hemorrhoids, Fissure? Getting a bit scared, can anyone help?
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I'm a 50 year old male, fit, active, in good shape and I've been suffering with hemorrhoids for about 4 weeks. However in the last 10 days or so I've been suffering the most debilitating and excruciating pain, it's ruling my life, I can't work, can't make arrangements to see people because of these waves of pain that are close to making me weep. Previously I'd tried all the hemorrhoid medicines on the market (and I mean all!). Just over a week ago I saw my G.P. who told me he thought the piles didn't look so bad and he couldn't see anything else, I tried to explain the level of pain I was in and I explained that it was hurting me to poop in the morning so he said "although I can't see anything let's treat it as a fissure". He prescribed me Glyceryl Trinitrate which when I apply it maks the pain far, far worse. For over a week I have been taking baths and adding coconut oil which I read can help but things don't seem to be improving. Since I saw the doctor I inspected myself more clearly in the precise area where the pain felt like it was coming from and found this (what I can only describe as) very strange bright red tiny vein like thing. I basically know this is where the pain is coming from (the doctor hadn't spotted it). I'm now worried that it isn't a fissure at all but something more serious. I've uploaded a photo (yes, I'm that desperate), apologies if that's not appropriate on the forum but I really need some advice as this is ruining my life!
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Laura3333 david_03724
The ointment your Dr gave you is to bring a better blood supply to the area, for some reason this area has a poor supply. Yes it burns and I couldn’t tolerate it either.
Try Laxido once a days, makes everything soft and easier to pass. If that’s not enough try magnesium citrate, twice a day, you can get from amazon.
Dont use toilet tissue, use wet wipes, for sensitive skin, keep you clean and are much gentler. Each time you touch this, it gets irritated, so be gentle. Don’t wash with a cloth or a sponge in the shower, don’t use soap or shower gel in that area, use the shower head and wash gently with your hand. I wouldn’t soak in the bath, it needs to dry up to heal. Spicy food is a no go, as is sweet corn, nuts and food that’s not fully digested. Keep your diet easy to digest, vegetables salads, things that are fully digested and are passed out of the body easily. You don’t look to have piles at all, just an open fissure, which hopefully as you’ve not had it long, you can heal
Really important not to get constipated. If you can stand it, use Vaseline, it will ease it when you have a bowel movement.
I cured my long standing one, though I have to take Laxido and magnesium every single day, but it’s a small price to pay. The pain is horrendous, I don’t think anyone who hasn’t had a fissure could comprehend just how bad it is. Try to get a memory foam cushion to sit on, plus don’t slide across a couch or bed to get up, you will be pulling on the skin. Fingers crossed you will get on top of this and it will heal.
david_03724 Laura3333
Thank you so much for your reply Laura, this has certainly put my mind at rest, the pain you describe is *exactly* what I've been experiencing. I didn't mention that I've been taking Dulcoease tablets but they don't seem to have made a huge difference so I'll try Laxido. Thank you again for taking the time to reply in such a detailed way, I really appreciate it.
Laura3333 david_03724
You’re more than welcome, it’s always better to feel you are not alone in this, so many people suffer from this in silence🙂
natasha54195 david_03724
I had one and the pain was unbearable - couldn’t sleep or function
I healed mine
Sitz baths with Epsom salts and coconut oil
When it was at its worse I pooped in the sitz bath and that helped
Laxido 2 a day
Lots of green veggies
Gtn cream twice a day
Proktis m cream
Coconut oil peppermint oil tea tree oil and cypress oil mix together also
Lots of water
And bizarre bert bees lip balm with peppermint in it worked wonders !!!
david_03724 natasha54195
Thank you Natasha, that's really helpful too. Jeeeez, this is like nothing I've ever experienced so thanks for the advice - do you remember the turnaround time for healing in your case?
natasha54195 david_03724
But still take laxido
Sitz baths
And gtn at least twice a week
Lots of water and greens
Kind of takes over your life to be honest
Bum constantly !
I was in pain for around 8 hours a day the gtn defo helps just be patient
I also took 1x codine pre poop and paracetamol
West_Coast david_03724
I am going to avoid looking at your photo's but it definitely sounds like a fissure like people have already said. First get your GP to send you to a specialist, go see a proctologist, in fact, try see more than 1 if the first is not helping. Second start drinking as much liquid every day as you can, preferably water, but if you can't drink water, drink any liquid, it will take up to two months for your body to climatize to the liquids, but keep drinking liquids every day and consistently ...
The creams will lower your blood pressure to help the area heal. If it is acute it should take less than 8 weeks to heal, if it is chronic, it could take a year or longer.
Try eat less, the more you eat, the more you have to pass.
Also check my profile, I created a blog on my experiences, there may be some tips to help you. Sitz baths never really helped me, at least did seem to.
Avoid putting very hot water, only use luke warm water. Stop washing your butt with soap, only use water.
I am also a 45+ male and i have had a chronic fissure for over a year, it's very painful, you need to manage vs trying to fix it initially, eventually it will heal.
david_03724 West_Coast
Thanks West Coast, really appreciated. This is all great stuff. My water intake has always been a bit on the low side so going to have to boost that up considerably. I'm seriously hoping this is not "chronic" although the pain levels have knocked me off my feet at times. I need to get on with my life!
natasha54195 david_03724
Sounds like I’m mad but all healed me
Water bottle wen in pain between ya cheeks !
West_Coast david_03724
Until you know, treat it as a chronic fissure, if it heals great, if not you on your way to managing it. Keep your liquids consistent, every day. If you can't drink water like me, find a drink like a fruit juice, smoothie, tea, milk in your cereal. I start with a glass of water in the morning, I keep a glass on the counter to remind me to drink, I drink at least a glass of juice at lunch and dinner, I put milk in my cereal and tea at night. I wish my doctors told me to drink. I am sure they told me to drink water, but everyone says that right and you kind of ignore. But what they don't tell you is, drink water so your stool is soft and it will help.
Try cut down on food intake, avoid food like breads, buns etc until you have it until control. Try see a proctologist asap. Sometimes it takes months to get an appointment so get that booked asap. If you find you don't need it, you can always cancel. Doctors generally aren't familiar with it, although my GP told me it was a chronic fissure during my first visit, so it depends.
Avoid stool softners as they don't work, if you must, take it for a week and stop, your body will adapt quickly to them and then it becomes a waste.
david_03724 West_Coast
Thank you again, I really appreciate you all taking the time out to reply so fully. I'm already feeling a marked improvement - I haven't had an "attack" as such since Friday and would generally describe it as a low-level irritation right now. Pooping is easier, although is always a point where things "sting". I'm applying the Glyceril Trinitrate only at night as in the morning it's proved too painful. But it feels like things have definitely got much better. Spending time lying down also helps hugely, Fissures don't like Chairs! I managed to get a Doc's appointment for Thursday and am tempted to keep it just so I can show them what I've found (they couldn't see anything on my first visit), I will also use the opportunity to ask for a referral to a Proctoligist.
Thanks again guys!
Laura3333 david_03724
If you mean seeing a proctologist about the fissure, you might be best seeing a colo rectal surgeon for advice.
discourged Laura3333
I have read so many forums in hopes of getting an answer. My whole life has been turned upside because of this. I have had a problem with hemorrhoids since my second child. Basically the past 8 years. I have managed to handle them on my own with creams pushing back the internal ones that would come & go over the years. I have put off & put off trying to handle that because I have heard the horror stories about the recovery. In November of last year I started to experience extreme pain & I thought ok it is time & I need to get this handled. I found a doctor that specialized in this & did 4 treatments of laser therapy. I did not see a ton of relief but it got better so again I went on with my life. I then had to handle another health issue that required pain pills that I believe caused constipation that led to this fissure. I have been in tears many times & I have been doing everything as told. More water,more fiber,cream after cream. I then have surgery botox & some banding of the hemorrhoids. Here I am 4 weeks post op NO RELIEF at all. First nifedipine now nitroglycerin. Obviously this botox did not work & no cream is working,no natural remedies,no sitz baths...NOW WHAT?? the doctors tells me it takes time. I have had no improvement & I am moaning in pain after every bowel movement. I have not left my house in weeks because I cant stand up long. I have no idea what to do!! I have been taking Tylenol,Motrin, & Aleve for 5 weeks every day. I'm sick of it & I need to get on with my life.
Laura3333 discourged
Lots of fluids, maybe a glass off fresh fruit juice a day, cut down the fibre, it only gives your body more food to push out.
It seems simple, after what you’ve been through,but it really works for me.
Its one of the worst pains, I hope you have some relief.
discourged Laura3333
No I have no idea what that is but here I go again with my google search. I have barely eaten for the weeks I have been going through this. Surprisingly I have only have lost about 5-10lbs. I really can't afford to loose anymore or I'm in big trouble. I'm afraid to eat. I will say when the bowel movements are watery it hurts must must worse. I've been going a couple times a day between the benefiber,miralax,senekot,colace & dulcalox. None all at the same time. I almost rather not go. Also I swear what ever I do it seems to get worse. I feel like the worst mom ever. I am so incredibly at a loss for words. I feel like I'm a pain in the ass to every doctor.
discourged Laura3333
I just looked it up & I swear that is not my problem. I do not need any more laxatives or anything to make me go. I would avoid a bowel movement at all costs if I could. I was in the ER at 2 am the day after of surgery 4 weeks ago. That surgeon was awful & I went to another & he said it's not in my best interest for another surgery. I can't keep waiting and hoping it will get better. I just wish someone would help. The hemorrhoids are still there...thank you for handling some & telling me you banded them & then the next day he tells me I didn't get them all.
Laura3333 discourged
discourged Laura3333
Ok trying to find a place to buy & impossible. Perfect same darn story different day.
Laura3333 discourged