Hemorrhoidectomy recovery experience

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I had a hemorrhoidectomy a couple of years ago and I used this site quite a lot during recovery for tips so i decided id finally share what happened with me in case it helps others. 

My piles were BAD. they didnt cause me pain but they eventually got to a stage where they were bleeding CONSTANTLY. I had appointments with the hospital (UK- NHS) on and off for about 18 months and was repeatedly told that they're been banded and i should be fine. 

The problem continued and I kept going back. After one particular sigmoidoscopy the nurse was wheeling me back and was saying everything was fine. It was at this point i had to stop her and said no, everything wasnt fine. I explained id been in several times before and I kept getting told i was fine only to go home and bleed profusely. The bleeding was excessive to the point that I was anemic and was on verge of a transfusion. 

Upon hearing this, the nurse took me back into the surgeon who said he would have another look. I dont know HOW differently he looked but he told me I had an extreme case of circumferencial hemorrhoids that were actively bleeding as i was on the table and that surgery would be required.  

I had a weird sense of dread and relief. FINALLY they've found the problem but OH GOD, SURGERY. 

I woke after the surgery and was discharged soon after having been told that i may have some discomfort but  healing time would be 2-3 days. 

I say this with no exaggeration or dramatics but that was just absolute inaccurate bullsh*t.  I was in excrutiating pain when the morphine wore off. I couldnt move without severe pain, I couldnt walk or stand up or do anything without help and severe pain. 

I didnt need to go the toilet until the following day and every single minute motion caused severe pain and the act of actually passing my stool was almost unbearable. 

To give you some perspective on me and my threashold. I've been knocked over by a car and fractured by skull, I've broken my hip, pelvis and elbow in a bad fall, ive had tattoos etc etc....NOTHING comes close to how painful this was. 

I dont tell you this to put you off....i tell you this because at one point i found myself sat on the toilet almost in tears (LOL i have to laugh at this now!) wondering if this pain would ever actually end and it was in this mood that i came across this website. It was a weird relief to read that other people have had horrendous experinces too and that it was not just me. I read about having sitz baths and what foods could help with toilet visits etc and I actually had some hope that I would get better.

The only thing that helped with toilet visits was showering after. I cralwed into the shower after each visit and let the warm water wash me up and it soothed the burning pain considerably.  

I was bed ridden for 3 weeks and even when i could move around a bit easier on my own, i had these muscle spasms that would come on unexpectedly, cause a short blast of pain and then disappear. 

All in all i experinced pain to varying degrees for around a month. I had on and off bleeding for around 1 - 2 months to the point that the doctor actually recommended i wear sanitary pads which i did! 

The recovery obviously depends on how serious the piles are but if they ARE serious, you can expect a horrible bumpy ride after. I say this....because I wish someone had told ME this so i at least knew what to expect other than being told id be out of action for 2-3 days. I could have prepared myself a bit for it. 

Do I regret the surgery? No way..... it was a month out of my life that wasnt great but its given me a lifelong solution and i've never had problems since. 

SO my advice is, get the surgery but mentally prepare yourself for a crap ride afterwards but look forward to being rid of them for good! hurrah!

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    If your case requires surgery, search for specialist that offers Laser Surgery. There is very little information about Laser Surgery, and the little info can be misleading (many sites claim there are no real advantages of laser over traditional surgery and this is false). I had laser surgery one week ago and all I can say when I hear all the horror stories from people that go under the scalpel is: Laser Hemorrhoidectomy is the best option these days. I still cannot understand why standard surgery is still being recommended as an option. My case was Stage IV prolapsed Hemorrhoids. Two weeks before I had a Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation that left prolapsed hemorrhoids that shrunk very little, so I searched and found a clinic that offered laser hemorrhoidectomy, booked an appointment and 5 days later I was in the operating room again. My procedure was done in a hospital and under full anesthesia. It even required a couple of stitches in the anal area. Having said this, being totally honest, BM will be a problem, at least if you cannot manage to soften stools (my case). I've been struggling with keeping my stool soft enough to reduce the pain drasticly. I know because I've had all kinds: watery stools will cause the pain of a thousand knives, hard stools will cause a pulsing, throbing pain that can last up to 45 mins. I have only had the beautiful opportunity of going soft enough that passing stool was almost painless and the after BM just lasted 5 mins. I take pain killers just before going to the toilet or close enough to every BM. I have been able to sit and walk and prep some meals since just a few days after surgery. I am only eating soft foods, high fiber and healthy fats like: papaya, pineapple, yogurt, soups, chocolate, lots of water, nuts, oatmeal. I avoid any type of bread, meats, rice, at this point and try to eat as little as as possible to minimize the BM time.

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      I also take Stool softener twice a day, and today increased the dosage. I take a warm shower right after BM and clean the anal area as much as possible, then I take a sitz bath with 2 spoonful of salt and 10-15 ml betadine. I clean the area as dry as possible and then apply ointment with antibiotics (at this point there is little to no pain). I wedge in a sterile gauze (Dr recommended this to promote the area to "breath" and heal quicker) with some ointment so that it doesn't dry and sticks and put another cushion layer of regular gauze and I'm good to go for a pretty normal painless day. The first few days I was having these unvoluntary spasms that caused a short, sudden burst of pain. I managed to minimize the spasms by breathing in and out (deep breaths) every time I felt the need to squeeze the bottom area, even when going to pee. Sometimes it catches you by surprise, but most of the times it can be controlled. This is pretty much my experience so far. I expect the pain asociated with BM to reduce in the following days. This is honestly the only thing that is bothering me with all this process.

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      Samantha I had 4 banded then a couple of months later I had 3 removed - a mixture of external & low down hems.

      Melissa that's a lot of b/m's, I'm struggling with just the one a day.

      I've just been the loo & it's like a hard football trying to get out. Yet the stool is quite thin & soft. Now I'm in pain. It must be because the 'passage way/anus' is smaller than before.

      I feel the same as you Lisa. I'm not sure if I'm stopping a proper b/m because of the pain, as I always feel I've not gone properly. Maybe it's because of the contractions afterwards that's making me feel like I haven't finished.

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      It has been a lot of BMs. Idk if I'm actually finishing a BM either. But I don't push or anything. I sit down let what's gonna happen, happen and get up. I start hurting to bad to sit there and see if anymore will come out. And also I don't want to sit there that long. But it's normally a very quick process. It all comes out within 30 seconds and then it's over. And the pain begins lol

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      Iv never been so quick on the toilet as I am now haha

      I hope it calms down although it don't hurt going it's just a bit of a nusiance going so many times a day ! One day I must have been 8 times ! 😳

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      I know. I'm sick of going so much in one day. I keep hoping for once a day.

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      I know this is going to sound a little personal, but my understanding is thin is not good. Dis it thin as to normal and is this what it's been like since the op. If yes I'd go see the surgeon as you may be looking at stenosis.

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      Omg I hope not!!! I ended up having another b/m last night & it's painful just before it comes out of the anus, which then contracts afterwards & is painful. I am very tender & red down there, I thought it would of healed a bit quicker!

      My surgeon didn't even ask about my b/m's when I went to see him. When he said come back in 3 months that shocked me, as it seems a long way away. Well actually he said March & I was like - that's not 3 months, so he changed it to February!!

      Are people still getting pain having a b/m & if so, are you experiencing it coming down or when it actually comes out??

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      Don't think I actually answered your question lol when I had the op stools were very thin. They have got slightly bigger, but still thinner than what I use to have. Saying that, they are much softer because of the meds. Maybe that's why my surgeon suggested I come off the stool softener so that they become bigger now. He reckons all I should be on is the extra fibre x

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      My surgeon have discharged me and said any problems go straight back , I thought I would have some check up or something !
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      I had my op private, I think my surgeon likes the $ from asking me to come every couple weeks from the insurance! Have you not had a check up?
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      I don't know when I have to have a BM until it's about to come out. All of a sudden I get a burning feeling and have to run to the toilet. Afterwards it hurts and sting so I I soak in a bath but it's normal size just really soft.

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      I think it's a good idea to come off them and see how you get on. Thin is not great. If you think they are much thinner now maybe you can take a daily photo and show the surgeon? This way he can see it and make an informed opinion.

      Your healing appears quite far behind mine. I had my regular bm this am and apart from the time it is exiting (few seconds) it's not painful and it's ID say a 1/10 pain.

      Maybe make a diary record over the week and a daily photo and see what progress you have. Then you can decide if you think you should contact the surgeon?

      Hope you feel better today x

    • Posted

      We pay privately Aswell so I'm quite surprised !

      U had one check up and because I was healing ok and no blood in stool and infection was cleared he told me to go to my gp the following week which he also said everything is fine !

      I just thought I would have a check up in a couple of weeks or something but no nothing !

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      That's a good idea Samantha. Yes think I will start keeping a record, not so happy about having a picture of my poo on my phone (lol) but at least the surgeon can see for himself! So do you not get any pain when it comes out?

      My anus is constantly contracting after a b/m & settled down a couple of hours later. It's lovely when I go almost 24hrs without the toilet as I'm pain free.

      How far are you post op Lisa? I thought we'd be under the surgeon until we are completely back to normal!

      Melissa I'm the same, I need a bath or shower head after each b/m to help take the burn/sting away. I think that's why I'm so anxious in work, coz I haven't got that luxury... plus I don't want to get caught short 😱

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      I am 3 weeks post op !

      Should I phone him and enquirer about a follow up appointment?

      I don't want him thinking I'm being too fussy ! I just want to know everything is fine ! I feel like I'm being left a bit and guess if I'm ok !

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      Gosh that is early to be discharged! But then I suppose he's checked you over, your healing well & if you have any problems you can go back to him. Maybe see how you are in a few weeks and then decide.

      I've had a look this morning & I must admit it's starting to look how it should down there (except tags). It's just the contractions after a b/m, I am really fed up of this now.

      Right work calls, hope everyone is pain free & continue to have a good recovery smile

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      That's what I thought , but I'm thinking cos I'm ok he is happy to discharge me ! I have so many questions though that my gp can't answer !

      Have a good day in work and glad it looks normal down there that's a good sign !!


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      Carl, I think it's a good idea for you. I have a few seconds of pain when it comes out only. See how you get on in next few days x

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      Strange, my surgeon seems the opposite, wanting me to come in every two weeks!
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      I feel a bit reassured now , u have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday ! So at least I will get sine answers !


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      Sorry I meant I have to go *
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      Great news.note down anything which happens this week so you also have a record to discuss. Keep us posted x
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      Good idea thanks for the tip as I always have questions in my head after leaving !

      My main concern is the tag left there it sometimes feels like a hemrriod ! I want it removed but scared if it's going to take longer to recover ! Not always but I do get pain after b/m which can last 2 hours ! I also just asked him if he stapled the prolapse back and he said he stitched it ! Not sure if that's better but I assume it is! The first time it was stapled !

      Haha so many questions I have ! But I have my not pad ready 😘

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      When you have a prolapse, do they not cut it all the way off? I'm worried about that one hard little knot thing that I have down there. It really feels like a hemorrhoid. Thankfully, I only had two BMs yesterday. Still haven't taken miralax but I did take a stool softener yesterday. I will take it again. The only way I'm gonna take miralax again is if I miss a day of having a BM. So far I have not had any contractions down there like Carl speaks of. Also I actually went for a ride last night and ate take out food. The food made my stomach hurt a little. I think it was the diet change that caused that. But I did enjoy. I am starting to want to more things and feel like I can do more also. Glad everyone seems to be doing better. Carl, I'm glad it's looking normal again.

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      With the prolapse they lift it up and stitch or staple it , but I also had internal and external Hems too ! I'm going to start just taking 1 novicol tomorrow ! And try just one painkiller! I feel so much better again today and the pain is almost nothing ! I don't know why but I have Diarrhea today! Aw Melissa I'm so looking forward to takeaway nmmm


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      I'm also worried about what's still hanging out too ! Some days it looks smaller and today it's swollen again !

      I hope it's not another hem ! I will get answers on Friday ! I'm curious to what he will say ! Xx

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      I'm hoping the prolapse isn't what's hanging down there. I mean that even hurts like a hemorrhoid.

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      Did you have a prolapse Aswell as Hems ?

      I was in so much pain with the prolapse From may when it all fell down ! It was bigger than Hems really!

      I couldn't go to the toilet properly !

      I hope you don't have that !

      When have you got appointment for check up ? Xx

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      Well I don't think my surgeon explained what I had very well to me. I was under the impression that I had a prolapsed hemorrhoid. I do know I had internal and external. One of the internals was really bad. I asked him before the surgery how many there was and he said usually there is three. That didn't answer my question. So while I was in recovery he told my hubby that he got a big nasty one and a bunch of smaller ones. So I'm really not sure from his explanation of things. I plan to ask again when I see him this Thursday so maybe I can get a better understanding of what all he did.

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      Lisa, I just googled anal bridge of skin for hemorroid surgery and it's normal for the surgeon to leave a bridge between hemorroid'S in order to avoid stenosis. Says the bridge should reduce in size although can swell with a BM. I've been reading some other board and few people says it disappears 3-6mths. Hope so!!

      Maybe this is the skin tag some talk of?


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      Aw Samantha I really hope so too , As long as it finally disappears !

      That's answers as to why it is swollen more after b/m !

      Melissa I really don't know if any of my Hems were cut out ! I'm so confused ! I really don't want anything to do with first surgeon, the hospital has notes from first so I will ask Friday exactly what was done on both operations !

      This is not as straight forward as they make out is it !


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      It really isn't. I have read so many people's accounts of this and they talk about having second and third degree hemmies. All I know is I had huge things hanging out my butt that bled all the time and itched and hurt lol. And now I know that they got cut out. I feel that I have a good surgeon all in all but he just didn't go into a lot of detail on it all.

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      What did you have done with prolapse ? I'm so confused right now ! I really thought it was cut off ! But then it all fell back out which hurt a lot more than before ! I'm cracking myself up ! Lol xx

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      My second surgeon was brilliant , I was to traumatised to ask him questions when I seen him last I was just glad to be out of pain , I actually just hugged him haha 😂 xx

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      Well I'm not sure lol. When I had my colonoscopy he said I had (or what I think he said) a prolapsed hemorrhoid. I'm guessing if I heard that correctly then he cut it out. He never said anything was stapled. I'm gonna try to get clearer answer Thursday and I will let you know what I find out. I'm confused too.

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      Good morning all

      How's everyone doing ?

      Well I tryed to not take any painkiller today , I lasted not even half hour ! Just wondering how you both Samantha and carl took her painkillers for ?


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      Morning, I only had pain killers (Anadin advance) for 5 days. I only have a little pain at the point of bm so 10-20seconds or so and then nothing remainder of the day. I don't take anything for it as it's not too bad for me.

      I did have a curry take away last night so things were a little soft today.... self inflicted!

      Hope your having a good day? X

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      maybe I will miss tonight's one ! I'm always in pain for up to 2 hours after my first b/m !


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      Lisa, you have had two surgeries and more extensive work internally than I did, your healing will likely be longer. I think the main thing is that you are making small steps daily? 
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      Yes I have make progress daily ! I'm just to impatient ! Haha

      Hope you are having a good day xx

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      Daily progress is fabulous!

      I'm doing good, trying not to think about it for a couple of days so I can see more progress! Lol xx

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      Hi ladies, hope every one is making good progress.

      I tried not to take pain killers from the beginner & just took them now and again. This tended to be when I was anxious of having a b/m or afterwards, when the pain wouldn't settle down.

      I feel great today... think that's because I've not had a b/m since y'day morning. It's the b/m's that set me back!!

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      Lisa I am already down to only taking two pain pills a day. I'm not in pain anymore just uncomfortable.

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      Hi Carl,

      Great, but be a little wary in case you become constipated. For me it took one day off a BM and the next day I was constipated. Not sure what your usual schedule is? But please drink lots and lots of water x

    • Posted

      I didn't take miralax for a day and yesterday evening I got the worse diarrhea (which is what happens with my IBS). I lost stitches in the process. I am still uncomfortable but the BM didn't hurt coming out thankfully. It still hurts after and I need to soak in a hot bath for a few minutes. I am down to two pain pills a day. My youngest boy is getting to pay the championship game this weekend in soccer. We are very excited. I am not missing this. I am gonna load my purse up with baby wipes and tucks pads. I will take a pillow and my donut pillow and I'm gonna see my boy play. I feel pretty optimistic about this being over with soon. It's been a week and a day since surgery and I'm doing rather good. I am worried about that thing that feels like a hemorrhoid but I will speak to surgeon about that tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day!

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      I normally only go once a day so I should be ok. Yes I do need to keep the water up, I'm not very good with this but I'm trying.

      I think we've all got this 'bridge' thing Melissa & I think it's fair to say we are all worried it's another hemorroid. My GP said it was but my surgeon assured me it isn't, it's just what's left of the skin as otherwise there would be too much anus taken away. Mine did swell up but seemed to have gone a little smaller these days.

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      I think what is worrying me so much about it is that I feel other lumps but they are softer and they are hanging to. This is just so hard
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      Melissa, it's a couple of days still until the weekend and I'm sure you'll make progress between now and then to be able to go out 😊

      Yes, I think the bridge is the worry all around. My understanding is that one bridegroom between two removed hemorroid's so if you had three external removed you would have two bridges etc. 

      Melissa, good luck with your appointment tomorrow.

      Carl, I only usually go once a day, I was shocked on the constipation after missing only one day, try and d ink water if you can.

      Enjoy your day x

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      I'm sure the tag \ bridge is what is causing the pain with b/m!

      Just wondering how everyone is walking ? I'm very slow, I try and walk fast and I just can't ! Is this what you are all like too ?


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      I am still walking slowly. I still won't sit down normally, it hurts. I also feel like I'm walking with my butt poked out lol. If I walk fast it causes to much pain so I'm just taking slow. Also if I bend to the floor to pick something up it feels like I'm splitting it open. Getting in and out of bed and rolling over is an issue also.

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      Melissa, the trick to getting in and out of bed is to focus in your legs first. So for example sit on the bed, swing your legs up to be flat on bed, then lye down. When getting up. Swing legs to the side and over edge first and then push yourself up. This hopefully will help you.

      for me I think the first couple of weeks I was slower than normal but then things improve quickly. 

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      I was walking fine straight away Lisa. But like Melissa said, I feel like I'd split open bending down if I wasn't careful!! Lol

      Getting in my car can be difficult as I have to stretch to get in, but I use the same technique as Samantha... concentrate on my legs & go slowly!!

    • Posted

      Advice please... I went the toilet before & it's so painful trying to have a b/m. I end up trying different positions, even standing up!!

      It feels like I'm having a large hard stool, but its actually soft & medium size. I know there's more there, but I can't get it out without straining & it feels like I will rip my anus open if I push too hard or could end up with more hems.

      The pain afterwards was ok, but as time has gone on, the pain is increasing.

      Is anyone else experiencing the same? I'm not sure if it's constipation or stenosis!!

      I know I'm seriously fed up with this recovery!!

      Is this constipation or could it be anal stenosis??

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      I don't know which one it is but I would be worried and want to see the doctor. It's already not hurting me as bad. Now every time I have went using the miralax I have had big poo so I don't know if that is the difference. I would definitely try going in water like I did the first few days. That really helps with the pain. I don't know what y'all have over there in the way o laxative but maybe try something like milk of magnesia (google that to find what y'all have the same). And if it didn't all come out with that I would see a doctor and check about stenosis. I'm sorry this is so bad for you and hope you feel better soon!

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      I feel great until I have a b/m.

      I have got laxative suppositories, so I could use one of them. My only worry is that it would then come out loose, so if it is stenosis, would that make it worse as it's not being stretched?? (Sounds awful I know... sorry lol)

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      Well I would think that regardless of stenosis if you are constipated that it would be good to get all of that out. Maybe start using Metamucil to bulk up your poops. That's scary to think it might be stenosis though. I would def get the poo out and then see what happens. Mine haven't been thin at all.

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      Can it be constipation even if stools are soft??

      I'm taking fibogel (powdered fibre) - is that the same as Metamucil? I do have Lactulose (stool softener) which my surgeon has told me to stop, but I'm taking it once a day coz I'm nervous of stopping!

      The pain is preventing me from going the loo properly. I've had to use the shower head & it's made things move in the right direction & im ok again. Good job that didn't happen at work. This is just awful !!

    • Posted

      Carl, I think judging by how many weeks ago you had this op, I suggest you see your surgeon. Have you been documenting your week?

      For me when I was constipated 100% the stool was hard and like small peanut m&m sizes all stuck together (google stool sizes and types and you will see I think there are 8 from diarreah to constipation). Mine was the constipation. Each little m&m I had to quite literally dig out like Dee said befor. Simply the stool had got so large when I tried to push my whole area of the anus and surrounds bulged - it was just too big for the size of anus. This is what I associated with constipation and looking on google. 

      I believe you are saying yours are soft. Please check the chart and see where you think they fit. Let me know how you get on x

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha

      I did some research last night & yes you're right about the constipation. I think it's stenosis but a mild case. I am going to up fibre, drink plenty of water, carry on with stool softener (but only 1xday) & see how I am next week. If it's the same, then I will go back to the surgeon. I will keep a record so that I can show him.

      The website showed a video of how to use the loo depending on what you had constipation/stenosis so will try those technicques too.

      Many thanks - hope you're feeling good (& everyone else) smile

    • Posted

      Good morning all

      Aw carl this is bad for you , you have been through enough so I hope that it's not stenosis ! When is your next appointment?

      I was in s bit of discomfort last night as I didn't take painkillers but I resisted and I woke up feeling great ! Had a b/m this morning not much pain and I haven't needed painkiller ! Maybe I was relying too much on them! So now I'm just on one movicol a day ! I'm going to try and drive today ! Samantha I just checked the stool chart I have been Having diarrhoea since op but the last couple of days it has been type 4 which it says I'm normal ! So it looks like I'm heading in the right direction !😊

      Melissa good luck today with your surgeon ! Let us know how it goes


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      Hi Lisa glad you're off the pain killers & feeling much better.

      I am still really tender down there & I can't wipe, so maybe it's not as sinister as I think. That said I'm 6wks tomorrow so thought that would be much better by now. I will just have to wait & see. My surgeon doesn't want me back to see him until Feb!! I don't want to mither him, but at the same time of things aren't right, I don't want to wait & make things 'possibly' worse.

      Aahh Melissa are you at the surgeons today - good luck.

      Thanks ladies smile x

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      Carl i think you should do what Samantha says and keep a record for a week and then go next week , Feb is to far away to wait until then !

      Can you feel yourself that something isn't right ?

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      Good luck Carl, let us know how you get on.

      For me when I was constipated the stool was just too wide and there was no way I could stretch anymore.


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      I'm freaking right out now , I just had another b/m and when I wiped it was Like a maroon colour , I'm not in pain but I feel so anxious as to what has happened ! Last night I ate beetroot crisps so wondering if this had is why! I can't imagine it to be that though ! 😳


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      Lisa, do you mean your stool is maroon? If yes then this is the beetroot! I'm sure it will be fine by tomorrow x

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      Lol Lisa yes I think that's the beetroot !!

      I feel absolutely great except when coming to b/m. It's like it can't stretch (similar to when ur constipated) only stools are soft. But it is still tender to touch. Could be stenosis (hope not) or may be it could be because it's still healing/inflamed. I'm 6wks post op, so compare to Lisa/Samantha (think I'm in the middle of you both), you both seem to have experienced this... or have you??

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      Stool looked normal but it was when I wiped !

      I hope it was the beetroot xxx

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      Aw carl no I Haven't experienced this! My pain was after b/m I never had a problem when having b/m !

      I really think u should speak with doctor !

      I hope it is your healing that's causing it xxxx

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      Hmm, make a note of it for the surgeon. For me the stool was hard as in full on constipation and I couldn't stretch to let it out.

      i thought mine was just constipation judging by the pictures and symptoms. Haven't experienced it again and it was only the one time I didn't take my stool softener that this happened.

      take care x

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      It's likely the beetroot, see how you are tomorrow. Whenever I have beetroot and I go to the toilet, if I look down I look like I've hemoraged in the water! Xx

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      Lisa I hope it's just the beetroot. Carl I think u should keep a record and call surgeon soon. I have about two hours before I see my surgeon. I will write when I'm done. I hope everyone is having a good day.

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      Is it normal to be in stool ? Iv been couple of times and it's still there ! It's not in my pee !

      Should I be worried ? Xx

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      Hi all!

      My appointment with the surgeon went good. I told him about losing the stitches and he said that was good and was supposed to happen. I told him about the leakage and the green liquid I see at times and he said that is normal. He actually put some gauze in my crack on it so that it wouldn't get yucky and all over. I'm still wearing maxi pads because of this. He said there is extra skin and swelling but he expects that will all go away eventually. I told him about my stools and how I was going so much at first but backed off the miralax. He says that it was good I backed off and he said once I feel that I am regularly going that I can start just doing the Metamucil instead of miralax. Since I haven't had a BM since Tuesday I am gonna wait before switching. He gave me more pain meds to last until I see him again. I will see him on the 22nd of this month to be checked again. He said everything looked how it's supposed too.

      Lisa-I had actually blood in my stool a few times but I think the blood was just on it from surgical area. That may be what is happening with the beetroot. I also know that foods that color your poo can leave the color for a few days on it. I would just keep an eye on it for a few days and not get worried yet. Hope everyone is doing well!

    • Posted

      That is great news Melissa, you are healing lovely ! It's nice having reassurance from your surgeon !

      I have my appointment in the morning ! i think I worried as I haven't had any blood at all ! So seeing that threw me a bit ! But yes I'm sure you are right and it's the beetroot ! I'm sure if it was blood I would be in pain and I'm not !

      Hope you are feeling positive after speaking with your surgeon!


    • Posted

      Has anyone itched down there? It seems the my butt hole is always itching and this evening it is constant. I put some anti itch cream on it but it's still itching. Any advice?

    • Posted

      Good luck at your appointment tomorrow Lisa.

      Glad you had good feedback today Melissa. Did you not mention the itching to him? I've not had any itching, but I have read others have experienced this. Maybe put some cream on like sudocrem or Vaseline & see if that helps.

      I'm so worried I might have stenosis. I think I need to make an appoint to see my surgeon asap. I'm stressing myself out.

    • Posted

      I didn't mention the itching. Once he spread my cheeks to look the pain consumed me and all rational thought left me lol. I think you should definitely make an appt if for nothing else but to ease your mind. Whatever is going on with you does not sound normal. My doctor made sure to find out if I was having big poops or not. If what is happening to you happened to me I would probably be at the emergency room lol. Let us know what you decide. Hope you are doing well other than that.

    • Posted

      I didn't mention the itching. Once he spread my cheeks to look the pain consumed me and all rational thought left me lol. I think you should definitely make an appt if for nothing else but to ease your mind. Whatever is going on with you does not sound normal. My doctor made sure to find out if I was having big poops or not. If what is happening to you happened to me I would probably be at the emergency room lol. Let us know what you decide. Hope you are doing well other than that.

    • Posted

      I've spent hours trying to research the problem. I was prescribed anti- inflammatory suppositories a few weeks back & I've just tried putting one but I nearly hit the roof!! The pain was awful. It was like rubbing lemon into an open sore. So I'm now wondering if it's a fissure??? Although the actual anus (gross I know sorry), just doesn't want to stretch. Oh I'm so confused... 😩😩

    • Posted

      Can you find any pictures on line of what a anus with stenosis looks like from the outside? If so maybe take a picture of yours and compare it. And don't worry about sounding gross we are all worrying about our areas lol. That's all I think about at this point!

    • Posted

      I really didn't think it would me physically & mentally draining! I do feel great except for b/M's, it throws my recovery out of the window.

      I don't want to go any where near that area, but I did have a feel & it's so tender & tight. But then I'm tending up, so that's not going to help either!

      At the end of the day the surgeon has done this to me, he's provided very little information & I need to go back to him, not my GP, as she not the 'specialist'. I will make an appointment today.

      Hope your itching settles down Melissa x

    • Posted


      Carl, please document everything to go to the doctors as if not sure it's normal.

      Melissa/Lisa great news on your appointments.

      Melissa I have the itch too. At first it was frequent daily bu now maybe every two days. I figured this was normal healing. I put emuaid max on mine as it's only thing I found for me to help!

      Today my pain with bm was 1/2 out of 10 😊😊


    • Posted

      Carl- I hope you get in quickly with your surgeon and get some answers and hopefully some relief. I was feeling great since Tuesday and then this evening I had a big BM. It didn't hurt to bad while doing it but after was awful. The BMs really get you. I think I was fooled into believing I was better then I am because I didn't go at all Wednesday.

      Samantha- I will google what the equivalent to that cream is here in the states and go pick some up tomorrow. As gross as it sounds, I wish I could just scratch away at this point and probably would if it wouldn't hurt so bad lol.

      Lisa- I look forward to hearing how your doctor appt goes.

      I'm headed to bed now. It's 1:40am. Hope you all have a great day! 😴💤

    • Posted

      If it wasn't for those pesky stools!!

      I've been this morning, quite loose so I didn't tense up, got in the bath straight away & I feel ok.

      Happy Friday everyone, thank goodness it's the weekend x

    • Posted

      Hello all

      My appointment went well , healing is going good but he said I'm red raw and asked if I'm itchy or stinging but it's not ! Haha he didn't understand his im not ! I have done cream ' he Also said the tag is getting smaller and should be gone by 10 days ! We will see ! The maroon stools are gone, it was the beetroot haha !

      Melissa the hot water bottles were helping with me after b/m, I would say that the pain is pretty much gone now after b/m I'm just uncomfortable a bit !

      Carl i Hope you get some answers soon ! How are you today Samantha?


    • Posted

      Great news Lisa!

      Carl, take it easy and try and get some rest this weekend 😊

      Melissa, the Emuaid is a US product so you should be able to pick up in a pharmacy or google spear labs.

      today I'm good but it's been quite warm and I've been outside a lot and not drank enough water. Trying to make up for it now so I head off any troubles 😳 X

    • Posted

      Really pleased to hear your appointment went well & your healing good Samantha.

      How many weeks are you now?

      Those beetroot crisps make me laugh... thankful it was them in the end & nothing to worry about!!

    • Posted

      I'm 3 and half post op !

      Haha I was packing a hospital bag ready to go back in ! 😂😂joke but I won't be eating them again ! It's still maroon today 😳

      Are you going to surgeon soon carl ?


    • Posted

      I just don't know what to do. I'm 2 & 1/2 wks further on from you & I think I'm still really red raw too. I used some cream which made me worse down there & set me back.

      So could it be I just need to heal a bit more??

      That said I'm really struggling with the pain during b/m & afterwards. I'm officially a Tight Arse lol x

    • Posted

      When was your last appointment with surgeon ? Why don't you phone for another chat and check up ?

      Haha all Iv talked a out the past 5 weeks is my arse and problems ! My hubby said enough hospitals now ! Like he thinks I'm enjoying all this ?? 😂😂

      I just have pain after my first b/m of the day then I'm ok xxxx

    • Posted

      Haha thank the lord for this forum to get our 'dirty' business out in the open !!

    • Posted

      Oh - I've only seen my surgeon once & he looked but I told him not to touch lol. He said everything looked ok & for me to come back in 3 months!!

    • Posted

      I was very red, sore and ulcerated. I'd had an allergy to the hydrocortisone cream. Once this was changed 3 weeks ago everything cleared up in 2-3 days. Maybe that's an issue for you?

    • Posted

      I'm gonna get the cream Samantha. The itching is just too much. Carl I'm so glad your BM was easier today. Lisa congrats on a good appt with your doctor. I am really glad for this forum too. I told my sister that all I think about is my arse at this point lol.

    • Posted

      My pain is inside, can you put cream there?? I just thought I'd have to wait for this to heal naturally.

      Bums bums bums bums - can't wait for it to be over. When we are all well we will have to send a yearly up-date ha

    • Posted

      I would be scared to put anything in there at this point lol. My bum is still hurting from the BM I had last night. I dread today's BM. I to can't wait until this is over. We will be traveling in less then two weeks to my mothers. Not sure how that will. Hopefully I won't need a bath every hour at that point lol. And yes I think we should give yearly updates. Without this forum and reading other forums I wouldn't have even known to take a bath after BM to get comfort. So glad I've had others tha know whats going on.

    • Posted

      Carl, please add this to the list for your surgeon. For me I had only external removed and some of the cuts go inside but not as much as if you had internals removed. On this note I don't know about the cream. Have you arranged an appointment? I really think it would be a great idea for you.

      melissa, hopefully in two weeks you will feel like a new woman!!

    • Posted

      I haven't made an appointment, I shud but don't want to mither. Every time I went to phone today i put myself off. I feel I need to just give it another week. I don't think me tensing up is helping, I need to relax... just so difficult!! At least I can touch the area now, I couldn't even wipe until y'day!!

      Aahh Melissa I think you'll be fine. Just make sure you have all the necessities with you & maybe top up with pain relief.

      Hope the boys do good with their footy tomorrow smile

      Have a great wkend all x

    • Posted

      My little boy got second place in his game. He was very happy. Carl how are you today? Lisa have you seen your doctor yet? Samantha here in the states the emuaid cream is $60 so I'm trying hydrocortisone. Hopefully I won't have the problem you had with it. Hope you all are well.

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa,

      Oh that's great for your son well done to him !

      Yes check up was great , he said everything is healing well ! He said that tag should eventually shrink to nothing ! We'll see .

      I'm not taking pain killers and i actually drive today and went shopping !

      So everything looking up !

      How are you today ?

      Aw my beetroot stools have stopped now haha


    • Posted

      I'm doing good. I went to the game and the party after. I'm still not driving but I am also still taking pain meds so when I'm done with those I will drive again. I'm glad your check up was good. I'm worried about that skin tag too. We will see! If my bottom wasn't so itchy I would be a lot happier lol!

    • Posted

      Aahh lovely news about your son Melissa & glad your appointment went well Lisa.... & no more beetroot stools lol

      I have been soooo anxious today about the loo, but I took pain killers in advance & had an ok experience. I even looked up & thanked the Lord LOL

    • Posted

      Every time I get in a hot tub after a BM I say very loudly, "Thank you God for hot water". Lol.

    • Posted

      Haha !! I can't wait for the day when I'm healed & no longer 'poo' anxious. I have taken my good health for granted... not any more !!

    • Posted

      B/m are such an ideal aren't they ! Some days I don't feel anything after , but other times its taking a good 2 hours to calm down ! I wouldn't say painful just so uncomfortable 😣!

      It's very tiring isht it !


    • Posted

      Yes it really is and when this is all over I am not gonna take for granted how easy it will be to just poo and wipe and go about my day. Lol
    • Posted

      Hello all ,

      How are you all today ? I hope things are all good and everyone is having a brilliant Sunday


    • Posted

      My Sunday is going pretty good. I cooked lunch and cleaned the kitchen now I'm having a rest. I hope your Sunday is going good too!

    • Posted

      Hi all. Yes it's been a good wkend thanks Lisa. Haven't been the loo since last night so a bit anxious for the next one... it really. We'd to be done before I go work (pressure!!).

      I've had a look & I think my problem is a fissure. I've read forums that say creams like anusol came be good & bad for fissures, but my surgeon said not to use hydrocortisone on an open sore so I'm going to monitor it for now.

      Hope all you ladies have a good healing week x

    • Posted

      Hi Carl,

      Does the fissure explain the narrow stools? I'm not sure, have you been able to arrange an appointment with your surgeon?

      Lisa/Melissa - all sounds well ladies. Melissa yes the emuaid is not cheap but for me one pot lasts 7/8monthd and I find it worth its weight in gold as I use it for other things. You only use a tiny amount each time.

      I've been working last couple days so quite busy. Stool is a little runnier than i like last couple days too but no pain. Hopefully I can turn that around. The. Ridge feels like it has gone down a bit too 😊, not much left. So apart from a softer stool I wouldn't know I have this and putting cream on/taking dalton.

      Have a good week x

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha

      Like you, my stools have been a little loose so I've done what my surgeon suggested & av come off the softener. Last b/m looked ok, only too soft. I think these need to be firmer so I don't get stenosis!!

      When I've looked down below I'm still very red inside & I can see something similar to a paper cut (quite deep), so I'm thinking this is a fissure. I was tempted to put anusol on it, but it stung last time I used it & again my surgeon told me not to use a hydrocortisone cream on it, coz not good for an open wound.

      When I've read around people having a fissure it does seem similar to what I'm experiencing. I'm hoping this is what it is & will heal over time.

      I only want to go back to my surgeon but I don't want to mither him, so I've decided just to wait until the end of this week & see how things are.

      My problem is that I feel absolutely great until I have that b/m. It's an ordeal getting it out & cleaning myself if I'm not at home. Lucky I've always been home, just hope that continues until I'm better!!

      I'm pleased your doing well & at least you can sort out the softer stools.

      Happy Monday everyone smile

    • Posted

      Hi Carl,

      I was a bit like that when I had my reaction to the hydrocortisone cream. I thought I had a fissure. But it wasn't. My surgeon changed the cream and soni now use the Varixinal, coconut oil and emuaid depending on what I grab first. I seem to have got over this and the itching I had of late with this trio.

      I don't have any red when I look, for me it looks quite like before just the bridge is a little more prominent: hope the red sore parts clear up soon for you.

      I'm. It going to take any softener today, see how it goes.... hopefully you and I have pains free future bm's!

      Happy Monday!

    • Posted

      I've not got any cream so maybe that's why you're healing quicker than I have been???

      Thankfully I went the loo before work which was still painful but no where like it's been.

      I just want to heal & put this awful experience in a locked cupboard & never open it again lol

    • Posted


      Yes maybe that's why, I have cream and tablets another two weeks worth!

      Good to hear! Hope you have a good day and yes let's hope we can all forget about this experience soon!


    • Posted

      I'm glad to hear you are both doing well. I am also having runny stool but if I do t take the miralax I don't have a BM and the next time is awful. Also I haven't had much pain so yesterday evening I decided to try and not take pain meds. Well two hours into that and I hurt terribly. It almost felt like my tail bone was broken. And I've noticed with a BM that the left side of my bum hole seems to swell up more and hurt the worse. I gonna back to see the surgeon next week so I will let him know all of this. Hoping by next week I won't need to because it hopefully wont be happening anymore. But I do know I still need pain meds. Have a great day!

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa,

      yes bm's seem to be either one extreme or another for a while. Be careful with not taking pain medication as you are still only early days with your recovery, if pain kicks in later then your body is telling you it's not ready to stop them just yet,

      I wonder if the left side is where you had hemorroid's removed? For me the swelling was mainly where my bridge was. To be honest it's reduced in size a lot now and hopefully yours will over a week reduce a little. But be patient here as I'm talking 7-8 weeks now. 

      Take care x

    • Posted

      My bridge is more to the right side. And when I swell it's like the whole left side in my crack up to the bridge swells. It's kind of weird but that may be normal. And yes I'm gonna keep up the pain meds. I wonder why it feels at time like my tail bone is broken. I keep thinking that maybe the internal removal is just radiating the pain and making me feel that way. I actually feel pretty good besides being slow and the BMs. It's frustrating because it's like I'm almost better but just stuck at this point. Im scared not to take the miralax but I think I'm gonna just move to the stool softeners and see what happens. If I don't have a BM for two days I will take miralax again. So ready not to have to worry about my poop as much lol!

    • Posted

      Oh dear, suggest you keep an eye on the swelling but try not to fixate on it daily as then you may not notice if it's decreasing (I try and give it a day or two so I can feel a difference). 

      Dont know about the tail bone but I have read someone else complain about the same thing, sorry can't remember where though 😳.

      yes may be worth trying to move just to stool softener, but don't let yourself get constipated as this is tricky to deal with!

      wont be long before you will hopefully put all this behind you and you can have a day without thinking of your rear lol! x

    • Posted

      When you took about the 'bridge' - are you both meaning a flap of skin on one side of the anus?? This is what I've got, I've also got a smaller one towards the back. I thought they were skin tags but they swelled up at one point & I thought the hems had come back. These are still there, but 'slightly' smaller than before & occasionally can be a little sore.

      Melissa, how is the pain? Do u mean like a bruised pain or burning pain?? My pain was always from the back & felt like I had put salt onto a open wound & when I used cream it stung like hell. Now I'm able to touch the area & have a good look, I can see a deep paper cut (which I think is a fissure). This is where my pain come from when going the toilet & a couple of hours afterwards.

      I think when the surgeons say 2-3 wks, that's more when you could go back to work. I think it's going to take at least 6 months before everything is healed and back to working order. Which I don't mind, as long as it all returns!!

    • Posted

      Hi, my bridge I would say started off looking like a slightly shrivelled marshmallow. It then has gradually reduced into a melted marshmallow and some of it reabsorbed. Where the hems were I have two hard small white lumps. Anyone else have this? 

      I agree, think surgeons give us a 2-3 week window to help us feel better pre op! Mind you at 7-8 weeks I'm quite happy now. 

    • Posted

      Hi all

      I was just going to ask you about the tag that's left ! I try not looking at it everyday as i want it gone lol but it looks like a shriveled up hemmie ! I'm so confused about it ! It looks like it going nowhere lol


    • Posted

      Hi Melissa I felt like my tail bone was broke but I Must say I haven't felt it since Friday ! But it was very unpleasant! It gradually goes ! Xxxx

    • Posted

      Lisa, it's only been the last week that I'm happy with mine disappearing! Takes time!

    • Posted

      Carl my bridge is just on one side. The pain is more like a bruised feeling. After a BM it is a burning feeling for a little while. I will say the pain meds do completely stop the pain at this point. Samantha after a BM I get straight in the tub to soak and the swelling is gone before I get out. It literally just swells during the BM. It's kind of weird. Lisa good to know that this is something that happened to u to and it is now gone.

    • Posted


      That's ok then , I was getting a bit para about it ! Thanks xx

    • Posted

      Melissa it all sounds like my healing !

      The meds deffo help , it's been a couple of days since Iv taken any meds ! Xxx

    • Posted

      Hi all how's you

      Iv been experiencing a little bit of blood only on my first wipe ! Is this because maybe my stools are now firmer ?

      I'm not in any pain really !

      I'm just a bit concerned 😳!

      Has any one else had this after 4 weeks ?


    • Posted

      I can't really answer this because I'm only two weeks out. I haven't ever completely stopped bleeding yet. It's great you aren't having pain. I only took one pain pill yesterday and am driving today. I am also doing a lot better. My BMs are also not hurting as much. Yay! Have a great day!

    • Posted

      It's just worrying me a bit as I haven't had blood at all , I'm nor in pain enough to take a pill it's just a bit sore!

      Omg that's great about the driving ! I actually done my hair the other day after wearing a bun or plait for 6 weeks ! That's great that everything is calming down for you ! Everything is heading in right direction !


    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      i am exactly the same, first wipe only. I'm 7 weeks and was hoping this would've stopped. I am due to see my surgeon late next week and was going to ask about the same.


    • Posted

      It's such a worry isht it ! My skin tag seems to be shrinking so that's good bit Now the bleeding ! I can't win ! lol 😂


    • Posted

      Yes, such a pain too! My bridge seems to have nearly disappeared, only seems raised a little after BM! I'm hoping this will all be well behind me before Christmas holidays! 

    • Posted

      Aw I'm hoping Aswell ! U really wanted to be ok by this Weekend as it's My birthday 🎉, somehow i don't think so ! Unless a miracle happens between now and then !


    • Posted

      Hopefully you have a day full of festivities and no thoughts on your rear end! xx
    • Posted

      Hello all.

      I've not had blood, but I did get some the other day when I struggled with a b/m. I don't think you shud worry too much Lisa, especially if it's only after the first wipe. It wud b different if it was constant. 4wks is still very early days & it's been a big operation.

      I'm still having pain when I go the loo, but this has reduced a lot, but I still look very red inside.

      I'm so fed up with this bum lark. My skin tags are just the same, but worse than what I had before. I'm trying not to let them get me down, as I might be able to sort them out at a later date (not that I particularly want to do so). I just don't think all this trouble was worth it, especially as the site looks even worse than before & b/M's are literally a pain in the bum!!

    • Posted

      Carl hopefully once your bum is healed better the tags will go away. Maybe they are still there because you are still having problems. If that wasn't better by the end of the week I would make an appt with your surgeon. Today I have finally had a BM without having to take a bath immediately after. I'm very excited about that. Hoping my skin tags go away soon.

    • Posted

      Oh Melissa I can feel the excitement lol. Its such a lovely feeling when you know you've made progress.

      I think I've had a fissure & the cream I was prescribed off my GP made it worse. Now I'm just having salted/coconut baths & as the fissure is healing, my b/M's are getting easier. I still don't want to be away from home to have them tho!!

      It's a long healing process that really takes it out of you. Plus it's the worry of getting caught short or becoming incontinent... I'm sure we'll all be fine tho smile x

    • Posted

      Yes it is a long recovery. It's like I'm almost better and just can't get fully there. Are u sure the fissure is healing? I've read a few other forums and some people that had them had to have surgery to fix them. Hopefully you won't need that. And yes leaving the house is scary lol. I keep a ziplock bag in my purse full of baby wipes just in case.

    • Posted

      Oh Melissa that's fantastic ! Your are deffo healing the right way ! I'm so happy for you !

      Aw carl I feel so bad that you are having such problems Maybe it was the cream that set you back a bit , it sounds as though you have stripped a layer of skin off with the cream and it's jut healing because you of the b/m so it may take a week to heal again maybe ??

      All of this is actually a pain in the bum literally! I'm sure you would all agree xx

    • Posted

      Yes I know what you mean. I feel like I'm pretty much healed... then a long comes the b/m & it sets me back.

      I can see what looks like a deep paper cut at the back, which is where I've been experiencing all the pain. This does look & feel better, but I guess every time I go the loo it's opening it up again slightly & then I have pain.

      I've picked up some more pain relief so I'm going to take them in advance of a b/m... tho it's hard to know when this is going to happen!!

      I've found the whole ordeal very mentally challenging & depressing, but it will be wonderful when we are all healed & doing well!

    • Posted

      Haha absolutely Lisa!! Yes I think the cream didn't help & set me back. Samantha had the same trouble. Hopefully I'm back in the game of healing & moving forward.

    • Posted

      I hope so carl ! I didht in a million years think it would be such a massive problem ! I'm glad I didht find this forum b4 the ops as I'm not sure I would have gone through with it ! ( well I had no choice Really as it was pretty bad back there) but I would have been putting it off ! But I'm so glad I found you all for the healing xx

    • Posted

      Aahh I think the exact same Lisa. Although I did find this site when I was waiting to go into theatre & I nearly walked out. If I'm honest, I wish I had of, but then I'd be moaning about the skin tags... oh hang on, I still am !! wink

    • Posted

      Well I'm glad I found this site and the others. The other forums I will have to say they all seem way worse off then any of us but all of that prepared me. That's where I found out to get in the bath immediately after BM so as to ease the pain. If I wouldn't have found these sites I wouldn't have known anything and I think this would've been way harder on me. All my doctor told me was that if I didn't have a BM within two days to take a laxative. I was not informed at all about what to do for aftercare. You all have really gotten me thru this!

    • Posted

      I totally agree Melissa. I got no information except how to take the medication.

      If I didn't have the internet I'd be suffering in silence. Grim thought!!

    • Posted

      When all this is over I will miss our updates ! Yes u have read all the other sites too , some of them are toe curling! I read some b4 second op that someone had to have another op a couple of days later and I remember thinking as god I don't want to be in that situation! Little did I know hey !!


    • Posted

      Yes after those first BMs it felt like someone put a blow torch to my arse. I would've laid there for hours in pain without reading these forums. So glad we found each other.

    • Posted

      Some of them were in excruciating pain for 8 or more weeks. They were literally just stuck at home and I kept thinking I would lose my mind if I had pain that long. Thankfully mine has been a easier recovery then some of those.
    • Posted

      Lisa did you have a second op??? I got so confused at the beginning of who was who lol. We defo need to come back on here in a years time - bonfire/fireworks time - sounds about right!!
    • Posted

      Yes 11 days after first one , I wasn't getting better I was getting worse everyday ! It wasn't done prioperly and my insides fell out of my bum and bleed ! My mouth swelled so u looked like Donald Duck !

      I'd never felt pain like it ! I stayed in hospital night before second one ,no Pain meds or morphine helped ! But onwards and upwards now 😊 Xxx

    • Posted

      Omg that is awful. You really have gone through it. What did they do wrong?

      I'm so pleased that you're recovering well this second time around. I bet you've been a bag of nerves! X

    • Posted

      I was in a state just after second one thinking it was going to happen again, I still get my days !

      The first one the Hems and polyps were removed and the prolapse lifted, it was stapled wrongly it didn't hold so a hole developed and the inside of my bum was hanging out ! I thought it was the prolapse again but it wasn't ! I felt something wasn't right as soon as I woke up with the first op!

      I was being poisoned that's why my mouth was swollen ! I had to take 4 lots of antibiotics after second op for a week ! Xxx

    • Posted

      What a nightmare!! I guess when we look at what you've gone through (& Dee from earlier conversations), we've done ok really.

      I can put up with the pain as long as I know I'll be ok at the end of it... but we won't know until we get there.

      I really hate the shape & bump and I feel very down about it all. I am trying to keep positive & I am very grateful that I'm healing (albeit slow) & im not incontinent.

    • Posted

      Lisa I meant second surgery not second church lol. Carl I am hoping it's all worth it in the end too. I am so worried the bridge and bumps won't go away. I would hate to have that hanging after going thru this.

    • Posted

      Morning all,

      Hope your all having a better day than me. I woke up just now and went for my BM and then noticed soooo much blood, the most I've ever seen. I've never seen anything like this. Before it was like a couple spots for the first wipe, this was a few tablespoons worth. I'm going to message my surgeon and see what he says. Unhappy days 😔

    • Posted

      I was just thinking that for breakfast yesterday I had a berry smoothie, maybe it was the berries. I haven't had one for 4/5 days and I changed my berries brand too. Then the blood on the tissue. I'm going to give it a day or two and see how it is. Thanks 

    • Posted


      Oh no Samantha that's not good , I hope it is the Berries , it's scary isn't it when you see blood !

      Did you mean you didn't have a b/m for 4 days or the berries ?


    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      Oops I meant no berries for 4 days! I go to loo nearly every day normally or at least 6x a week. Had another berry smoothie this am so will see tomorrow and decide what's best then. Don't want to message doctor until I'm sure!


    • Posted

      Samantha I am still going 4 sometimes 5 a day ! The doc told me to stop the movicol but I have fear of not going then , have you stopped all the stool softerners now ? I feel I'm stuck in a rut at the moment ! I have been taking one in the morning I'm thinking to try every other day for a week and see how I go ! I'm just not sure what to do right now xx

    • Posted

      Morning all. Oh Samantha I'm sorry to hear you've had a problem this morning. Try not to worry. It could be the b/m has opened up the wound slightly which has made it bleed. At least you can get quick advice off your surgeon. Please let us know how you get on. Our thoughts are with you.

      I haven't been the loo for 2 days & just took a suppository as I really can't go at work. Thankfully that's worked so it's reduced my anxiety..... for now!

      This recovery is horrible 💩💩

    • Posted

      Lisa, no I'm still taking stool softener once a day which is what I've been on since the op. I still go once a day. After the op I went a couple times a day for a few days but within the first week it settled to once a day. which has been my norm.

      how many times a day do you take something?

      Carl, thanks, I'm going to test if it's the berries and I'll check 💩 tomorrow. What a life eh!!?? I'll contact my surgeon tomorrow if I think it's blood and not berries! It's weird as I don't have any blood for the rest of the day.

      Hope you are able to regulate your bowels soon so tha work is not an issue for you. It can be stressful but if you can that will help. Are you taking any laxatives or stool softeners now?


    • Posted

      In deffo going to much Iv stopped with the movicol and the last 2 days Iv Been adding a natural supplement to my cerial it's nit a laxative it just helps your insides ! I just want once a day but it's not happening !

      Should I stop everything and go cold turkey ? Or slowly ! Every other day ? Xx

    • Posted

      Do you also take a stool softener? Or just the movicol?

      I've added psyllium tablespoon to my morning smoothie (suppose to add protein powder but I don't have any!). It's a natural colon cleanse too. Then I have the agiolax once after lunch. I eat loads of fruit and veg each day and try and take water (although I'm down to maybe 2L a day as it's not so hot so I'm not taking as much). 

      I would suggest you try try every other day before cold turkey. You want to avoid constipation. See how you go with no movicol for a day and the impact next day. X

    • Posted

      No I'm not taking stool softerner , in just adding a spoonful of the supplement to my brekkie I missed out the movicol yesterday and I may take some with lunch !

      I also drink 2 l of water and eat fibre and lots of fruit and veg ! I have started eating prunes every day which I don't really like but I know they are good for you lol ! Maybe this is efy I'm going so much !


    • Posted

      Why * sorry about the spelling 😂

    • Posted

      I got told to stop the stool softener, but I've been taking it every other day as I'm nervous of getting constipated. I'm wondering if I shud take 1 daily dose instead of 2 (think I will).

      By bum is killing me & ive had 2 tramadols this morning - it doesn't help I'm gonna be sat on it all day!!

      Keep strong everyone, this is one bumpy ride! X

    • Posted

      Yes cut it down to one ! But drink plenty of water! Are you eating enough fibre ? It really helps !

      Yes it certainly is a bumpy ride !

    • Posted

      I think my diet is ok & im taking 2 fibogel a day. Yes it's the water I need to keep track of, I'm not very good with this... but I am trying smile

      Listening to you ladies, I think I'll keep off beetroot, berries & anything red !! wink x

    • Posted

      Good idea Carl, I also noticed that chilliest and red peppers go straight through me too! 
    • Posted

      You seem to be on the same amount of fibre in terms of fruit and veg as me. Differ nice mainly is the stool softener I take as to to movicol you take. With mine I go once a day, yours multiple times. Maybe it's too strong? 

      Perhaps you can try and half the dose and see what affect it has? Is it sachets or a tablet? Mine is small crystals.

    • Posted

      What is the natural substance you are taking with breakfast?
    • Posted

      It's sachets , Iv no idea what stool softerners are over here !the supplement is called floh sammen in Deutsch ! I took yesturday And this morning and have stopped the movicol ! I think I will cut the movicol completely as I was on it 4 weeks ! My gp told me to get floh sammen !

    • Posted

      Iv just up on it it's called flax seed ! Xxx

    • Posted

      Ah yes I put flax seed and chia mix in my smoothie too! It's suppose to be good for digestion.

      I have about a week worth of stool softener left. I will finish it off and then see where I am at I think.

    • Posted

      I'd never heard of it before ! But have been reading up on it ! If I can I will just keep using that ! Will you carry on using this as your daily routine ?

      It's not harmful is it ?


    • Posted

      Sorry I didht finish sentabce ,Iv been reading up on flax seed and it's meant to be really good for your insides ! Xxx

    • Posted

      Oh u really don't know what is going on with me , I haven't taken movicol for 2 days and I'm only taking the flax seed in the morning ,I have had 5 b/m today ! I was out driving earlier and I had to make a quick dash home to use the loo ! It's interfering with my life a bit having to go so often


    • Posted

      That's a lot of b/m's Lisa. Are you normally this regular?? Maybe they will settle down now your off the Movicol.

      I hate my bum at the moment, I want it over 😩 I can't wait for the day when I go to bed and realise I haven't thought of an itchy bum or a surprise to come lol

    • Posted

      I normally a once a day!

      It's just too much, I'm worn out tbh with it ? I know I hate this crap I can't wait for it to end now !

    • Posted

      Wow Lisa, if I were you I would not take the movicol and monitor the bm's for a few days. I don't think the flax seeds would do that to you.

      the flaxchia blend I have I add about 1-1&1/2 tablespoons to my smoothie along with the same amount of psyllium. 

      Well i I got up this morning, went to the loo and I don't think it's the berries! I had blood dripping from me which I've never had before in whole 8 weeks. Going to contact surgeon ??

    • Posted

      It's weird Carl as apart from the moment of the BM I wouldn't know I had his now. Strange how all of a sudden I'm losing a lot of blood.

      i too can't wait for the day this is over....

    • Posted

      It's crazy that you are bleeding that bad this far out. Let us know what your surgeon says. I hope everything is okay.

    • Posted

      Oh that doesn't sound good Samantha. Hope you're ok and it's something minor.

      Lisa I think I'd be worn out with all those b/m's, I'm bad enough with 1 a day!! It may settle now you're off the movicol & flaxseed is good, I doubt it will be that.

      Melissa sounds like you're doing really well, keep it up!!

      I feel a bit 'stingy' today, not sure what that's about. As normal, I'm just dreading the next b/m. Least it's Friday!

    • Posted

      Yes Carl and hopefully you can have a pain free weekend.

      i messaged my surgeon and he said a small scratch of the internal mucosa can cause a little oozing for a few days and it will settle down.

      fingers crossed xx

    • Posted

      Omg Samantha

      I would phone asap , that don't sound good ! Please let us know how you get on ! Try and rest a bit today !

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      The surgeon seems to think I've scratched the internal lining (mucosa) and that has caused the bleeding. Seems to think it's ok and it will pass in a few days as it re-heals. Hope so.

      Thankful that on a weekend my surgeon answered my message within 5 mins too to settle my concern.

      Hope your all having a good day x

    • Posted

      That's good that he reassured you !

      I will keep my fingers crossed that the bleeding stops !

      Have. Good day xxx

    • Posted

      Well over had a good few days. Then this evening I had a thin BM. But as I was patting myself clean I felt a hard spot in the bridge which kind of hurts. Then while I was in tub I washed and it burned me so bad it almost felt like something has come lose or ripped. So after the bath I got out and had to tinkle when I wipes there was lots of fresh blood. I can't see my surgeon until Tuesday. I am very worried about this. It's really two steps forward one step back. I'm so sick of my butt. I'm headed to bed now. I hope you all have a great day!

    • Posted

      Good morning all ,

      Oh Melissa that's awful , can you phone your surgeon to ask for advise? It's not still bleeding is it ? It really is two steps forward and one back ! I'm sure I felt that hard lump on the bridge , I was freaking right out . I was googling it all the time ! It's like a sharp lump ! It's comes and goes and not sure what it is ! It don't hurt though !


    • Posted

      Lisa I can't phone the surgeon until Monday and I doubt he would see me before Tuesday anyways. Are you still feeling the lump? Mine is also kind of sharp. It seems that the wipes sometimes get hung on it for just a second. Such a weird little thing. The bridge has went down a lot but is still there. I hope that it will completely go away soon. I would hate to be stuck with that after going thru this terrible surgery.

    • Posted

      The bridge (which I think you mean this horrible skin tag thing I have), is painful on & off for me. Some times it feels like I've grazed it. I've not been able to wipe because of it, as its always been sore.

      Y'day I complained of feeling 'stingy' in the area & I noticed I had some yellow colour liquid coming out, it's gone now & I'm feeling ok. So I think when having yet another difficult b/m it's opened the wound a little & it's weeded (like I feel like doing!!).

      I was sat in the bath last night feeling very low. my butt is so much worse than before & I am very angry with my surgeon for not going through all of this with me. The operation is one thing, the recovery time another & then theres the scarring/lumps.

      Your right Melissa, just as you start feeling positive & making improvements, you've gone backwards.

      My b/m aren't as big as they were, but not a worrying size, but they are difficult & painful to have. It's took over my life & im upset coz I'm worse down there than I ever was.

      The tag at the back I think would be able to be removed, but I don't think this one on the side (which I think is the bridge) can be.

      Well I hope you all stop bleeding & aching & our steps forwards start to go further than they have been doing x

    • Posted

      Weeped not weeded lol
    • Posted

      Yes I have a lump and a tag , the lump is there always but every so often I feel that it's quite sharp and a bit bigger , I have calmed down with the blood but every now and then I still get blood when I wipe ! Not much just a little bit ! I seemed to have s couple of good days then on Thursday I was resting all day and I slept alot ! I'm walking faster to! I'm still not 100% though ! Melissa is ut bleeding even when your not having a b/m ?

    • Posted

      Lisa yes it is bleeding without a BM. Sometimes it's not much but when I am patting/wiping I get a good amount of blood. It itches terribly all day every day. This evening when I had so much blood I had just went to pee. And then I had all that blood on the wipe and in the toilet it looked as if I had poured blood into. Carl I would want this tag/bridge to be removed but wouldn't want to go thru this again. My sister asked me tonight if since I'm not in excruciating pain now do I still regret the surgery and my answer is yes at this point. I have had 3 c sections and felt better then this by now. And I'm still early almost three weeks out but my dear it's time to move on. I can't imagine how you all feel being that you are further out than me in your recovery.

    • Posted

      I am also always leaking green/yellow mucus all the time. Today will be my 19th straight day of wearing maxipads because my butt is leaking fluids and blood. It's just gross!

    • Posted

      I'm just over 7wks & I really thought (like most major ops), that at this point all would be ok.

      I think if I was bleeding that would be another awful worry, but I have read lots of people experiencing this side effect. Hopefully it will start to reduce & stop. It's all very draining.

      Do people have pain having a b/m? Mine feel like they are massive & my butt is too small for it to come out. I'm scared of pushing incase I cause another hem or I rip myself. Throughout the ordeal I'm sitting, squatting, & standing, and I never feel quite finished. I still can't wipe so I always need the shower afterwards.

      I don't think I've moaned as much in my life!!

    • Posted

      Melissa is that Been just recent of just now ? That is quite worrying ! I would really want to see a doc Sooner rather than later !


    • Posted

      Hi All,

      Carl, it's quite concerning to me you still have so much pain at BM time. To be honest I have a really minor amount and it's only at the moment of the stool passing - say 10seconds. As soon as it's passed it's gone. On a pain scale I'd put it at 1/10. If your in this much pain I think maybe it's time to chat to the surgeon?

      Melissa, it's a bit worrying about the blood and mucus. My understanding is that if you upset the innermost lining then it will bleed and access inflammation. This inflammation causes the yellow puss/mucus. Maybe it might be an idea to make sure your stools for the weekend are extra soft so that you don't irritate the lining further and allow it to heal? Harder stool may rub against it.

      Blood is always a worry, like with me. At first it was minor spots and then Thursday/Friday it was teaspoons! Today to be honest i was a little soft (excesses of yesterday evening) and therefore I had no blood as I don't think it irritated the area. Please keep a note of how much and if it's decreasing or increasing. If decreasing then you know it's healing.

      Lisa, hope your well.

      Can you all tell me what you mean of the hard lump/tag/spot? I have the bridge which is overall decreasing in size but does inflate a little after a BM. I also have what feels like two hard small white lumps. I wondered if these are the points where the hems were removed - the bridge kinda runs in between. I sincerely hope they go away and will raise it with my surgeon next time I see him.

      What a pain in the butt all this is!!


    • Posted

      Melissa, do you have any cream/medication for the inflammation you have?

      Are you still itchy? I know it's not cheap but google the emuaid, I found it a life saver for the itch and it's also got so many healing properties in it. For me a tub lasts 6-8 months so I find it worth the price for the different uses I apply it to.

      Carl, I really think it would be good to try and see your surgeon. If your in so much pain and also having mucus/inflammation then you healing has a setback. Also wonder if you could up your stool softener/laxative to try and have a few days of very soft stools to allow the area to heal a little?

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha, well my stools are soft, so I think the fibre & the little amount of stool softener I'm using (every other day) is working ok with regards to that side. It's the actual coming out. I feel like I'm ripping myself every time. I am of the belief that it's because it's still healing and I'm re-opening the wound slightly every time. I've noticed when I have a really bad one, it weeps a little afterwards & the pain is like contractions; this is why I think it's the wound that's the problem & I guess I need it to heal for the pain to reduce/stop. I'm just thankful it's only once a day!

      I haven't got skin going across - is that what Uve all got??? I have a lumpy 'smallish' tag at the back (I can see where it should fit.. but it's not going to heal back in that spot). I've got another one, which is on the side and goes from the top to half way down and is quite big. Both tags swell up slightly after a b/m & are tender to touch at times. I thought they'd reduced since surgery, but I'm not so sure they have. They are very uncomfortable & I can't wipe properly because of them.

    • Posted

      Hi Carl,

      Is the pain decreasing each time/day or not? My understanding is that each day it should get slightly better. For me I only had externals removed and therefore little internal work done (but some). Maybe that's why my pain is low as less internal work?

      I would say thinking of a traditional tag (I'm going to envisage an upside down sleeping bat to describe what I'm thinking) I don't have. Is this what you have? I have a bridge of skin (imagine a small marshmallow feel) only. Plus the two small hard white spots I assume where the hems were.

      What does everyone else have? Thinking of this (if you don't mind me asking).

    • Posted

      Ooh it's difficult to describe. I suppose they are both like a marshmallow feel. The one at the back is like a pea (bit smaller), the other goes down the side and is an odd shape. When 'resting' they tend to all join together. I don't have any white lumps.

      I've had internal & external removed.

      I haven't got bad pain throughout the day/night but if I was to try opening the hole (sorry for being so graphic), it hurts... a lot. So when having a b/m, this is when I'm getting the pain.

      It seems to be getting better, but then I have a bad b/m & it knocks me back. Y'day was awful, today (apart from some pain coming out), I've been feeling fine. I don't think there's anything serious going on, I just have to heal. Saying that, if b/M's aren't sorted by c'mas, I'm not waiting until end of February to see the surgeon!

    • Posted

      Can you remind me how many external you had removed?

      The marshmallow feel is the bridge rather than skin tags. Theoretically these should reduce in size and heal over time.

      In regards to the pain, sounds similar to mine but as you had internal ones removed too then I think this has increased your pain compared to mine. But it does sound like it's slowly getting better.

    • Posted

      I'm not really sure what I've had removed... how bad is that!! I did have 4 banded (not sure if they all worked), seem to remember him saying 3 external & a couple internal. I do remember him saying one external was 'juicy' lol

      Yes my surgeon did say they should reduce & if not, would be easy to remove. I will want them removed if they don't go, but the thought of more pain is too much to think about. I need to be able to go the toilet pain free before I can consider anything else.

    • Posted

      That sounds about right then. I had two externals and have one bridge between them. My surgeon said there would be one bridge between each hem so as you had 3 then two bridges would be about right.

      I also googled about the white spots and it said something about the nercrotic tissue (dying tissue) sometimes being white as it disappears so this sounds about what I have. Your lucky if you don't have this!

      Ive read on a few sites that it can take a few months for the bridges to reabsorb, so I'm kinda expecting about four months myself! 

      Hopefully you will will become pain free soon! 

    • Posted

      If they go on their own we will all be very very happy. I don't mind waiting a year as long as they go!!

      I've just had a lovely hot bath & feel so much better down there. If I can get to have a few b/m without pain, I think I will of reached a massive milestone.

      Has your blood stopped now??

    • Posted

      My BMs are very soft every time. I'm still using stool softener at this point. I have IBS and have a really hard time with my bathroom habits. I haven't had a formed poo in years. I also don't normally go but once a week. So all this going to the bathroom is very not normal to me even though I should go more often. My bridge/lumps are like a line of puffy/bumpy skin that is on/in the right side of my butthole. One of the bumps is hard. This is the one that I thought was a hemorrhoid again to begin with. If I press on that one it's hard still and sore. Also I may have to buy the emuaid cream regardless of price. So sick of having an itchy butt. Carl today is 19 days since I've had my surgery and I'm not having the pain you are having anymore with a BM. I can even go without the bath afterwards now. I still need baby wipes instead of toilet tissue but like Samantha said it hurts for just a few seconds as it's passing and then it's over with. Idk how many I had removed just know I had a big juicy internal and a few smaller ones inside and out.

    • Posted

      Great to hear, relaxation!

      I did not have blood today, let's see tomorrow!

    • Posted

      Melissa, sounds like your healing is going well and the lumps are similar to mine.

      Have a great day!

    • Posted

      Sounds like this bridge is similar to what we all have... & all our surgeons have said they should reduce & even disappear... so here's hoping!!

      Glad the blood has stopped Samantha & sounds like ur doing good Melissa.

      I think I need to be mindful of the pain, but I'm not too worried...yet!! I will just keep monitoring things for a couple of weeks.

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa and all,

      I just found this group this morning after getting up to take my pain meds at 3:30. I'm 6 days out of surgery and in a lot of pain. I was told the surgeon took out 4 hemorrhoids. And just like all of you, I was not told what to expect.

      I was told painkillers as needed and a stool softener twice a day. By 2nd day, i had my first bm, then my second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth in as many hours. I had to make it stop, so took 2 Imodium. Temp went to 100.4, but decided to wait until morning before calling doc. By that time, temp was normal. Nurse said continue on with stool softeners, but switch to ibuprofen for its anti inflammatory properties. I was on Tylenol with codeine.

      Unfortunately, I haven't gone again since Wednesday, but reading this group has helped a lot to let me know that I can take a laxative if I need it.

      I never expected the pain to be this extreme and to not have eased up even a bit! I congratulate you all on how you've all managed.


    • Posted

      Hi Jenn,

      Welcome to this group! Sorry to see you hear, but glad you found us. 

      Are you saying you have not had a bowel movement for 4days now? You really ought to avoid constipation as this is a big issue for us all. 

      What surgery did you have? Internal/external or both? 

      Keep an an eye on your temperature as you don't want to get an infection.

      Are you doing sitz baths and taking any form of medication?

      The pain should settle a little in a couple of days to a manageable level, keep on top of the pain killers though.

      take care, Samantha

    • Posted

      Hi Jenn. I'm glad you found us and I hope we can help you in any way to get some comfort. It's really a miserable process. Today is day 20 for me and I'm mostly pain free. I still am uncomfortable and have some issues but nothing major anymore. I hope the laxative worked out for you. Also I hope you start getting over the pain soon. Have a great day and feel free to ask anything!

    • Posted


      I read your earlier posts and I think we're similar. I had IBS for 25 years. When I stopped smoking, it went away. Unfortunately, my body didn't know how to function without loose BMs so I became constipated for the next 10 years. I'm sure that contributed to my hemorrhoids...all the pressure and straining.

      I've decided to try magnesium citrate this morning. It's what they gave me as prep for surgery and will turn my bms to liquid without any cramping. I just need to get caught up! Will have my ice bag on standby and I took my pain meds. Now the wait...

      Thank you, Jenn

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha,

      I had both internal and external surgery. And yeah...no bm since Wednesday evening. I just took magnesium citrate laxative because it doesn't cramp my insides and it turns my bms to a watery liquid that just flows out with no work or straining. Once I'm all caught up, I hope to manage this whole mess a lot better.



    • Posted

      Jenn. It's awesome that stopping smoking helped the IBS. I stopped in January and it hasn't helped me. Since having this surgery I have only had one attack though. That's probably because I have been taking miralax and going like a crazy person. I think in the last few days it's starting to slow down. Having a BM is an evil but necessary thing lol. Hopefully the magnesium will help. It usually works really quickly for me too. Also getting in a hot bath immediately after a BM helped me so much and then the ice pack right after. Hope everything goes smoothly!

    • Posted

      Hi Sam I'm just working my way through these messages , I have like a marshmallow thing a little white spot that you described plus a sharp lump that goes and comes now and then ! Aw after going loads yest u didn't go once! So todAy I was a bit constipated! So b/M are painful now ! X

    • Posted

      Oh no Lisa, take it easy as you don't want to get constipated. Might be worth trying a little laxative to ward off constipation? 

      Sounds like we have all all got similar lumps and bumps post surgery and as Carl mentioned that all our surgeons said they will go away so fingers crossed! 

      Take care x

    • Posted

      Hi Jenn,

      I think the idea is not to have diarrhoea or constipation but soft stools. If your at either end of the spectrum it's a problem for us as you want to avoid stenosis. 

      I think the idea is to try and regulate yourself to go 1-2x a day at your stage. Did your surgeon suggest any stool softeners or laxatives to use?

      See if you can try and regulate to a schedule and avoid too loose stools. 

      Good luck, I know it's not easy but it's important for you. Do you have access to your surgeon to discuss with easily?


    • Posted

      Hi Jen, welcome to our butt discussions!!

      As you've probably read, it's been a bumpy recovery for us all with 2 steps forward & 1 step back. I think I speak for us all when I say that this forum has been a life line. It's helped to reassure that what we're experiencing is 'normal' & given each other some helpful tips.

      I've not told a sole about what I've had done, so I'm not sure how far I'd of come if it hadn't of been for this lovely group. So feel free to ask away, we're all here for each other x

    • Posted

      Hi Jen welcome !

      This group has helped so much , the advise on here is brilliant ! I really don't know what I would hAve done !

      Also prunes which are not nice but they work wonders ! I try and eat 4 a day ! My fear is constipation as this is why I'm in this mess !

      What a life hey ! Praying that this will be over by Christmas 🎄


    • Posted

      Yes I did take a laxative this morning, I had a very hard painful b/m but I hope the laxative kicks in soon ! So I went from 1 extreme to the other

      Have the bleeding stopped for you both Melissa and Samantha?


    • Posted

      Lisa the bleeding isn't as bad as it was the other day but when I wipe I still have what I was having before that episode. I am having an IBS attack this morning except that I am constipated also. I am in misery at the moment and hoping this will pass quickly.

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      Yes for me my bleeding has stopped. I'm going to cross my fingers also as this morning my pain was 1/2 / 10.... so I nearly forgot all about it!

      But I'm not going to count my chickens just yet!

      I have elective eye surgery tomorrow so I'm hoping I have an easy day down below!

      Hope the laxative kicks in soon for you. Try and take it easy today x

    • Posted

      Luckily my middle eastern prunes taste nothing like European ones and are quite addictive! I have to limit myself to 4 lol.
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      I love dried apricots and have to limit myself to 4 a day. Unfortunately, I haven't had any in the house since starting this experience. I'll make a point to pick some up at Trader Joe's on my next trip....if I ever get out of this place. I've only gone as far as the mailbox so far! LOL


    • Posted

      Omg Samantha another op tomorrow, hope U recover quickly and your bin behaves All my friends want to know why I don't feel 100 % when I look fine , it's those bloody b/ms ! I would say I'm 95 % so nearly there ! As you I'm just taking each day as it comes ! Glad bleeding has stopped for you and Melissa ! Laxatives have kicked in after a couple of hard b/ms !

      Good luck with eye op xxxx

    • Posted

      Aw Jenny U will have to stay put for ag least 3 weeks , and then of will just be a short walk ! My body wouldn't let me go far ! I'm now 5 weeks Wednesday and feeling really good now apart from b/ms where it takes a while to stop throbbing xxxx

    • Posted

      Thanks Lisa, pleased to hear the laxatives have kicked in! Hope you can regulate back to normal soon!

      It's hard for people who don't go through the same procedures as you have to fully understand the implications of the surgery. But you will get there.

      I'm just looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when this is over. It's been on the cards for 6months and the hem op wasn't planned! But I've told the surgeon I want a local anaesthetic rather than general so lets see how that goes. 


    • Posted

      Well again my bum has tricked me into thinking it's better only to knock me back down again. After my BM this morning I need pain meds but they aren't helping tha pain at all hardly. I finally had a full BM (first this week) I have been having thin ones this week. At least I got it all out. Now hopefully this pain will go away soon. Samantha hope all goes well tomorrow.

    • Posted

      Good luck tomorrow Samantha, I take it your having lazer surgery? I've been considering that myself. A friend of mine has just had it done & highly recommends it.

      Sorry to hear you've had a set back Melissa. I went earlier & the pain 'during' is getting no better, but pain afterwards is. How thin are your stools? Just monitor it & see how you get on.

      My Stools are probably a middle finger & a half wide - do you think that's too thin??? I would say they use to be about 2 fingers wide - so not too much of a difference - I don't think!

    • Posted

      This week they had been being a little less then dime size around. Today during the episode I had it got significantly bigger. Hopefully it will stay that way. And before this week they were bigger. I think them being so thing is why I wasn't hurting as bad.

    • Posted

      Not sure how big a dime is - is that like our 2p? Think that's about similar size to mine.

      Keep up the fibre, as it makes stools big but soft. Although I don't think my butt (or pain threshold) could take it if they're any bigger!!

    • Posted

      I'm not sure about a 2p either lol. But maybe they are like maybe smallest finger around. Mine are never really formed though so I worry with that. Today my butt definitely couldn't handle the pain. I'm still hurting from it.

    • Posted

      That seems quite thin Melissa. Are you taking fibre sachets? I take 2 a day.

      I've been taking pain relief when I start getting feelings that I will need to go soon. Although the pain relief does nothing for the actual pain of 'going', but it helps afterwards, as I get burning contractions that can last a few hours.

      Honestly, if I could go the toilet without pain I would be so happy.

    • Posted


      i think mine sound sound somewhere between both of yours but not as small as a finger! If that makes sense!

      Carl, no I'm having the equivalent of a cataract surgery where they remove and replace the lens. I don't have a cataract but this is a new style of treatment which has been trialed in last 5 years and suppose to help me with my eye pressure. I've had other forms of laser (not lasik) surgery on my eyes in the past and I'd say go for it if you have the option to.

      hope the bm's get better today, unfortunately my system appears to be having its once a week day off which I'm not happy about pre surgery! 


    • Posted

      Good luck today Samantha; I hope all goes well.

      ...... & I hope All our butts are on best behaviour & have a good healing day x

    • Posted

      Thanks Carl, operation called off at the 11th hour just as surgeon was starting due to intolerance of local anaesthesia! Now have to go back in tomorrow and set a new date for a general anaesthesia. Marvellous ☹️

      Hope everyone has had had a good day x

    • Posted

      Samantha sorry to hear that it got pushed off.

      Carl this past week I switched from the miralax to just the powdered fiber and I'm guessing that messed with my system. Once I finally finished with the BM yesterday by the end it was bigger. I'm gonna start taking the maximum amount I can take in a day and drink more water and see if that helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa and all,

      So here's what happened after drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate yesterday for my constipation...

      I had hoped that it would soften/liquify the hard stool like it does when I used it for a bowel cleanse prior to surgery. I couldn't be so lucky. But it did build up quite a force behind it and blew out the stoppage. I spent the rest of yesterday nursing my sore rush.

      This morning, the rest of the magnesium citrate caught up! In three very explosive loose bursts in one hour. OUCH!

      I kept thinking to myself...this procedure must have a high post op suicide rate!

      Onward and outward...

      Best, Jenn

    • Posted

      Oh no Jenn! That sounds awful. At least it out and over with. If I were u would make sure to take stool softener regularly so that doesn't happen to you again. I keep trying to explain to my hubby how it feels after the BM is over. The best I can come up with is either a blow torch stuck to the butthole or sticking a hot fire poker in there. It's pure misery. It has gotten a lot better for me except for yesterday's BM really did me in. I'm still a little tender today from it. Hope you are feeling better.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about the op being cancelled Samantha. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long before you can get it done.

      Melissa the fiber is supposed to help keep stools soft but big, which is what you want. I think you can get problems if you have too much of it & if you take it late at night (read it some where... probably in here lol).

      Oh Jen, sounds like you've had a day to remember!! At least it's out now & hopefully you can get back into some kind of routine.

      I'm anxious every day until I've had my b/m. This morning I had the feeling I wanted to go & then all of a sudden it was on it's way out. I am soooo worried if this happens when I'm out, as I can't hold it in. Is anyone else having this problem?? I'm hoping this will improve!!

    • Posted

      Carl luckily it hasn't happened when I'm out either. Usually when I feel the urge it is time to go. I will say I can wait about 5 mins now when I feel the urge before I just have to go. I am scheduling life around BMs at this point. I don't leave unless I've been able to use the bathroom first.

    • Posted

      That's exactly what I'm like. I've been super lucky with work, as I've been able to time them at home... I just don't know how long my luck will continue. God help me if it's in work, coz of the pain I'm not exactly quiet & I sit, squat, stand lol

    • Posted

      lol I do those things too. Glad I'm not the only one. I also sometimes scream help me Jesus

    • Posted

      😂😂😂 I go from screaming that on the toilet to sitting in the hot bath and then hollering thank u God for hot water. The things we go threw. Lol

    • Posted

      😂😂 imagine doing that in the works toilet & placing your bum in the sink... can't see it going down too well lol

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa and everyone,

      i found your group last night while in the bath tub. I had surgery to remove 3 internal hems and 2 external. I believe staples were used but I haven't received my hospital discharge notes yet so not entirely sure. 

      I am at day 6 now and can certainly relate to every ones pain and management methods. 

      Still can't really sit, lie or walk much. Child birth was so much easier than having a BM 😁

    • Posted

      Hi all !

      Aw Samantha I'm so sorry it was cancelled! How are you today ?

      Haha omg u know what u mean about needing to go ! I was out driving and I had to turn back around And come home to use the loo , I hope this calms down ! Today i felt really good didnt think of my bum at all day til about 6 pm and then I had a b/m now it's all I'm thinking about ! I can't say it's painful just feels very uncomfortable!iv Been doing a lot the last couple of days and it's finally caught up with me I'm worn out !xxx

    • Posted

      Welcome d. I just recently started sitting and I'm three weeks into this. Unless it's something really soft I use pillows or a donut pillow. Ask us anything we are here for u. Hopefully u have a quick recovery.

    • Posted

      Lisa this is what keeps happening to me. I will be doing a lot and feeling a ton better then have a BM and it takes me down. I see my surgeon in the morning.
    • Posted

      Melissa, good luck with the surgeon today.

      Carl, I can relate to the needing to go and having a limited amount of time. For me it's minutes and I haven't tried to push it any longer than that. This is why I started to take the stool softener after lunch so I timed my once a day to early morning wake up time. Seems to have worked for me.

      Lisa, hope thepain wasn't too bad for the rest of the evening.

      D, welcome, feel free to ask any questions as we have all been through the same.

      ive had my usual morning BM today and can report it's pretty much normal and very little if any pain and no blood, the bridge didn't seem too bad either. Hopefully I can forget about my bum again until tomorrow now. Feel like I've taken another step into recovery. I'm sure we will all get there soon as I am the furthest along so it's not long I think for all. 

    • Posted

      My bum has decided to release a new kind of fresh hell on me. I'm thinking the fiber I'm taking is the problem. After the surgeon in the morning I plan to go get another kind. I am also gonna tell the doctor. It is causing me to have formed stools that I can barely pass which is causing horrendous pain. Then I will have bad stomach cramps and diarrhea before it's over. Right now I am back to hopping in the tub immediately after a BM. I feel so close to complete recovery until this kind of stuff happens. Samantha I'm so happy to that your BM was a smooth one. I look forward to those days.

    • Posted

      Oh dear Melissa, I take agiolax as a stool softener which bulks and softens. Ask your surgeon for advice. Good luck
    • Posted

      Welcome D. You've come to the right place for talking butts.

      Melissa that's what happened to me with b/m, I feel like my butt can't stretch wide enough & stools are too large... but they're not. Good luck with the surgeon, I would be interested to hear what he has to say!

      Glad everyone is recovering well. Uuurrggh I have work now - bye for now smile

    • Posted

      Hi d,

      I'm 9 days out of surgery and I think I was the last to join. Now you get to be the newbie! 😊

      I'm with you on the childbirth. From first pain to last push, I had my 3 kids in less than 3 hours each. And with only 2 pushes! Haha If my colon worked as well as my uterus, I wouldn't be in this predicament!



    • Posted

      You two are funny! Just like in childbirth, I don't make a sound. I just figure it's not going to help me any, so why bother. LOL

    • Posted

      Oh...and here's the report from the front line:


    • Posted

      Jenn I had to have c sections with my kids so I've never even experienced a contraction. But I tell u I would take a c section daily over this surgery once. I will update you all after I see my surgeon. I still have a little while.

    • Posted

      I've just left the surgeon. He says I am healing better then I was the last time I saw him. He said the itchiness was not normal so he has prescribed me a cream for that. I asked about the green stuff that I'm leaking and he said that is normal that the butt heals differently then other areas of the body. I also asked about the thin poo and he said that's normal and as not healing happens they will get bigger and more normal. He also told me to stay on the miralax and adjust with the metamucil. He said at this stage of healing that just using the fiber can cause pain and irritation. He said that right now I just need to make sure I'm going at least once a day. So I will pick up my itchy butt cream and new pain meds and hopefully feel better before I see him in three weeks.

    • Posted

      Glad to hear everything is running smoothly...so to speak. My doc never suggested fiber and I've never done well with it in the past as an additive. I'm okay with raisin bran and such. Wonderful that you're on the road to recovery and are getting help with the itchy scratchies! I'm sure just hearing that you're doing fine makes things a lot better.


    • Posted

      Oh Melissa that's great news. I feel I'm in a similar position & that has reassured me too.

      I went the loo before & its such an ordeal. I've took pain relief & ive got that 'hot poker' feeling!! At least with child birth its only once - with this its every bloomin day!!

      Jen I'm surprised you've not been told to take fibre, but obviously your surgeon is the expert lol x

    • Posted

      Well the dreaded having to poo in public is upon me. I had to get my prescriptions filled and I stayed in town. I live about 30 mins from the pharmacy so I stayed and waited. I drove down the road to have some lunch and the feeling of needing to poo happened. I immediately threw the car in drive and got out of there. When I get back to the pharmacy there is no parking and I have to park at the back of parking lot. I was so scared I would go in my pants. This is the fastest I've walked in three weeks. I made it without going in my pants. But now I'm stuck in the stall trying to wait until the hot poker feeling goes away. Thankfully I had put baby wipes in my purse but dear Lord I may be stuck in this stall for the rest of the day. Also I've had no pain medications today because I had to drive.

    • Posted

      😂😂oh Melissa that's funny but not funny at the same time. At least you made it.. bonus!! Well done!! I hope your home now & you've not been locked in wink x

    • Posted

      Oh Melissa! I would have called the pharmacist and ask her to deliver a tube of preparation H to the stall! "Just put it on my bill!" LOL

      Hope you made it home safe and sound. I have to ask, though, did you scream Sweet Jesus in there? 😉


    • Posted


      I would shoot down any suggestion for me to use a fiber additive. I'd rather eat raisin bran morning, noon and night!


    • Posted

      Oh Jen I don't know what to think any more. I've been listening to my surgeon; but then he did say recovery would be 2-3wks.... I'm 2 months on & I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel... so depressing.

      I wouldn't mind but I only wanted a tag removing & my butt looks worse now than what it did.. Grrrrrrr

    • Posted

      It was really comical. I was on the phone with my sister as it hit me and told her I had to get off the phone so I could concentrate on holding my poo in until I could make it to the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom it was packed. I quietly started praying for the ppl to hurry up. To answer your question no I didn't holler anything lol. But I wanted too. I was having awful stomach cramps. The wipes in my purse are what saved me. I was in Walmart lol. Eventually the burning calmed down enough for me to go stand in line for my meds where they told me they couldn't fill my prescription so I ended up at another pharmacy and had to wait some more. I did text my sister from the bathroom stall and tell her I probably wouldn't make it for thanksgiving because I thought I would have to take up permanent residence in that bathroom stall lol. She replied to that with "my stomach hurts because I have to poo and I fell out of the truck trying to get into my house to use the bathroom". So that cracked me up. Even though she hasn't had the surgery she is still having bathroom issues lol. I am home now and about to take a bath and soak my aching butt lol.

    • Posted

      That's hilarious Melissa. I think I'd flush as soon as I got in there & throw a load of toilet paper down so no-one can hear me lol.

      My butt is still hurting after my last loo trip & it's been 6hrs ago!! I think the pressure of it coming out is opening the wound a little coz I've got some fluid (yellowish) & ive had a spot of blood when I wiped. The pain killers have done nothing to help... unless I'm just a wimp lol

    • Posted

      Carl I also told my surgeon that I had blood after the BMs and when wiping/patting and he said that's normal. I don't think you are a wimp. My pain meds don't always stop the pain after going to the bathroom. I hope that we are both well soon and this will just be a distant memory. My leakage is also yellowish/green and it's constant enough that I am still wearing maxipads. He says that is normal.

    • Posted

      Thanks Melissa.

      Although I suppose we've all had the same operation, the actual 'ins & outs' will be different & our bodies will heal at different times. I think my healing has been slow, which I'm surprised at, as I was driving the day after my op & going for little walks with my dog.

      If only I could go the loo without so much effort & pain. Maybe I need to go back to the stool softener 2 x day.

    • Posted

      I would definitely try the stool softeners. The powdered fiber really messed me up this week. It couldn't hurt to see if it helps. I think the Agiolax that Samantha takes is like my miralax and that really helps. Also if I need to I back off of it so I don't go more then once a day.

    • Posted

      Melissa, that was a bit of entertainment to wake up to! Hope you've now recovered from the ordeal and feeling like you can conquer a loo trip outside of the house!

      I take one large teaspoon of my agiolax daily after lunch and this regulates me to a 6am BM so that works for me.

      Sounds like your surgeon appointment went well and your on the road to recovery, I might cancel mine tomorrow as I've nothing to report or complain about. I still have about 10 days of dafflon to take so I'll rearrange for after I'm finished that. After this mornings trip to the bathroom everything seems pretty normal for me 😀.

      Hope you all have a great day.

    • Posted

      I was prescribed Lactulose but was told to stop it; but because of the pain, I've been taking it every other day to keep them a bit softer. My stools are still a bit thinner than normal', but by the sounds of it, they maybe a little bit bigger than what your having (Melissa/Sam). As you're still taking the meds, maybe mine are too firm & that's why I'm hurting so much?? Maybe I need another prescription as I've not got much left.

      Glad your pain free Samantha, how lovely. I can't see me being like like in another 2wks, although I pray I will be x

    • Posted

      Carl, I do take the stool softener once a day still and I'm close to the end of my second tin. I may buy one more... haven't yet decided.  I want to keep them regular and soft so this may happen especially as I have a holiday soon. 

      You never know, you may be pain free in two weeks, I found that things changed rapidly in last couple of weeks. Remember all that blood I had week and a half a go and now nothing? Stay positive, I'm sure you will see a big difference in two weeks x

    • Posted

      Omg omg OMG I have just gone the loo in work & ended up having a poo I didn't think I even needed. I think the stool softener I had last night & this morning helped, as it was much easier & pain only lasted 5mins afterwards.

      I must confess when someone came in the next cubicle, I dashed out without them seeing me & left them with the stink lol

      I hope your right Samantha, I must admit I feel a lot more positive after the last movement!!

    • Posted

      Carl me and u have had to face our fears in the last 24 hours lol. So glad it's behind us. I'm glad it wasn't to bad of an experience for you. Sam it sounds like you're doing great. I will be in the car for four hours today going to see my family for the holidays. I'm hoping no poo incident happens until I am at my mothers house lol.

    • Posted

      Good luck Melissa, hopefully you have plenty of places to stop on the way just in case you need a break 😀

    • Posted


      Can you remind me how many weeks post op you are now that your incident and pain free?


    • Posted

      Mine was the 29th Sept, I thought I was a couple of wks behind you Sam. You're doing so well.

    • Posted

      Well I am happy to report that I have been the loo with 'minimum' pain. Taking the Lactulose again has certainly helped move things along. In actual fact I didn't even realise I'd gone it was that easy. Thank the Lord!!!

    • Posted

      Congratulations Carl. That is awesome news. Hopefully things are looking up from here.
    • Posted

      Oh I really really hope so, thanks Melissa. How was your trip in the car? Xx
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      Adam??? Sam (not sure how it changed that lol)
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      😂😂 yes I found all of a sudden there are big changes. If I did not fixate on a daily change I seemed to have a big one every 2/3 days! Hopefully this is also your turning point!

    • Posted

      Glad everyone is doing good. The trip went good. So far I haven't had a BM while I've been here. That may end being a problem. Still taking the miralax while I'm here though. Hopefully it happens before my trip home lol.

    • Posted

      Glad the journey went well Melissa, hope the rest of the holiday is enjoyable. 'Happy thanksgiving' x

    • Posted

      Carl can I ask how much lactulose do you take. I was prescribed 15ml x 2 times daily however day 7 I had 5 BM's. By the 5th the fires of hell was blazing in my butt. Today is day 10 and I am happy to say I had a decent BM with little bother, recovered with in a  few mins 😬 I started using witch hazel, then ice pack and sudo cream to finish( my butt hell receipe)

      hope every one has a good week end with pain free BM's, enjoy your trip Melissa. 

    • Posted

      Hi D I was prescribed the same as you. I used it for 4 wks until I saw my surgeon who told me I didn't need it any more. I was scared to stop at first (I was only going 1 a day but stools were very soft) & a couple of wks after that I started using it every other day. But that's when my stools became quite formed & I was in so much pain. I'm now taking it once a day & my last few stools have come out with minimum pain. Although I am only going once a day, 2 has been the most!

      You could try reducing the amount you take, but believe me, when my got too firm it was hell getting them out!! A good soak in the bath or using the shower head is such a lovely release of pain afterwards smile

    • Posted

      I'm still on holiday with my family and haven't had a BM and I'm getting worried. I'm gonna buy some laxative today and take it and hopefully work this out throughout the night.

    • Posted

      Aahh sorry to hear that Melissa, hope you sort it out & it doesn't spoil your holiday x

    • Posted

      Hi all ,

      Aw carl things are looking up for you that's so goood , Melissa that's worrying I hope lax start to work soon so you don't get constipation that is my worst fear ! Sam you seem to be 100% that is great !

      D I was like you going up to 8 times some days ! Iv actually stopped all laxatives and supplements but I'm still going as much as 4 sometimes 5 times a day ! I don't know what I'm doing wrong tbh!

      Today Iv had diarrhoea a couple of times ! I feel I'm alot better but still not 100% !

      Oh the joys hey !!!


    • Posted

      Well I've went to the bathroom some and it was very bloody (sorry for graphics). It was worse then it has been throughout the whole recovery. The toilet was red and it sprayed all over. I'm a little worried about that but it wasn't too painful during or after it. I still feel like I may have to go more in a bit. So sick of my butt lol!

    • Posted

      Aw no Melissa , have a little break then go back to the loo ! I try not to sit any longer than 5 mins on there !

      Are u still bleeding when your off the loo ? Xxx

    • Posted

      R u constipated Melissa? Could it be the pressure of them coming out? I think seeing the blood would frighten you, but try not to worry, you've had a build up so it could just be these. See how you get on, things may settle down.

      Yes I do feel a lot better thanks Lisa. I just hope my b/m's continue being manageable, it's such a difficult journey we're all experiencing!! How have you been getting on?

    • Posted

      I'm not sure if I was constipated. I've taken the miralax twice everyday but I hadn't went since Tuesday until this evening. It wasn't hard coming out it was soft and came out easily but I don't feel like it all came out. I've just eaten supper and hoping I will go again soon and it will be over. I'm trying not to worry about the blood to much since it wasn't painful during or after. Also the blood stopped after a few minutes so it's not consistent bleeding. I'm hoping it's like u said and just built up. Lisa the bleeding has stopped completely now. Lisa and D my surgeon said to just adjust my "pooping" meds according to how it worked with me. He said that I only needed to go once a day. Hopefully you all will quit going so often. I went thru it the first week after surgery. Hope you all are doing well this evening.

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa,

      Don't worry too much, remember I had a couple of days of major bleeding after 6 weeks that I'd never had before. Stopped after couple days. Surgeon said I had just irritated the lining.

      Give it a couple of days.

      Take care and enjoy your holiday.

      Samantha x

    • Posted

      I ended up having three BMs throughout the night and had blood every time but it stops immediately after so I'm not gonna worry with it. I am out with family doing shopping and feel like I may need the toilet soon. Such an aggravation.

    • Posted

      I feel your pain. Thanksgiving day was a nightmare for me. I ended up taking a laxative that morning but went before it took effect. So I went from the frying pan into the fire on the pain scale. By the time my mother in law showed up I had tears running down my face. Thank goodness my husband and daughter did all the cooking and prep for dinner for 9 people. I ate all of 4 bites and went back to bed. When I wasn't thete, I was sitting on an ice bag on the couch. The lax ended giving me very loose BMs, but I can deal with that better than constipation. Now...to try to reach a balance again!

      Bravo for being able to go shopping after all you've been through!


    • Posted

      Hilarious😂😂sometimes you just need a good laugh! I'm now 10 days out of surgery, and finding this site has been good for my mental state of mind!

    • Posted

      Today I'm actually doing really well. Went shopping some more. I do think I have a rash down there as I've had a lot of BMs since yesterday so I used some diaper rash ointment and it's very soothing. My surgeon took me off the strong pain meds and upped the other one to three times a day so idk if that what is helping or what. I'm still tender but doing pretty good. Hope you all had a great day!

    • Posted

      I'm afraid to say it cause I'm worried I will jinx myself but I think I may be almost over this. I'm still itchy and a little tender but everything else seems normal. Hoping this is almost behind me. I hope you all have had a good weekend.

    • Posted

      That's good news Melissa.

      I feel really positive too, but then I think that until I have a b/m!! Last few days have been good tho, so here's hoping! X

    • Posted

      Hi all ,

      How are you all doing ?

      Melissa that's great news ! I'm pretty much all back to normal Aswell ! It only the tag/bridge thing still there ! Have anybody's gone now?


    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      Great to hear,  I think the healing was just longer than we all expected. 

      My bridge is reduced and barely there unless I have a big BM. My white spot has just about gone (the hemorroid remaining tissue. I'm quite happy with everything to be honest. Xx

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha ,

      Yes i have noticed that the white spot has gone , some days the tag is smaller ! I am quite happy with the tag size compared to how big my Hems were ! So I think I will be happy to leave it there ! As long as it dont growv any bigger or give me pain ! Glad to hear you are over this Aswell! We will have that merry Christmas after all 🎄🎄 xx

    • Posted

      Hi all. Glad every1 is on the right path to recovery. My tags haven't gone down at all. They r a nuisance as I can't clean properly! When I'm better I definitely want them taken off. I'm annoyed really, as they are worse than the 'only' one I previously had!!

      My b/m have got significantly better but I think I've got a few weeks left of healing. I don't mind tho, as I know things are getting better.

      Hasn't it been a worrying horrible journey!?! X

    • Posted

      This past week when I went almost three days without a BM mine had completely went away. As soon as I started having BMs again they are back. I'm thinking the extra skin just goes in our rectums and comes out during the BM. Carl I hope you don't have to have that removed. Hopefully it will eventually go away. I'm glad everyone is doing good.

    • Posted

      Melissa, that's possible. Mine seems to fluctuate depending on BM but overall has significantly reduced.

      Lisa, I'm quite similar, I'll leave the area alone as I'm happy with what is there now and unless in future I get more majors hemorroid's I'm not allowing anyone near it!

      Carl, I do think you will get there, sounds like you are on your way. If you think your healing is still a couple of weeks away then I suspect your bridges will go down. Mine seemed to make a significant reduction in size in the last couple of weeks. 


    • Posted


      Remember me? Today is day 14 for me. And I'm glad to hear you're all doing so well because it keeps me abreast of what I have to look forward to in the coming weeks.

      My big accomplishment today is having a somewhat normal movement this morning. Considering I took a lax on days 5 and 10, this is a relief...painful, but a relief. I adjusted my softeners to 2 at bedtime instead of twice a day. I've also found that a cup of warm apple cider seems to make everything move! Yay!

      So raisin bran followed by cider in the a.m. and 2 softeners at night. Wish me luck that I've found the key to my own success as I've got my first follow up w/ the surgeon this Friday.


    • Posted

      Does the witch hazel burn? What about pouring some in the sitz bath?
    • Posted

      You can buy witch hazel toilettes at Wal-Mart. I bought them to use to soothe my roofs. Witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory if I'm correct.


    • Posted

      My recovery does seem quite slow, so they may go down in, but I can't see it, as they are the exact same size.

      I can't go through all this to have my butt looking worse than what it did before the op. I'm gonna have to do something!! Will cross that bridge (haha) when I come to it wink x

    • Posted

      Carl, I'm not sure where you are based but I'm wondering if it's worth trying to get a second opinion?

    • Posted

      Well I am recovering, albeit slow, so I'm not overly worried.

      I suppose we all compare ourselves to each other to see where we fit in, but our bodies are different & all tho we've had the same 'op', it will of been different in each case.

      The cream & suppositories prescribed off my GP made me worse & set me back. Then coming off the stool softener made my stools too formed & was hell coming out.

      I've been very raw down there, but then I've had a lot removed & ive not needed

    • Posted

      Ooops sent to early lol...

      I've not needed pain relief until the other wk when I was struggling going to the toilet. Now I'm not taking anything except fibre & 1 x stool softener, I can feel a difference in my recovery. I think I just need to be patient.

      I would go back to my surgeon if I was worried tho. It's probably not helped that I've only seen him once & he doesn't want to see me again until february!! X

    • Posted

      Hi Carl, is this NHS? If yes the follow up time wouldn't surprise me!

      But it does sound like your doing better. I've been working flat out since Sunday and haven't had time to go and get new stool softener. Hopefully I will try today! Must manic working today too and lots on after work.

      I think my system may need them! I do eat a lot of veg salad at lunch and plenty of veg with dinner but I don't eat a lot of wheat or gluten products so maybe I'm lacking something somewhere!

      Take care and I think in a week when you look back at this week you will be surprised at your progress x

    • Posted

      Good morning

      Omg u only said yesterday I was ok now I'm having trouble having b/m ! It's really hard and so painful after Ägäin ! I did stop taking everything but now I'm thinking to start them again ! Samantha see you still taking flax seed ? How long will u take it for ??im so confused and on pain again ! 😩😩xx

    • Posted

      Sorry about mistakes I meant Samantha are you still * xx
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      Oh dear take it easy and take some pain meds. Whatever you need take it as this really is a two step forwards one step back recovery.

      I will likely continue with my flax/chia/berry smoothie 5x a week as I quite like it plus my prunes. I haven't had stool softener for 2 days as I ran out. Haven't had my daily bm this morning either so not sure how much the two are related. If I don't have before bed I will get some tomorrow as I am working again Thursday.

      At the moment I'm dealing with my eyes problems so my rear end is not at the forefront of my mind!

      I think you are a couple of weeks behind me from your op so maybe still a little early to stop everything. When Are you due at the doctors next?


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      No worries as I'm on my phone at the moment so unless I re read things I could be typing anything!!!

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      Yes Samantha, the good old NHS lol. How are your eyes, when do you have the op?

      Lisa when I came off the stool softener (on the surgeons order!!) that's when I struggled & had loads of pain. I've got back on it but only having 1 dose instead of 2 & wow what a difference it's made! I take it at night & have a b/m in the morning. Slight pain coming out but then its all over.

      When I use to look 👀 down there it was red raw, but I can see that healing, which is also helping the b/M's be less painful.

      So maybe go back on the softener but don't take as much. See if that helps. X

    • Posted

      Iv just Taken a laxative in a Panik , i will continue the flax seed again , i stopped everything because I was going up to 5 times a day ! It was too much ! My doc has told me I don't need to see him again as I was looking ok down there , he told me to go back to him at anytime if I have a problem ! I think I will take flax seed 5x a week and see how I get on ! It really is 2 steps forward and 1 back !

      Maybe i should ask for stool softerner at the chemist !


    • Posted

      I think it might be a good idea to take stool softener for us all!

      I am going to for the foreseeable future I think!

      I try and be good with my diet but I don't think I am that good in the end!

    • Posted

      Thank you Sam. And just an FYI for everyone, I dealt with bad constipation for years before my surgery and had two doctors tell me that taking stool softeners daily if I needed will not harm me. I took one or two nightly prior to this mess and will continue as long as my system needs them.
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      Carl, my eyes are just recovering from their experi nice last week (a bucket full of numbing agent and pupil dilator  was put in them before they attempted to start the op and realised I was intolerant of what they had used. Side affect is I'm still dealing with an eye that I'm told had enough drops for 12 men, and has not yet returned to pre op status!

      Jen, many thanks and good to know!

      Lisa, I've bought more stool softener and will keep up with my softener, flax/chia mix and prunes! For me it's a pice worth paying!

      have a great day all x

    • Posted

      Ouch Samantha!! Wow you've really been through it these past few Months!! Hope you make a quick recovery x

    • Posted

      Ouch Samantha you really have been through it the last couple of months ! Hope you recover quickly with your eyes ! Xx
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      Sam I am so sorry you are going through that. Hopefully it will get better soon. I also will always take stool softener. I am so irregular without it that I would be worried I would get another hemorrhoid if I didn't take it.

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      Thanks all, one good thing is that dealing with this makes me forget my bottom! eyes appear now on day 12 to be back to normal. 

      Hopefully this doesnt mean that my bottom bottom will kick off. 

      Mind you, I have been back on the morning berry smoothies and I've decided my body is unable to digest berries!

      hope everyone has a good weekend 😀

    • Posted

      Glad to hear your eyes have improved Sam. It's gone a little quiet on here, which I presume is a good thing!! I'm so glad I went back on the Lactulose, although painful for that first few seconds, I can see a huge improvement from 2 weeks ago. Hope everyone else is doing good. Have a great weekend x

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      Glad your eyes are doing better Sam and I'm glad the lactulose is working for you Carl. I stopped using the miralax for two days and just took stool softener. We went Christmas shopping yesterday and I had to have a BM. It was very hard and hurt badly. Today I will start the miralax again. I may take it the rest of my life.

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      I'm not quit there yet Carl. Today is day 18 for me, and while I've finally started having somewhat normal bms, I go about 2-3 times every morning and have at least 1 or 2 false alarms after that seem to cause everything to swell and get sore. I know from reading everyone else's posts that it's still early for me, but I so want this over with! Today is my first follow up with the surgeon and I know there won't be much in terms of advice that he'll be able to offer, but my fingers are crossed.

      Have a great weekend! I'll be spending mine on a sitz bath or icebag...

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      Melissa- how much miralax and stool softeners did your doc prescribe? I'm just curious....

      Hope things improve.

    • Posted

      He told me miralax twice a day. In the beginning it was causing five or six BMs a day. So I switched to just stool softener and didn't go for a few days. This is what has happened again. So I'm going back to miralax twice a day.

    • Posted

      Hope the follow up appointment goes well Jen. I'm now just over 2 months & feel almost there. I still need the stool softener 1xday. B/m are bearable, slight pain coming out. I can't really wipe properly, mainly coz of these horrible tag things, so I generally jump in the shower as I've been going the loo of a morning.

      Melissa when I came off the stool softeners my b/m were unbearable. I felt like a tree trunk was trying to get out. There's no rush to get off anything, maybe just reduce the dosage ever so slightly every few days & if u need to tweak it up again, then so be it. U will work out what's best for your body.

      This has been one hell of a journey, glad you've all been passengers with me smile x

    • Posted

      Carl the tree trunk analogy is picture for describing how it feels lol. I wish just the stool softeners would work for me and I'm not sure why it doesn't. I'm starting my miralax again this morning. I can't have anymore tree trunks coming out of me. I haven't been in pain in days but I had the tree trunks again this morning and now I'm feeling it again. This has been a horrible journey. I'm glad to have met all of you along the way. My husband will ask who I'm writing and I always say my hemorrhoid friends from the U.K. Lol.

    • Posted

      We're not all British! I'm in the U.S. too, Melissa.

      And wouldn't it figure that on the day of my follow up, I haven't had a BM! LOL Arg!

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      I didn't know that Jenn lol! I will have to just change it to my hemorrhoid friends around the world lol. Hopefully you won't have to have one until you get home from the doctor. Hope it all goes well.

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      Be funny if you two lived next door to each other 😉

      When I was experiencing that 'tree trunk' feeling, it was like constipation & not all of it was coming out, which I think was me stopping it because of the pain - but the pressure of it sitting there was just as bad as it coming out!! Glad I went back on the meds.

      Weird how the stool softener doesn't work Melissa, but as long as the other one gets things moving that's good x

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      Yes it would be funny. I am in Florida Jenn! I did feel like I got it all out but this morning after the tree trunk feeling I had immediate diarrhea so I'm thinking it was constipation also. I will stay on miralax for awhile

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      I'm in Pennsylvania, Melissa!

      Well, the doc said everything looks great and unless there's a problem I don't need to see him again. And, I can take stool softeners and Metamucil as much as needed since they won't harm me. I can also take laxatives when needed, so I picked up some miralax since I was told it's a gentle laxative.

      The doc said my hemorrhoids will never return. There are three main blood vessels in the rectum and he removed hemorrhoids from all of them. Of course, somehow I had 4 hemorrhoids in 3 blood vessels, but he removed all of them so I wouldn't have to come back in a couple years.

      Now...if only the pain would go away! LOL

      Have a great weekend...

    • Posted

      Jenn that is great news. I'm glad it went well. The miralax is very gentle. It's my favorite of all that I have tried throughout this.

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      The news was good, but the reality is that I'm still very careful what I eat. Mostly soft foods, fruits and vegetables. I'm looking forward to a Big Mac and fries ...but that won't be happening anytime soon.

      Back to my oatmeal, raisin bran, mashed potatoes, applesauce, yogurt, etc. Sigh....what a pain in the ass! LOL

    • Posted

      Jen I ate a bacon cheeseburger and tots from sonic two weeks after and it caused me problems. Anywhere else I've eaten hasn't bothered me. I waited that full two weeks though. After that I slowly ate those kinds of things and using the miralax has made it not bother me. I couldn't wait to get to those things also. I'm a little over four weeks out and eat what I want now.

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      Every time I've attempt normal food, I've ended up constipated. Like the grilled cheese sandwich two nights ago is most likely responsible for my needing Miralax today.

      Before the surgery, I was wearing a FitBit and getting 10k steps a day on a treadmill. I've been given the go ahead to go back to the gym if/when I'm up to it. I know the exercise will help keep things moooooooving! As I said, I just wish the pain would go away....

    • Posted

      Yea the pain is awful. I wouldn't have made it without pain killers. The only time I really need them now is after a big BM. I promise you will get there. This is such a long recovery. I had to see the cardiologist this week for a stress test. Now they cut on hearts and still said hemorrhoid removal is the worse surgery. So after this we should be able to handle anything.

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      Jenn, sounds like good news. Your pain will ease with time, I'm sure 😀

      Melissa, incan add to around the world bitbas although I'm a Brit, I do live in the Middle East.

      Carl, they say time is the biggest healer. If I have a larger BM then I do the odd time get pain or a little blood. It's remembering the stool softeners... for me seems to be a long term plan.

      Now I have to work today 😳 x

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      Sam I also still have blood with BMs too. The miralax seems like a long term plan for me also. What part of the Middle East are you in?
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      Melissa, I think it's a case of being careful and keeping up the softeners. Have to admit if I'm working I forget too!

      I'm in one of the lesser known GCC countries.... a small country!

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      Also after all the screaming I was doing in here my whole family has disappeared into the fields around our house lol.

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