Hiatus Hernia Surgery

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I'm due to go in for surgery on Wednesday and a bit terrified as I always feel like I am choking when I eat food and the only way I can cope is by getting sick....not being able to do this after surgery has me freaked out bit time. Just hoping that the positives of having this done will take away the feeling of having food lodged in my throat and I can have a normal life. I've had this condition since I was 16 and I'm 39 now. Hopefully I will get better after this. Anyone going through this too or have gone through this and come out the other side? Could use some positive vibes right now.

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    Ron, I hope you find a surgeon soon. I am having some issues with solid foods and am going back to soft foods for a few days. I wake up at night and feel as though something is stuck in my throat. My surgeon said he fixed the hernia, but not the acid reflux. So I am assuming that it is from the acid reflux. But it is still 90 percent better.

    Beccy, I had a hiatal hernia for about 10 years, just within the last few years had gotten very large. I also have Barretts esophagus which is pre cancerous, I think that is the only reason they wanted to do surgery, to slow it down. Good luck to all

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    Hi everyone:

    Gee Marie, that's too bad. In one of the spare bedrooms I raised the bed about four inches or ten centimeters at the head and that helped me. You never know....LOL. It seemed so simple.

    John01315 I do hope you come back for another visit. Right now there seems to be a disagreement on what is causing my abdominal pain. An incisional hernia just might be my answer. My scar runs about nine inches or maybe 25 centimeters diagonally across the left side. Does your pain get really bad and produce symptoms almost like is hard to find exactly where the pain is? Hope you're able to answer.

    I'm a retired communications technician. Comfortable at this point in life but not wealthy. If you can't wait you might try Medical Tourism. Offered by countries like Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand and India. It might the way to go. I'm emailing back and forth with Mexico and Costa Rica. Each, according to the World Health Organization, have medical systems rated higher than the U.S. Go figure....LOL

    Hopefully tomorrow we'll all feel just a little better.


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    Hi Ron. My scar from bowel cancer surgery runs from just below my sternum to below my navel. The hernia began developing about 4 months after surgery. There was a sizeable infection 'crater' but that was beneath my navel and the hernia is above it. There is no pain and it goes back when I lie down. This is good, because I have read worrying things about strangulation but I think they happen if they are irreducible. Hope so anyway! I see the specialist for a private consultation on Tuesday. Will keep you posted. Good luck!

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    Hi To All:

    Hopefully everyone is feeling terrific or even better today. John, allow me to wish you the best of luck on Tuesday with your consultation. Once I tried to keep such a consultation light by supplying a quick joke. Although the doctor was amused it ruined the serious level of the consult. Staying 100% serious is important. Why did I do that? When I'm nervous about something I use humor as a crutch.

    In the next couple of weeks I also have an appointment with a surgeon here in my home state (Florida, U.S.A.) at one of our best hospitals, the Cleveland Clinic. With a little luck the surgeon with just find and repair my problem which is looking more like a Incisional hernia than a Hiatal or other diaphragm hernia. Who knows, maybe I suffer from one of each? Again, best luck on Tuesday and let us know.

    Marie, are you okay? Please feel well.


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    Hi Ron, I am feeling pretty good, just been busy as I am back to work full time. Good luck with your surgeon. Keep us informed on what you find out. Hope everyone else is doing good.


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    Hi All. I have been reading all your comments and by the looks of it the surgery is the best way to go, i was diagnosed with my hiatus hernia just over a month ago. Im 20 years old, thing is it never really bothered me before, i ate well, drank like a fish, okay i had the occasional heart burn but nothing that a antacid couldnt fix. now that i have been given the diagnosis my appetite has gone down, dont eat as much as i use to. and the heart burn and chest pains get so bad to a point where i want to rip my stomach out. i have a doctors appointment on friday, going to speak to my GP and see what he thinks would be best. i really just want to go back to the way i was before. it feels like my mind is also taking control because i often think about it and i think that is making it worse, i dont know if its normal but also been getting really sharp chest pains and my stools are darker than usual, i was also diagnosed with other stomach complications ulcers ect... but i was told that was all alcohol induced. so that may still be the cause of the dark stools, the doctor said my stomach could take a few months to heal, ahhhh so confusing, so young i really didnt think all of this could start so soon on in my life.
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    Stop drinking! I too used to drink like a fish but not a drop for 6 years, 2 months and 4 days now. Feel much healthier, physically and mentally and so is my bank balance! Hope you get things sorted very soon.
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    markyboy193- the dark stools may well be a sign of blood loss. Blood shows as black, not red if loss is from the upper GI area. The doctor should take a blood test to see if you are anaemic and prescribe iron tablets if you are. He may well suggest that you have an endoscopy too and have your a stool sample analysed for blood. My problem was Cameron ulcers resulting from the hiatus hernia - causing some of your symptoms and you should ask your GP if that is what they might be. Unless he's a GI specialist he's likely to have to look them up!

    I had to have the hiatus hernia keyhole surgery last October. It went very well and I am fine now. They will only operate in the severest of cases and you are likely to be told to change your diet and take PPI drugs in an effort to avoid the need for it. Cutting down on the alcohol will help.

  • Posted

    I had this surgery a year ago, I was diagnosed and had to have the hyeatle hernia repair done. I am still to this day sick with bloating, gas, and severe stomach pain, My doctors still do not know or understand what is wrong. I was wondering if anyone has had any symptons after surgery? I am also not able to throw up when sick,, I would appreciate any information you may share thank you
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      I have not had sugary but the doctors say I will have to have it,because every month I am vomiting blood and in my stools ,I believe this is uncommon ,I must say I don't want the surgery and try all sorts not to have it.i think you must insist that they look into your problem as it could be just a miner repair. I do hope you get it sorted.thank you for the reply
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      Thank you Boon, and good luck with your surgery. Let me know how you do !
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    Hi Steph

    I have suffered from HH for longer than I care to remember, in 2004 I had a CABG and I was sorry I did not have a word in the Surgeons ear ' while I'm open could you please address the HH'.... joking offcourse but in recent years the symotoms from HH mimic Angina or worse, and not able to do DIY work or essential maintenance is a real pain especially bending down etc. the trouble with me I seemed to have a permanent knawning in my stomach and tend to eat too often and too much while as we all know is a recipe for disaster. I hope you discomfort heals and even trying some 'Chi' excercises and meditation because sidelining or altrnative medicines and perscriptions, the only person to cure and heal you is yourself.I have taught about an op for HH but reading this web and 'Wrapping ones stomach' frightens the daylights out of me. trouble with having your bed raised by 6 inches is when you stay in hotel sleep in minimal, I often tried putting pillows under mattress and eventually i focus on just getting home to my cot. one of the subscribers metioned no late meals etc, well I have turned down going to weddings or  like functions or if i go i leave early what a bummer, but such is life,


  • Posted

    Hi everyone

    I had my investigative endoscopy yesterday and discovered I have a 3cm sliding hiatus hernia, I've not suffered long with my symptoms but it has changed my life effecting work and life, I suffer from acid reflux every evening which interferes with my sleep, I've been on medication for the reflux but as of now nothing has helped, would any of you advise surgery for a quick fix as I want to get on with a normal life


  • Posted

    Hi All

    Just joined after reading all of your comments.

    Little bit about myself:

    I was diagnosed with a 4cm sliding Hiatus Hernia roughly 4 years ago following an Endoscopy.

    The reason being, I had just turned 17 when I started to suffer from horrific Heart Burn. Despite Gaviscon, Ranitidine and Rennie, nothing seemed to relieve the pain bar the odd concoction of my Mum's favorite heartburn solution; 2 scoops of Bicarbonate of Soda with some water!

    I'm now 21 and the past 4 years have been hard to put it lightly. I've been placed on more antacid medication I care to remember, from Omeprazole, Lansoprazole to Motility drugs like Domperidone and Metoclopramide. (There was a phase where nothing I ate stayed down for very long).

    After 4 Endoscopies, 3 Barium Meals and 4 ATTEMPTS at the Esophagus Manometry test, I was told that along with a small hernia, which apparently don't commonly cause allot of symptoms, I actually had a weakness in my Lower Oasophagul valve thus suffering with Acid Reflux and food regurgitation.

    These of course were not the only symptoms I was suffering with. I also experienced allot of chest pain, esophagus spasms (which feel like a very heavy hiccup so to speak) and waking up every morning with a really sore and scratchy throat.

    I write today for some advice and reassurance. I have as of yesterday signed the consent form to go ahead with Surgery to repair my small hernia and hopefully create a valve via the Nissen Fundoplication procedure. I opted for Partial due to the fear of it being wrapped too tight.

    My reasons for surgery are I am at my wits end with Heartburn and all the symptoms associated with GORD. I was also informed by my Consultant that following my most recent endoscopy, I have many small Benign Polyps in the lining of my stomach which are harmless and simply caused by my reliance on Proton Pump Inhibitors for 4 years. When I say harmless, I'm more than aware that my risk of stomach cancer has now increased also along with the constant scarring of my esophagus thus leading to Barrett's Esophagus.

    I believe that 'Nipping it in the bud' at my ripe old age of 21 puts me in a slightly better position of recovery time etc than my peers.

    I’m currently on a waiting list in Arrowe Park Hospital (Merseyside) to have the procedure and would appreciate any comments regarding the procedure (hopefully positive!). Also anyone who relates a little to my particular situation as I can see many people on this thread mainly suffer with Large Hernias.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Posted

      Hi Laura ,I live on the Wirral and attend the Barretts clinic. Just recently my heartburn has come back with a vengeance .I have sliding 2cm HH Which consultant are you with , and how long is the waiting List.? Up till now I have controlled it with Lanzoprazole but recently heartburn has come back big time.Have you had the surgery by now?
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      Hi Laura, it seems you have the same as me, a 4cm sliding HH and after a recent oseohagal mammometry I was diagnosed with the acid reflux. I have only just today been referred to surgery although like you I am undecided whether to go through with it. My thoughts are as I'm fairly young (not as young as you) lol I'm guessing my hernia will only get bigger over the years and it's better to have the surgery when your younger as opposed to older, as with most operations there are complications. Have you seen your surgeon yet? 
    • Posted

      Hi Laura! Wow, I can't believe how similar our situations are! 

      I have been suffering with pains for almost 4 years now, since age 18. GERD.. Reflux, stomach pains, chest pains, sore throat, coughing, the weirdest belching sound which is almost constant and sounds like a dragon around my breast bone (I physically can not burp) constant vomiting, periods of constipation/ diorreah 

      It massively affected my life throughout university and now it is comepletely crippling my life! I have had to pass up on massive career opportunities because of my health and was hoping to travel to Australia in the early half of 2015 but I don't think it is realistic with my current health problems.

      After 4 years of a variety of NHS treatments (and part diagnoses) I have tried every antacid and GERD medication available, a 6 day stay in hospital, several trips to A+E been diagnosed coeliac, but then diagnosis changed 6 months later, MA, bronchitis, etc etc.. I was going to the GP, getting referred to the hospital, waiting 8 months for a referral, waiting 4 months for them to get the info back to my GP, waiting weeks to see my GP again and then being referred somewhere else!

      Finally made the decision to go private about a month ago after an NHS doc suggested an Endescopy. I couldn't wait months for answers so booked in to Kingsbridge private hospital in Belfast. In the last month I have had my private consultation, a barium meal which revealed a small hiatus hernia and a weakening in the stomach valve (apparently mine does not close at all!) this was re-confirmed with an endescopy and I had a colonoscopy to confirm there was no bowel problems. 

      I had my evaluation appointment today with the private consultant who has recommended a dietician, a new form of antacid, a laxative to relieve pressure around my bowels to hopefully relieve some abdominal pain.. I broke into tears when he said this.. Although I have had a definite diagnosis which I am massively relieved about, it is exactly the same thing I have had tons of NHS docs tell me.. Meds meds and more meds! He polished it up with a diatician and said the only other option is surgery but he wouldn't advice because I am too young and there are a lot of complications. 

      I came on tonight to research the surgery and although the side effects some of you guys are facing seem awful I doubt it is worse than how I feel now. Honestly feel like I have nothing to loose! 

      I have booked a review appointment for 3 months with the same consultant but now I am seriously considering ringing tomorrow to book another appointment and beg for this surgery.. I feel like I am 22 and my young adult life hasn't even started yet. I feel like an old woman and just can't wait any longer!

      Did you have your surgery in the end? How did the procedure/recovery go? And what are the differences in the surgery combined with the repair of the valve? 



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      Hi laura have you had the operation I signed up yesterday and am waiting for it in arrowe park, who was your surgeon I to am panicking and aren't sure if I've made the right choice.


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