Heroin addict, doing a rapid suboxone taper

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I have been a heroin addict for 5 years, it was a half gram a day, sometimes more, I recently decided I don't want to live like that anymore, so I decided to try suboxone to first break the junkie routine I had established, and immediately began tapering. For example, I took 8 mgs day 1, 4 mgs days 2 and 3, 2 mgs 4-8. My plan is to keep cutting in half every four days, until day 16, being my last dose, am I crazy? I feel OK, and like I would probably be fine if I had jumped today, but that's probably the half life messing with me?

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  • Posted

    Hey everyone, I'm almost 10 days without sub, physical sh*t is over, just a mental battle now. I know I got it on the run. Thanks for the support, and talking the time to chat, its been helpful!
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      How are you feeling in yourself? Can you feel your mind and alertness coming back? I found it was nice to be able to concentrate again but I needed loads of stuff to do.
    • Posted

      Hey oly, sorry I didn't reply sooner. Still clean, and the mind is a whole different demon, I feel it coming back more every day. I have highs and lows, probably my brain learning to regulate serotonin w/o opiates. I understand this might take time as I have been on opiates 10 years. But I know in my heart, I will stick to this. One slip, and I will undo what brain chemistry repair I have done. Going to long island for the week tomorrow for work, I have been looking forward to it for over a week. It should help mentally. No cravings, but I feel like I just met myself, or maybe like I am seeing a long lost brother, idk its hard to explain
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      I know what you mean -  I remember spending many months looking in the mirrror wondering if I recognised the person staring back, very strange. The face in the mirror looks  much more familiar these days. Have fun at Long Island
  • Posted

    Yes Im much more alert thank you , but not sleeping due to back pain, but seeing the surgeon again next month so hoping they may have new thoughts on what to do ! Its nice to feel calm and organised rather than emotional and brain dead! 
  • Posted

    Hey, I know I haven't posted in a min... sorry I have been busy living!!!!!! I'm sleeping great, feel fine, and remain positive. I feel I should keep posting on here in hopes that maybe someone going thru the same issue will read, and see it is possible. It's unbelievable how every fasset of my life has improved due to me dropping opiates. My best advice at this point, is don't get down on yourself, remember that it isn't as bad as day 1-7, you have handled worse!!! And what you are doing takes more courage and willpower than anyone who hasn't been there could know.
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      I'm grinning, and I grin whenever I hear of someone getting free - we pay a heavy price to escape the drugs but it's worth every ounce of effort.

      Keep on having fun and shouting about it :-)

    • Posted

      I don't understand! Are you saying he took the "easy" way out?

  • Posted

    Strictly a Subutex detox should be supervised.

    keep to your plan, not stop part way.

    what about afterwards? Go to NA.

    • Posted

      Well, I have done my homework lawyer. And I know that I wouldn't die from opiate withdrawl. So I figured game on. Physical activity, and staying busy have been the answer. I have only been to one meeting, if I were a regular, tomorrow I would be getting a 30 day chip. The more I learn about sub, the more I think it was worse the heroin I was on.
    • Posted

      Jrok: It sounds as though you have gone through the early withdrawal. Well done: it is a real achievement.

      Entirely your choice, but think about staying with NA. Abstinence alone is not the solution. Talk to experienced members and form your own view. 


  • Posted

    Hi jrok ! I'd like to start off by saying well done !! It takes some determination & willpower to stop heroin I myself am a recovering heroin addict I was addicted at age 14 I know it's young I had an unsettled way of life long story.. I was an addict fir 11 years until one day I decided like you to get clean I first I used methodone then got down to a 20ml daily dose then started subtex on 16 mg twice daily then I'd go down 1 1/4 every week it was hell but you can do it!! I did drink alcohol to help with the withdrawal symptoms & it helped but everyone is differant I wish you the very best... you may need some sleeping tablets for a while when you are close to 0 medication keep it up you can do it . If you need more info don't hesitate to contact me 😊😊😊
  • Posted

    Hi jrok,

    I've been on this road for nearly three years and am scared of suboxone although I have prescription and want to do it. Just not long term and I read horror stories. What's the best way to taper? Do you mind sharing with me exactly what you are doing?

  • Posted

    If he wants to quit cold turkey. Call this number. They helped me through a private natural remedy solutions and its a hundred percent effective. Call 6475370543. Its a small price to pay to get your life back.

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