Hemorroid post surgery experience
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Ive read many discussions on this topic and thought it would be good to advise of my experience for others too.
I had two external hemorroid's removed about 1pm yesterday. After the operation the surgeon advised he has given me a local injection for pain. I have to stay in hospital one night.
Around 6pm I received 1mg Panadol on IV line. Again 1mg Panadol at 2am (at this time I was uncomfortable but not at the stage to ask the hospital for the pain killer yet).
I slept on and off. I was due more pain medicine at 8am but didn't ask for any and the nurses didn't offer me any. 9.30am they asked if I wanted any but as I've not yet experienced a stool then I've not had that pain.
Since after the operation I drank 1.5L water yesterday, ate lentil soup and fruits and I was given a laxative in the evening.
This morning I had my first Sitz bath and pulled out the gauze as per the nurse advise. It wasn't painful just uncomfortable to pull out as I had sat in the bath for 15 minutes first.
I've not yet had any stool but the doctor has been and advised lots of water, high fiber diet, laxative in the evening but not to have diarrhoea- he said if I get diarrhoea to stop the laxative for a day or so until it forms up a little. No spicy food and I will go home with two creams, one for local pain to be used for a week and one for swelling/healing. I'm due back to see the surgeon after one week.
lets see after the stool time!
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Neglected to mention as I've been drinking all of the water I've not had a urine issue. Went 4/5x yesterday and same today. So far I've drank a litre of water today and it's only 10am. I was advised drinking lots of water is critical.
heaven_43069 samantha1970
Yes lots and lots of water! I would definitely take stool softeners as well.
I'm 4 weeks post op and still have to take them. I had a bowel movement last night and it burned and stung, and I started bleeding again
I can't stress enough how important it is to have very soft poop! I'm trying but it's hard for me to get it like that. So I've been using laxatives or enemas and it's just horrible. My body is weird I guess.
samantha1970 heaven_43069
Which one are you taking? Too hard? I was advised there is a difference between stool softeners and laxatives. I'm no doctor but I understand the softener acts as a gel and absorbs the water and other waste into its stool. Whereas the laxative makes it all watery. My surgeon made a big issue about not getting diarrhoea.
Ive had 3L of water yesterday and today so far.
heaven_43069 samantha1970
Well I was taking a stool softener and it didn't make it soft. It was still hard and I can't pass the stool so I have to take a laxative which is the dulcolax. It's a hard laxative. It's awful. I was taking the dulcolax stool softener. I'm going to go buy colace today and see if that's a stronger or better softener that actually works!
samantha1970 heaven_43069
I took dulcolax to clean myself out before surgery, it's quite hard on the body. The other one I have here is senokot which I purchased before going into hospital. I will try the angioplax tonight.
So far yesterday I had lentil soup, Chinese clear chicken soup, tabouleh and a few veggies yesterday. Today a fruit salad, small yoghurt and more lentil soup. Surgeon made an issue about everything being high fiber.
lets see what tomorrow brings!
good luck, maybe the laxative will help clear you up and then take the stool softeners?
samantha1970 heaven_43069
Hi, hope your feeling better today? One question if you do not mind me asking, you mentioned still bleeding. Now is this bright red blood in the toilet/stool or dark blood when you remove the gauze pad?
I have a little dark red blood on the gauze pad when I change it, but not too much so far. Maybe this is because my stool has not yet been much wider than my little finger. When I start to eat more food I'm wondering if this is when I'll have more problems.
Update day 2 - 10.45 am first stool, soft and lots of water but not quite diarrhoea. Hurt on a scale of 1-10 I'd say 7/8. I've had a hysterectomy and also my gallbladder out plus two natural child births. This doesn't quite reach that pain yet.
Unfortunatley I had not had any pain medication so far today since 2am so it was painful for about 45 minutes. Took 1g oral Panadol. Then left hospital for house.
Tea time I just had another stool, same consistency as first, but this time the pain was only maybe 2/3 minutes. After the stool I sat in a Sitz bath with a little betadine in it for 15 minutes.
i plan to take 1g Panadol around 8/9pm before bed as I'm up early every morning. Also my stool softener before bed.
Below is a list of items I received from hospital / pharmacy.
sitz bath and betadine bottle
agiolax stool softener
panadol joint (I asked about using Panadol advance and was told no due to the extra ingredients alongside paracetamol 3x a day
zalocain 3x a day on wound for localised pain
proctolysal 3x a day on wound to promote healing
Advised on a high finer diet
drink lots of water and under no circumstances to get diarrhoea - if I do to stop the agiolax for 2/3 days
sorebutt samantha1970
Sounds like you're doing well Samantha . I hope this progress stays on this course . The fact that you've had a BM is great albeit soft . Many people have the feeling of passing a large child when they have their first BM . As they say 'keep it soft' but not too soft . Here's hoping you're one of the lucky ones . Good luck .
samantha1970 sorebutt
Thanks, it's early days, but I did clean out my system totally before hand and have just had fiber rich food and stool softener or laxative once since the op.
Ive had three stools so far and they have all been very soft but not yet diarrhoea, the second and third I'd say pain after is only maybe 2/3 now. I'd say it's more the uncomfortableness of the op that's bugging me most now. But I did have a little beef casserole with carrots and potato (kid size portion) for dinner.... followed by softener so lets see tomorrow!
ps... I like your screen name!
sorebutt samantha1970
Good progress Samantha . The casserole would have been ok for me , minus the beef . Ive found that too much red meat brings on a 'sorebutt'
samantha1970 sorebutt
Hi Sorebutt,
i think for me there was an improvement in the stool to yesterday when it was a little more watery, but now more like buying a thick pack of those jelly snakes! I was a bit worried about the beef but I only had a small amount. I'm going to try chicken tonight but again a small amount.
Its awful being worried about the protein you eat. How many days post surgery are you and would be interested to know how your diet/food is.
sorebutt samantha1970
Hi Samantha , its 9 months since I had my last procedure . Unfortunately I am having a bit of a re-occurence with mine . Food and drink plays a big part now in how my symptoms are . I need to avoid having any more than one beer or cider , wine is an absolute no-no . I can only have a little red meat , and anything from the bakers apart from a meringue is also a no-no . It seems for me that anything that may contain yeast brings on nasty effects , and swelling , more like an allergy . We're all different , but after that time i have discovered what works and doesnt work for me . Vegetables and fruit are always a good option , and making sure you drink plenty will definately help , even if your condition isnt exactly the same as mine .
samantha1970 sorebutt
Hi, yes I think diet and allergies play a big role in digestive track health. Perhaps you may get allergy tested? It really is a pain and can add to life's stresses.
I notice when I eat wheat/gluten I end up looking 9 months pregnant so try and avoid it as much as I can. I haven't officially been allergy tested, maybe that's another step.
Good luck.
sorebutt samantha1970
My friend has a similar allergy with gluten etc , but has been to doctors , hospital etc for various appointments and they cant get to the bottom of it . he has done the same as me and experimented himself to find out what triggers the reaction . His is gluten and just about anything thatb comes from a cow . Like you , both of us bloat when we eat the wrong thing. We can go from athletic
, to obese inside an hour , and back to athletic
in a few hours . For me its not just the bloating though . I can feel my colon become enflamed inside , almost ulcerated . Its hard to be strict with the diet .
samantha1970 sorebutt