Hiatus Hernia Surgery

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I'm due to go in for surgery on Wednesday and a bit terrified as I always feel like I am choking when I eat food and the only way I can cope is by getting sick....not being able to do this after surgery has me freaked out bit time. Just hoping that the positives of having this done will take away the feeling of having food lodged in my throat and I can have a normal life. I've had this condition since I was 16 and I'm 39 now. Hopefully I will get better after this. Anyone going through this too or have gone through this and come out the other side? Could use some positive vibes right now.

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    Hi Steph and everyone!

    i had a Hiatal Hernia repair Feb 14, 2014. Today I had both a colonoscopy and endoscopy to try to find why I have such severe gas since 2/15/14. 

    The he good news is that the surgery was 100% effective and I'm the proud owner of a perfectly normal looking and functioning esophagus. Yea for that part.

    the price I'm paying is the amazing amount of gas I now live with and pass daily. I repeat, daily sad

    Neither scope shed any light why I have so much gas when I had virtually none prior to the surgery. The only clue I got today is that because of the wrap, I am digesting more of my food lower in my stomach. I'm wondering if this is causing up digested food into my intestines and food is fermenting there and thus causing gas?

    Additionally, I seem to have developed an allergy or sensitivity to Splenda that I also didn't have prior to 2/14/14 which causes even more gas. The other night I had ice cream made with Splenda which put me on the toilet for a solid hour passing amazingly long amounts of non stop gas. It was like out of a slap stick sit com. No diarrhea, just gas. If I lit a match, I'm sure the house would have exploded. Seriously!

    i stopped splenda and this level of gas production calmed down. But I still have more gas than ever before.

    So, I'm wondering if any one who's had this surgery with the wrap has developed gas afterward? And if anyone developed a Splenda allergy/sensitivity?

    Thank you and best of luck and quick healing to all here.


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    Hi all

    I'm in South Africa... was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) in 2006 when I was 21 and they said that was the reason for my ever-occuring reflux. Never had heartburn but did feel a kind of tender sensation just below the left side of my ribcage whenever I ate too much. After my pregnancy my reflux got worse and I started getting heartburn too. Didn't think much of it until late last year when it suddenly started feeling like there is a permanent lump in my throat, and my throat is also sore permamently. Couple that with painful hiccups, choking on anything easily, pain in my diaphragm and the most concerning of all... constant pain underneath my left ribcage. I have been diagnosed in January with chronic reflux and have been on Nexiam for a month now, but the medicine doesn't do anything. I have been scheduled for a gastroscopy in two weeks' time.

    I have been through this experience before with my ex boyfriend and step mother. Both of them were on liquid diets for long periods of time. Painful recovery. Unable to burp or vomit. I know these are the drawbacks but honestly, I would rather deal with it than suffer with these symptoms.

    Has anyone noticed any difference in their bowel movements or metabolism?

    For everyone out there with this awful problem... good luck to each and every one of you. May we all get better! smile

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      hi  i had the operation 11 months ago everything went fine i can still burp but not vomit but the main problem i had was diarrhea straight after eating for around six months and i still get it randomly after eating with feeling faint and sometimes the shakes after eating and my doctor tells me its IBS witch i never had before, so i have no idea now ...im not trying to put you off and Hope yours goes better
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      Hi Robin, I have had my gastroscopy and was diagnosed with a 2 cm hernia in the exact spot where my pain and discomfort originates. My stomach muscles have weakened because my stomach is trying to go through the hernia into my chest. Medications provide temporary relief but my doctor refuses to do the operation because the hernia isn't big enough to cause him concern. Though it causes me daily discomfort, how weird is that?? My bowel movements are completely screwed up, sometimes constipated for days at a time, other times diarrhoea. I'm going back next year when my medical aid savings are renewed but I surely cannot continue like this. I hope that you are feeling better and that your shakes have subsided, and also that your bowels settle down to normality. Did you also have to do the liquid diet, did you lose a lot of weight? My ex-boyfriend became a match stick sad Was hard to see him being hungry but unable to eat anything.
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    I was finally diagnosed with having a hiatus hernia, it seemed an endoscopy was the last investigative  procedure done that finally gave me my diagnosis. Iv had gastro issues for many years maybe 8 years but with symptoms that came and went but stayed with me for the last 4 years. My hernia is 4cm. My symptoms are nausea, pain after eating, the worst is the acid reflux which is unbearable. I never had bloating symptom but suffer with diarroeha often and I tend to burp a lot. After having my lansoprazole increased to 60mg a day plus ranitidine and also gaviscon as and when and my symptoms not improving they have finally referred me for surgery. I'm 37 years of age and basically wanted to know whether anyone thinks surgery is the best thing for me or should I just continue on the medication and put up with it? Iv read through the forum and I'm still undecided. I was told by my gastro consultant I will b unable to ever vomit again, not that I want too but does this not cause problems? Surely it has to go somewhere?? Any info would be grateful Thankyou 

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      Hi Nezra, as far as I know, should you ever drink too much and feel the urge to vomit, you won't be able to. You will retch but nothing will come out and a hangover will last much longer due to the stomach's inability to expel what is irritating it. Same with a stomach bug. I have heard that it is terrible, but the upside is not having to actually smell the vomit or bile. I would say that if you're on your maximum dosage medications and its still not working, do the surgery. Some side-effects are tolerable, as far as I know sad Sorry, not much help I suppose but I hope you can make an informed decision and that you will feel better in no time!
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    Hi I will be seeing my surgeon at the end of the month had the test were you have the tube down for 24 hours and was told I have a Hiatus Hernia and my oesphogus muscle are not strong as water took a long time to go down during the test and I would not be able to have the full wrap around op. My throat is always sore and I have a cough in the morning due to acid, so scared as what to agree to when I see him as feel not much positive from reading post, if I dont have it done is there a risk of cancer told my stomach and dudedonal was inflamed as well. Any positive results from anyone please 
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      Hi linda sadly I'm as uninformed as you and also undecided. I feel a lot of the time the consultants don't seem to offer an awful lot of information unless you know what questions to ask which in my case, hardly any. I also have the cough symptom mine is always in bed at night before I go to sleep, I did not even know this was a symptom until I read it in a forum. It's like a dry continual cough that keeps me awake. I hope you get to find as much info as you can before you make the decision, as it's been said on here people only tend to review if they have had issues so I think the best way to find out is to ask the surgeon themselves the usual outcome and how many patients have issues afterwards . I intend too when I get my appointment through. 
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      I have the cough too... starts off as a sting in my throat and then I cough to the point where I want to vomit sad
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    Hi I have been on here before and I am now 6 weeks out from surgery and it has been a harder recovery than I expected but doing much better now.

    I had been in the emergency room twice for throwing up blood and it appears that I had the HH for many years before it actually started to give me real trouble. The lesions on it that formed from acid being trapped in the upper portion were what caused the blood loss and the severe anemia. The anemia had actually been diagnosed about 3 years ago with the HH but they did not recommend surgery at that time. It is not a surgery that is their first choice because the recovery is a little rough and repositioning organs is not something doctors like to do. But the continual loss of blood forced the issue.

    I was not a heavy drinker but enjoyed at social occasions. That became impossible. I couldn't eat normal portions as the condition got progressively worse. Surgery was my best option.

    The first few weeks are rough because of the limitations on your food allowances. Know a lot more about it now than I did then and this is where the doctors were weak in giving me information. I am now eating many more things but need to chew a lot and eat very slow or I will experience discomfort until the food clears. My energy levels are up and my anemia is gone though I still have to keep an eye on it for a few months but I no longer have the drained foggy brained feeling that comes with the anemia.

    I think a couple more weeks and I should be pretty much back to normal although I believe the food issues are going to take a little longer. But for now as long as I am getting better nutrition I should continue to improve.

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    Hi Nezera and Tomoney I have been trying to do a lot of research on the subject and have many question when I see the surgeon, Nezera I have a cough mainly first thing in the morning sounds like a bad smokers cough and when I eat food, when my Hernis is playing up I feel a lot of pain and full all the time. My biggest worry is what I have read about the tissue damage from the acid and cancer. I am looking at maybe just having hernia repaired if possible due to my swallowing problem at present. My appointment is 28th of this month so will let you know the outcome of my discussion with the surgeon, the op seems a long recovery from what I have read. Tomoney I hope every day is an improvement for you and food soon becomes more comfortable take care Linda
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      Hi Linda yes I have heard the same too  about the acid and the possibilities of cancer,very worrying! I think definitely a pro as opposed to a con about having the surgery. Yes please let us know about  how your chat goes with the surgeon I haven't had my appointment yet so could be a long while yet for me. All the best 
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    hello Steph I'm USADenny. I just went through this surgery on November 6. the only problem I'm having right now is that every time I try to eat I feel like I'm going to start gagging. the only good things so far from the surgery I have been able to go to bed and sleep instead of getting bad acid reflux. I've had this problem since I was 12 years old, and I am now 63. it is such an awesome feeling being able to sleep at night without waking up choking gagging or even vomiting. hopefully they will be able to figure out what my problem is as far as not being able to eat yet so that I will get my strength back.hang in there and make sure to communicate with your drs. I'll be prayin for ya!!
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    Hi a had second visit to the consultant after my biopsy and was told no cancerous cells but my eosphagus is the worst he has seen for a long time, 60% not working at all and out of the 40% that is only 20% is working perfectly, I ask many question and was informed due to the fact how bad it is (i also have a hiatis hernia ) I would never be able to have surgery but he told me it should not get any worse as I was concerned I would get to a point were I would not be able to swallow at all. Down to see him again in 6 months taking Omperazole  Ranitidine and just been given me metoclopramide  which he said I will have to be on for life. Trying to alter diet to help and have found that been on a gluten free diet has helped the bloated feeling and hernia. I am a 55 year old female and only started suffering with it all about 6 years ago anyone else been told they cannot have surgery due to poor eosphagus function, must admit scared with mine been so bad that it will get worse to the point I would not be able to swallow at all.
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    I'm 18 years old and after suffering symptoms of GERD for a year and a half, I was suggested to get an endoscopy done. Yesterday I was told that I have a 5cm hiatus hernia, and that I have the opportunity to get surgery.

    Being 18 and at uni, I feel like the whole experience was halted for me. I don't drink much alcohol and don't go out very often, which is sad because it's all part of the experience.

    I take 20mg of omeprazole twice a day because my symptoms are so extreme, and when stopped, I suffer the consequences for days at a time. Even with omeprazole I get the problem a couple of times a month.

    My question is, is it worth getting the surgery? I'm currently in the process of waiting to get a scan to see if I have gallstones, and I'll have further scans on my chest to see if there's any more issues associated with the hernia that the doctor couldn't see with the endoscope.

    Any advice would be extremely helpful, either with regards to the surgery or lifestyle changes.

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      I had a 6cm hiatal hernia, which they call a giant parraesophageal hernia and over half of my stomach was in my chest.  Due to a misdiagnosis I coughed for one year, which caused the hernia.  I did have the surgery in 2013, but it did not work, so am about to have a second surgery very soon.  Had an endoscopy and will have the Bravo test next. Then, hopefully, the surgery.

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