Hiatus Hernia Surgery
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I'm due to go in for surgery on Wednesday and a bit terrified as I always feel like I am choking when I eat food and the only way I can cope is by getting sick....not being able to do this after surgery has me freaked out bit time. Just hoping that the positives of having this done will take away the feeling of having food lodged in my throat and I can have a normal life. I've had this condition since I was 16 and I'm 39 now. Hopefully I will get better after this. Anyone going through this too or have gone through this and come out the other side? Could use some positive vibes right now.
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It is coming up to 4 months since my surgery for 'Giant' Hiatal hernia (more than 1/2 stomach in chest cavity) and I'm experiencing a lot of pain under right side of rib cage - having looked for answers on this forum and others I came across this one which confirms that recovery can be very long and has some interesting and useful posts which may be of help to anyone having similar problems. It has helped me to remember that we are human and anxiety about post surgery pain even after 4 months is normal.
Here is the link if you are interested :- http://www.healingwell.com/community/?f=45&m=2023130
Good Luck and Health to us all
Unfortunately what a pain management doctor can do for me is take the edge off all the discomfort (pain) I experience on a average day. Nothing to make an accurate diagnosis. My luck here with doctors here in Florida has been awful. In 2004 I went for a simple cataract surgery and ended up with a cornea transplant.
Hopefully you like pasta... so many ways to prepare it without tomatoes and even then with lots of sugar one may be able to tolerate it...(lots of calories though) I've been thinking of leaving it all behind and using medical tourism to at least diagnose myself. Wishing all the best and very happy that my location hasn't turned anyone off. May tomorrow bring us all more healing.
eva98050 Ron351
Mary1007 eva98050
Bless you all.
Tomorrow I see my primary doctor so we'll see about me. Hopefully the rest of our friends here are on course to better health and healing. As we all know, good health is worth everything.
I am reading all kinds of messages and the problems that take place from either having surgery or not having it. I had my surgery 2 years ago. It was part of another surgery to correct my "plumbing" from a Bilroth II that was done 50+ years ago to a roux-en-y. I only have a 1/3 stomach so the wrap is not possible with me. I was not happy when I recently found out that I again have a moderate size hiatal hernia. But, one thing I seem to have in my favor is, I do not have any trouble eating and no pain from mine. Seems weird after reading the posts here. I can only think it has to have something to do with my small stomach of which has no bottom to it to hold the food in. I plan on seeing my surgeon in the next couple of months to see what should be done.Possibly to see if it should be repaired before it gets very large again.
Have any of you experienced extreme sneezing during meals? With my other hernia I experienced 6 sneezes half way through my meals. After I did the sneezing I could continue eating. I also had episodes where no food, or liquid would go down. I would have to lie down and lengthen out my upper body to relax it and then I could go back to eating. Very weird. I am now assuming that was when the stomach would go up through the hernia and not have any room for food. Also, maybe the sneezing forced the stomach back down where it belonged too.
Did or does anyone have the symptom of having to regurgitate (be sick) there food up every time they eat to relive a lot of discomfort / bloating.
Every time I eat, and it gets worse towards the end of the day, I have to throw up at least 70% of the food I just ate. Not even just food, liquids too.
If I don't, I have severe Bloating, discomfort and fatigue.
jeanette51306 you and I have a bit in common. Over 50 years ago I lost my spleen to parked car. Was running hard as I could to catch a football and never saw the car pull up and park double. Had two surgeries in 2013 to remove adhesions from that surgery and feel so much more mobile. Bending, stretching like putting sox on and even jumping off the ground in possible again. Maybe you have those nasty adhesions also?
I hope you continue to feel a little better Marie. It seems the older we get the longer it takes for things to mend. Missed texting with you but I've been so busy trying to secure medical treatment here in Florida where I live. My primary doctor gave been a letter to help me go find a surgeon.....do you believe that! Thought it was his job....oh well, I will find one.
Anyway over this week a doctor in Mexico who I mailed my latest C.T. Scan told me he didn't see any Hiatal Hernia? Looking forward to Monday when I send him my report from the last endoscopy stating that I do. Not to poke fun but to help him help me. We'll see and I wish you all well. Bye for now
Good luck, From NZ.
I was diagnosed with a sliding hiatus hernia December 2013 and since then it has progressively got worse with intense pain under my breast bone and a constant feeling of a lump in my throat. Just recently I have started getting a dry tickely cough and a hoarse voice.
I have visited my gp and have been given various acid suppressants which don't really do the trick.
I'm 27 and feel surgery is the way forward. How likely do you think this will be?
Of those of you who have had surgery, how long did you have to wait until this became an option for you?
gillianbx beccy777
Hi, I am interested to know if you got the surgery done and how your recovery was? I have just been diagnosed with a sliding hiatus hernia after suffering pain and being unable to swallow for over 2 weeks, had an endoscopy done on Friday and the hernia was the outcome. Feel I have been left in limbo on what to do, I have been prescribed omezoporale (excuse the spelling) and been avoiding the usual foods etc and eating small meals, but don't think I want to live like this at the age of 29?