Heroin addict, doing a rapid suboxone taper

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I have been a heroin addict for 5 years, it was a half gram a day, sometimes more, I recently decided I don't want to live like that anymore, so I decided to try suboxone to first break the junkie routine I had established, and immediately began tapering. For example, I took 8 mgs day 1, 4 mgs days 2 and 3, 2 mgs 4-8. My plan is to keep cutting in half every four days, until day 16, being my last dose, am I crazy? I feel OK, and like I would probably be fine if I had jumped today, but that's probably the half life messing with me?

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  • Posted

    I hope you are well on the way at least , well done, Im really proud youve taken the opportunity to get off and stayed strong! You have got a great mind set, and that will carry you far in life! 

    Best wishes,


  • Posted

    Thanks Fran! Well its been 72 hrs, since I jumped, and I honestly think most of the physical WD symptoms are over. I know from the past that it's all mental from here, so I am going to seek an na meeting near me, because in the past, my passion for the process cools, and I ended up thinking I could do it just once. Wds should be pretty much over right?
    • Posted

      Great work and plan - the mental side goes on quite a while longer and getting support is key to long term success.
  • Posted

    Sounds like youve done it! I think joining na is great , Ive never taken anything recreationally, so dont have the desire to try again , but it must be awful , Im just glad Im off the morphine and can start living drug free.

    very well done, and you know as well as me that you can nevr have another   Little dose, we all know where that leads . ..


  • Posted

    Thank you both, these little chats have honestly helped me through the days. idk why but its like I needed to hear it's over from somebody, lol. I will not let my addicted mind tell myself I need opiates, for anything. I don't know where it goes from here, but this quick taper has minimalized the physical withdrawal for me, compared to heroin withdrawal, and long term sub withdrawal, I would say it is the way to go, provided you have the willpower, and right mindset going in, you have to truly want it, or you could end up trading one habit for another, or worse... relapse. So again, thank you for the mental support!!!!!!
    • Posted

      A pleasure. I did a very fast detox with Lofexidine and it agreed with me too. Slow tapering was like death by a thousand cuts and I got fed up with it, I'm far too impatient.

      Keep on keeping on!

    • Posted

      I think rapidly is the way to go, A) to avoid long term addiction, B) I think the stacked sub half life helped
    • Posted

      I think so but I don't think it's for everyone - the chronic back pain I experienced after suddenly quitting was pretty evil and took many months to improve. Opiod pain receptor recovery can take a long time, I don't know how on earth people get out of that trap.

      I think the use of Subutex (temporary replacement) or Lofexidine (anti-withdrawl) makes the whole process much easier than tapering which takes forever.

    • Posted

      I totally agree. Depends on the situation.

      Personally I'm really struggling with pain.

  • Posted

    Our pleasure , just delighted that you made the decision to come off all that stuff and have been so successful x
  • Posted

    Hello. I am on day 7, feeling better everyday, sleeping 5-6 hrs every night. I'm still feeling occasional aches, possibly because of the exercise. I noticed after going for long walks or hikes, I feel amazing. My legs hurt, but it reminds me more of how I felt after basketball practice in high school, than rls. Mentally I'm stabilizing, however in the past I have talked myself into thinking it would be OK to use, this time it will not happen. I discarded all toxic friends, even deleted em from Facebook. My friend just got home from rehab (80days sober). It has been great having a motivated sober friend in my life. Tonight he is taking me to my first NA meeting!!! Yesterday was my birthday, and i truly feel born again
    • Posted

      Bloody brilliant, wonderful, excellent, amazing and Happy Birthday. Really pleased you've got someone to keep you company on the journey, and to drag you along to NA.

      I think the aches and pains are normal - Opiates make you pretty sedentary, I've been working on fitness for 9 months now and I'm still aching every day. I lost so much muscle and gained equal amounts of fat whilst I was under the influence, it's hard work getting rid of it but feels amazing when you get some strength and stamina back.

    • Posted

      Oh glad its not just me! I have always had lax ligaments and am prone to injuring myself , ( shoulders , back etc) but Im really trying  to do the pilates as often as possible , and build up my core , but muscle aches wake me as well as the arthritis , and lets not talk about the wieght , it was the munchies that did for me . But ... Trying to do 3 veggie days  a week and adding lean meat and fish on other days , trouble is cold English weather and salad arent and inspiring mix... Thats my excuse  anyway ,.. Oh and I bake and decorate cakes as a hobby so temptation is all around! 
  • Posted

    Your message made me cry! Im so pleased you are doung this for yourself , and are putting yourseelf in a healthy environment , I have nothing but admiration for you .Very well done, and how lovely to have  a clean birthday ,the first of many I hope! X
    • Posted

      These messages were a huge part of the support system that got me through this, I cannot thank you enough!!! Hopefully I can be as insightful to at least one other person, it will have been worth it

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