Hiatus Hernia Surgery

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I'm due to go in for surgery on Wednesday and a bit terrified as I always feel like I am choking when I eat food and the only way I can cope is by getting sick....not being able to do this after surgery has me freaked out bit time. Just hoping that the positives of having this done will take away the feeling of having food lodged in my throat and I can have a normal life. I've had this condition since I was 16 and I'm 39 now. Hopefully I will get better after this. Anyone going through this too or have gone through this and come out the other side? Could use some positive vibes right now.

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    Just thought it worth sharing my experiences as I seem to have had a very easy time compared to others. I am a 54 year old male with a Paraesophageal Hiatus Hernia

    I am 6 day post op having had a Laparoscopic Repair with Watson's Gastropexy augmented with Cojllagen Mesh. 

    I stayed in hospital 2 nights. I had a sore throat the night of the operation and a sore neck, presumably due to the incubation and position, whilst under the general anaesthetic. I had oral pain relief and anti-sickness drugs. I was also drinking water and tea the night of the op. The following day  I had scrambled eggs and soup to eat and did not have any problems swallowing or feeling sick. 

    I was a bit nervous moving around as I did not want to damage any of the stitches. I took things easy at home for the next couple of days, continuing with pain relief and the advised soft diet, moving on to yogurt and honey, jelly and mashed potatoes. 

    I did notice that I felt bloated quickly and was uncomfortable as I was having problems moving my bowels (hence found this site!) Although air was passing through the system. I persisted with the prescribed laxative (Lactulose Solution) Day Op + 5 and nature took its course, making me feel much more comfortable. Touch wood things have normalised. I even felt up to having some fish in white sauce, although the operation seems to have the effect of having a gastric band fitted as feel full a lot quicker! The advice from the chef at the hospital was to stand up straight and walk about immediately before eating at the table was incredibly useful.  As an aside I had not realised how many cookery shows there are on day time TV!!

    I have had no problems with food getting stuck and am looking forward to having some more interesting food. As of today, Op +6, I've stopped the pain relief and just feel a bit tender around the site of the operation but nothing too much. Luckily so far, no pain from the wounds either. The other piece of advice I found extremely helpful was to hold a pillow or cushion to my wound area, if I feel the urge to cough (common after a general anaesthetic)

    At first I did not know the the scale of the op, but the Surgeon clearly explained the procedure, the potential risks, side effects and recovery period. I decided deliberately not to research the procedure in advance in case it put me off or worried me unnecessarily. I feel exactly the way I hoped to at this stage post op. 


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    Hi all.  

    Having similar fears to everyone else and thank you to those who've posted positive stories about the operation, helps for balance!

    I'm 34 and have had various stomach issues over the past 10 years, without anyone (and I've seen many!) bein able to identify the issue.  After years of a permanently sore throat, repeated bouts of bronchitis etc I started getting chest pains, heartburn, and the worst taste in mouth.

    Finally referred to a brilliant consultant, who after a gastroscopy has identified a fairly large paraesophageal hernia, bile reflux and weirdly, fungus in the esophagus.  Medication hasnt done a thing at the maximum dosage and I'm currently wearing the PH manometry tube (stylish) to get the readings they need for that.

    He has recommended the anti refllux surgery along with the hernia repair.  Having started the research, like everyone I'm getting pretty freaked out!  I know I need to do this as medication isnt working, bile reflux is very difficult to fix as I have a completely open LES and obviously at risk of cancer further down the line.  

    Any advice anyone has I would be really grateful to hear it.

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      Compared to others my symptoms were pretty mild. I coughed at night, had some regular heartburn and got some reflux. 

      Medication  was not working to any noticeable extent and I don't like being reliant on it longer than I need to. My major concern was long term and thought I should get it fixed ASAP. 

      Now two weeks post op and improving further every day. I'm taking it easy  and getting back to a normal diet but with smaller portions. Obviously exercise has been dramatically curtailed but will take advice from the Surgeon next week when I have a follow up appointment. 

      My body knows it has had major surgery and I have to respect that but I feel as good as I'd hoped post op. Early days but so far, I am pleased with the decision I made. I have not had any of the side effects (at present!) that I was warned against. 

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      Thanks so much for that John, it's really helpful and I'm very glad you are starting to mend. Best wishes for a full recovery.
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    I am sooooo glad to see this post! I had surgery in early December. All went as expected (I'd read a lot of posts and felt I had a pretty good feel for what to expect), just had the follow-ups with both the gastro and surgeon = all's well! Just a week or so ago, I started with the little burps and a single hiccup after eating or drinking. The little burps are no big deal, but that little hiccup sends a shooting pain to my left shoulder! It's so bad it nauseates me...short lived , but yikes!! I have rheumatoid arthritis, so I've been attributing the shoulder pain to a RA flare. Maybe not!!

    To others who are trying to decide whether or not to have the surgery, I still recommend it. Despite the shoulder pain, I'm off all GERD meds and eating normally. Barrett's Esophagus can be serious, so doing what you can to work towards good health is just as serious. 

  • Posted

    Hi dear, so relieved to not am not alone in this whole thing. For 2months I have been so sick and all drugs given to me proved abortive. Last week I was diagnosed of hiatus hernia through endoscopy. My doctor said the surgery is a major and terrible one and quite expensive. Could hiatus hernia be responsible for my light headedness, shortness of breath, scary hot flash that comes wit the feeling of Bering electrocuted. Am so worried, pls is any one having this same symptoms ? Has any one gone through the surgical processes? How bad is it? I just had a baby through CS and all this surfaced afterwards. Pls help!
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      I have the not breathing good and many others, I did read a pregnancy could cause a hiatal hernia. I have learned much on these blogs.

      Best regards to you


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    I had hiatal hernia surgery on December 22nd.   It was a difficult procedure.   Took 5-1/2 hours in the operating room.   I have a tube now- it is very difficult to sleep and/or move around.    I am only 5 ft tall and I had a huge hernia.     Don't know how long it will take me to recover.    Am having trouble moving my bowels now.  
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    I am sorry you had such a long surgery, was it open, I also have a large hernia 8.1 cm, how large was yours. The doctors say recovery is longer if you have open. Do hope you get well soon and you probably will. I am planning to have the surgery as the hernia is affecting my breathing.

    Best to you and your future


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    Normal life?   Wish that I had that-- seems as though I am going "downhill" in many ways.  Woke up this morning with a mild sore throat--- there is a "bug" making the rounds here in Michigan, so am probably getting that, which I don't need now.   And later on this morning I am going to see a gal who is a gynocologist about my upcoming hysterectormy.   Probably won't have that surgery until I am more recovered from the hiatal hernia surgery that I had back on December 22nd.   Still can't eat very well-- have some days when my food stays down and other days it comes back up again.   Someone on this message board talked about having a "good cry."   Wish that I could have one-- seems as though I can't cry anymore, either.    As I said, I am going downhill.   Could use some prayers, though.
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    Steph- all that I can tell you is that I haven't had any problem with throwing up.   In fact, I just tried to eat some tomato soup with crackers in them-- and this didn't stay down, either.   Ugh- am getting frustrated with this vomiting.    But my doctor has told me that it will go away eventually.   I am just to have patience with this condition.    But I didn't throw up since Wednesday.  
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    Sorry this may not be the appropriate discussion to ask but Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am a 31 ye r old who has suffered stomach problems, severe reflux and heartburn etc for years, at times have bad flare ups where I'm violently sick! .. Fought for yrs for investigations as omeprozole etc didn't seem to do much good , after a scope in October I was diagnosed with a small hitius hernia and barrats oseophagus, my medication was changed and so far seems to be keeping symptoms at bay , exempt on the odd occasion.

    I do however seem to be having a flare up of symptoms a pain above my belly button in between my ribs and vomiting quite severely leaving me feeling awful! No change in diet or anything over these occasions and wondering can hernia cause this or has anyone experienced anything similar?? Not due for another scope for a few months and gp seems to thing a case of gastritis AGAIN but I do not agree and can't go on suffering with it !

    Thanks in advance claire

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    Hi uksteph I have just had this done 7 days ago really worried can't swallow anything.  But soup  has this operation  worked for you thanks for post .terry 

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    Im a slim 28 year old Male and I have been unknowingly suffering from haitus hernia from last 4 years. Six months ago I have gotten an endoscopy done and found out about 3cm hernia in my stomach. I do not suffer from pain but only Discomfort and Gas. 

    I have consulted two doctors by now and both of them agree that surgery is not a got option and rather I should learn to live with it.

    I would like to get some opinion's from the People on this Blog who underwent the Hiatus Hernia Surgery.

    Please Comment on the Following Points, so I could make up my Mind- 

    Is it worth it, considering the discomfort, I am sure you all know about?

    What is the Success Rate?

    Does swallowing and digesting food feels abnormal afterwards?

    ?Thank you =)

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      I am 72 and just had the surgery 2 weeks ago.  My entire stomach was in my chest so I had no other option than to have it corrected.  I have 6 incisions from it.  I only have pain from 1 of them.  Doing ok.  On a strict diet for 8 weeks.  This is a must and I have to follow it in order so that everything can heal.  It was not as bad as far as eating goes, I can eat with a regular spoon.  It's very hard to resist foods that are not allowed, but you really have to be committed to following the diet.  I was supposed to only be in the hospital overnight, but had to stay 2 extra days due to the complication of the surgery (they had to elongate my esphogas) and I developed gout in my right knee and could not put any weight on it.  Finally got meds to alleviate the pain so that I could return home.  I have to use a breathing apparatus to strengthen my lungs due to the hernia pressing against my lungs.  The doctor specified that this was critical to my recovery.  You may not need to have surgery if you can live with the hernia and it doesn't cause problems.  I was having major esphogical spasms.  The last one lasting 9 hrs.  Had to go to the ER to get relief.  That's when they decided how serious this was. You should have a long discussion with you doctor to determine the best option for you.


    • Posted

      thank you so much for the quick response.

      I was thinking of going to the Doctor today and get some advise.

      My dilema is that im not living to the fullest due to the hernia and i 

      consider this situation now unbearable, but stll i will try to aviod surgury 

      if i could get some relif ASAP.

      Will update soon =)

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