Hiatus Hernia - Breathing Problems.

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A few years ago after an Endoscopy I was diagnosed with a small sliding Hiatus Hernia which I have treated with Omeprezole. Recently I have been encountering some breathing difficulties combined with a staggering amount of reflux and despite doubling to 40mg of Omeprezole the reflux and breathing problems continue. I have just had a further Endoscopy which revealed the same Hiatus Hernia and lots of reflux. I am fairly certain that the Hiatus Hernia/Reflux is responsible for my Breathing problems, but doctors seem to disagree although they can not tell me what is causing it.

I have seen a few similar postings to mine, can not sleep, wake up all sweaty, panicy, can not breathe, but no where can I see where a resolution was arrived at?

So, could the breathing problems be down to the Hiatus Hernia and if so how was the problem resolved.

Grateful for any advice.


Guy Greening.

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    I was diagnosed with a large hiatus hernia on an xray. Have had several bouts of severe breathlessness that the gp has prescibed antibiotics cos he thought it was a chest infection then down the asthma route but nothing changed and eventually Id wake up one morning no longer breathless until the next time. Having taken medication for acid reflux as I had gallstones even after my gallbladder removal I was still getting it. Finally, after persuading gp to refer me to gastrology I have had had a barium swallow and an edoscope to discover I have a "giant" hernia and that my stomach is totally in my thorasic cavity and has been for decades rather than years! So yes it can slide uo through the hernia!

  • Posted

    Hey Guy

    I suffer from the exact same condition.I have done every test available,doctors keep telling me it is not related to the hernia or cardio related yet I suffer daily.I can sometimes not even drink water without experiencing immediate chest pains and shortness of breathe.I just conducted a ph monomatry test and results were fine yet I continue to suffer..Not sure what the next step is..perhaps an internal physian or something like that..

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    I was diagnosed with a hernia at the age of 20. It was very bad and had trouble breathing. It was so bad that would have panic attacks, and literally thought I would die at times. The Dr ran several tests, upper GI, breathing test (which showed my lungs were strong), and a PH test where they basically run a "dipstick" up my nose and down into my stomach. They reccommended that my gall bladder be removed instead of the fundoplication. This made it much much easier to breath, but didn't solve my problem. I take Prilosec 20, but still have acid reflux and occasional breathing problems. I still have general anxiety and depression that started at the same time hernia occurred. Also my heart pounds at times, especially after eating carbs, not sure if that's related. I'm 41 now and really consider fundoplication. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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      Sorry to hear is caused anxiety & depression, it does make me so anxious sometimes & it's the worse feeling.. can I ask why they took your gallbladder out instead?

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    I was dignosed with a sliding hiatus hernia about thw same time I was " diagnosed with asthma. I have been on dulera for about 12 years. I also have been on an asthma pump for the same period. I have never experienced issues with my lungs. And have always thought this was a misdiagnose by my doctors based on information I related from past doctors. I have gained about 40lbs since being retired, and my breathing is labored when I bend over, climb stairs, walk to my bathroom which is approximately 10 feet from my bed. I have had an endoscopy in the past year. I am a certain that I should not be on asthma meds. But the steroids in my dulrea seems to help the inflammation in my esphagus. I always feel a swelling at the top half of my rib cage. I also suffer from chronic constipation... But can't afford the meds that help with this. Does anyone feel what I am going through?

    • Posted

      Hello Alex, I am truly sympathetic to your medical issues. My husband has very similar issues and has been cleared by cardio, pulmonary, ENT, allergist and Gastrology. Dr. Saw evidence of GERD and suggested OTC antacid. He functions daily with Two Aleve every 6 hrs and ProAir daily for breathing dyspnea. NOTHING prevents the daily breathing attacks. All doctors agree that they don't understand why the Aleve helps him to function. Obviously there are several people just on this forum that are dealing with this undiagnosed inflammation issue. Hiatal hernia seems to be a consistent issue as well as the shortness of breath. A year ago May, my husband could run a 5k race and not even be breathing hard. It's very frustrating, you are not alone. Have you had any luck finding a resolve for yourself? He too was diagnosed with COPD but it's goody. People who have COPD can lead a normal life with medication but this is not the case for my husband and I'm guessing you either. Asthma like symptoms that happen every single day even with medication!!! We can't give up, we have to resolve this ourselves as the medical industry just doesn't have the time to dedicate to challenging situations like ours. Sending you positive strength as you move forward to a resolve.

  • Posted

    So wish I could share how I resolved my hiatus hernia thru natural methods, but this website won't let me share all this with you???  I  so hope it is because they are connected to Big Pharma???  Am afraid you will never see this reply?

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      I would love to know as I have one and also esophagitis/reflux.  Some days nothing other days problems.  Food diary did not help as what is good one day is bad  another.  I have pm'd you.  Always interested in how other people have done.

  • Posted

    GI's are incapable of telling what's wrong because the problem is beyond their scope of knowledge. It is probably neurological, but don't bother booking an appointment with a regular neurologist, unless he is cognizant of functional neurology. The parasympathetic nervous system runs from your diaphragm, among other parts of your body, and can effect your breathing if the nerves running up your spine are irritated. I would first contact a decent chiropractor and get his or her advice before you spend any many looking for a competent neurologist. 

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    I have large hiatal hernia long time and taking pantoprazole, and feeling that this hernia like choke me and I have difficulty breathing, nausea and chest pressure.
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    I have consulted my chiropractor and she basically told me what I already had suspected. My breathing problems and the pain that I have in the lumbar region of my spine could be, at least, partially be caused by the fact that my pain's location is the very spot where my scoliosis begins.

    I believe that two are factors involved: the spinal curvature is one and the irritation that it has caused to my digestive tract is affected by the fact that I eat too much food in one sitting. However, before you draw the conclusion that I am obese, consider the fact that at 5'9" I only weigh 125 pounds. So obviously, something other than being overweight is causing the hunger that makes me overeat. It definitely isn't a problem with candidiasis, since I am extremely familiar with all the symptoms, I have concluded that it is either psychological or an inability to assimilate nutrients for various possible reasons.

    How to correct the situation is my problem. I am retired and living in the US, which means my health insurance is Medicare, which is next to useless for any functional illness short of a serious pathology. Any practical solutions, given my circumstances, would be greatly appreciated. 

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    Dont know If you guys até already aware of This, but Ive been doing a lot of research, and yes: hiatal hérnia causes breathing problems, not because of the reflux, but because of your stomach pressing against your diaphragm , stoping him tô expand properly. I bet that ALL of you Will be, If tested, with good oxigenation.

  • Posted

    Hello. I just went to a pulmonary specialist because of shortness of breath. He did an MRI and breathing tests that show I had gerd that was causing a cough and shortness of breath. I was also having trouble sleeping he prescribe an inhaler (albuterol) and I am sleeeping and breathing better. I also have a hernia at the top of my stomach where the esophagus connects to the stomach . To fix the hernia I have to lose weight it will also fix the reflux so I am now on a keto diet where I eat absolutely nothing that turns to sugar. He told me to stay away from citrus fruits especially grapefruit and lemons, onions and garlic, and no spicy food no caffeine. Your allowed 1 cup of decaf coffee a day . I have been on the diet for two weeks and am finally getting some relief .  Hope the information I'm sharing with you helps you too.

  • Posted

    Hello all i am 19 years old and i was diagnosed with a hiatial hernia a few months ago while pregnant. I had a question for all of u guys ? Do u guys get a pain in ur upper abdomen area at times like a dull boring pain? Especially when eating certain foods ? Or is it just me ? Please help ive been asking my GP about it n he said it’s probably of my hernia ..
    • Posted

      Hi Alex , I do get pain in my upper abdomen a lot but it’s not always there , it comes & goes .. My doctor always says I’m sure a hernia can’t cause all these pains but I’ve had lots of tests & that’s the only thing they found .. 

    • Posted

      I have GERD/HH and I get that pain, sometimes right in the middle, sometimes either side, sometimes right across.  Other days nothing!
    • Posted

      Yes same here. Ive had so many test done cardiac and lungs all have come back clear the only thing is my hernia. 
    • Posted

      Me as well. Sometimes i can go days without the pain and others i have it really bad. Ive even lost so much weight because of my hernia 😕 not even the medication helps me at times 

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