Hi, Hypoglycemia? Is that blood sugar? Feeling light head
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Off and on i have this REAL lightheaded feeling, short of breath and crave some sort of heavy protein? I wondered if its iron being low due to the heavy periods but what is this hypoglycemia people talk about? Its always in the mornings too.....
I had a particularly weird period finish a few days ago, was wayy to early, one HORRIFIC heavy bleed day then just stopped day 3 and that was it! Plus i had pimples all the way through, so i know its all hormone related..
Anyway im COUNTING THE MINUTES till Burgerfuel opens cause im just absolutely craving a burger! I weigh next to nothing right now too. But yes the heavy feeling in head and light headedness/lethargic is particularly bothersome today. On the upside though.. my gastro problems, have subsided ... i suppose allowing the head and dizzy thing to take over (how nice of it to push aside one sympton just to allow another one in grrrrr)
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nancy0925 ellacraig
ellacraig nancy0925
jamie50513 nancy0925
jamie50513 ellacraig
ellacraig jamie50513
Maybe we are...
Anyway I know I'm going to rue the day after this gluten filled cheesey burger!!!! But it'l be worth it....
elaine33371 ellacraig
I have low blood sugar, hypoglyceamia, ive had it sincei was 21, its caused by eating, any type of refind sugars, cake, cookies, anything in pastry, donuts, certain veg also, any potatoes that go soft when cooked, baked are fine, hard boiled are fine, mash, roast, fries all out, fruit as its loaded with fructose sugars especially apples, and strawberres, and white bread, when you eat any of these, it will make you release large does of insulin, which in turn will lower your sugar, if its lowered too much, you get panic attack symptoms, due to a large amount of adrenaline being produced, to bring your sugars back up, and this in part, is what causes some of our menopausal symptoms, eating when this happens, will give you instant relief, but, if you eat sugar again, all your doing is causing a viscious circle, as you will produce insulin all over again, so what you do is, eat little and often, keep all sugars out, DO NOT eat that burger!!...............ha keep bread, and fries out of yoru diet, sweet potatoes, have less starch, so, little bit better for you, and have less starch, and starch releases sugars, very complicated, just stick to protien, and un refined sugars, little and often, this will keep your sugars balanced, and stop the highs and lows, which leads us back to the menopause....................arrrrrgh!!
hope this helps a little.
ellacraig elaine33371
Thank you. I am trying otherwise to do the protein whole food thing . Trying not to shock my body too much though .
Thanks so much
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
If your producing adrenaline due to too much sugar eaten, you will react anywhere from 10 mins, up to a max of 4 hours after ingesting food, and sometimes it happes purely because of how much you have eaten, rather than type of carbs, so first, keep meals small, then if you react watch the clock, time when your symptoms come on, then think back to when, what, or how much you ate, and the more you eat, the bigger the reaction, and therefore the more adrenaline you will produce so the bigger the panic attack, and if you do this every time you eat, it can start to form a pattern, and if you get your adrenaline symptoms, you will know then if its your sugars going off thats actually causing it. If you produce symptoms they will last for around 30 mins, but can be longer.
Symptoms will be. fast heart beat, heart flutter, or, tremor, breathlessness, weak shaky legs, muscular weakness, hot cold clamy skin, tinglings, slurred speech needing to pee a lot, headache, shake with nerves, then shake with how cold you are, irritability, faint feelings, you may get these all at once, in very quick succession, or, only some, reactions can be mild, or severe, and can cause you to actually black out if their too severe, but, whats interesting is, if you eat at this stage, you will feel better, because the food you have just eaten, has taken your sugar back up, then bang, it will happen again, this is called the sugar rush viscious circle. because as soon as we eat, we produce insulin again, and what does insulin do, it drops your sugars. Low blood sugar is what gives us our pms symptoms, and thats why its worse during meno, it isnt always just a case of, well its hormones, that is true, but its more about, how those hormones, are affecting our individual systems around our bodies, and this is why during meno, one day we get one lot of symptoms and the other we get something else, thats because our meno hormones, have now switched to affecting another system, so we have to control each individual system it affects, so our treatment for this, will be different for every on of those system affected, which is what we all have in common!! and makes it so hard to keep ontop of, but how we help our sugar is, eat little and often, cutting out sugar as much as possible, or totally, which, can be done, cutting out processed foods as well way too much sugar those, and take aways, and ready made meals, dont even think about putting a sandwich in, worst thing for low blood sugar, great for bringing it up, but will cause the crash later on, instead keep to a high protien low carb diet,why protein, because protein goes in slower, so our insulin doesnt come out as fast and furious, as its the speed that the food goes in that causes the problems, and if your food goes in too fast, you get very bad runs as a result because it shoots straight through, so you get no nutritonal benefit from it whatsoever so, then we can lose weight, and refined sugars go in the fastest, so, drink plenty plain water instead of sugar drinks, and decaf drinks as caffine lowers sugar, and no alcohol.
This doesn NOT mean we are all diabetics, eventhough i have heard some women actually becoming diabetics during menopause, for the majority its a temporary affect caused by, hormones, you do not need to buy a sugar monitor, just go on how you feel, as a test will more than likely be normal when you do it, so dont go to the expense of that, all you need to do is switch your diet, you will find you can still have the odd bit of sugar with no affect but, only in moderation, as it will mean a return of the bad symptoms, so if this is the reason for your adrenaline rush, it will help control it as well, its sugar that actually messes our sugar level up, sorry its long, hope it helps.
jamie50513 elaine33371
That actually helped a lot. I noticed that caffeine makes my heart race and I get all jittery, along with certain juices. I will make note of the patterns. Thanks for the info again.
elaine33371 ellacraig
ellacraig elaine33371
elaine33371 ellacraig
jamie50513 elaine33371
ellacraig elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
When your sugar drops very low all of a sudden, due to hunger, it can make you feel as though your gonna pass out, this is called a low blood sugar attack, for this, you actually eat sugar the only time, because you need to get your sugars up quickly, so eat something like a mars bar, or, fruit juice but then follow it, with a protien low carb food to avoid the next sugar rush, it will work, sounds like your sugars are going a little too low, so make sure you eat every 2 hours, but im talkking small amounts here, normally i would say, have breakfast, lunch evening meal, then 2 very small snacks inbetween, but keeping those meals small anyway, if this makes sense.
You can also buy those lovely dried fruits, apricots, mango, there gorg have just a couple of them, to put the natural sugar in, natrual sugar in is far better than refined sugar, refined sugar goes in quicker, than unrefined, but both are 100% carbs, and protien is only 50% which is why protien goes in slower. might make the slow dijetion worse, but deal with that by lying flat after eating.
jamie50513 elaine33371
I am certainly going to try that. I love trail mix and I haven't had any in a long time. I'm going to get some to help with the hunger and try lying flat for the indegestion.