Hi all new member. Just started sertraline 4 days ago and I in hell!
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Hi all, This is the first time I have ever posted online about my anxiety and depression. I have had a couple of episodes in my 40 years ( 15 years of them I took prozac with no problems ) but this one which has been on and off for the last year & has hit me hard! I was on mirtazapine for 9 months but found they were not really helping my anxiety , so I went to my doctor and he suggested sertraline. I started taking 100mg on Saturday and all though I slept fine that night and felt ok , The rest of the week I have felt the worst I have ever felt. I can not eat , I have managed to get about 5ish hours of sleep at night but I just can not shut my mind off. I have had the worst anxiety I think I have ever had. It's hard to even cook a dinner for the family! My hands are sweating and I'm grinding my teeth!
I would not consider myself a week man But these pills have put me on the floor. I was not like this on the mirtazapine I was functioning on them!
I'm going to try and stick with them but I hope these symptoms subside.
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Day 8 And I must say that all the bad stomach and the shakes and jaw clenching has, I think settled down. I still wake up a bit shaky but it does pass. My mood, I have found is very low in the morning and I find it hard to motivate myself but seems to improve in the eveninigs. or at least it has for the last three nights. Still having some negitive thinking but it does seem to ease up . Anxiety has settled down some what on the Physical side. I've also got to start being postive myself as I do find i still dwell on the negitive thoughts far to much. I think things are moving in the right direction. Still a long way to go. Stay positive everyone.
Morining all, It's day 12 on sertraline and I thought I would post a little update. All of the bad stomach and feeling sick has gone now and I am able to eat fine once again. I have slept okish . I have got off to sleep fine but woke up in the middle of the night with some mild an anxiety. Mornings are definitely the worse. I'm a bit shaky and have a lot of anxious thoughts. They do subside as the day goes on. I have had some quite calm hours in the evenings when I feel quite ok but still not really right. I have found that my depression is worse now then before I started taking sertraline , and find it a struggle to motivate myself . Everthing just seems a uphill struggle. I am still forcing myself to cook and go out but it's hard atm. I hope its just the sertraline still getting into my system. I take one propranolol in the morning and to be honset its a miracle worker with all of the physical symptoms of aniexty. I have stopped the diazepam, I bloody did needed them last week but I know I can't start to reley on them! The worst thing still is the horrid thoughts of doom and negativity and the feeling of , I can't be like this for ever. I just want my life back! I suppose I have just got to be patient.
Well, it's been nearly three weeks on sertraline, And I have to say it's been a hard! . I am over the feeling sick and bad stomach and my shaking in the mornings are gone. My physical Symptoms of aniexty have died down also. I think taking the beta blockers is helping a lot with that! One thing that has got worse is the depression. I'm finding it harder to motivate myself and still have a lot of negitive thinking! Could this be a side effect of the sertraline? It's like i'm still constantly thinking about my depression and anixety , which of course gets me down ! I have a great partner , who has been a god send these last 3 weeks and I can talk to her about how I feel until the cows come home. It's just feels sometimes as if I'll never get better!
weenett jay21382