High diastolic pressure

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Hi I’m 32 year old female. Recently diagnosed with HTN back in Jan 2018. I was put on Amlodipine 5mg but stop r/t side effects. I’ve lost over 30lbs and blood pressure has been ok normally 100-125/75-85 but sometimes my diastolic pressure does rises up to 95. I do suffer for anxiety/panic disorder as well. Well today i check my blood pressure it was 112/71. Will I decided to take my blood pressure standing up it jump up to 125/89 119/95. One time it was 111/90.  Which was scary because that was too close together. I’m just trying to figure out is it normal for diastolic pressure to rise while standing 

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25 Replies

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    To most good doctors that’s considered normal BP.  Why are you taking it standing up. Unless a doctor requests tilts there’s no reason too 

    Many would love having those numbers. I run around 140-150/90 but that’s normal for me 

    It only goes up when I go to the doctor which I think is white coat hypertension I’ve been placed on BP meds but you can find my thread here in the forum for the nightmare that I went through getting off of the poisen Metoprolol 

     My doctor tried to give me this medication you’re taking and I flat out refuse I do use 12.5 HCTZ  Occasionally 

     I made diet changes adding magnesium supplements and eating more bananas and potassium but I will not ever touch one of them BP meds again ever 

    The hell I went through was bad. Never again 

    Are you taking anything for anxiety honestly I don’t see where your numbers are bad at all but that’s just my opinion I wouldn’t touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole but make sure your doctor knows you’re not taking it

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    My blood pressure fluctuates so much.  I’m really concerned about my diastolic because before 3 days ago it would run from 77-89. But my systolic always run in normal range.  I took it standing up because I’m always dizzy /light headed while standing up. My diastolic had rose from 71 to 95. Also one reading was 111/90 which I feel is too close together.  That’s a pulse pressure of 21. Don’t know why I’m calculating all this stuff. I think I have health anxiety. To answer your question. No I’m not taking anything for anxiety. My doctor want to do Lexpro and buspar but I’m not trying to go that route. Being that anxiety is taking over my life. I think it’s time for me to do something. 
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      I’m just wondering is it normal for bp to be higher while standing. I thought it was suppose to be lower.
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      What happens when they are too close?
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      mrs1234...Quite frankly, I think you're obsessing about your health. The bp readings you report are good. Some, including myself wish they had those numbers. Your diastolic is fine..but if it goes beyond the 90 mark, then just keep any eye on things. Beyond that, consult the Dr.

      Is your Dr. aware that you've stopped the Amlodipine??? If he/she doesn't know, you should tell them.

      I don't encourage anyone to stop meds without their doctor's knowledge. Amlodipine does have some nasty side effects some being swollen ankles/feet, & lower legs. There's an array of side effects too, but what I've just mentioned is very common. Some people do just find on the Amlodipine.


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      @verwat  from my understanding I was told systolic pressure and diastolic pressure should not be less than 30 points together or more than 60 points.  Pulse pressure is your systolic minus diastolic. Anything least than 30 May indicate heart problems. I don’t know.  My main concern is my diastolic pressure rising while standing. I thought blood pressure was suppose to drop in standing position?
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      Hi Mike.  I always laugh when you stop by to give your advice I hope life is treating you good my friend  :-)
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      Who told you this?

      were they actually your doctor or are you listening to people on the bus, tv doctors, magazine articles, dr Gregory House?

      your biggest problem would appear to be over thinking things.

      Try writing your concerns down succinctly then take the list to your GP and discuss them.

      do not take advice from people on the internet about stopping meds and taking supplements. we can offer support and sympathy but not medical advice. 


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    I hate to put it this way, but your Doctor is wrong....I'm not a doctor but I run 145/95 almost every day if I eat or I'm stressed...and it goes down most of the day, my Doctor said NO NEED FOR Meds, he said cut on salt and walk more....Well; what i advise you to do is MAPA...24 hours BP test...and go to another doctor to do it and explain to him everything....mind you that was a Cardiologist who said that but my family Doctor wants to put me on Meds....Your BP is not bad ....And again check with another Doctor, it's better....Good luck

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      @med jersi I am working on switching doctors.  I honestly think my blood pressure is elevated due to stress/anxiety.  I’m just trying to figure out is it normal for diastolic pressure to rise while standing. I was under the impression blood pressure is lower in standing position.  I just took it lying down. It was 110/68 , 123/83 but  once standing it was 126/95. Is this normal?
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      There are many factors that could be contributing to you being dizzy standing up. are you dehydrated are you eating properly and certainly anxiety is going to cause this I know because I do suffer from anxiety but I am on an extremely low dose of Xanax which I only use when I need to I don’t use it every day

       But my anxiety is nowhere near as bad as when I was on that blood pressure medicine and I’m learning other ways to deal with it mine and comes from a result of being in a war zone one too many times as a nurse in addition I was diagnosed with a pretty tough disease to deal with but I am learning how to do breathing exercises listen to music light exercise when I’m able to and I had made dietary changes I have to agree that you’re obsessing about numbers that really aren’t that bad please tell your doctor you stopped your medication 

      I don’t Know what your other health issues are but I don’t think you needed blood pressure medicine at all and numbers are going to fluctuate hundreds of times a day yours aren’t even that bad

       Considering how you feel now I really would like in the something to help you deal with that anxiety if you let it go it’s going to wipe you out I know because I went through it 

      Get a new doctor too

      Are you drinking a lot of caffeine?

      Also anxiety can cause so many health issues which mimic serious issues Where you can actually feel like you’re dying because of the anxiety

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      I think you’re making yourself more anxious Thinking that there is something drastically wrong way here blood pressure but if what you’re telling us as accurate it really doesn’t seem like it I would suggest truly Finding another doctor ASAP and you may also want to speak to you maybe a counselor about your anxiety if you don’t want to try a low dose of anxiety medicine. 

      I hope things work out for you 

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      I have severe anxiety. I have been to ER every month this year thinking I was having a heart attack. Every since that first panic attack I have been going crazy. I have panic attacks every day sometimes 4  times a day. I’m extremely anxious all the time. I didn’t know what was going on until 2 weeks ago when I went to ER again for chest pain and lightheadness and the MD said it may just be anxiety causing chest pain but I’m convinced it’s my heart. My husband says I’m a hypochondriac lol. But this is affecting my life. I have stop doing everything I love. Drop out of college last week. Missing days from work because I’m constantly anxious, panicky and worrying about my health. I’m just so overwhelmed. I’m even scared to eat because of chest pains. ER also says it could be acid reflux. I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks due to lack of eating. I know I need something for anxiety but I do not want to take depression meds. I do not drink any caffeine because it triggers panic attacks.  I think these new blood pressure guidelines have me worrying more now that 120-129 and 80-89 in considered prehypertension and 130/80 is considered stage 1 hypertension. This is USA guidelines. So being that my diastolic running from 70s to 80s to 95 has my worked up. But thanks to you guys I feel a little better. I just have to work on this anxiety disorder.

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      Send me a PM. I’ll explain a bit more there. 


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      mrs1234...honestly, I think you're needlessly obsessing. Yes, you're only 32, but your bp readings are fine. To h*ll with US guildelines! My own Dr. says everyone is different. The "golden" reading used to be 120/80, but this is no longer the case. You can't expect 120/80 for a person over 60. 

      I would suggest you find something to relax you...stop thinking about the diastolic number when you're lying down or standing. Stay away from the bp monitor for a while. 

      I do think your anxiety disorder is causing you these problems.

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      bp 140/90 and in my country its considered normal range. Ive had a few higher readings 164/95 and my gp put me on losartan 50mg. Im also living with anxiety and also entering perimenopause which i think depending on how my hormones are doing and gives me elevated bp readings once or twice a month. But my bp is mainly 107/71 average,  95% of the time. I take my meds everyday as i dont want to risk not taking them as high blood pressure runs in my family.  Ive also lost weight. From 70kg to 65 kg. So far no side effects from my meds. 
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      Kadija1966...Depending on age, it's quite ok for 140/90 in my country too. My usual readings are 140/80, but my Dr. says "It's ok". Yes, I've had lower readings as well. When I go to see him, it's a 1 1/2hr to 2hr drive, then dealing with the traffic. He takes this into consideration. If I were to drop a few pounds, I'm sure that would help as well. 

      You average 107/71 which is EXCELLENT. You're doing the right thing by taking your meds daily. Some people here in the forum will take the meds every few days, only when they see their bp has risen. No wonder it has risen...the meds were stopped. People should never do such things, &I'm sure if they shared that info with their doctor, he/she would not be happy about it.

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