Hi Ladies..
Posted , 13 users are following.
Happy New Year...
how are yall doing?
i pray yall are ok ...
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Posted , 13 users are following.
Happy New Year...
how are yall doing?
i pray yall are ok ...
0 likes, 25 replies
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Guest pam90720
Hi Pam! Happy New Year to you too! I am hanging in there. I walked 5 whole minutes on my treadmill today...then had jelly legs or an hour afterwards. How bout you? 😃
pam90720 Guest
hi Lou!! im so proud for you! i know just exactly what you mean about the jelly legs!! im having to hold on to things to walk today... but i sure do need to get on that treadmill!! even for 5 minutes!!! i hope your day is wonderful!!!
pam90720 Guest
im with you on the Raynauds ! isnt it fun!!! lol... not 😃
Guest pam90720
Pam..is it ok if I message you...
kelly3120 pam90720
hi ladies
happy new year! had a fantastic day yesterday and BAM woke up with the worst anxiety and for no reason just so frustrating. i even went to bed early last night thinking i was going to start the year out right and try to change some of my bad habits. i completely understand the jelly legs cause i get them too but where the heck does this all come from. 🙄
pam90720 Guest
of course!!!
Clare1971 kelly3120
Hi Kelly
sometimes a lack of magnesium can cause jelly legs and heighten anxiety, try bathing or soaking your feet in epsom salts or rubbing magnesium oil in your skin .. i have tried everything to feel better through peri menopuse
michelle97919 pam90720
Happy new year to you 2. Ive started off the mew year with another bout of severe acid reflux!!!!
Cant eat cant lay flat. Utterly miserable.
10 year peri. Im now 6 months post meno.
When does it all end ay?
pam90720 michelle97919
oh im sorry, Michelle!! 😦
just a thought.. but my husband used to have that very bad... he changed his diet (for another reason) no grain and watched his sugar.. he hasnt had heartburn in almost a year... and he was popping tums left and right and was having esophical spasms...(those scared him.. ) he and i both try to do our best watching those things and carbs.. lost weight in the mean time..
check out the book Undoctored by william davis.... please take care i hope you feel better!!!!
karen71465 michelle97919
I had this problem I take mastika 2 morning first thing with water then 2 last thing at night before be then delete licorice 1 just before I eat ....2 weeks on no more acid ..did it years ago and worked but now back so back on it you can get from amazon read reviews it was a lady on this site that said about it ..try it works for me
michelle97919 karen71465
Wow thank you so much. I will research x
karen71465 michelle97919
ladies I have been doing a little test on myself over the xmas holiday I day eating sweet food .next day off for a week very hard as I like everything sweet well the days I left off the sugar not one hot flush also wheat based foods so I decided to do 1 week off both just ate clean food ...it has been heaven no palps no hot flushes it would be great if all you ladies would try this then get back in touch..good luck I know I feel better not sure how long for god its hard cutting out sugar but if it works and we give ourselfs a break that's got to be good hasn't it good luck everyone x
pam90720 karen71465
hi karen! i agree!! i posted a message to Michelle regarding not eating grain and sugar.. the moderator has a hold of it..
hopefully the info will help in any way!!
karen71465 pam90720
Morning pam we should be able to help if we can i couldn't believe how bad these hot flushes could be I go bright red have what feels like pins being stuck in my head and face sweating head pressure god the list goes on when people say oh she's having a hot flush bless her I want to go mad......bless them like my mother in law said if you can't see it you can't feel it.sorry rant over ha ha. I'm not having any sugar today or wheat based foods I haven't the last few days and no hot sweats also hot sweats means anxiety gets worse and sometimes I found that then makes you feel dizzy do you agree.
Pamwhid pam90720
Happy New Year Everyone!!! Let's just say if I could poke a pin in my boobs to deflate them, I would be so extremely happy.. So Sore!!