High normal calcium blood levels
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Hi ladies, Do any of you have high but still in range calcium levels?
Looking over my blood work from last week. Mine is 10.3...range goes up to 10.4
The past couple of years it has been in the 10's. I read up last year on parathyroid disease. Had mine tested last year (PTH) and it was ok. Last year it was 10.2. I read that calcium levels for adults over 35 should always be in be 9's. Higher can either be parathyroid tumor(non cancerous), kidney stones (my kidneys are fine, or osteoporosis. (late stage cancer patients have very high calcium levels, but over 12-14).
I am going to ask my gyno to do a bone density scan. Also, ask my neuro about it. My primary dr only sees it in range and did not contact me. The symptoms of high calcium are fatigue, aches, pains, neuro and cognitive issues. These go hand in hand with meno too. Also, I have vestibular migraine. But, I still do not like that my calcium levels are that high and I feel awful every day at 41.
It also has nothing to do with calcium intake...even if I drank a gallon of milk before the test! Anybody have any thought or experience with parathyroid, high calcium, osteoporosis?
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andrea05399 Guest
yes I am in remission from graves I just had my antibodies for Hashimoto’s retested after 15 years last week and antibodies sky high. and my tsh was 6 even though im taking synthroid. she increased it andi feel better. my new endocrinologist explained antibodies are why my goiter and nodules are getting bigger. Having a thyroid ultrasound again next week. She also did my PTH and calcium and ESR all of which were normal to rule out parathyroid. she explained that in parathyroid disorders these levels would be pretty high and it would be very obvious in the labs. So I don’t think that’s your issue if your labs are within range. even a few points too low or high out of range is usually nothing t worry about. ie. my albumin was low in my last labs by a single point but its not clinically significant.
I had a bone density scan at age 40 showed osteopenia most likely from repeated bouts of hyperthyroidism. And study done last month at 47 showed some worsening osteopenia but not osteoporisis. btw osteopenia not truly a disease and for most people a normal part of aging. but i am dong a lot of weight bearing exercise and eating a lot of calcium and vitamin K2 to try to improve my numbers. my vit D normal. I am a former athlete and still in great shape but once your bones thin you can only stop progression to osteoporosis but not reverse the osteopenia. good luck.
mary27278 Guest
when you say you feel awful everyday, what are your symptoms? How long have you been feeling awful?
Guest mary27278
Fatigue, no stamina, off balance, disequilibrium, dizzy, migraine, tinnitus, hot flashes, moody, general aches pains, brain fog, weird fuzzy head ...night sweats, heart palps, more panicky (just since Jan) everything else since 40 yrs old July 2017 after stopping long term Birth control pill and my periods became irregular. Diagnosed with vestibular migraine which causes lots of those issues, I am on med for that. Also my FSH was sky high (170) missed my period this month. I guess I am just having a wicked time with peri and the vestibular problem. Probably my calcium level has nothing to do with it!
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou my symptoms are identical to yours.. I feel like such crap every day, today my legs are like jelly and feel very heavy no stamina and very weak and shaky, this just sucks and I'm sick of it! The migraines are rediculous.. And all the awful off balance dizzy nausea weird vision that goes along with it leading right up to the actual migraine attack, thats what I call it an attack, which lasts around an hour to where its unbearable and swear I'm actually having a stroke, my pressure in my head and sinuses and eyes are terrible leading up to my attacks. My thyroid antibodies were 28,000 last September when I had bloods drawn, the new doctor I seen never told me they were that high to me thats unheard of super high.. Anyone else out there have thyroid antibodies that high with their hashimotos??? Anyways she never told me they were that high, she just said go see a rheumatoid doctor that takes many months to even see along with an endocrinologist, so my appointment with the ra doctor was on the 7th and he told me, he also made me an appointment with the endocrinologist up stairs there took more bloods and told me to return at the end of month.. My calcium levels are always high either just above out of range or else right at the tip top range, also years ago I had a hair analysis test done and calcium was off the charts then like 25 years ago, just goes to show you how long ive felt like sh#t ... Many years only getting worse as I get older and approach perimenopause or menopause or whatever I'm in, don't really know because of my hysterectomy years ago with ovaries still left in me.. No periods equal = I have no idea where I would be at in my menopause other than I'm 48 and at the ripe ole age and feel like I'm usually knocking on deaths door every day, with a few ok /good days here and there .. Today is an awful day sorry for the rant.. Can you tell??? 😭
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy...rant on! It is terrible. I saw an endocrinologist (actually 3)...but the last one in August was a real treat. I waited 3 months to see him. I was so tired, weak, dizzy I had to have my friend drive me to the appt. I was in there for less than 10 min. He dismissed all of my symptoms, then when I asked about my hormones, he waved his hands and said that he "didn't deal with womens hormones". Well, fiddle-dee-dee....sorry I wasted his time! My dr had sent me to him to double check thyroid, parathyroid and help with hormones.
I know a lot of my issues are migraine related. My neuro said it is equivalent to chronic pain, thus I get fatigued easier and just all around sensitive because of my screwed up brain.
I am sorry, but so glad I am not alone with the calcium thing. You have a thyroid problem and your drs seem to not be concerned either. So, this is nice...took my dogs out, bent over to "scoop" and my back locked up. I am lying here with the heat pad. Seriously...it hurt so bad I kind of peed a little. Should I just go play in traffic now...good god!
Gypsy014 Guest
The traffic does sound good about now! And I feel you on the back issues , plenty of times I so much as bent over to grab a sock off the floor and couldn't move at all bend squat even to put one leg into your pants for like 2 weeks after, definitely been there...
kelly55079 Guest
Just had my blood work done and am baffled by the results. For years it was all ok but the year I turn 50 it's going down hill!! My calicuim is 9.5 and the range goes to 10.2 so your very close. But yes, keep an eye on it. As far as my numbers-- insurance says I'm OK but I want to know why they went up. I found a lady (nutritionist) who does blood test analysis so I'm very interested in what she has to say. I heard she is very good at telling people what needs to be done in regards to food just by looking at your blood test levels.
Guest kelly55079
your calcium levels are really good!!
Guest Guest
I have had a bone scan and do have osteoporosis in my spine and osteopenia in my hip. I just saw an endocrinologist this past week. He is sending me for a blood test to test my parathyroid.
If that is normal, he wants me to do another scan two years from the date of my last one. If it worsens, he wants to discuss Prolio and /or other bone loss remedies. Until then, he said 2,000 mg. of D a day and plenty of food based calcium as well as walking.
DearDoe Guest
I dont know anything about the calcium levels. but I was just told I may have vestibular migraines. how do yours affect you?
Guest DearDoe
Hi dear doe, It affects me drastically! I copied and pasted my symptom list as I thought it would be helpful for others too. This is what I brought to my oto neurologist. I have chronic migraine, so I get the pain too, I included that info as well. Not everybody with VM gets pain. I just got diagnosed in Jan. (after over a year of running around) I started nortriptyline. Had vestibular testing to rule out inner ear nerve damage. I hope this helps.
migraine triggers
Pre migraine:
Migraine attack
Fatigue, lethargic
Worn out weak
Body aches
Off balanced
My Vertigo feels like:
Off balanced, unsteady, drunk, like walking on a boat
Elevator feeling swaying, floating
Walking on sponges
Recording something while walking...bouncy vision
Hypersensitive to surroundings dreamlike distorted
eyes,legs, brain are not in sync
I am moving while still especially after driving
Pulling sensation in head and heels
Heavy legs while walking
Equilibrium off. Uncoordinated clumsy.
Spatial unawareness, banged into car window, doors
Hard to focus, mentally impaired brain fog.
3 episodes of room spinning...working...driving...yoga
Jerk awake before sleeping sometimes, feels like falling
It is worse when I....
It feels better when I...
My Ears feel...
My eyes Eyes feel...
debra16694 Guest
OMG LOU! i just want to hug you...you poor baby! Those are horrible symptoms! I am never complaining about my stupid symptoms again! i hope you get relief soon & the Menopause Goddesses work their magic on you soon! ❤
Gypsy014 Guest
thank you for sharing this Lou! You've described very well the a e migraine attacks and just how debilitating they can be, I feel all you have written.. And my most recent migraine attack was 2 days ago, which explains my awful migraine hangover today, heavy jelly like weak legs, I had to grab something from the store quickly today and it felt like my legs were stuck in quick sand trying to walk, and walking felt sideways lean.. Anyways just wanted to thank you and well said on describing these to a tee..
DearDoe Guest
i get a lot of those symptoms, but not the pain. i.have never really had headaches, but have had ocular magraines for several years. hard to believe it a vestibular migraine when there is no pain. i have dizziness, feeling like i am listing to the side....can last for up to a week and a half seems to happen the werk before my period. so.hard to sort out what is peri, anxiety, or perhaps a vestibular migraine.
Guest debra16694
Thanks Debra! My dr is telling me that once I reach meno things should calm down. You need to complain about your symptoms! In in age were we have so much technology and pay through the nose for health care...women should not be suffering so much as a hot flash.❤
Guest Gypsy014
You are welcome! May our heads have no pain ( someday) ❤
Guest DearDoe
VM is a diagnosis of exclusion. Any history of migraine is considered. But, usually the unbalanced feelings, and all the other weirdness sticks around. I had to close my business in 2017 as it got so bad I could not physically and mentally keep up. I had all I could do to get my kids ready for school, then I would have to rest in bed. Also, was unable to drive for a few months...I still have trouble. Cognitively, I would make mistakes like in our checkbook and simple math was hard...extreme brain fog.
My dr explained the feelings of anxiety dizziness as more episodic...light headed feeling, heart races and it happens when something is stressful ...but it does not interfere with your ability to function. Everybody is different...I am getting slammed because of my migraines, my brain never gets a break. Best of luck to you, I hope you are able to get some answers! ❤