Hi dealing with depression, anxiety and panic attacks
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Hi everybody,
I am new to this website. I started suffering from depression, panic attacks and anxiety, digestive issues, insomnia since June of this year. Went to my gyn doctor, told him about my symptoms. He said that it cannot be menopause because I am only 46. He reluctantly did a blood. He was shock to find out I was indeed in menopause. He put me on estradiol pills. It took care of my hot flashes and sweating, but has done nothing for my depression, anxiety, panic attacks and feelings of doom.
I started taking 250 mg of magnesium, it calms me some what, allows me to sleep a little better. Can anybody give me some advice about natural remedies for these horrible symptoms?
Thanks, Maria
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natacha66 maria____a64048
They say it can't be menopause. What a wally ur doctor. I became peri at 37 and post 47.
It happens and a lot nowadays due to the stresses of life.
I take citalopram for anxiety. Came off HRt due to investigations and I am taking Femarrelle which is highly well spoken and had been working for me.
Give it a go. Works the same way as HRT and it is a natural.
Anything u need we r here.
maria____a64048 natacha66
My regular doctor prescribed Buspirone anti-anxiety meds for my depression, anxiety, panic attacks. It works, but it leaves me feeling numb. I don't want to numb either. As for my gyn doctor. I gave him the boot. I have a new gyn doctor who is a woman. She prescribed the hormone patch. It works for hot flashes and night sweats but again it does not help with other symptoms. I think I need to find a doctor who prescribes bio-identical hormones.
Thanks for telling me about citalopram. I will ask my doctor about it. I am tired of feeling like an empty shell.
natacha66 maria____a64048
Know the feeling.
Citalopram worked fast for me. My daughter takes it as well.
Good thing I got a woman doctor now. Men don't get it.
Feeling numb is not good. U get into zombie state.
Hope u feel better soon.
maria____a64048 natacha66
Thanks a lot for sharing this advice. I will look into it, and ask my doctor about it. I am so glad I found this website. I am actually feeling a little better right now because of all of you guys. I think getting these feelings out and sharing these experiences with other women going through the same thing is like therapy. Only it is free. When I am at work I can't find women to talk to about these serious symptoms. They say they only had hot flashes, weight gain. That is about it. So I go through my day feeling awful. I can only tell my husband but so much, without him just staring at me. Now because of you ladies I feel less alone.
natacha66 maria____a64048
Unloading to people that empathise and have been going through the same thing. It is an outlet.
I am so relieved as well, as I have been feeling low as well.
colleen90305 natacha66
natacha66 colleen90305
Sticking with it for now.
monique_93857 maria____a64048
I remember going through your exact symptoms it will pass it's horrible hang in there when I was going through the bad ones I got up kept myself busy not thinking about it I still have mild sometimes but not to bad also the feeling of being doomed like something bad was going to happen and all the aches I go through now I hate but dealing with it I won't take anything because doc told me when taking hrt it only makes it worse when you come off of it beside I can't take it anyway had very bad experience when I was younger but it's been ok not taking anything at times things seem bad but it goes away good luck if anything maybe you can inbox me I'll share all that I have been through
becky53379 monique_93857
Hi Monique, good advice....we must have been writing our post at the same time lol! I feel like you do now, it does get better but at times you can feel the low feelings. Keeping busy is key
Im glad that you are doing better. Have a good day and Im always praying for all of us. Take care!
maria____a64048 monique_93857
Thank you for sharing this with me. I also started experiencing fear about things that never bothered me before. Last month I had an episode of where I felt like I coudn't breathe properly. They performed a cat scan on my lungs. During the scan they had to stop it. I went into a full panic attack on the table. I was crying and shaking I thought I wad dying. Thank god the radiologist was very understanding and very comforting to me. They finished the scan when I was able to calm down.
This has never hasppened to me in the past. I feel like have no control over my emotions at times. I feel women take the brunt of so much in life. We deal with puberty, childbirth, work life. Now menopausr from hell. When do we get a break?
becky53379 maria____a64048
jane5216 maria____a64048
Hi Maria, if you're looking for natural remedies, St John's Wort can help with anxiety and depression. I find lavender oil really helps me to sleep. Put some on a tissue under your pillow, it's very relaxing and no nasty side effects. Worth a try maybe. I've also find that there are things that make my symptoms worse: eg caffeine, alcohol, sugar, red meat. Boring eh? Good luck with whatever you try, J xx
maria____a64048 jane5216
Hi Jane, I remember reading an article about St John's Wort. I will give it a try. It
Is funny you mentioned lavender oil. I have a bottle of Clary Sage oil which is supposed to stop hot flashes when you apply it to the back of your neck. It is also suppose to calm you down when inhaled. Thank you so much for this information.
Guest maria____a64048
becky53379 maria____a64048
Forgot to mention, I also drink warm milk before bed. It helps! I think that I will try the lavender idea that Jane posted. Some good ideas on here