Hiatal hernia and bile reflux – experiences please?
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This my 2nd post related to LPR but I’ve started a new thread because tests have revealed (at least some) of the causes of my problem.
I have finally had an endoscopy, after 18 months of suffering horribly with ever-worsening LPR/airways reflux. The endoscopy showed a 5cm sliding hiatal hernia but also significant bile reflux. The report makes no mention of an ulcer or any other cause. A nurse talked me through the report and also showed me photos of the bile and my normal esophegus. So I now know I have bile reflux in addition to acid, which would explain why I get very limited or no relief from all the medications and lifestyle changes.
I am so utterly miserable and depressed that I told myself if a HH was found, I would have the surgery. Radical as it is, my life simply isn’t worth living right now. But now I’m unclear what to do and want to be informed when I go back to my doctor to decide what’s next. Repairing the HH would stop the acid component of my reflux but won’t the bile continue to be a problem and cause damage, even if it can’t get past the repair? Everything I read says it shouldn’t be there and is very damaging.
Obviously, I intend to talk to my doctor but I’d like to know if anyone else has experienced this and what your outcome was. Is there always a physical cause that needs ‘fixing’ for bile reflux? Do drugs like Baclofen or Ursodeoxycholic Acid work?
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jim83248 Anxious_Alex
Gallstones perhaps! I have had terrible bile reflux for the last 9 months coinciding with being diagnosed with gallstones. I have had a hh for 25 years with no problems by taking 20mg of omeprazole each day. But last summer I started having severe acid in my mouth etc -cant taste things properly and cant drink beer, avery serious problem. I'm having my gall bladder out next week and cant wait. Took me a while to work it out as bile reflux is not listed as a gallstones symptom. Basically the stones can limit the release of bile into the duodenum, so you can get concentrated bile released that then aggravqates the pyloric sphincter allowing bile back up into the stomach. If youve got a hh which is very common, then the concentrated bile come s up the gullet-horrible. Ranitadine plus omeprazole just to make life partially bearable until you can get surgery sorted out. I sympathise greatly.
jose40 Anxious_Alex
Another helpful med prescribed to me by my gastro Doc is to take Domperidone 10 3x a day before meals... this drug like motilium emptys your gut out completely after meals and keeps the acid from remaining therein causing the irritation and acid contact in areas of ur gutt that are already sensitive... and lots of water helps... i guess it entails a life style change... lose weight drop to ur BMI index is one... eating healthy more fruits and veggies, almost vegetarian works.. less meat or lean chicken no skin... less oil .. i still take decaf one to twice daily but after or w a meal... love coffe that was tough to stop for a while... but am good now... u need to understand how ur gutt works and improve the digestion process.. and this domperidone has helped a lot...will add a link on this for u to read... dont get too full and share a meal if u eat out... for those over 40 u know its harder to burn calories and lets face it our metabolism slows down in time... u need to keep running or gettin excercise.. am thankful this impairement doesnt keep me from running... hope this helps for anyone out there!! best regards and happy holidays HUGS!!! Jose
"Domperidone works by helping to move the food in your stomach through your digestive system more quickly. This helps to stop you from feeling sick."
andrewfer53520 jose40
I am Andrew from Philippines also. I often have a bitter taste in my mouth and a burning sensation in my upper abdomen area. My endoscopy result is normal aside from the presence of H. Pylori. My doctor prescribed omeprazole and some antibiotics. After I am off omeprazole my symptoms recurred, I went back to my gastro who insisted that is it purely acide reflux not bile reflux. I was asked to maintain omeprazole as needed. One 20mg dose is good for two days and all I I have is the biter taste in my mouth. I am changing my gastro. Any advise on diet because I am overweight. I am juicing now and only eat apples and bananas during breakfast and dinner.
I am scared a lot. I am a single parent, my wife died two years ago and I have a 7 year old son. I am only 35 and pursuing my law degree.
rob69862 Anxious_Alex
shellmybell rob69862
Hi Rob,. I have been dealing with this for two years now. My stools are also pale green/yellow. I have no quality of life. I have had the Nissan surgery to repair HH which did nothing for the horrendous bile which had still my life. They did s 365 wrap and now I no longer can burp or throw up. It's s horrible way to live.... A true living nightmare.
Please excuse the spelling error's.
kay86720 Anxious_Alex
My son had it starting in 2nd grade. How many 2nd graders do you know have heartburn. Well finally one doctor did a scope and took a biopsy of throat, stomach and opening of small intestine to check the eosinophil count.
One he avoided the food that caused it the throat healed and no more GERD
Hope this helps at least one person