only come to a certain point, and then stop... it just wouldn’t come out.... I then decided that I was going to get in the tub, and maybe the water will help loosen me... remind you I had so much pressure that I just couldn’t stand it, and I was willing to do anything to release it... the water didn’t help so I decided to try and manually release it.... that was the biggest mistake I ever made.... I thought I ruptured something and it was only my PINKY back there..... 🙈 it was so painful that my mother had to rush me to the hospital because I was convinced I was dying.... I was shaking, hot, felt the need to pass out, couldn’t sit, stand or anything without consistent pain.... so finally my surgeon chose to have me admitted.... they gave me a very small dose of morphine and the smallest dose of Xanax you can take just to try and relax my muscles along with a bottle of magnesium nitrate.... I drank the entire bottle... my nurse looks at me and says “YOU WILL POOP TODAY” she was RIGHT!!!!! I tore through the hospital bathroom... it was a disaster in there.... the shower, toilet, and even trash can... nothing was safe!!!! After each BM I had to spread my cheeks and let warm water run for about 30 mins or more to give me some relief.... that was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced and that was only my first BM after surgery!!!! Does it get better??? If so, when??? I feel like I’m fine, and can take the pain up until I poop... then it’s like the pit of misery back there working together with knives and rubbing alcohol to make my life hell!!!!!
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Arok675 raven26685
Zekearoo raven26685
Hey Raven
I've been where you are, and I am sorry you are going through this.
I had two very large grape sized, grade 3 hemorrhoids removed on July 31, and completely understand what you are going through.
Considering you are only a few days in, and I'm not sure what you are eating and drinking so bare with my suggestions in the event you are already doing them.
First, stay as far away from solid foods as possible. Load up on water, ice, along with Gatorade (helps keep your electrolytes intact) jello, pudding, apple sauce etc, anything that will be easier coming out. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water everyday... take whatever stool softener you can, whether it is over the counter or prescribed. Keep in mind it should be a stool softener, not a laxative. Hopefully you are on both a pain medication and an anti-inflammatory... if not contact your doctor and take both.
More than likely that chaotic mess you experienced was the gel packing along with a stool during your first bm.... trust me I won't go into detail about mine, but it was a scene from a horror movie.
Anyway, in addition use ice or an ice pack to help reduce the swelling... no more than 10 minutes at a time.
Hopefully you have mat pads, if not have someone go buy them... it will save you a ton of time washing sheets from leaking/drainage (blood/mucous). In addition, be sure to have a ton of gauze pads as well. Trust me I know it will be painful to touch but again, prevents a ton of leakage and laundry. Oh and as for undergarments, pick up or have someone pick you up some cheap granny panties... you don't wanna ruin your best undies.
As for the pain meds, if they say take every two or four hours, take 15-30 before the time frame... stay on top of the pain. Trust me I understand. I've been through the burning, razor blade, involuntary sphincter spasms etc and doing as much as possible to stay still and in top of the pain is the best you can do.
I know there will be times when you are cursing life, friends, family, hemorrhoids, doctors etc... but you will get through it.
My advice when having a bm, don't force anything... there will be times you feel like you have to go, but it may only be due to the swelling... however by all means get up and shuffle your way to the toilet, but if nothing comes out, don't panic, as mentioned, it's likely just the swelling making you feel like you have to go. However, no matter what, run that bath using Epsom Salts (you'll want to have a decent supply of this as well, helps with the pain and swelling while sitting in the bath). Oh keep the bath water about 6-8 inches and be sure to sit there for 15-20 minutes... try and have these types of baths three to four times a day... but especially after a bm.... it helps with the burning and swelling.
Another thing you may want to load up on, if you don't already have, baby wipes.... unscented and as natural as possible. Believe me you don't want to use toilet paper, it will go beyond feeling like sand paper... so stick to the wipes, and pat.... don't actually wipe.... you don't want to rip a stitch.
OK, so that's the prep work and advice... now for the excruciating pain and handling. Again try to lay down as long as possible, hopefully you have someone there taking care of the chores and helping to get you drinks and food. Believe me the less you move around, the better.
As for sitting upright, it's gonna hurt, burn and feel like razor blades, so again at all costs avoid it like the plague.
Again, you'll probably be cursing and crying etc... and nothing wrong with that... I'm a 47 year old man, who runs, lifts weights and does obstacle course races like Tough Mudder... and I cursed and cried... like a baby!! Why? Because it effin hurts... lol... unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life.... including broken bones.
Everybody is different as far as healing and pain level is concerned, and that is because everyone has different pain tolerance and of course different grade or quantity of hemorrhoids removed.
However, in my experience, everyday did improve a little... by day 5-7 the daily pain will subside, by days 7-10 the stitches will start to dissolve and likely will come out, unnoticeable during a bm (no pain), by days 10-14 you'll be able to walk much better and sit sit upright (even if you feel a constant pinch) but grab the softest pillow you can find.
By this time the stool softener may have run out, but continue to take it anyway, because it may still feel like you are giving birth to a brick... so keep the softener within arms reach (once a day should be plenty). Also by days 10-14 you will likely be off the pain medication... which is a good thing, because they will constipate you. If you still have pain, switch to over the counter medication like Ibuprofen or something.
Also by days 10-14, try to walk a little... if you hadn't already started by days 7-10... but take it slow and steady... and increase the walks each day... start with a 5-10 minute walk and increase it slowly.
Believe me you're not alone with what you are going through.... only difference is, most people don't want to or are ashamed to talk about it.
Oh, and as far as showering/bathing is concerned... pat the area dry... or lay down and air dry... again you don't want to aggravate the area.
Now as for eating solid foods... give it a week... stick with the soluble foods as mentioned or even shakes, Boost... Ensure etc. I know the doctors say you can return to your regular diet... personally I say DON'T it's not their ass burning and giving birth bricks covered in razor blades.
Other than that, hang in there, yes the pain will go away and feel better with each passing day and do not rush back into anything. Hopefully you've managed to book 2-4 weeks off work, because rushing back into anything will only prolong the healing process.
I know it will eventually make you feel guilty and bored.... and nobody will understand what you are going through and will expect you to be back to normal in a couple weeks... but listen to your body... you'll know when you are ready.
As for fully healing, it may take a few months... you'll feel throbbing and extra pressure in the area.... but if you switch your diet permanently, by continuing to drink lots of water, stay away from fried foods and red meats (because it takes a long time to digest and can constipate you)... stick with a healthy diet... lots of greens and other veggies... sure once in awhile you can eat the junk foods... but also try and stay away from salty foods.
Booze, pop and other carbonated drinks, minimize or eliminate altogether.
Exercise, walks are good to start with... if you are a jogger... give it at least 4-6 weeks... if you lift weights... same advice.... and try to avoid squats and lunges... adds a lot of pressure to the area.... and as far as lifting anything goes... try to keep that to a minimum as well.... no more than 10 pounds for the first 4-6 weeks.
I'm sure that will be tough having kids and needing to get groceries etc... but do your best and don't be afraid to ask others for help. Keep in mind you DO NOT want to go through this again... and who cares if nobody understands... it's not their ass, it's yours.
Anyway I'm sure this was crazy long.... but having been where you are... I understand the pain.... and hope my advice was helpful.
If you have other questions... feel free to ask...
Here's to less pain and a speedy recovery
chelsea86884 raven26685
I reccomend trying to get off the narcotics as soon as possible. Tylenol and ibuprofen alternated every few hours actually helped quite a bit!
I did notice that after a month I still had a sharp pain after a bowel movement and after a follow up with my surgeon found out I had a small tear (fissure) probably from one of the first violent movements. He gave me some cream and it feels so much better.
I remember feeling like i would never be 100% again but I promise you it will happen! I was close to 100 at six weeks out. Also, if you felt that the Xanax helped to calm you call your doctor and ask about a small prescription of the lowest dose to get you through this time. I did that, and it was immensely helpful. I only took maybe 5 or 6 over the weeks but knowing I had it made me feel calmer.
Good luck with your recovery, you are almost through the worst of it!
Zekearoo chelsea86884
Hi Chelsea,
You are much further ahead than I am. How are you feeling at this point? Do you run/jog or go to the gym etc?
Also, quick question, did you have any issues with extra skin/skin tags?
How many did you have removed? How big were yours?
That's amazing you were able to return to work so quickly? Did you have yours excised, stapled or lasered?
chelsea86884 Zekearoo
I do notice a skin tag that wasn’t there before but it’s shrunk down considerably since surgery and doesn’t bother me other than aesthetically.
I had two grade 3 externals removed under general anesthesia and stitches up, so full on surgery!
From just reading these type of boards I think my recovery was probably a better outcome than most but then again people who have a great experience don’t usually post about it on message boards lol! I’m 30 and have two young kids so I kind of had to recover quickly.
julie17558 raven26685
Funny, I had my hemmoroid surgery the same day as you. One week ago today. As I lay in the tub for the 4th time today, I’m reading the blogs and freaking out a bit over the hellish stories. But I feel I should relay my experience and hopefully it will help.
Im a 55 year old woman who has been suffering for years. For the past 6 years I’ve had to push my hemmorids back in after a bowel movement every day. I got to the point where they started to prolapse and would not go back inside. 😩 They hurt constantly! I travel a ton and could no longer sit on an airplane. Fast forward to surgery, my only option.
I had 2 external prolapsed piles removed. My surgeon did not recommend any preop cleansing. I decided to use an enema the morning of surgery and I’m glad I did! Just saved me from having to eliminate that much more when the time came to go. The surgery went well and on my way home from the hospital I started to experience pain and discomfort as I knew the meds were waning. Once home, I took 1 Narco pill for pain around 4pm and shortly after I was in severe pain. I’ve given birth to 3 children and I can say the pain was about twice as bad as labor pains which hurt like hell! We called the doc and he said I could double up the pain meds which I did. I also got in the tub and stayed there for hours and took a Xanax as I started to have a bit of a panic attack from the severe pain. All of this eased my pain to the point of being able to lay down in bed and fall asleep. I took 2 Narco pills every 4hours and by morning i was practically pain free! Of course, I was and still am taking pain meds interspersed with 3 Advil so meds every 3 hours. I had my first bowel movement on day 3. BARELY ANY PAIN because my stool was so soft it just practically fell out!
Here are are my tips so far in my process;
1. Eat 6 prunes a day
2 take Miralax. Can’t stress this enough
2 take 2-3 Colace pills per day
3. Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day
4. Take 1 T MCT oil in coffee I blend with 1T vanilla and 1 pat butter with coffee in morning. It makes a yummy, frothy latte. Excellent for colon health
5. Take Omega 3 pill at night.
6 eat 1 apple per day
Ive had 4 bowel movements so far. My stool is starting to look normal so now it hurts a bit more coming out but it’s manageable. I just run warm water with Epsom salts while I’m on the toilet and get in the tub ( my new best friend) immediately after. If need be, I’ll ice the area but haven’t done so since day 4.
After I pat the area dry, I put Coconut Oil on which relieves the itching and irritation.
So now I’m on week 2 and I’ve been walking about an hour a day for the past 2 days. Taking 4-5 sitz baths per day. Eating all the above plus light things like fruit, yogurt, eggs, toast. I can tell I’ve already lost a little weight which is my favorite side effect so far 😄
i have things protruding from my anus (can’t believe I’m writing this on a blog but it’s for science, right?) And I’m still in discomfort but I’m enjoying catching up on Amazon Prime, online shopping from the tub and today I tried on a dress that fit me just a little bit better.
I know now this takes time and patience but will be all worth it in the end!
Fingers crossed for toilet time time in the morning!
Hey guys and gals!! I am so so sorry for the late responses.. I was waiting for my personal post to be approved and never received a notification for the approval of it.. lol... okay so zeke thank you SO MUCH for that very long, informative, helpful, encouraging post!!! Really, that means a lot... I’ve been feeling so alone, even though I’m not!! I’ve been staying with my mother for help, and though she has fibromyalgia (I think that’s how you spell it) she has been a TROOPER!!! She has driven my daughter back n forth to school everyday in a different county, takes care of my two year old boy who is ALL boy.. poor thing I know he runs her in the ground by the end of the day!!! So the day that I was allowed home from the hospital with me being backed up, was an alright day!! That was day day 6 post op for me!! It was painful, but bearable.. today is day 9 post op and stools are still like mud with the exception of some things that maybe didn’t fully digest.. I’ve been taking my antibiotics and stoole softeners twice a day!! I was sent home with more loretabs, and this medicine called flexeril... since being back home I’ve only taken 2 flexeril, usually in the middle of the night to relax the spasms that wake me up making me feel like I got kicked in the ass with a steel toe BOOT!!! I’ve laid off the pain medication, and just tried to face this thing head on since being back home the second time as I’m thinking that’s what added to my constipation the first time... The BMs are still very painful... like my butthole is going through a wood chipper.... This may be tmi, but I’m a TMI kind of girl🤷🏼??? Okay, so I had an excision hemorrhoidectomy, and after the surgery there was a small lump not major... then a couple of days after there was 2 they are so swollen and look split down the middle almost... like a wound... it’s yellowish and I still bleed (not heavy though) since they appear to be open wounds I make sure I take extra care EVERY TIME I go to the restroom.... I get in a standing shower and... well... poop🙈 it feels 60 % better if I can go with water running over it as I squat, and it also honestly stimulates me to go when I do that too.... afterwards I stand there and ohhhhhh my god, dear lord baby Jesus, please help me, s***,F***,mother of GODDDDD please somebody, my way through it... lol.... it’s the WORST!!! But I stand and let the water run over it until I feel better enough to get out.. then I use a hair dryer to dry my self back there because.. well.. it feels good lol... im pretty well noticing progress here and there as today I got up, walked up the street and back, took an ACTUAL shower where I sat on a doughnut and shaved my legs and all 😱 that was exciting!! Afterwards I ate a blueberry bagel.... not sure if I’ll pay for that later, but I guess we’ll find out... I just want to actually heal.... I don’t want to be doing so great and then fall back into this... I want to keep pressing forward and not have any days that were like the first couple... I’m moving 20 hours away the end of October , and um.... yea, I am driving that!!! I really pray that by then I’ll at the LEAST be able to manage even if I have to stop a couple more times than expected!!! Thanks for listening to me ramble as I’ve got a house full of family that has no idea what I’m even talking about... but they do try... I guess!!
Zekearoo raven26685
You got this!! And yes I totally understand the 'feeling' alone part, Hence the reason I replied... that's exactly how I felt - - so I am glad I could help you and make you feel like you weren't alone.
Oh one thing, if you are still getting the spasms, try laying on your side... I tried that and within two days they were gone. Not sure if that is normal - but I've heard some nightmare stories about people still getting them about 1- days later. It worked for me - - and who knows, may have been a coincidence - but I was quite happy they went away - because they were rando, out of nowhere and painful as phuk!!
Again, sounds like you are on your way to recovery - but if you still need an ear/shoulder, I'm here - - if not all the best with that 20 hour drive - - you are defintely a trooper!!!
PS - It's the TMI people need to hear about to be honest - - because sugar coating it won't help anyone.
raven26685 Zekearoo
Oh thanks so much.... idk if chatting back n forth with people who’ve been there done that, or still going through it that’s made this better for me, but it does make me feel LOADS better to know that this trouble won’t last always! I will for sure be back to update you all and maybe can hopefully help others one day as well.... 💖💖
sus62307 raven26685
I sincerely hope each one of you posting in raven's thread has a full recovery and has pain free bums as soon as is possible. TMI and details about the aftercare are so helpful...frank information is what I need, as I face the decision whether to go down the surgery road.
Thinking of starting my own thread as I wonder, what tips the balance scale to do the surgery? I am approaching 70th bd, chickened out of surgery twice...but I'm so tired of squishy lumps hanging out of my bum, and fear of cleaning myself when I have to toilet away from home. Can I ever have a more normal body again...will surgery help me get there?
julie17558 sus62307
im the 55 year old woman who posted before. I can tell you I suffered from hemmoroids for nearly 30 years. When I was younger, they seemed to go away easier but I as I aged, they bothered me more and got to the point where they were ever present. As I stated before, the last 6 years Ive had to push them back in after every BM every day of my life! And then they prolapsed so were external. Let me tell you, the hassle of having to carry Prep H wipes, suppositories, miralax, Prep H cream around with me was beyond annoying and inconvenient to say the least. I travel constantly for work and pleasure (my favorite pastime) and I got to the point, I could no longer be comfortable in an airplane seat. I also workout a lot and found they got in the way there, too. I had to swim all summer and couldn’t do anything in the studio or gym because of the pain and discomfort.
So, I say, do it! I’m on day 10. I’m off the hard pain meds now and only taking Advil a couple times a day. Today my BM barely hurt. It’s doable if you can get through the first couple of days. Just make sure you take the prescribed pain meds and maybe double up those first days and make sure you don’t get constipated!
I would say to any younger people, don’t wait. Just do it. You’ll be so much better off for it. Don’t suffer like I did for so long. I was afraid to get the surgery, too but i ultimately figured the short term pain and recovery process outweighed the pain and hassle of suffering the rest of my life.
Good luck and let us know what you decide. ☺️
sus62307 julie17558
Huge thanks for your kindness in taking the time to reply. I am happy you're recovering, and seeing the benefit of doing the surgery.
At 69+ yo, I work part-time in a hospital library because I love what I do. My morning potty routine goes by the wayside two days/week, and so I typically use Miralax to make sure I go at home, or early during the workday. BM's at work make me need a washcloth in a plastic bag, bottle of emu oil for the aftercare, and a pair of panties...just in case. I'm going on a 4-day road trip with a friend, and I had to scope out all the restaurants where I can eat meals with good fiber, bring all my BM assists with me. I know that will always need to be fastidious about my bowel habits, even after surgery...but I just think and hope, there has to be a better way to live, than having this take over my life for the next 10+ years, should I be gifted with that many more!
Thank you for your expression of good luck, and I will post as things develop.
Continued recovery, and safe, happy travels to you!
julie17558 sus62307
just realized I never responded back. Thank you for your kind words!
Again, best of luck to you.
sus62307 julie17558
Understandable! Thanks for your note...keep on feeling better 'til your hems journey is over!
pita123 raven26685
Boy oh boy, this has been some painful journey hasn’t it? Hopefully you are both starting to finally see some improvement like I am. At 12 days post op now I still have a lot of stinky brownish leakage coming out and the pain / burning after bm’s is still brutal. I’m usually right into the tub after and then into bed after that for a few hours before the pain level finally drops. Still on pain meds but only 1 or 2 a day around my bm’s.
I’ve actually been updating daily on my own thread on here. Feel free to check it out and compare notes! Lol.
That thing about sticking your finger up there will give me nightmares raven... brutal!!
This site has been a godsend in just reassuring me that what’s happening is “normal” and that I’m not the only person unlucky enough to deal with it! Power in numbers I suppose...
Keep your heads up and don’t let yourself get down about any setbacks. There will be plenty of times where you feel like you’re finally over the hump only to have a devastatingly bad day the next day. This is totally normal, so don’t let yourself get too depressed about it.
Happy healing!!
Zekearoo pita123
Yes, let the good times roll... lol.
Actually I did find these blogs very helpful... nothing and no one could have truly prepared us for the amount of pain and suffering we'd all be going through. However I think if the doctors were 100% honest, not many people would actually follow through with the procedure.
However, I can guarantee, once the pain and suffering has finally subsided, not many would regret the surgery. The reward is much bigger than the pain.
My only advice to anyone, once you've completed the surgery and you're all healed up.... avoid anything and everything, like the plague, that may have caused this.... I'm sure each and every one of us can look back in retrospect and see exactly what caused it.... whether it was pregnancy, constipation, diarrhea or strain from heavy lifting, poor diet... or even stress etc..... if we're smart... we will avoid it at all cost.... because as much fun as this type of surgery and recovery has been.... I'm pretty sure NOBODY wants to ever go through this again. I certainly don't.... lol
julie17558 pita123
Thanks for for your note. I read your string. Good luck with your recovery. Everyone’s journey is a bit different although I think all will agree, no pain, no gain!
i started my own discussion as well because I’m worried about a protrusion from my anus that looks and feels like a prolapsed hemmoroid! You can read my post if you like...ugh. I’m doing pretty well 12 days post op but for this painful, itching, throbbing protrusion.
pita123 julie17558
julie17558 pita123
How far post op are you?
pita123 julie17558
julie17558 pita123
Good luck and best wishes!
pita123 julie17558
How’s your recovery going so far?
julie17558 pita123
Zekearoo julie17558
It is definitely better to have people with experience, who have or is going through the same thing, to chat with... after all not many people fully understand or can appreciate where one is coming from.
Most people, including the surgeon who performed the surgery.... can only understand from a far. However having people to discuss this with and know exactly what your going through, how long it takes to get through it etc is very helpful.
I've been reading blogs ever since day one and am quite thankful they exist... it's so much better than having a doctor say..... Well everybody is different and heals differently.... which is true.... but at least when you finally come across people who've gone through it.... you can share, off advice and even laugh through the tears.... lol