Hiatus Hernia Surgery

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I'm due to go in for surgery on Wednesday and a bit terrified as I always feel like I am choking when I eat food and the only way I can cope is by getting sick....not being able to do this after surgery has me freaked out bit time. Just hoping that the positives of having this done will take away the feeling of having food lodged in my throat and I can have a normal life. I've had this condition since I was 16 and I'm 39 now. Hopefully I will get better after this. Anyone going through this too or have gone through this and come out the other side? Could use some positive vibes right now.

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    May I ask what kind of symptoms you ended up having after your surgery as I am to go in and have the same thing done in about a month. I am scared to death of having this done because I don't do well with pain and I love my food and I'm not going to enjoy either one of them so if you could give me some tips on what I have coming to me I would really appreciate it

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    i thought i would have trouble swallowing food, but I was fine with that.  The hard part was sticking to the rigid diet for 8 weeks because you will be limited to mainly liquids for the first 2 weeks then pureed foods for next 3 weeks and then soft foods up to 8 weeks.  I am in my final week of the 8 weeks.  Everything is going ok.  You have to mentally think of your health over the urge to want food. During the surgery they discoverd that my stomach was 100% in my check which was having an impact on my lungs.   I feel so much better now. I can now take deeper breaths and no longer short of breath.  I have lost about 15 lbs. You have to remember this is going to be a life style change because you can't overload your stomach.  I eat 6 small meals a day.  For example for breakfast I may have a scrambled egg.  Two hours later I eat a banana.  You just have to divide up your meals.  The best thing is i no longer have acid reflux.   The surgery is worth it.  I feel so much better now.


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      So I should get use to eating baby food, Lol. Also it sounds like some of the same things I would go through after a gastric bipass surgery, the reason I say that is because my sister had gastric bypass 5 years ago and a lot of her symptoms after her surgery are similar to whata hiatal hernia surgery would be like that and also the fact that you won't be able to eat very much for quite a while and it will cause you to lose a lot of weight. I hope you understood what I was saying also does this play a part in having IBS or do you know? Will you eventually be able to get to the point where you are eating and normal meal another words with your diet get better?

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    You should be able to eat normally after 8 weeks.  You will just need to make your meals small.  I eat 6 small meals a day because you don't want to stretch your stomach by eating a hugh amount of food.  it takes getting used to but it also allows for a healthier lifestyle.  

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    I had my surgery on Nov 1 and am now able to eat regular food.  I just have to watch that I don't eat a lot of food at one time (don't stuff yourself).  Just eat enough until you are full.  I am eating 6 small meals a day which is the routine that I will have to follow the rest of my life.  This is not bad because you will feel better and it's a healthier style of eating.  I feel 100% better after my surgery.  Hiatel Hernias are not associated with IBS.  You will have to make the decision of living with the hernia or having the surgery which most likely you will feel better after.

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    Wow, so sorry to hear about your troubles. I just had hiatal hernia repaired this past Monday 2/27/17. Along with the linx procedure. Fortunately I have not had any complications. Minor itching from the incisions but that is all. I pray things get better for you. I immediately began a normal diet. No issues.
  • Posted

    Hello everyone, I am so pleased to have found this forum.

    I have been on Omeprazole for the past 4 years for acid reflux. Since December last year (2016) it has got markedly worse. I have lost 3 stones in 3 months. Anyway I was referred to a specialist gastro consultant who is considered as one of the best in the country and yesterday he performed a gastroscopy on me. The results are that I have a moderate hiatus hernia and he said that it is all very loose down there. I have an outpatient appointment in 2 weeks with him and has said to have a think about surgery to repair it.

    At the minute I am surviving on a few mouthfuls of food a day, I can't exercise and get frequent palpitations and pain behind my breastbone. I can only eat bland food and it often hurts even to eat a yoghurt.

    My first question is does anyone know if it is recommended to have surgery for a moderate hiatus hernia?

    Would my consultant ask me to consider surgery if he didn't think it was necessary do you think?

    How long does it take to start eating normal food after the surgery?

    Sorry for all the questions... thanks in advance

    Linda (Nottinghamshire)

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    Hi, I know that this thread is very old but it was the first to come up when I googled information on the procedure prior to my surgery. I thought I'd post my experience just in case it helps anyone who is considering or awaiting surgery.

    After reading everyone's experiences, I did seriously question whether to go ahead. Firstly because my symptoms didn't seem as severe and secondly because of the potential complications. However, I did and I'm glad. smile

    I'd suffered from heartburn and pain for quite a few years. Initially the medication helped, but gradually appeared to wear off, and if I ever missed taking the tablets (I once went on holiday leaving them behind!) I was back to square one. I'd asked my doctor about surgery, but was told that the likelihood of getting it on the NHS was slim as it was cheaper to prescribe medication (I appreciated the doctors honesty!) However I asked for a referral and luckily saw a very sympathetic doctor at the hospital. I think it helped that I'd had a particularly bad 'attack' a couple of days before seeing him and my abdomen was still very tender. He referred me for a vile test where the function of my osephogus was tested and a 24 hour ph test. (That was the worse part of my whole experience!) At my next appointment with the surgeon he said that the results made me an ideal candidate for the procedure. I could have had it on the NHS but for various reasons (due to timing & work etc.) decided to have it done privately. The same surgeon completed the operation and I liked and trusted him.

    I'm now 11 days post-op and it's all gone very smoothly (other than a very slight chest infection afterwards). My surgeon did a 'full loose wrap' and I haven't had one bit of heartburn since, where prior to surgery it would wake me up on average 5 nights a week. With the painkillers, the most I have felt is discomfort. My surgeon strongly recommended a liquid diet for 4-6 weeks and that is honestly the hardest part (as I don't like soup!) I had the surgery on a Friday evening and by the Monday evening, I seriously thought I could have returned to work the next morning...obvious the painkillers were affecting me more than I realised and I wasn't really actually physically ready to return! But that gives a little insight as to how I was feeling.

    I've slept a lot since surgery, as happens with any general anaesthetic, and feel slightly lightheaded/weak (lack of food!?!) but other than that I feel great. The only way to fix a hiatus hernia is an operation (so my surgeon said) and medications only control the symptoms. If you're considering surgery as an option, from my own experience, I'd recommend it.

    I hope this helps smile

    • Posted

      Hi Suzj72

      Very helpful for me as I am seeing a consultant this month about possible surgery. Thank you

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    I have cirossis of the liver and a hernia. Doctor said to dangerous for surgery I could die then also said I could without it
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    I just had HH surgery last week.  Lapiscopy with the lynx.  No pain (have not taken one pain pill).  No problem.   Doing great.   No regrets.  Was told 1/3 of stomach was out.  So far, Happy with surgery!!!!  I am in US--- Colorado
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    I had the new technology with the magnetic lynx.  Less surgery--- faster recovery.  I also had the surgery done by a Cardiothorasic instead of a Gastrologist.  I still get food clogged here and there and have to spit out ---but no more acid or stomach vomiting.  It has been 4 weeks now!
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    Hi uk Steph I had this op almost a year today and can say it was totally worth it the first few weeks is hard going but gets easier find some good soups but now I can eat anything hope all goes well 👍

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    Just read your post from several years ago. Hope all is well. I’ve just been told I need surgery for a 6 cm hiatal hernia. Please let me know how you did or anyone else who has had this surgery as I am terrified. Thanks
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      Hi Patrica please don’t be scared of this I am great now hardly use any meds I lost 3 stone in two years eat lot slower than I did but can eat what I like 😜first few tough get some good soup recipes will help I never liked it but trust me that’s best stuff get a little bit bloated sometimes but can handle that good luck 😉 I would do it again 

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