Hiatus Hernia and constant burping/belching
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Hi there,
this is my first visit to this site and am hoping someone can give me some tips or advice for my condition. I am a male, 57 yrs of age.
I have had heartburn/indigestion on and off for years. For the past 6 months to a year I have regular bouts of severe burping/belching and acid reflux. I often feel bloated/uncomfortable in the upper stomach area even though I am not a heavy/big eater ( except on occasions when going out for meals - when the bloating/burping is worse )
I have just been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia after having an endoscopy, and am waiting to see my gp for medication. I have previously had a blood test for the Hpylori bug which came back negative, though the doctor took a biopsy during the endoscopy to check for it again. The doctor who carried out the endoscopy seemed to think that the hernia would not be the cause of my burping/belching - does anyone have any similar symptoms and possible remedies ?
Prior to having the endoscopy I was on Omneprazole ( 20mg twice a day ) which had little, if any effect. This burping/belching/bloatedness is really getting me down - any advice/ remedies would be much appreciated, thanks.
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raymond_74414 TSJ
Hello all.
Can you please advise what you are referring to about constant burbing? Five days ago mine started but the burbing isn't constant all day just after every sip of anything I drink. Water, Vitimin water, OJ and tea or the things I've been drinking. No matter how big the sip, I burp. Occassionally I don't burp but get the feeeling I want to, so I take another sip so I will burp. When I eat, I get full real fast, a blotted feeling from about 10-20% of what I will normally eat. If I dring to wash it down, I burb. If I don't drink, 10 or 15 minutes later I burb while not swollowing anything. But then it stops. So the burbing is directly related to me swollowing.
There were no symptums before that other than a conjested chest. I have always had trouble breathing when sleeping on my back, so I've been sleeping in a recliner to keep my head elevated. When lying on my back I would frequently wake up feeling congestion in my chest. I recently was dignosed with tinnitus (ringing in the ears- 7 months ago) and lately it's been hard sleeping thru the night. I feel aleep on my back in bed and mananged to go the whole night and my tinnitus was much calmer in the morning. I did that fo 3 nights but then woke up with my conjested chest. I decided to get some Mucinex to help relieve the congestion and go back to sleeping in recliner.
My burbing symptums started that same day so after 2 days, just 4 1 dose pills, I decided to stop taking the Mucinex, thinking in was just a side effect, but the burbing has continued for 3 more days.
18 months ago I had 2 endoscopies, one because of a piece of food being stuck on the lower third of the esophagus and then a second to see if the medicine they gave me healed the esophogus. That incident started when for several months, not everyday but once or twice a week, I would get that feeling of needing to burb so I would take a drink and I would burb up the last bite of food. When the one piece got stuck, The water would just come back up and I couldn't swollow because the esopogus wasn't opening properly. They told me I had Grade C reflux esophagitis.
I have had abosultely no problems until 5 days ago.
Doug00 raymond_74414
Raymond - I feel exactly the same as you. It's so discouraging and even depressing. For me it started last fall and then went away, and then it would come and go, and now it's been consistent for 3 weeks. It's all about burping and feel of fullness/discomfort but then this odd thing where I get hungry soon after feeling that way (because I'm not eating enough) and then I feel worse. Even if I drink a small or large glass of water in morning - bunch of burps. I eat and get really full feeling and just uncomfortable. It's like my digestive system is working overtime and so I feel sluggish too despite getting good sleep. I've been diagnosed with GERDs years ago but I'm not sure I really have "heartburn" as I don't feel it in my chest. was also once diagnosed with hiatal hernia but recent endoscopy said that wasn't really a factor (although I scheduled a meeting with another GI to go over results).
5 days ago I started a very strict diet intended to be a "gut fix". It's pretty much all meats, poultry, fish, with some green veggies and roasted root veggies and some fruits (pineapple, strawberry, cantaloupe, blueberreis). No Carbs. No alcohol. No dairy. No Sugar. No highly acidic fruits or nightshade veggies. No margarine or processed oils. I'm on day 6 today. It's definitely better in that it's slowed things down. I still burp but the long feeling of discomfort afterwards has been greatly minimized. However, there's no way I can keep with this diet long-term as it's easy for a week or so but then I'm going to reintroduce foods and see what happens. I've also added in a supplement of amino acids with each meal, probiotic, and L-Glutamine, and a Vegan protein mix. someone suggested this diet as it's part of "Lifetime fitness" new program. I've also lost 9 pounts which I DID NOT want to do.
Please let me know if you've tried anything else that works. I can share a link that PDF program I'm on if you wanted to try it. there's no cost unless you want to try the supplements but you can probably buy the supplements cheaper somewhere else.
Guest Doug00
rose2512 Doug00
Hi Doug
How is your eating plan going? I'm desperate to do something to alleviate this uncomfortable constant burping! Please can you send the link to the program which you tried? Thanks so much.
AlphaOmega808 Doug00
Hello Doug,
I am interested in your PDF, if you wouldn't mind.
I was diagnosed with gastritis at 13. It took about 3 years, on and off in 6 month periods, of being very uncomfortable, sleeping sitting up, throwing up, horrid heartburn and losing a substantial amount of weight. Once I was diagnosed I was put on Prilosec and even given a feeding tube in the hospital with a meal plan along release in order to gain weight. I am now 35 and still on everyday medicine. I take 40 mg Omeperazole every morning. Days I have forgotten, I am so regretful and it's too late to take it once I have already eaten.
I have become much more strict in the past 3-4 years on my diet and I can tell a HUGE difference in the results of my stomach. However, I still burp ALL THE TIME. I have cut out sodas over a year ago and I still belch like I have added carbonation, and yet I don't. I have cut out added sugars and I try to eat clean and not processed foods. Meat, veggies and fruits - though I can pick out which foods settle better than others. Milk is a 50/50 shot with me. Apples are 50/50 and of course I stay away from red sauce, but sometimes I still eat my spaghetti and pizza, again it's 50/50. I mean 50% its tolerable, and other 50% I have to get it out of my system and throw it up. Oddly enough, sometimes I expel the last thing I ate, and within an hour I'm good, and even hungry. Wondering if supplements, protein, or which probiotics anyone or yourself have found helpful? I know the medicine Omeperazole kills off lots of your stomachs' good bacteria, and I guess I've never tried to replace it with something else? Or even if I should be?
jim97484 Doug00
Hi, I've tried the same diet and it also helped make it a bit better, but I started losing weight, and I am already quite skinny, so i had to stop, too. I am thinking trying elemental diet. Maybe it could help for you? It can expensive though. The only thing that helped a little bit in my case is digestive enzymes. But have not found a solution yet. I also have a lot of flatulence. Last year I had some pain in the gallbladder area for a few months, could not do any checks because of covid until last fall, ultrasound of the abdomen showed all looked ok, but then the pain subsided, and now i have a lot of burping and gas, which is the main symptom.
jill87950 TSJ
mary05657 jill87950
I'm wondering if you're still doing well in this regard, Jill. When you were able to relieve the belching by doing this abdominal breathing, how long did it take to get relief? I think it may be hard to learn to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, but I'm willing to try. This nighttime belching is terrible, and I sometimes am up much of the night belching. Would you practice this throughout the day or only when symptomatic? I appreciate any information you care to share.
jill87950 mary05657
mary05657 jill87950
Thank you for your quick reply, Jill. I did try it last night and the belching continued, but I'll keep trying.
jill87950 mary05657
carina62 TSJ
jill87950 carina62
I am 30 years old and have had reflux in the past. Probably 6 months ago it got bad and I took apple cider vinegar and probiotics which made it go away after a few days. A couple weeks ago it flared up again and after couple days tried probiotics and acv but still persisted and got quite bad. I also started to feel food going down my throat and in my chest and throat which worried me. I tried honey, eliminating coffees, not drinking after food but still had it. Tried gaviscon which helped but then next day i felt a slight acid again even with it. So started on rabeprazole today after much reluctance after all the things I've read about ppis but it has actually helped a lot. I am still getting the constant "burping" though. I am also going to try a three day cleanse of chicken, fish, vegies, rice and see what happens. The dr said to take the ppi for a month or two but worried about the rebound effect and if I'd be told to just continue on it forever. I decided will do it for a couple months and then see a naturopath as would rather use natural remedies. Thought i had a sure fix with acv and probiotics but i guess not. Seems all the fixes are just temporary and stop working after a bit. Anyway will update at a later date for anyone interested.
As an update, I took rabeprazole for 3 days and ate really bland meals which my mum recommended. I was going to keep with the one month course of meds as the doctor said but on the 4th day I felt so good I forgot! Well I didnt get reflux that day or night (still had burping) but ended up with a much worse anxiety where I got waves of adrenaline rushing through me every time I fell asleep and had to take sleeping pills last night to get any sleep. That issue aside, this will be my third day without the meds and hoping symptoms won't return or rebound. I'm eating healthier - apples (my mother in law recommended having one before bed) pears, congee with fennel seeds, toast, probitoics and have bought lpr licorice and digestive enzymes which I'll use once delievered. Hardest thing is staying hydrated which is always important so trying my hardest to increase my water intake. I have now developed a sore throat but thinking Im just coming down with the flu. Still burping, but less so now. Really looking forward to having my health back again.